Q&a with linkin park + projekt revolution 2002global stream event

Holy shit, I edited this same cow back in 2007…

Only difference was I claimed it was WB milking LP for everything…


And to just add…

It’s your money, spend it as you may…

This kind of stuff is a luxury imo, LP doesn’t owe you anything.

Feel it’s not fair or LP/WB/Nintendo/etc is taking advantage of X, don’t give them your money. I’ve said my fair share on ridiculous items and did not spend my money on them coughthe ferro fluid ball that looks like ass nowcough. Don’t agree? Don’t support, oh so simple.

Oh shucks it’s not live? So? would you rather have a live zoom meeting call where shit goes wrong and LP get’s flooded with the same ol questions or perhaps inappropriate questions? Not me. At least this way it won’t be a glitch-fest and the questions will hopefully be quality questions.


Who is they and how are the making you?

I used it once before as well…About a year ago for a Facebook comment in regards to Kerrang! since Chester’s passing.



oooh yes. very relevant. i stopped buying their magazine.

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Anybody already got information where it takes part??? I´m checking my inbox like back then, when the PT m&g were sent out lol… :crazy_face: :sweat_smile: :tada:

ofc the marketing could have been (waaaay :crazy_face: :crazy_face:) better, but changes nothing to the fact that OUR BAND is answering Q´s- all 5 together, so I´m praying and hoping for some maybe :thinking: exclusive news :crossed_fingers: :pray: :heart_eyes:

I´m superexcited… :sunny: :champagne: :crazy_face: :heart_eyes_cat: and guys really? I really enjoy this positive adrenaline flow :heart: :orange_heart: :yellow_heart: :green_heart: :blue_heart: :purple_heart: that is running my veins… had a lot bad adrenaline flooding me the last weeks… so this one is a great changer :joy: however, feeling a bit excited like before a journey, as in: “will I get boarded on time” :joy: hyper overtaking today- and I just let ist go…


I didn’t even know where we could submit the Questions! ergh!

The band, and perhaps ‘making’ is the wrong word, more ‘wanting’.

Important distinction between the two.

I think downplaying the amount of work put into this project from people on many levels from machine shop, to WB and LP is a bit ignorant as well. Unless you have first hand experience in creating something at this level? This wasn’t some thrown together thing they did last minute, that should be very obvious. So, not sure where you’re coming from tbh.

I don’t know about you, but setting up a Twatter tag, then sitting in front of a camera for an hour and responding to said tags doesn’t seem that hard. Hell, our engineering society in uni has been doing stuff like this for the past 2 years.

If a bunch of stressed out engineering students man-children doing full-time PhDs/MScs/Bengs can set something like that up in the free time they don’t have with little to no external help, why can’t a multi-million pound band with entire teams dedicated to just this behind them? Granted, we only do it for a few hundred people, but scalability in this case isn’t that much of an issue, especially with dedicated services. Unless they’re going out of their way to develop their own streaming service, question submission system and payment system from scratch, it’s not that hard.

Are you comparing a bunch of guys on a video conference to a worldwide streamed event? The two are not the same.

We stream on youtube, last I checked, that was accessible everywhere short of North Korea and maybe China. And, again, scalability isn’t really an issue, because there are dedicated services for it.

The more I think about it, the more ok I find for me, to have bought the ticket.
One time McDonald’s is more expensive.
And this has definitively a way higher priority for me. Oh, not even any comparison.

So excited! :partying_face:

Not even two hours left!
:heart_eyes: :star_struck:

And cause you seem way better in hysterically hyperventilating :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I quote :joy: :hugs: :revolving_hearts:


Mike stated they had client end problems to deal with while making the q+a. If it were live, those issues would have eaten up precious time, then we would be here reading your complaints on that I guess.

There’s no win-win scenario obviously that will make everyone happy. There will always be those that are happy and those that aren’t. I believe the majority are the former in this situation.


A scenario in witch @the_termin8r is happy? :flushed: don’t think that is possible. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :crazy_face:

Not really, I had no intention of paying money for something that will end up being posted for free soon after. To be honest, I’d rather they had the dfficulties and kept interractions real. And the client-side issues are the clients issue. If you live in a cave with prehistoric internets speeds (like I do), that’s your problem.

Hi all together! I wasn´t here for a long time and now I find some familiar names :heart_eyes:
I´m so excited too :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Let´s have fun :partying_face:


Heeeyyy @blinky7 :partying_face:
It’s already a year :flushed: time smh
Welcome back :hugs: and yeah, let’s party this :joy:

Interactions real? The questions would be submitted either way, the fact they read them a day ago vs live has no barring on the end result. Like I said, cannot make everyone happy, and in your case…you unhappy. But you’re also not paying, so 🤷 , you kind of win a little here.

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It is a little bit (!) like going to a LP concert. I stopped working early, went home and took my blue LP-Shirt (like in my profile-picture). Now I feel some butterflies inside :blush:. What´s about you?

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