Random Thoughts Thread: The Reunion!

When you meet someone and that someone becomes such an important person in your life even though you only know them for a very short period of time but yet they feel like they’re family? Well, tonight I had to say goodbye to such a person. I know that them moving away is for their best but bloody hell, I am going to miss them so freaking much. It’s been a tough day.

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I’m sorry to hear that. I’m a U.S. military spouse and the thing I hate most about this life is having to pick up and move every 3-4 years. A piece of my heart gets left behind each time…I wanted our last move to be the end, but alas, here we are about to go to another base and it will break me just a little more. :cry: It’s always very hard to move away, but I hope you and your friend can keep in touch. I am so thankful for Facebook and other social media because without that this type of life would be even harder. I’m sure without social media, I’d probably be a depressed puddle living on my couch.

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Yesterday on Instagram I saw a before and after of this: (Can’t find the post now)
(Obviously this is the after, the before is Chester with the exact same pose complete with the brace thing for the wrist, picture which I can’t find anymore)

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Ok found it:


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I’m sorry, but I gotta point out for someone who’s a regular on here, you’ve been posting some pretty insensitive s*** in regards to Chester’s death. I know it’s because you’re unhappy you saw it, but why the f*** are you reposting it then? If you don’t want to see it, we don’t either! Stop humoring the a**holes on the internet by spreading their garbage!


Insensitivity is subjective:


Tolerance - each has it’s way to handle the desaster, some cry- some are sarcastic- some are numb etc- but what we do not need is to comment each others way of dealing Chesters death. Even I feel strange a lil bit, writing the “OUAT”- thread - but it is maybe my kind of coping…

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Many people took the catastrophe really close(including me) and for many people its the very first loss of someone they’ve loved/looked up to… So they might look a little strange but… let them… let US get over it in a way we can

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Awww, Nick? @NickGr, this what I always say- you are very supportive :hugs:


I try to be


So, it didn’t seem like a way for him to cope. Him just reposting the picture and saying he’s mad about it doesn’t tell me much other than “LOOK AT THIS!! I WANT YOU TO LOOK AT THIS THING!!” We’re all hurting here, too. We can’t humor that negativity out there. We need to be smarter as fans and not repost negative bulls*** and just flag it when you see it.

I don’t want to sound clueless or insensitive, but I’m kinda confused to what is going on. If someone could fill me in, I can try to resolve the issue

You are… Even you @theearlywalker :smile:


Which issue? What happened?

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This is the picture she was complaining that day, now complete with it’s original caption:

That day, she didn’t see the caption so she presumes the worst.

Before that, I couldn’t find where the instagram post was, so when explaining the post, I was too vague on what it was trying to convey, as I don’t remember the exact details. (Sorry, I’m very bad at explaining stuff)

So it’s unfortunate but not unrealistic that she interpreted it in the worst possible way.


Sorry, then. It definitely seemed like you were trying to post about something being insensitive, but then went on and reposted the insensitive thing. I thought you were posting about a joke someone made about Chester being dead, and I just was surprised to see that coming from someone who’s a regular in the LPU. It’s up to us to squash classless bulls*** disgracing Chester’s memory and hurting his loved ones who have to see that garbage on the internet. Like someone else I saw, they said they’ve been flagging the “RIP Chester” shirts that are being photoshopped onto Mike Shinoda because it’s inappropriate. I’ve decided to take action, too, and not stay silent. If that wasn’t your intention for the post, I wish you would’ve said something sooner…


So it was all just a misunderstanding?




My parents got a Polaris Slingshot on Friday.