[insert totally nifty topic here]

I’m pretty sure you don’t even need an account. I don’t know. I’m not gonna talk crap about it before seeing how it works out

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What does that mean?

it means spell check sucks. I meant about


Hi guys anybody online here right now? feel kinda lost…lol :sunglasses:

So, anyone that was in the so called LPU chat? How was it?

So in the chat, Lorenzo got an LPU fan to conduct the interview with Rob:

That LPU fan, she got the questions she wanted answered already written on a piece of paper, and most of the questions she asked were those last-minute questions from one or two days ago.

Congratulations @EvoOba, one of your questions was answered. She also had difficulty pronouncing your name. Unfortunately she did not ask the questions which have the most likes.

Here’s the link to what was the chat:

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Ohh Dayna? And I was wondering where those LA fans had been. Interesting, it was like an interview then?
I will watch the video when I get home, thanks!

As for which questions were asked, I’d prefer it if they were the most interesting ones (not based on likes) and not questions we already know the answers to (cause 99% of them were this type).

Not surprised about my name. Dave is the closest one to pronouncing it correctly. Joe is the only one that has nailed my full name and Mike my first name. lol

I am kinda disappointed in the questions picked, but I liked how the video chat went itself

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mhhhh, I´m already unsure, but feel kinda unsatisfied, dunno…:no_mouth:

HELLOO!!! where are all the LPUs ? complete silence

I’ve been here for a couple of hours but there’s nothing to reply to.

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im going to write something in some topics, so you can reply :smiley:

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HELLO @Spelling_Mistake @the_termin8r1 me´s here arived right now, whats up, what did the community thinks of LPU Q+A (they robbed our shoulder-topic lol :joy:

I wasn’t there so I can’t say

everything, chillin alone at home and listening Living things. how about you?

Surfing the net listening to One love revolution by Pillar

this forum is like the coolest place ever, i can say, im just listening to living things and peole understand what i am saying :smiley: makes me so happy

Why wouldn’t we?

LPU Soldiers sharing mostly the same worthes…lol
What did you guys thought was the best sit of your day? :+1:

i really dont know… you?