[insert totally nifty topic here]

@intheend sleep is for the weak!

Best M&G pic eva (cre to owner ofc :stuck_out_tongue: )


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This. I’m holding my breath :sweat_smile:

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I remember with the last change when they said they were going to do and / or fix a bunch of things and they never did. The forum was broken for like a straight month after that.

([walks into bathroom…poopies])

I just wish this doesn’t happen :slight_smile:

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Forum is working alright so far. Pages might load a bit slower than before

([bites @anngelenee in the neck])

Heel bunny, HEEL :triumph:

Why yes. I am a heel bunny :rabbit: :smiling_imp:

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Excuse me? You give me rabies or am I vampirrre now? :joy: (poof :bat: )

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:scream: be careeeful! I told her she had rabies once and she snapped my neck, farted on me, and put my number on some spam site :thinking::unamused::crazy_face:

she wants to feel fierce…but this is really her


Yeah, she’s good at it…

Awww, how sweet…she’s a friggin rabbit :thinking:I need new handgloves on winter…:crazy_face:

Edit: I want to ask about LPU store, I didn’t buy there for a long time I want to have sure, I need to have digital membership to buy anything yes?

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Ehhh :thinking: it rings a bell in my head that I want to say yes you have to be member but I’m not entirely sure :thinking: hopefully someone else knows for sure but I think so…

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I have a feeling I get a shelling after this :poop: :rofl:

Thanks anyway :slight_smile:

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Don’t worry, a furless bunny isn’t so dangerous :joy::joy::joy::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: jk I got your back :muscle:t3::crazy_face:

I’m glad but…She’s one of them! (warning kids 18+ :stuck_out_tongue: )

Now I’m curious what a freak made that gif :joy::rabbit2: and movie!

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@framos1792 I know where you all live -.-


He still hasn’t found my stomping ground.


I am a gray bunny with violent eyes

Oh wait…
Violet eyes…violet

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:joy::joy: you haven’t forgotten :joy:
I’m more worried about being the stalker on here than you are about me knowing :joy: