[insert totally nifty topic here]

When is it for you @EvoOba ?

Looks like the new badge layout is in effect.

Also, where is this lounge that ‘regulars’ have?

@Spelling_Mistake it seems you have your Regular as well now :slight_smile:

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This year, May 1st. It’s weird, usually it’s not more than 2 weeks after yours.

Hey I was reading that ;-;

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I was reading that :laughing: What’s an SE?

@intheend @the_termin8r1 Sorry guys, I totally forgot we had a phone related thread, I moved my post there. You can continue reading here.

Yeah I realized :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh and, the SE is the new iPhone :stuck_out_tongue:

Ah, I see.

@EvoOba wait they are coming out with yet another iPhone? What the poopie Apple!!! I’m sticking with my 6. I don’t need anything else

  • moves to phone thread *

Hey @the_termin8r1, you ok? Hope Katie isn’t as brutal as they say. Stay safe!

Yes, I’m fine. But who’s Katie?

The crazy storm that hit England today. I guess it didn’t reach you? I’m glad you’re good! Haha!

Storm. I don’t know about a storm but it was chucking it down yesterday afternoon and it seemed to rain over night but I’m not seeing a storm. Just a bit of a gust. Besides if there was a storm I’d be the one lunatic outside embracing it and shouting at it wanting it to get stronger :joy: I love wind (don’t read anything into that :stuck_out_tongue: ).

I remember as a kid I had my stuck out of the car window and my dad didn’t know I was doing and accidentally closed the window on my neck so I had to quickly move my head out of the way but I smashed it in the door frame when he asked what the massive bang was I said i’d elbowed the door handle by accident.

Hahaha :stuck_out_tongue: Well, it just cause chaos everywhere else apparently http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-35909651

The scaffolding fell because they are practically sails with those white tarps. The trees I can understand. The pier at Brighton was burnt to a crisp some time ago so it was structurally weak. The roads flooding are down to bad drainage.

But I’m not buying the BS about the bent crane. How can wind bend something (and bend it twice at that by the looks of it) designed to lift things that apply a greater force vertically to the crane than wind could have horizontally?

I’d probably be that wind surfer guy given the chance :stuck_out_tongue:

Also my road flooded some time last yer after two hours of rain.

I had to wade out to right my neighbours’ bins as they were on holiday and their rubbish was floating down the street (literally). The water was about 20cm deep on the pavement. Another neighbour thought that her car was going to genuinely float always so I had to gently explain how that would never happen with this amount of water.

After I’d righted the bins I started walking back towards my house but I forgot that there was a gravel trap between my neighbours’ and their neighbours’ front yard with about a 10cm elevation difference and I ended up treading in it with one foot (it was underwater) and I nearly fell into the water lol (not the the rain hadn’t already drenched me). That was a fun day.

Honestly this country is run by idiots. The people have no discipline, no order, no common sense and no interest for the build quality of things, because if they did nothing would be falling apart.

Isn’t almost every country run by idiots? Saturn is free from idiocy…buttfaces…

Mine is run by even worse idiots, England (with all its flaws) is paradise compared to here. :wink:

One of the best moments from One Piece