Q&a with linkin park + projekt revolution 2002global stream event

@framos1792 mentioned something about this before I think. It’d be akin to more how a game streamer would interract with people posting in the chat, keeping it more casual as opposed to staying on ‘script’ (for lack of a better word) and just answering questions.

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That would be amazing, it would, its just not practical for this type if event. With the numbers we probably will have and the absurd amount of trolls/conspiracy theorist we already deal with, it would be much more difficult in my opinion. Ofc, I may be wrong, never know.


Nice :blush:
Me? :grimacing:
I’m still in the apartment of my just deceased grandma, funeral is next week.
So I’m really happy to get this distraction, beeing together with all you lovely people and Linkin Park. :partying_face:
Oh, and you are right, I will wear my old hybrid shirt. :metal:
Starting to be real curious, how we will enter that streem. :thinking:

I am sorry, that your grandma passed away! I wish you strength for the next time :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

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Oh no, I’m sorry to hear. Hope you’re doing ok.

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Thank you @blinky7 and @the_termin8r :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m in the streem chat now, so I dive in there :partying_face:

Stream chat? How to get there?

Main LP side, there you register

Sorry, I don’t know how to get to the chat. On facebook?

Now I got it :sweat_smile: Thank you!

:partying_face: :partying_face:
Whats your nick name there?

blinky7, and yours?

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anna834 :joy:

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It is crazy in that chat :scream: can’t read anything :frowning_face:

I’ve on full screen now, so I don’t see the chat anyway

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Don’t think either of us cared as we weren’t gonna go in there, as even evooba said, the marketing was the mistake

Or softballs :upside_down_face:

It’s no different than a streamer throwing up gameplay or something along the same vein

Only because nobody in their right mind wants to watch @the_termin8r, much less watch him explaining resistors hehe (well except maybe @lpfan61 :stuck_out_tongue:)

There rarely is :confused: we did say it was a matter of opinion and people happy to watch are happily there

It’s not like people would complain about seeing the guys for longer

Amen, from the start, my thing was that they were selling the experience of interacting
Would the same amount of people have bought in if they knew it was nothing diff than watching a yt vid?

Maaaaaybe if they had just done it without looking for profit :grimacing:
Again, I go back to it supposed to be a celebration with the fans that have stuck with them for 20 years, is it really much to ask? It’s not like they don’t have strong merch sales with this

Precisely, it’d be more along the lines of a m+g
How many bad questions can you get? Just say if it’s a bad question we will skip it and the person will possibly get bounced from the chat/event

I think overall we all wish this were possible and know it’s the way to go but as you say maybe it’s not feasible

2k in the chat isn’t crazy to consider though… as I said a while back in here I saw one with just over 2k people in chat and it was constructive

Well late but there’s my thoughts on it…
Still happy it’s being done for those who did choose to be involved
Any interaction between the fans is typically a good idea
Us griping changes nothing if the band itself don’t see the critiques, just sharing ideas among us


tears and goose bumps - so awesome - forgotten - I love that song…

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Had it just with my December :pleading_face:

Is this awesome remastered :ok_hand:
Dang, I miss concerts :sleepy:

Jump, jump, jump :metal:

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Absolutely!!! This concert was really special :heart: :heart: :heart:

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