[insert totally nifty topic here]

ok I agree [even bc connection is bad] tiny chat??? I have such a lot to talk about buddy, I need ya…:ok_woman:

I think I mentioned before that tiny chat doesn’t work, it never did.

so we have to belive…hold on… will ya @samuel_the_leader [:pray:] pure this is leading ME::::

Does anyone here listen to Volbeat? A lot of people I know like them, but I can’t stand the singer’s voice, it sounds like an Elvis impersonator

Volbeat? Wasn’t that a clothes brand?

EDIT: Voi Jeans was a clothes brand :stuck_out_tongue:

No I don’t listen to them.

It’s also a Pokemon, not even spelt differently

I haven’t heard this and he’s voice seems ok, but only for short bursts not long listening.

I immediately thought of the Pokemon before scrolling down. Didn’t know there was a band named like that :stuck_out_tongue:

The deed is done

I might change it to just jFar on here since it allows it, but I don’t know

920 is nice too.

Going back a bit, A7X announced a mini tour with Volbeat today. How random? Lol

How did you change your name on the main LP site?


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Wow, I’m on that page frequently and I’ve missed it every time :stuck_out_tongue:

I just went to spend my discount codes on the summer LPU sale and the one thing I wanted is already sold out xD

I just RENEWed (does this word exists?) my membership and got the lpu badge today looooooooooooool :joy: come on forum, WAKE UP!:sparkles:

Tag anyone I missed

[copy/past from @acemasters]


Yes, but without the caps.

This one however doesn’t (in the context that you’re using it in). :stuck_out_tongue: You missed the ‘e’ at the end.

join into plug Rob…I …invite ya for the chat also
youz waked up @the_termin8r

I think you just realized that LPU15 is the most boring year to join LPU.

Nah, the LPU has been boring since X.

Is this forum suffering from whatsapp syndrome or something? I’m getting notifications from posts made 4 hours ago even though I’ve seen and replied to them.