[insert totally nifty topic here]

e.g. if your phone takes only 3 hours to charge, it doesn’t matter to it if you leave it charging for 3 hours straight or 9 hours straight.

But other people feel tired after little to no sleep. Also according to your analogy it’s fine to run all day on an hour of sleep because you won’t feel tired.

It’s funny cause if I sleep for too long (i.e 11+ hours) I feel dead tired but I sleep for 3 or 5 hours I’m extremely hyper.

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Yeah, I slept like 10-ish once and I felt dead when I got up. Up until I got shouted at for waking up at 11:00 :stuck_out_tongue: Even though it was the weekend.

Can’t you sleep till whenever you want?

I can sort of, but my dad says that I’ll start falling into bad habits or some crap like that even though it was a one off time. Maybe he was having a bad day.

@samuel_the_leader There he is.

How old is this video?

It’s from 2001.

No wonder, how would I’ve expected to see him so young?


I didn’t know this series had so many games

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Yep. 11 main ones made by Insomniac, 2 not made by insomniac for the PSP and 2 phone ones made by companies I’ve never heard of. Plus about 3 mini games only one of which can be found on flash game sites.


I am watching the video ATM but I noticed something I haven’t before in one of the pics. I’ve seen this one plenty of times and i think i might even have it on my laptop but I saw something new in it.

Is this a possible Lego easter egg /reference even though the two are unrelated or am i seriously over thinking this? :stuck_out_tongue:

I was bored today so I tried to remember every single lego set I’ve ever had. I think I’ve done it. Now it’s inevitable that I’ve missed one or two. This is the short version of the whole thing.

You’d think that at 10,570 pieces I’d be swimming in the stuff, but no. I can actually store it on a few differently sized boxes. Also there are those people that put over 10K pieces in single structures.

join and do sm holidays at my home, I have to order my stuff to the tax…lol feel heartly invited Dude

Guys, looks like I’ve accidentally deleted google chrome from my laptop with that malware cleaner.

Why not download it again?

It messed up more than you think.

How bad?

do an [comp idiots hint, so my hint] update? lol hi @samuel_the_leader :space_invader:

Whatever it is, no plug.dj tonight.