[insert totally nifty topic here]

:joy: I got it totally WRONG and thought you made a Trip To NY … But it is a Great Show and Matt…:heart_eyes:

I wish I could! (c)muse

A trip to the USA seems even more impossible to me now than it would be to Germany. Tut mir Leid…
I would gladly come and see.
And an LP show seems unreal to take place here in Ukraine. Used to be only once, if I’m not wrong again (when I wasn’t that fan yet). The stuff happening here is rather s*#ty

I got these in the mail today. I didn’t know this version of LT came in a jewel case, I thought it’d be a thick paper one. DVD plays fine thankfully. (Now waiting for that SFTU cd to arrive)

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What version of LT is that?

Living Things+ It has the DVD from the show in Berlin in 2012.

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I didn’t even know there was such a version.

It’s like A Thousand Suns+. I think there is one of THP as well, that has the Mexico show in it. Not sure if it’s just a Mexican release though.

Here’s something odd that happened last night. I was flossing my teeth in the bathroom in front of the mirror when I felt a very light tickle on on my neck. It turned to be a big-ass spider climbing up my neck 0_0. It was like a daddy long legs but without wings.

It looked something like this (but darker):

Needless to say it took me completely by surprise and I nearly jumped out of my skin. I still have no clue how it got to my neck without me noticing.

Seems like everybody has their spidery moments…

how awfull----:scream: I would screeeeeeeeam till sbd asures me that it is gone, than I´ll get herpes…

I brushed it off me immediately and then squished it.

you did it right…in spy[der] cases you can just “smash the spider”

Hah! Once I was going somewhere by bus and felt smth. crawl on my neck. I wanted to brush it off, but it managed to bite me, before I did. It turned out a little green-ish spider and the lady infront said that my neck began to swell. I got my keys out (the only cold thing I had) and held it to the bite spot, till it got better. Funny was it… not! :smile:

Wow, never had issues with spiders before. I did catch a poisonous frog once though (without knowing) but I was alright, nothing happened.

I was always wondering, why is it so hard for the most Russian and Ukrainian people to speak proper English…

How do you guys treat this mix on the Russian minister of sports?

People from Slavic countries have trouble with English because the spelling is messed up and it uses unnecessary letters in words. Also in Bulgarian there is no ‘th’ sound so my parents pronounce it a ‘t’ and it sounds odd, I would have thought they’d be used to it after 12 years of living here.

The first time, I saw this video, I was almost rolling on the floor. It was oh so lol.

If you think that’s funny wait 'til you see this prat. He’s some British idiot on some protest about not wanting the the Muslim community around.

I always lose my sh*t when he mentions ‘muslamic ray guns’ :joy:

Ahahh! I remembered the cat-video “Oh long Johnson!”

I had a hard time trying to understand that English guy. I honestly thought the Russian Minister was more understandable :stuck_out_tongue:

But learning another language than you grew up with at an older age is just tricky for some, I guess. Dutch apparently is a hard language to learn. I know Indonesian people and people from other cultures who live here more than 30 years and yet they still fail to speak proper Dutch.