Random Thoughts Thread: The Reunion!

So it was you hahaha

OK… check out Gods and Gold, Love Like Lies, A Nice Place To Visit, All Beauty Destroyed and The Ones
You’ll like the music videos for the first few :heart::+1:

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ahh so face revelation is happening here haha niceee and glad to know you @raz7 for real :+1:


is that ur instagram account?

Yeah I stay pretty priv here but have posted it once or twice before

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why is everyone so private here?? cmon you guyssss hahaha

and btw, nice pics you have there on your ig account :+1: nice to know how you look like heeyy :clap:


Haha thanks
As for the privacy, there’s a lot of crazy people out and about in the world

@intheend has already sold my number to black market books and has pranked new daily for nigh on three years so :sleepy: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


i 100% agree with you

lol did he share his profit to you? :grin:

Yoooooo :flushed:
Didn’t you say you were up there in age? :exploding_head:
Making me feel hella old with you looking younger than me :tired_face: :rofl:

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Lol not one bit :tired_face:
She crazy like that :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :joy:

its the sunscreen broooo hahahaha

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poor you hahahah should have made something out of it :rofl: its your number after all :joy:

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I like to stay a ghost for the most part. The fewer people that bother me the better. I’m generally a very closed off person, even my immediate family doesn’t know most of what goes on in my life lol. Though if you look hard enough, you can find what I look like on the forum.



I respect you and i have the same concern as everybody’s, but 1 single picture is enough to know who is the person behind the text, no?

And it does not have to be a full zoom in face pic lol eventho its not forbidden to post any kind of pic you want to post, its up to you :grimacing:

And also… nooot asking for a pic on a regular daily basis, that’d be scary enough :smirk:

Random question guys - what is the best way to contact Mike via social media?

Reason why - because Daniel would like to do a collaboration with him in the future and would like to tell Mike about Aesthetic Perfection/Daniel… well even if he will read my message

Thank you @turexidrosa, you at least get to know my face around here lol :heart: :wolf:

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I think he’s quite active in his insta and twitter account


Nice to know ya :wave:

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Heeyyyy nice to meet you :star_struck: :hugs:

I’m not so shy with pics myself, you find them anyway when you google me :joy: so here, that’s me:


Cute picccc and whats your dog’s name? :star_struck:

Lille short for Lillebror, that’s Swedish and means little brother :grin:

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