HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

Good morning family I hope everything is going good with everyone. I’m okay just working alot to keep my bills up . How’s everyone doing with this virus going on. So far here in. Nj we haven’t shut down yet but it coming.


That’s probably because I haven’t sent anything to you yet. Gonna try asap

You’re welcome :hugs:

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@Linkineli Hey! Glad to read you are having so much fun on your holidays! Also, that kitty is so damn adorable!! :smiley:

I know right? But anyway, it’s ok now. You made it!! Whooo! Just a few assignments left, that’s great! I’m sure the next semesters will be just as good.

I\m not ready :frowning: I’m at work tomorrow and it is going to be boiling… ugh! I wish it rained a bit, parks are so dry and yellow, it’s sad.

Oh it will happen one day, believe me!

That’s good! Hope work won’t get too crazy for you.

OT: It’s been a busy couple of days for me but I get to relax today, was thinking of going to like Hampstead or something but it’s not that sunny and the heat is worse when it’s cloudy, not sure yet.
I got some vinyls in the mail today that I’m very excited about, I am now missing just Meteora and Collision Course to complete LP’s discography. Rare and expensive to get unfortunately (Paid about £90 for ATS and MTM). Other than that, having coffee for now before I do some chores around the house and maybe venture out for some grocery shopping.

Have a great day guys! :slight_smile:


Hey what’s up family! :heart:
Sorry for not beeing around that much :kissing_heart:

I was free today. It is bloody hot here!! :hot_face:
I went to see my mom today, went for a lunch together. It was lovely to spend time with her! :heart:
This evening i went on a diner with a friend of mine. It was great! :heart:
It was a good week to get my head together. I’ve been listening a lot of Mike’s new songs… the dropped frames.
I kind of like them. It’s very nice how he makes it! :hugs:

The next couple of days i need to work… and its gonna be very hot… let the sweat begin!!! :laughing:

How are you all doing?! Miss talking to you, but I’m just very busy :grimacing:

@HakManLP @anna834 @lpfan61 @LP13413 @lplove @zanybelle @theearlywalker @evooba @rickvanmeijel @raz7 and the rest i couldn’t tag… love you all! :heart: :heart: :heart: have a wonderful weekend! Enjoy time! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: a hug for all of you!



Always worse when you have to work :frowning: today was warm but at least it’s cooled down a bit now which makes sleeping a bit easier. From tomorrow it’ll be even hotter and stay warm overnight which is the worse. I’m dreading it :weary: (engage zombie mode!) @theearlywalker nope not going to be sleeping as it’s getting hot here for at least a week!

Hey drounzer nice to hear from you and I think we’re sharing the warm weather this week :ice_cream: Glad you’re having a good time with friends and family. Interesting to hear that you like Mike’s album, I guess some people must like listening to just instrumentals but I’m hoping this isn’t the future of his music projects :confused:


A bit late but OT - listening to Aesthetic Perfection before going sleep… (if you want to know the song, it’s called Angels and Kings… underrated and you guys have to listen to it :+1::smiley:)

From the chat, yes I’m still a bit godsmacked that I’ve chatted to Daniel… poor people at work have had to listen to me talk about him all day lol


Next time, it is the official livestream and have to ask me questions (which I’ve got already in mind)… plus he liked a few of my comments on the Discord server :+1::heart:


Walking so much for my new job but this heat is getting to me! Argh!


Hey all! Happy Friday!
Hoping all is going well :hugs:

Just saw the new LP post on Instagram and had to check out the website because… well it’s LP lol Love it :joy:

Lol next time I’ll just force it… "It’s from @anna834 damn it!!! :rofl: :rofl:

Just a quick post today, busy busy busy :sleepy:

Hoping you all have a wonderful day!!!


hello everybody and happy friday :partying_face:

hello dear :kissing_heart: poke you again - make some noise. What’s up?

hello dear :kissing_heart:
first of all: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :star_struck: :star_struck: what a cutie. More pictures please.
Hope your doing good these days and having some ‘cool time’ in this summer :sunglasses:

hello dear :kissing_heart: sure, that’s what a leader does, right? Like almost everyday I really enjoy to read your posting about them. Just gives me some good vibes.
Also, got some news: EMP make something on the 08.08.2020 which includes a special Rammstein thing. I think a special ‘Puppe shirt’ :heart_eyes:

hello buddy, here we go again :rofl: :grimacing: :crazy_face: no problem, take some time.
I’ve got a question for you: What’s next for you → studies? new job? Hopefully you’re alright :sunglasses:

hello dearbud or buds? :rofl: :kissing_heart: I don’t know, what is the ‘perfect funny’ thing now. Buds sounds like budweiser, I like that idea, but don’t know. I would love to join you too, but maybe the ‘money thing’ isn’t working for me now - sadly :worried:

hello twindear :kissing_heart:
can you send me the link to ‘b12’ . I think I didn’t noticed it. But anyway: I really like ‘Amends’. I don’t know what’s next for Mike and even Mark, but I think 'Dropped frames’is free for all and for charity? With ‘post traumatic’ Mike gave us really deep look into his soul after this loss. Maybe it’s time to looking forward - in the best positive way. I’m still positive about the future and I think the ‘next big thing’ will be ‘something Linking Park again’ :heart:

