Personal Projects

Wow i can’t believe that u can do that . Is so amazing that u have so much talents. My personal projects is my poems and short stories


It’s looks pretty cool! Now, how resistant is it in terms of someone angrily flinging it in the air when they lose? Hehe


Art is something I will always be useless at.

The cover, not very. The whole set, probably weighs a ton and should withstand it to a degree, it would probably break but not into a million pieces.

Anyway, the program was being an arse, I tried 4 times and couldn’t get the cover in there with the rest of it. I’ll do an in-depth post and update of the OP at some point tomorrow. But for now this is what the almost complete set looks like.

With the cover included it would be 13,186 pieces. By far my biggest build. Before that it would have been Heretic or the unnamed car project at around 1.3-1.5k pieces. The physical size of this (the main board) is about 80x80cm


So many pieces!! and without a guide…How did you manage to not miss something?? :open_mouth: yours is a real talent…this set is fantastic! :smiley:

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I don’t count them manually, I’m not a masochist :joy: :joy: :joy: .There’s a piece count at the bottom of the screen where it gives you the part info when you click on a piece, you can see it in the bottom left of the print screens I post.

Also all of my designs are completely improvised so there isn’t anything to really get wrong in terms of following instructions.

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I’m just kidding haha in terms of attention to detail and pure count you’ve outdone yourself on it :grin:

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Your replies are always nice to read! :joy:

This is your talent…you can image things and make it to be real… :grin:

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I honestly didn’t expect it to exceed 3k pieces but I thought if I’m going to design one I might as well make it as good as I can.

I was actually inspired by this:

I saw it in a department store here a few years ago.

Your set is very well done! The cards and the board are full of details…you can do anything you want with this software! :smiley: are you going to make it in reality? Curious… :grin:

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I wish. The price I’m estimating is well over £400 maybe even £500 considering my V2 chessboard (the first one I sent you) was about £245 if I recall. I’ll try to find some time this week to go on the lego store site and see how much it will cost me.

The files for this should be available tomorrow (more like later today :stuck_out_tongue: ). I say ‘should be available’ because the file sizes for this are too big to email so I’ll use Dropbox to share them with whomever wants them. I just don’t want to sit around now waiting for it to upload.

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:scream: so much… :sweat_smile:

Yeah,don’t worry… :hugs:

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Yeah, Lego costs a bloody fortune. :confused: That’s why I got so pissed off that I lost some of my pieces.


Yeah,I understand you…I searched on the sites you gave me… :confused:

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Idea: you can sell your project to the Lego and receive all the pieces you want as a reward… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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My sister suggested that, the two most likely options are that I get the bad end of the deal and they don’t give me much money or any pieces or they flat out reject it. Besides, Monopoly I’m pretty sure is copyrighted to Hasbro.

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I don’t know your sister, but I like her! :smiley:

Think the same… :confused:


That looks amazing!!! @the_termin8r :+1::+1:

7297!! So many

Yep agreed!

Its a looooot in our currency

Oh so you can’t sell them… probably you won’t be able to make profits… here is kinda same condition. We don’t get much for selling stuffs

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It’s a lot in any currency.

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There’s someone in my software too… just said that it removed some pieces… :scream: :ghost: :space_invader: and it became stubborn too like you said… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

What?? Woth you too?? Check them… you’ll find them somewhere! :hushed: