[insert totally nifty topic here]

I don’t know. Maybe cause I’m not in those groups Rob is, I’m only in 2 lpu_members_something something groups :stuck_out_tongue:

Then how come I can get into @everyone even though it’s empty? I can’t get into the LPU gropus though.

On another note, I just noticed that @xTirea got her regular badge. Congratz :slight_smile:

So you can access these? :

Those are the ones that I’m blocked from.

No, it says access denies. Although in my profile it says that I’m a part of them.

@EvoOba do you also get access denied if you try to view the groups:

Those are good.

I was bored so I decided to look over old threads and I ran into the old plug dj thread. I wanted to see what would happen when I click the link only to be greeted by this:

It was a brief but fun time, those Plug DJ times. Would be nice to start something like that again. Or better yet, if they would just start something like that right here on the LPU. Would spice up place a bit :slight_smile:

We’re still waiting for turn fm to come out, They were supposed to release it soon after the pulled the plug on plug but then they delayed it and now it seems it has been forgotten. https://turn.fm/


My extensive database tells me that you humans seem to be attracted to to fluffy squishy things with bright colours.

EDIT: Yay, just hit my 4000th post :slight_smile:

Already exists. Just enter the chat.

Ohh… almost forgot it is Easter for you. Happy Easter to those that celebrate it.

When is it for you @EvoOba ?

Looks like the new badge layout is in effect.

Also, where is this lounge that ‘regulars’ have?

@Spelling_Mistake it seems you have your Regular as well now :slight_smile:

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This year, May 1st. It’s weird, usually it’s not more than 2 weeks after yours.

Hey I was reading that ;-;

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I was reading that :laughing: What’s an SE?

@intheend @the_termin8r1 Sorry guys, I totally forgot we had a phone related thread, I moved my post there. You can continue reading here.

Yeah I realized :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh and, the SE is the new iPhone :stuck_out_tongue: