My/her/his/your phone

I was going through this Apple’s Jack-removal move and found articles dating back to 2014 where they were discussing the same.
Jun4, 2014:
Jun20, 2014:
Jun24, 2014:
Jan5, 2016:

…and still I was surprised this September. I should read more.

Yeah it’s stupid, you don’t need a rocket scientist to know that. But I’m not getting that one so it doesn’t bother meme ;D see what me did?

iOS 10 is here. I need your thoughts on it guys. I’m about to break my phone -.-

I am reading more or less rave reviews about it. But if you own anything from 5 and above, you won’t have to break your phone. It’s upgradable, I guess. I even found an article asking you not to do so :stuck_out_tongue:

Luckily I didn’t have any major problems, I’m just pissed cause it messed with my music.

Overall, I like the new notifications and that we can finally delete all the useless apps. I need to get used to the new unlock screen though.

Oh the things I do for you guys

Nice one, but I wouldn’t get in so much trouble for it :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve got a pending update on my phone. CBA to actually look up what it does.

LOL, Apple has a photo of a random guy under Ryu, so funny! :stuck_out_tongue:

On the topic of Apple, I got this funny spam today :laughing:

I don’t have a Apple ID and I don’t know a William :stuck_out_tongue:

FYI: It’s said that the ad was placed after the building burnt, but it’s more fun the other way.


LOL :joy:

There’s a meme comparing the iPhone 7 with the Samsung Note and it has a fire extinguisher on it, it’s hilarious!

So there is a new update now ISO 10 and for the first 20 seconds I hated it…now it’s ok except it took me a while to learn how to unlock my phone. It doesn’t have the old fashion ‘slide to unlock’ anymore.

That’s a lot of uploadin’

Silence nuggetmuffin. I can mark on pictures now and also do live drawings in a text. I can gifs also and music clips

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What the poopie…I can make errors

My phone is cool :B @jFar920 while yours is poopie.

Wow, I don’t even have the majority of these apps anymore… ;D