Random Thoughts Thread: The Reunion!

If anybody needs me, I’ll have my head buried underground for the next four years.


What do you think of Women’s March around the world?

LGBTQ umbrella


They were there:


What’s your source on finding pictures of events with linkin park Samuel ?

Their IG story

Why did 3DD perform here? :

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I didn’t know:

God, I hope I’m not getting sick.

Yes Dude, hope ya stay healthy, :smiley:

Me too, although at this point, it seems doubtful.

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sorry to hear that, hope ya get better soon! :slight_smile: weekends free you?

btw…we considered yesterday, it is an english grammer question, may ya answer me this one if you can?

is it: the room, in which
the room in that the meet takes place… it is homework from daughter,

Actually, I’m feeling better now…it must be one of those weird 24-hour bugs.

I’m working tomorrow morning (my time, duh), but I’m free the rest of the weekend.


hope ya got recharged buddy… me starting with yoga again next weeks…

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About ten years ago, coming home from a camping trip with my cousin, I turned the radio on in the car, and an LP song was playing. After the song ended, I tuned into a different station, only to find a different LP song playing. At that time, my cousin said I was a “Linkin Park magnet.”

That wasn’t the first, or the last, time that’s happened. Yesterday, I went for a walk with my CD player, and after the CD finished I switched over to the radio, only to find ‘Faint’ playing…


I’m back after a long time… I feel so lost lol

welcome back soldier, :grinning:

Thank you :slight_smile:

That never happened to me :cry:
If something like that “magnet” happen to me… Will be with music that I hate xD
I’m the unlucky ones for radio

This happens to me!!! :joy: it’s a gift

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OMG!! This used to happen to me all the time (I haven’t lived in the States for three years, so it hasn’t happened in a while), but I would just be like “Hey, change the channel to this station…I have a feeling Linkin Park is on” and sure enough, it’d happen. Then I’d switch to another channel and that’d happen. I’m glad I’m not the only one. lol!