[insert totally nifty topic here]

yeah…its forum provided bot

That TMZ shit. Not leaving the band and his family alone
Keeps on updating. Fucking. Leave.Them.Alone.

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Ya they should leave them…

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How the f@ck… TMZ still f@$%$ng following them and about their lives!?

Chester is gone now and many people know it and they start to cry… And made it worse to make some people do the same as Chester? Tch…

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It’s crazy all these kids on social media writing “I wanna die too”. I kind of understand where Head comes from, you know? I understand Chester made his decision for whatever reason but there are so many folks looking up to him, who consider him their life…

If there’s anyone out there feeling like that right now: Life hurts sometimes but you are not alone. Please look for help, or just come here and vent.


I also would like to say a couple of words:
No matter what, live. Love, study, scream, listen to your favorite tracks, cry, roof the town, eat. Live. Chester would like you to.
And remember: you’re not alone. Completely not, even if you think you are. You always have your family, your friends, LPU. Ending your own life isn’t an escape. There’s always another way.
And if you really think nobody needs you/everyone hates you, then live in spite

You have to live after this. Don’t forget Chester and he will live too, in your hearts

[i know, this sounds highfalutin, but I really think so]


I love those line @NickGr they stole my heart!! :blush: :blush:

I agree to. End is never an option. Stars shine best in the darkest skies. we just need hope and strength to look for them… after all

“we learn what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger”
We all are a family and will always be :slight_smile:

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Wholeheartedly agree
Don’t let anything like that creep around you. Yes its even more difficult for some than others but that emotion you’re feeling will pass
Cry sleep scream fight, hell come on here and cuss me out for being inconsiderate if it helps but don’t continue one tragedy with another
Don’t cheapen their messages and inspirations
The one issue I do have is that he set this example and it wasn’t right for the other hurting people here, don’t be another example of this
Be an example of who he was-a survivor and fighter


:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

I am now going to my aunt’s birthday (I didn’t know, don’t remember birthdays outside immediate family.) I don’t really wanna go, but I’m going to enquire about when my relatives’ birthdays are. (I remembered years ago when I attended my mother’s elderly relatives’ funerals, I was, ashamed to say, didn’t know their birthdays nor even their year of birth [eg: 1922] until they died.)

I honestly don’t know the exact birthdays of my aunts and uncles either. I don’t even know their exact age. When you don’t speak to some people too often it’s rather hard to remember, I suppose. For me anyways. You’re not the only one @samuel_the_leader , :wink:


Yup, all I know is that most of my relatives’ birthdays are during autumn.

As for celebrities, all I have to do is check Wikipedia. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Guess who is back (again). :grin:
Hopefully longer and more frequent activity. Recent things brought me back here.

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Yes I know, (the absence of) Chester brought you here.

Yes. It’s sad but must be more sad and bad for his family and the guys.

yes, I agree, I came back here for the same reason, the awareness of death gives a clearer view on the thinbs that are important in life, real friends and family - the lpu asumes a lot of this important things, so welcome back @Just_a_LP_fan :slight_smile:

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Thanks. :slight_smile:
I wanted to be in the company of people that like LP just like me, even more. One of my collegues is a fan of “old” LP and said:“Too bad he’s dead…But the new album was shit so…well anyway.” Don’t know how to translate the ending.
All I could think of was:“Dude a human being is dead.” It seems to me that a lot of people don’t understand that LP and their music changed but they were/are still LP. The music is good (it took me some trys to get used to the new sound) but I really love their new album bacause One more Light is full of emotion and is still in some way I cannot describe Linkin Park. And a lot of people didn’t like these changes and were too focused on the old sound and ignored that their dislike and hate doesn’t go unnoticed by LP and that music evolves just like people do.
I’m sorry, I’m straing away with my thoughts again.
You are right here we are under people who understand our connection to LP.

I am sorry for the reaction of this collegue…

To me there is no new and no old LP, it`s an album in the row- from great inspirated artists… very experimental and not everyones taste, but the energy of it is as impacting as it was on all the other albums- each very unique… and this what Linkin Park means to me: ENERGY- and one of the machines that kept it burning was Chaz. The energy is the power that unites us inhere, the very special LP energy, they planted with the lpu at least, reachable for everyone, who is open to it. Music is their language, Chaz was the voice and will be forever. The band got this wide view, here to mention first of all Mike. They were a perfect bunch of creative guys that made their dreams come true- and this energy is theirs, for us soldiers here to share and this the outside world will never understand…

take it with serenety… :joy: what did Chris sang these days with Soundgarden?

I do not know if the sense of what I want to say is gettable, but if not so, then I will hope the energy can translate it.

8 edits :joy: spelling mistakes…

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Yes, his voice is just awesome…