hello dear :kissing_heart:
‘short’ - :joy: :joy: I think easily over 300 KM. I know, you can’t know it, but you spoilered the WEP today :crazy_face: That’s so cool, that you posted something like this, from this song and from this music video :heart: :heart_eyes:
Also: ATTENTION! ATTENTION! ‘Peter’ is in the house tomorrow, so get ready for some ‘food and beer stuff’ and also on sunday. Maybe it’s gonna be like: Yeah, here’s food, there’s food :joy:

hello andy :relaxed: that’sgood to read buddy. ‘capri sun’ - those childhood memories :heart_eyes:

hello there :relaxed: Germany is doing ‘ok’ I guess, but we’ve got so many dumb people who are demostrate against ‘to wear a mask’. Yep, that’s no joke. Last weekend over 17k in Berlin :rage: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

hello dear :kissing_heart: yes, finally I made it trough this corona - semester. Damn, what a time. I think your positive thinking can ‘infect’ me, so I’m looking positive forward to it. How you’re doing with your assignments? And like you said already: WOOOOOO, semester end :partying_face: :partying_face:

hello buddy :relaxed: :kissing_heart: that’s so good to read from you again and that you’re enjoying the little things like some time with friends for dinner or with your mum. Keep that going, it’s also helpful! I’m doing pretty good these days and I really like the hot weather :sweat_smile: Gonna enjoy the semester end. Sending some special hugs back to you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

hello dear :kissing_heart: ‘keep cool thoughts’ :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :grimacing:

thank you sharing this buddy :heart_eyes: it’s amazing!!! So, I guess it’s for #HybridTheory20 :heart_eyes:

powerful and lovely tags to @AJ_7 @lpfan61 @lplove @melisLP @IronSoldier16 @anngelenee @chigokurosaki @Marilau @AngeDeLaChance1905 @Lilyope :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

let’s start the special WEP for Linkin Park - The Catalyst
The Catalyst (2) The Catalyst (5)
‘The Catalyst’ was released on August 2nd 2010 and was the first single for the ’ A thousand suns’ albums. It was premiered live on MTV :heart_eyes: It also marked another genre change and new experience for Linkin Park and these two oldschool papers were in some region avalaible. I really love them :heart_eyes:
The Catalyst (1)
Also the song had his own special cover - It’s still really cool, bc it’s that simple.
The Catalyst (3) The Catalyst (4)

besides all that cover and wallpaper stuff, what about the song and also what about the lyrics? After 10 years the lyrics are still so meaningful, especially in these times, bc ‘were still a broken people living under loaded gun’. And this gun is loaded with ‘extremists, rascism, hate, and especially with those corona denier’. After 10 years it’s still a banger and I really love this song :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

OT: So; friday time. Just 16 hours left before my #cheatweekend starts. Gonna spend saturday with my dad and one of my best friends, drinking a couple of beers, eating some very delicous food and gonna watch the ‘Uefa Championsleague’ match between my club FC Bayern Munich against Chelsea London. On Sunday it’s time for my father’s club Werder Bremen. They go against Eintracht Braunschweig in a test match.

Wishing everyone a good start into the weekend. Stay safe, spread love and stay kindful and awesome like YOU ALL ALWAYS DO! Love-hugs to everyone :heart:


It was positive for me too, yay us!!
Oh, I am technically done, unofficially graduated, just need the thesis’ mark to be announced to make it official (Unless it was so horrible and they fail me, but I’d like to think they won’t).

It’s great isn’t it? Can’t wait to see what they have in store for us.

OT: Convinced my manager to let me come home early today, whooo! Means I’m not at work boiling in this bloody heat.
Visited my friend for a quick iced coffee break and now I’m just going to chill at home, listen to some vinyls or whatever. I feel like I need to take it easy, I had this massive headache all morning and I bet it’s because of the weather.
It’s crazy to think that I was able to suffer through these high temps for 3-4 months in a row before and now I can barely stand 3 days… is it winter yet?!


Definitely no studies :joy: I’m looking for a job right now

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Yeah I like to listen to instrumental music. I also listen to a lot of LP music without Chester or Mike’s voice. Just the instruments and I like that alot. Then you hear more the little sounds they put in the songs, and Brad’s guitar play, and Dave’s bass lines. I’m always interested to explore a song, not just the lyrics but also the sound.

And when I need to relax, become zen… I listen to chill and relax music.
This playlist :point_down: I use it to become zen.

In the beginning I was confused when I was listening to Mike’s Dropped Frames albums, but the more I listen, the more respect I have for him. He gives us music to heal and to go on. But he makes his own music, very different sounds and style and that’s what I like/love a lot. Don’t stick to the same things, change, be different, be how you want it to be. And that’s what is does, (is doing). He makes music he likes to make, I guess and that’s what I respect, he does what he want to do. :v:

And I can understand that people don’t like it, it’s way different that LP, but I hear some sounds that he used in the LP songs. Specially on the Living Things album. Some sounds match.

