Playing with the Drawing tools!

I’m out of likes!! :sob: I’ll give you as soon as possible… :sweat_smile: have this for now: :heart: :heart_eyes: so cute your brother and the drawings! :smile: Say him to keep it going! :muscle: :sun_with_face:

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So beautiful he did great job

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Experience and attention to detail. Inktober gave me much skill with the pens and liners. And I spent really much time on this one.

Tell him to keep on but not to press so hard on the pencil.


Will do, thanks for the advice! :slightly_smiling_face:

That’s the best xmas card I saw in ages- expresses and all I feel about this years celebration :joy:- you are awesome great not only at the drawing but your ideas and motives are convey feelings in a very impressive way! ! That’s incridible great Jab! @jabinquaken

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I drew this last year:

Drew this on the back of my shirt for the last day of school :laughing:


oh my god I wish I could draw like that but I can not draw to save my life I can not even draw there logo


They look nearly identical to the originals!


Nicely done! :smile:

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by the way great job

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Thanks everyone :grin:

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Nice job @titan2025 . Waiting to see more. Always like to get some inspiration.
Btw, I have one portrait to make and then gonna try to work on Mr. Stalks pic @NickGr


So right now I can’t sleep and I have nothing to do. To the point where I actually decided to try and draw something. Here’s my atrocious attempt at a flower using nothing but the bic 4 colour pen on my desk and a pencil. It was inspired by that picture that Sonny drew in I Robot. I wasn’t sure which way I liked it so I put a pencil outline around it after I drew it. Turns out I hate it both ways :joy: . But I figured you guys could get a good laugh out of it. :stuck_out_tongue: I really do mean it when I say I’m horrendous at any and all art :joy: :joy: :joy:




Implement the golden ratio and it’ll be good :stuck_out_tongue:

Golden ratio? English please :joy:

Lol phi?

Golden ratio, golden proportion idk if you call it differently over there:confused:
It’s a number like pi

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It’s a mathematical ratio that makes things aesthetically pleasing
It’s a ratio that’s found in nature and in famous architecture and stuff
I was appealing to your scientific/mathematical side lol


Phase angle? That’s not helping :joy:

Haven’t heard of it before.

That’s the first I’m ever hearing of it. A quick search shows its value to be 1.61803398875

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That’s right
I’ve seen it explained with flower petals, ideal face feature ratios uhh shell raduises, the pyramids, some of the older cathedrals and in artwork itself and I can’t remember what it was but Fibonacci sequence has that ratio within as well

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