Welcome everyone to this post. I hope that this thread helps you a lot.
Many people believes that learn Spanish is difficult and it takes much time dominate it.
If your interest is strong and you have a great teacher you will find easy learn Spanish.
As I said in another thread: We read as it’s written.
The themes are:
- The Alphabeth. Post 3 and 14 (complementation.)
- The Number (until 100.) Post 25.
- Ways to Greet. Post 139.
- The Hour. Post 139.
- Family.
- Animals I.
- Animals II.
- Clothe.
- Fruits and Vegetables.
- Transport.
- Food (In general.)
- The Human Body.
- School Subjets.
- Guatemalan expressions.
- Colors.
- Articles. Post 139
- Sustantives.
- Adjetives.
- Verbs I
- Verbs II
- Verbs III
- Adverbs.
- Prepositions.
- Conjunctions.
- Personal Pronouns.
- Demonstrative pronouns.
- Objective Pronouns.
- Subject and Predicate.
- Direct and Indirect Modifier.
- Direct and Indirect object.
- Circumstantial.
- Syllables.
- Punctuation Marks.
- Comunication Elements.
- Types of setences.
- Oral and written communication.
- (Confirmation pendient.)
Uncategorized Themes
Preview Verb To Be post 90
Use of “Vosotros/Vosotras” post 91 (by @merydiaz)
Verb to Be (Ser o Estar) Post 115
Grammatical Person. Post 115
Grammatical Gender. Post 115
Grammatical Number. Post 115
Grammatical Time. Post 115
Conjugation of verb to be with Vosotros/vosotras. Post 126 (by @merydiaz)
Free text to speech reader. Post 4 (by @Framos1792)
http://www.ejemplode.com (In case you want more information.)
Saludos y Despedidas en español (Ways to greet. Maybe we’ll use it later.)
How it is going to work?
I love that my classes are dynamics. So, if you are here and you have a best idea than the mine, let me know it.
I will publish the theme/s weekly with its explanation and a type of game-exercise. Any doubt let me know it in the moment! Don’t wait until the last moment to tell (I am not going upset… At all.)
You can join whenever you want! You can tag some of your friends too. Remember this: The idea is have fun here, if you feel bored, let me know and porpuse something different.
One last thing: Those themes are just a guide. We probably won’t follow as it shows above.
My personal email: tellezvictormanuel@outlook.com
WA: +502 4248 1432.
First update: 10/10/17
When you have time check out guys:
@framos1792, @lpfan61, @the_termin8r, @theearlywalker, @Honey8, @merydiaz, @lpaniist, @agusdbianco, and @rickvanmeijel.
If someone else wants to learn is more than welcome.