Random Thoughts Thread: The Reunion!

I went to another ball game on Sunday night. Before I went, I got to see my pupper niece, Addie, and I gave her a new toy.31960834_10160643518945227_8911296036635410432_n

Also, here’s just a couple pics from the game…31486620_10160643525975227_2684299721857564672_n


Don’t get me wrong, but I wish desperately this month ends as fast as possible. I don’t want to know nothing about May, nor July…

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Stay strong man. And keep in mind, there’s only the present / today :slight_smile:

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Thanks Rick! I had forgotten this when I started to work today. You know what, this month is hard for everyone and the least I could do is try to create a “commemoration day” but I don’t how to do it yet.

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So, I would like to apologise to all of you guys for not being as active as I used to be lately. I really feel like I’m behind in a lot of things regarding your lives, like exams, work stuff etc for many of you and I’m sorry. It’s the time of year when works gets really crazy for me and it’s hard trying to stay in touch and catch up with everything and everyone. Hell, I haven’t even had time to see and speak to my own family properly.

On top of that, I’ve taken on some extra projects at work that take up a bit of my free time as well, but will be good for me in the long run. I’m very excited about them and what’s to come actually and I’ve realised that it’s something that I really like doing (didn’t think it’d be before the opportunity arose).

Same goes for our WhatsApp group, I simply don’t have time to go through the messages. If you mention me, I’ll probably see it but that’s about it. But, I do want you to know that if something happens and you feel like talking to someone, I will be there to listen, always.


Awwwww, thanx Eva @evooba :hugs: and I am happy that you get a new perspective at work that you like to do. You don’t need to worry if you can’t be that active atm, and it’s not about quantity but about quality, and from thst point of view you are first class always!

Your contributions are always solid and you are a real friend. Thanx for that and good going with your projects! Stay strong and as unique and great as you are :muscle:t2::blush:


Agreed with @theearlywalker , you’re a great person @evooba ! :hugs: :hugs:


You don’t have to apologize :slight_smile: We all have our busy days and not so active periods. Good luck with your new projects!


I wore this shirt today, and looking at Chester and the clothes he was wearing, in black and white it looks as though he’s a ghost sitting with the other guys.



so I tend to get really weird dreams…but anyway…I was at some sort of party or whatever, Mike had to save or rescue me :joy:

And with the anniversary of One More Light also comes the another anniversary…

Found a 'fan" lol. Saw a commercial for it on tv…had to post this.


Dafaq is this? Lincoln Park? :joy:

I don’t even feel guilty



I had 2/3 of martini , a bottle of beer and a shot of whiskey. That was an hour ago and I’m almost clear as hell now

I have the new Backstreet Boys song stuck in my head.


I can’t believe that the backstreet boys are coming back. Wow after all these years why now. .

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They never left! Their last album was released five years ago, then they went out on the road celebrating 20 years together. BSB is still going strong.


I’m an 'N Sync girl. I’ll hold out they’ll come back til the day I die

You know, this was their original idea name for the band I heard, Chester used to go to a park called Lincoln Park I believe it was, and they just changed the letters because someone else was under that name already I guess.

They changed Lincoln to Linkin because it was a cheaper option for a web domain.