My/her/his/your phone

Yeah. It’s been really hard not to break down since then, but thank you very much. It means the world to me that you think so. :heart:

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‘Little squishy’? haha, and thanks!

A telemarketer called me the other day to tell me that I’d been in a car crash. So I told her how I’d been coming from Mars and how NASA shot me down and I crashed in Tunguska many years ago :joy: The person on the other end seemed a bit confused and told me to hold, so I hung up and blocked the number :laughing:

I think there was a brain system crush after those words. :imp:

Telemarketers deserve to be trolled.

Here’s my block screen, btw.

Chose it, because black color doesn’t use the battery on sAMOLED.

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Ok, so I need opinions and thoughts from Apple friends :slight_smile:

I’ve had an iPhone 4 ever since it was released only because I was able to get it for free from dad’s work and have never upgraded. It is the best phone I’ve had and I’d much rather keep it for another 7 years than switch to an Android, BUT I’m seriously considering getting the SE once it’s out in a few days/weeks (dunno how long it’s gonna take to be released here). Do you think it is worth it? Or should I wait till like September when 7 will be released and I could get the 6 or 6S for way less?
(keep in mind that money is a big issue, even the 350 euros for the SE is way too much for me, hence why I’ve never upgraded before).

EDIT: Forgot to mention, the 4’’ vs the 4.7’’ (or 5.5’’) screen is not an issue for me. I’m so used to my 4’’.

It all depend on what you use your phone. If you don’t use it that much save yourself the money and buy an older model for less. Honestly, these days phones are getting out-dated before they’re even designed.

Maybe wait, if money is an issue then wait. And if you wait, whatever bugs that might be in the new phone will be fixed. My iPhone at times drives me crazy but I’ve always wanted one.

I’m not bothered about my phone. I’m still running an s3 mini which is constantly playing up. Just the other day it refused to hook up to my wifi (the same wifi that it’s been hooking up to for 5 years) or my 3g. Then it started to get 3g and then the wifi the next day. Then the day after that the wifi rejection disease hit my ps3 which I managed to hook up last night (it was out for 2 days).

This is so damn true!


My 4 at this point works ok. I mean the home and lock buttons are broken, you gotta push them real hard for them to work but that’s about it. It does freeze at times and takes WAY WAY WAY longer to load since it is old but overall it does it’s job.

Rob, I use my phone a freaking a lot. If I’m not on my laptop I am on my phone.
It also bugs me that the camera is crap at this point. I wish I had a better one.

As far as the money issue goes, if I do wait (cause truth be told, I’m leaning towards that option), I’m afraid the 6 won’t drop below 500 euros and I’ll be disappointed again. My dad says to get the SE since I don’t really care about the screen’s size and everything else will be the same as the 6.

Oh and, I’ve had bad experiences with everything Android, so this is why I’m not even considering getting a Samsung or HTC (to speak of good brands).

Who’s…who’s rob?

Me lol

I think my phone froze before…how did you home and lock button break?

gasps hi ;D I’m meme :3

Hi \o

I don’t want to sound impolite but is that your real name? (I’m aware that meme is a real name I’m just wondering if it’s an alias).

Home button has been broken for almost 2 years now. It just stopped responding, I have to press it more to the left and kind of hard for it to work.
My lock button broke 5 or so months ago, it’s cause of the usage basically. It is stuck basically but I’m afraid to open up my phone and un-stuck it. (iPhone services/repairs here cost a fortune so that’s not an option either).

It’s my nickname, had it since birth and I like being called Meme more than my real name. More people call me Meme than my real name as well :3


That’s messed up, for something to just stop responding and it to be an iPhone, they should fix that and someone should be able to get it fixed for free. Evil Apple people…

I know :confused: But since Apple is considered a luxury brand here, everything that has to do with them is expensive. To repair these two, I’m looking at about a 200-250 charge, which is BS. I can save that money and buy a brand new phone.

Just to give you an idea, the iPhone 6S Plus (16Gb) costs 899€ ($1003,73) here.