[insert totally nifty topic here]

Actually, it’s @Honey8 that causes most of it. :joy:


you got one more :stuck_out_tongue:

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No, I got 21 more. Lol

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then add more of today’s :roll_eyes:


@the_termin8r, though you might like this. Not custom designs, but I still thought they were cool


Soooo does anyone else thinks Scar from Lion King looks like Pennywise?

And also


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Not really sure where this belongs, so I’ll post it here.

Today I experienced the difference between a fairly hardcore cordless drill and a cordless impact driver. I’ve been helping my dad at work the past couple of days, he’s fixing some crappily built decking for a client. I had to drive some screws into the treated hardwood frame at one point, so I picked up the brushless Milwaukee drill. That drill is so powerful that it has sheared some decent screws clean in half (it’s capable of breaking your wrist if you don’t know what you’re doing) in the past.

Anyway, the drill was ok for maybe the first 20mm of the 50-60mm screw, by the time it was ~50mm in, the wood had nearly stopped it dead in its tracks, it only just managed to finish off the screw. For the next screw I decided to try the Milwaukee impact driver my dad had bought the other day. That thing drove the same screw through the same wood as if it was going through wax and not wood.

I know nobody here (apart from maybe @framos1792 :stuck_out_tongue: ) it going to understand a thing from what I just said, but it’s been a very long time since I was this surprised and impressed by something. The surprise came from the fact that the impact driver is so much smaller than the drill. On another note, that impact driver sounds like a GAU 8 Avenger (mounted to an A10 Thunderbolt) or an M61 Vulcan (mounted to an F4 Phantom).


Well described sound of it :joy::joy::joy:
Yeah, impact drivers are handy as hell!
I actually use it more for when I’m working on cars, attatch a 1/4 or 1/2” drive to it and the dies adapt, makes a breeze out of a lot of jobs where a “constant” torque by hand or drill just won’t get it done, the impact breaks the rust off the threads so yeah :grin:

The air compressed tools work even better just as an aside :upside_down_face:
Glad you’re enjoying the work! Though I can imagine you midway through the screw just forgetting to keep going on the work to inspect it-pops walks in and you’ve got his drill popped open :rofl::rofl:

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This :face_with_monocle:

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Never used the pneumatic type, I just know their reputation.

Nah, that doesn’t happen. He was over my shoulder at the time as well. I actually spent most of the day hammering rusty screws out of the hardwood decking, since the boards are good boards and still perfectly fine. He was working on the under frame for most of the time.

One hardcore power tool is more hardcore than another hardcore power tool.

I feel like getting hyped about power tools is something only a very specific bunch of people do. :joy:


Grease monkeys, yellow jackets, hard hats, tinkerers, aaaand grandpas :grimacing:

The fun starts when you find OOOOOLD drills :crazy_face:
We emptied out this one guys garage and he had them old ancient hand powered drills that are just a few gears and a handle :joy:
Coulda figured we found the holy grail like :open_mouth::astonished::star_struck::anguished:

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My dad gave me a manual drill to play with as a kid, it was some 12 or more years ago. No idea what happened to it.

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I told my little brother that’s what the dentist used in his mouth :grimacing:
Because the powered one was “dangerous”

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

On the topic of dentists’ tools. My sister was getting her milk teeth pulled once and the syringe for the anaesthetic was gigantic. The needle was only about 30mm, but the syringe itself was a solid 30cm. I still don’t know why it was so massive.

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:face_with_raised_eyebrow: What was inside it? Anaesthetic for an elephant??


No idea, it was only local anaesthetic.

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Actually I think I did for a change :smile:


Welcome back dear @georkost :tada::blush::heart::hugs:

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Thank you :sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart::dizzy::dizzy::dizzy::dizzy:how are you? :kissing_heart:

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:+1:t2: Well to good, moving houses atm :crazy_face: and today I’m in the eye of the hurricane :joy: completely calmness conquered me :heart_eyes:- just bathed and now I’m back in bed - you? How are you dear? And how have you been? :hugs::yellow_heart::kissing_heart:, hope you and your family doing good? How are the boys? All well?