My/her/his/your phone

Don’t forget that the wireless earphones won’t ever provide you the quality of the cord-ones. And that’s another stuff to charge. Would not use that sh*t.

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Yes exactly.

Alright buttfaces is anyone having trouble with their iPhone Apple ID log in? This is the second time this happened. The first time I brushed it off as maybe it resets your password for safety issues, but now I’m not sure it’s the case anymore. One of the questions I know for a fact that is not wrong comes up wrong and it’s annoying, especially when it worked for like two seconds yesterday.

Did you have the touch id replaced? Heard of such a problem after button repairs.

The answer as to why you have that problem is blatantly obvious. It’s an apple product problem :stuck_out_tongue: You’re on your own lol

No mate. There is an army AKA iSheep.

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It turns out someone out there has almost the same name as I do…I guess I must have forgot about two other letters in my username and entered it wrong.

BUT! it still doesn’t solve the reason why it didn’t remember my password. But it’s alright, I got a new one now.

No I meant in terms of help from us lot lol

Because Apple passwords are stupidly long. My sister’s is almost a whole sentence.

@evooba and I have iPhones. Also my password is less than 10 characters

Yeap, same here. Mine is not long either.

When my sister made hers it gave her a bunch of parameters to fulfill and one was to make it longer than x amount of characters except x was a big number.

That’s weird. It usually suggests to be longer than 6 characters, too many are hard to remember :stuck_out_tongue:

My sister’s was like a double fig number and is easily 4 words long I think.

Robot is sick D;

He did two typos in one week

What has the world come too!!!

Do cpr!!!

The one time I decide to give my phone another chance and it does that. In this of all threads :stuck_out_tongue:

But where was the second typo @intheend ?

In the “go home you’re drunk”

That must’ve been ages ago. I make typos more often than you realise.

Shut up!!!



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