[insert totally nifty topic here]

Today I caught 4 Bulbasaur -_- we are full of Krabby, Zubat and Bulbasaur in my city :joy:

Wasn’t that something out of Jurassic Park? It sounds very familiar.

Should we like, make a Pokemon Go thread? I feel like we’re gonna flood this one :stuck_out_tongue:

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I don’t know :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Maybe :sweat_smile:
Anyway, this game is becoming a drug for me, someone help me please! I see Pokemons everywhere :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
I agree with EvoOba!!!

I finally made it out my my dark ages of gaming :slight_smile: I’m not going back, no relapse for me. And surprisingly I’m not getting withdrawal symptoms.

holy cow! those are a load of members

Yeah, I count 25


Am I the only one that wants to go to the past (just after Hybrid Theory got lots of attention) and bring every single future LP album and footage from future concerts and release them to the public and send them to the band just to screw with everyone’s minds? :laughing:


Does anyone know how to use this?

I remember I had to use it in music in high school at one point, very annoying. I don’t remeber anything aout how to use it though.

Yeah I do. Why?

Made a ton of progress on Pokemon Go today. Decided to basically make a (short, only 10 minute) trip to town since I live in the country and there’s nothing out here. Hatched a few eggs, gained 2 levels, failed at some gyms

Although, I’ve only hatched one egg so far that wasn’t crap, and it was Pikachu, and Pikachu was my starter

Just have to love Chester :slight_smile:

Boo boo you no play Pokey go go?

I’m not one to swoon over guitars (that’s @EvoOba 's job :stuck_out_tongue: ) but I was just watching Disturbed live and Dan’s silver guitar looks insane. Reminds me of a Shelby Mustang paint job.

I assume that’s one of his custom Schecter guitars, the Ultra. The finish does look like the car indeed :stuck_out_tongue:

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lol :joy::sunglasses:

So… mabye no?