You can have some of my heat… I don’t like it. Just give me 20 degrees and I’m happy. 30 is to much… :hot_face:
I’m a fried human… Sweating :face_vomiting: Arg… I love my airconditioning right now. And Im gonna take a cold shower… :shower:
Love you to bro! :heart: and hugs to you to! :hugs:
Hi my name is Jason, and I like warm hugs! :hugs: :rofl:



I think so already… just have to wait and see

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Good afternoon :sunny: :hot_face: :sunny:
Good morning over the pond :wave:

Wow! What a wise kid :star_struck: :heart_eyes: :grimacing: :crazy_face:

:joy: :joy: how considerable of you :rofl: can’t say that of others :triumph: :laughing: It’s oc my own fault, I could just switch it off, but yeah :woman_shrugging: :joy:
Looking forward to next week :heart_eyes: your heatwave already arrived :hot_face: :hugs: :yellow_heart:

Arrived :partying_face: loved it. Love your explanation, the way you interacte with the camera. It feels very personal and open, pulls me in. And the music makes me excited for more :heart_eyes: :star_struck:

We get it :kissing_heart: just check in, receive your hugs :hugs: :hugs: :two_hearts:

:partying_face: happy for you :hugs:

Hope it’s what you wanted :hugs: :black_heart:

:scream: :scream: I force hugs on no one. Don’t use me as an excuse! :triumph: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

:joy: :joy: it is the magic of this place. :woman_mage: :mage: ok, not us, way too old :laughing: and see, we even timed us here :eyes: [spoiler]wa had nothing to do with it :sunglasses:[/spoiler] great WEP and your plans! :partying_face: :beers: :poultry_leg:

@lpfan61 :muscle: :heart: :green_heart:

Just wanted to post some :muscle: :muscle: for you working in this f*** weather. Then I saw your pics :partying_face: enjoy, get better and strength for the weekend :hugs:

It’s hours later.
Got distracted by doesn’t matter.
Yeah, and my emotions boil over, like always. It’s now three in the morning, sleep won’t come. And I a least will send this, before I delate the whole thing.


It’s still evening here.

My Friday was very slow. It was so comfortable this morning that I didn’t want to get out of bed. It’s supposed to be a nice weekend, too. It rained a little tonight, so I wasn’t able to do much.

It’s been a month since our Independence Day and people are still shooting off fireworks.

I hope you all enjoy your weekend!


The preference time continues, I wrote 16 universities. What I wrote at the very beginning will probably come. I will work on engineering. :laughing: :laughing:

How is life going for you? :grinning: :grinning:


Please let it be winter again. I’m done for today! :sob: its so bloody damn hot… 35 dagrees. I’m melting away… :sweat:
Stay safe and healthy and drink enough water!! :potable_water: :muscle:
Have a wonderful weekend! :v:


Hi guys :sunny::sunny::sunny: Short walker check in…Been and still be buzzy all day- but almost there to start packing suitcases :partying_face::star_struck:

:flight_departure: our outbound flight is announced now 3 hrs later than it was scheduled normally for tomorrow - means 3 gifted hours :tada::tada::crazy_face::rofl:- I guess this should fit for us to get everything done :white_check_mark: in time :star_struck:.

I’m only glad and happy atm! Sending these positive vibes out to you all - stay as cool as possible in this heat soldiers :snowflake::snowflake: and stay strong :muscle:t2:

Big bonecrushers :hugs::hugs::hugs: :hugs: and love :heart: to @everybody :partying_face: and looking forward to meet up with you @anna834 :tada::partying_face::star_struck::heart::hugs:

Or: just eaten- going on now



One of my favourite tracks on Meteora is Session. I used to listen to this on repeat and actually find it strangely relaxing. To me, this is an incredibly talented piece of music and shows the combined efforts and skill of the band (you forgot about Mr Hahn’s mixing!). The music was unique and versatile in the 00’s and it wasn’t trying to be hip-hop or anything else. It was a pure amalgamation of musical styles in their best possible form. I also like the instrumentals on ATS although I find they’re too dark to “relax” to! A friend of mine tried to get me into instrumental songs but I can’t say they ever really appealed long-term. I mean I can listen to them but won’t go back. That’s why I need lyrics.

I can’t quite see the talent in purely electronically created music. I hope he plays piano on some tracks? I thought he was streaming music to help fans through lockdown and interact with people rather than to sell it. I would also hope he would have taken the time to add some vocals to some songs as a nice surprise for fans, it feels lazy not to have done this because that would have shown considerable time and thought. I’m not sure why this is being sold as it is.

Is Dropped Frames for free to download? Why is Amazon showing $7.99 to buy? I can’t find any reference to proceeds going to charity - but if this is true that would be great. A lot of artists are creating music for charity right now - it’s desperately needed! Unfortunately, trauma doesn’t fade after a few years. There is always positive messages especially for anyone suffering from depression or loss. I’ve said it before, but I would really like an album that focuses on reaffirming who you are and something people can connect to. That’s partly why I like Amends because the messages feel more relevant now listening back.

Awww! :hugs:


Watching Ripper Street and on the Aesthetic Perfection Discord… :+1: :grinning:

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