Random Thoughts Thread: The Reunion!

I hate hatters and toxic people.
I swear to god i hate them.

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you are the light
of my shining sea
but he was the darkness
i knew i would need

i keep writing like a ton lately but what is the point in it? Maybe i should make recordings more … idk. is anything i do even impacting people .-.

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Does anyone else feel like the forums are a bit too much lately?

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that s the hype… we will see how much stay! :grin:

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Apparently Pooch is not working with LP anymore, he’s working for Bieber now :confused:

I love being able to blast music as work. Any given night, I’ll play anything from Metallica to the Backstreet Boys to Pink Floyd to 10 Years to Zeppelin or *Nsync.

Someone (I think in the old LPU chat room) told me once that because I’m a Linkin Park fan, and LP blends every kind of style together, I can get away with listening to just about anything and no one thinks twice about it.


@LP13413 what new songs did backstreet boys come out with can you name a few so I could look it up on youtube

They released a new album a few years ago, and just did a 20th anniversary tour.

The album’s In A World Like This, and here’s a couple songs they released from it.

They also released a really well-done documentary, also called Show 'Em What You’re Made Of. It follows each of them to their hometown, and how they got their start, and the recording of their new album.


What type of work do you do where you get to blast music? I wish I could do that. Only when we’re closed and I’m the only one left in the office.

Forgot to post this for @Mike’s 40th birthday yesterday:


Custodial. I work nights, and there’s almost nobody in the building by that time.


OMG! I just realized he’s 40 now!! CRAZY!! Lol!

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Apparently Street Team members are starting to receive letters with the first mission… keep your eyes open guys!


This is going to be a long three months…

What’s in 3 months?

Aside from the new album, that same week, my mom and I are spending Mother’s Day together at Yankee Stadium.

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Seriously, Backstreet Boys are actually more heavy than Heavy and digging your way to the barricades through a bunch of screaming fans of theirs is comparable to surviving a mosh-pit with heavy lifters :stuck_out_tongue:

Ouch. That’s cold. lol!

Ur welcome