New, hi, havin a hard time lately

Hey @lplove
We try to keep the forum as clean as possible. Means no creations of unnecessary topics.
As long as no one commented on your new Mike question topic, its still possible to delate it…:upside_down_face:
And that’s a question you can ask in a lot of fitting threats. :kissing_heart:

Take a hug! :hugs::green_heart:

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Yes! That’s awesome! :tada:

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Hey @anna834, unnecessary topics… understandable. I was just curious if he was still chatting, that’s all. :blush:
Post has been deleted. :slightly_smiling_face:


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Thank you! :blush:
Don’t know who exactly could answer this :upside_down_face:
You can post the question in any topic you think fitting. It pushes the thread up to the top.
If someone answer, I can’t promise. As you saw with the wedding ring question. :woman_shrugging:

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A fish? That’s just the LP lettering logo so I blame them! I could try to change it but then I might break it? I usually have the Find A Way Amy Lee pic because that song is amazing.

Yes master, you are wise beyond your years :pensive: except, you’ll come to realise someday that I was right. And if LP call their new album Kill The Silence I’m sure you will be raving about its awesome but because I’m a nobody it sucks :roll_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

:hugs: :bouquet:


Thank you :blush::kissing_heart:

He means @jrtrussell :sunglasses:


Thank you, finally someone who gets it! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: LP as a band are probably the most genuine group of musicians who actually gave a fuck about each other. I guess that’s why the loss will be difficult to come to terms with. I just hope they remember how much joy the band brought him and that he genuinely loved LP and their music.

It creates unobtainable expectations to believe we can overcome what plagues us, whatever that may be: disorders, disorders, the past… We can’t undo the darkness, but we certainly fight it. Friends and family are a force of power. Use it. Remember, you are never alone, and you will always find a way if you look for it. I just hope everyone keeps trying and don’t ever give up because I know some of the most beautiful human beings on this planet should still be here. If only they could see themselves the way we do. :heartpulse: :candle:


They’re not difficult to find! Ha. I did post one piece of work on here ‘Snowfall in August’. Never heard from you?

‘Kill The Silence’ story will probably go something like this:

Silence. A living entity, entrapping souls and slowly devouring all hope within, until there is nothing left but darkness. Effortlessly it creeps from beneath the surface of masked faces. Smiling and laughing in crowed places. Yet, the soul inside is muffled and voiceless. Slowly fading into the void of space and floating away from the world it once held so dear.

Um, something like that. It’s a start.



Question: how do copy a sentence so I can answer/respond it? Thought it was a simply copy/paste… obviously not bc it didn’t work on my end. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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There you find the explanations to what you can do :blush:

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Thank you lovely.

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I don’t know what you’re talking about. And u @anna834…I know where you live

You want to come for a visit?
That’s nice :blush:
I’m seldom home, just my son, so give it a call first. :hugs:


@WeStanLP hey! Nice to meet you! :blush: don’t be shy and say what’s up :grin:

Hi everyone. New here too and definitely want to offer my support for all those music fans out there. Music has been in my heart and soul since I was little. My mother (rest her soul) used to sit and play piano for hours and we’d just listen in the background as she played. It was some of my fondest memories and made me want to get into music myself. I also play piano now thanks to her and even run some other music related businesses in my area. I own a moving company for piano movers in madison wi also and help my fellow neighbors move their pianos all around. I’m definitely here to help offer support, but also to suggest that you learn an instrument if you haven’t already. Playing the piano has definitely helped me get my feelings out sometimes when I’m stuck in an emotion.


Hi and welcome. Thanks for your offer and support, I appreciate it :smile: actually I’m trying to learn how to play the keyboard and little by little I’m doing it :sweat_smile: I hope you enjoy your time here. Anything you need let me know :hugs:


Welcome and nice to hear about your musical talents :slightly_smiling_face: Which Linkin Park songs sound best on piano?

Hi @lplove!
Welcome to the group.

I think the vast majority of people in this forum took Chester’s death really, really hard, myself included.

We’re all here if you need a chat.



Welcome!! :sun_with_face: :smile: