Random Poll Thread

Why annoying? If somebody doesn’t want to see your thread, it doesn’t mean that all think like this… just do like @rickvanmeijel said… :wink:


No- I am not :joy: Too nice to tell the truth, and guess what? I would love to see a thread about your projects, and in general I see it as a very good idea- to have an own thread- kinda like each who likes to do so, cause it’s all together then there- all the works of the threads owner- and it’s a great chance to see development and progress- so just feel free Rob, and guess another thing? You are not annoying- you never were and you are far too nice (lol and now I know this for sure, after meeting you) to ever have a chance to become annoying dude - so go ahead with ya thread :sunny:


you should add one more option of “depends on the stuff”, and I will vote on that… but right now, sure, go ahead.

It’s basically anything I deem to be interesting enough to write about. So for now that would be my RC and Lego projects, I’m yet to do something else worth writing about.

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That’s very Gaston of you. Gaston would do it.


It´s frequently used meantime Sam, very nice you created this thread :sunny:

thanx :blush:

Today I will use it to ask you guys about the comming back of the regular plug meets. I personally like it very much to be on plug and share music, talk to each other and have fun first line. Doesn´t mean we can´t be serious, after the incident we met there and we all felt better after been there for a while together. It´s another plattform, beneath the forums and the discord, for us soldiers to get in touch. (All further infos about our plugroom created by Jordan you fing in Rob`s thread, heres the link again:

Here we go :

Do you like the idea of having regular scheduled meets on plug again?

  • yes
  • no

0 voters

If you like the idea of plug-meets, on what weekday you would like the meets to take place regulary? (two votes allowed)

  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday

0 voters

I would like the meets to start at (CEST timezone)

  • 18:00 h
  • 19:00 h
  • 20:00 h

0 voters

I am able and willing (lol) to take over the responsibility for single meets and can be reliably there from the start to the end of the meets

  • yes
  • no

0 voters

alright guys, tagging the usual bunch to get aware of your opinion :smiley:

Everybody can vote, even if not on the tag list ( I tagged just the people who are usually on plug, as there is a ten persons tagging limit per post… ) !

Feel free to comment here or on the plug thread guys, curious about the result :sunny:


Nice poll, though I felt like I was filling in a contract haha


Same !! @rickvanmeijel . Well still thanks @theearlywalker

Well i don’t assure to be from start to the end…

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Contract signed with blood lol



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This. I said no to the TOS.


You did


:joy::joy:, don’t frighten them before the start bro @NickGr, and I loved to find the results of the poll this morning :sunny:

Alright guys, this means exactly this: WELCOME to the 3rd plug season, I proudly announce the next Plug-Party for

Next friday, the 24th September start is 20:00 h - CEST
:notes: :notes::notes::notes::notes::notes::notes::notes::notes::notes::notes::notes::notes::notes:


So what’s the new meet timetable?

?? Full form? :sweat_smile:

Damn! 21:30 here … My bro won’t give laptop… can’t come on the first party sorry guys… enjoy!! :hugs::hugs::hugs: HAVE A GREAT TIME!! :smiley::smiley::confetti_ball::tada::tada::confetti_ball::notes::notes::notes::notes::confetti_ball::tada::tada:

Same question… eagerly waiting for that…

Terms Of Service

24th is Sunday not Friday?


Recently there was a 20th anniversary of Fallout series, so…

What’s your favorite game of Fallout series?
You can choose multiple options

  • Fallout 1
  • Fallout 2
  • Fallout Tactics
  • Fallout: Brotherhood Of Steel
  • Fallout 3
  • Fallout: New Vegas
  • Fallout 4
  • Fallout Shelter

0 voters

My fav fallout game isn’t listed, you missed Judgment day where I win :joy:

But in seriousness, I haven’t played any of them.

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You can play IRL, just ask uncle Kim :stuck_out_tongue:

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