My/her/his/your phone

There was a tweak you could get from Jailbreaking that did that. You could blacklist certain apps that only work if you put the correct passcode in. You could also just have apps disappear if the passcode was wrong and only show certain ones. I miss that functionality a lot.

I changed my wallpapers a bit, too. I might change the lock screen because I feel it’s self centered to have my own logo as my wallpaper


My newest backgrounds, all of it is art from Gemini Syndrome albums.

Normal images (the detail in these is amazing):

Using this one as my whatsapp background:



This is my WA bg

And this is my Viber bg

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Recently I’ve downloaded the classic Tetris. Can’t stop playing it for weeks already

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Hey, stop with the creepy pictures

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My wife used to play tetris last year. It was some version with an online pvp mode.

Afaik, EA’ve bought the copyright for the brand “Tetris” and released their sh… version. The one I play is called “Bricks”. Still not the best one I’ve ever played(that was on my dad’s old laptop)

I haven’t found a good game/app in a while actually.

Pokemon go haha loved the wallpappers :smiley:

Pokemon Go doesn’t count. It’s the only thing I still play.

Haha I used to but dont play this since I have a car and now i dont walk very often for openning eggs lol.
I have a couple weird games like the one of a Unicorn running with rainbows everywhere you should try this one hahaha and Clash Royale

:open_mouth: niceee

I have a new favorite game :3

I still play my WWE Champions game—I got my main account back :B

And now I play a game called Township. I found it when I was trying to get cash points for my Champions game.

So if there another who plays @.@ then add me

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That’s the way to keep children away from my phone :woman_shrugging:

Evil uncle or nephew

Nah, I’m a good uncle(but only my niece is allowed, not other relatives that are too far away)

Awwww :3 isn’t that so sweet

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Lol :joy:

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Nah :sunglasses:
New Viber BG