HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

Thought I saw your icon too!! But went away so I thought I was just going crazy :rofl::crazy_face:

Basically meant that she turned down the hug from me :joy:
Just gave me a look like ewwww Justin :joy::joy:
Basically how our relationship is

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I sure will! Enjoy your coffee and music too!

Awesome, hope it was a good one!

Itā€™s not that many of us right now to be fair but damn, it does feel like babysitting sometimes. It is crazy to me that some people canā€™t follow basic instructions and need constant reminders or whatever.
Itā€™s not really about being outstanding, I just do my job like I should, and Iā€™m glad I have my manager to support my decisions (and occasionally save my a** when I make a mistake, oops!). It just feels great when you know people donā€™t take you for granted and actually appreciate the efforts you put in (I had really bad work experiences before so this one now feels like heaven to me).

Iā€™m a shy person myself but not so much when a couple of pints kick in :wink:
@theearlywalker is awesome, donā€™t worry about it!

Stay positive! :slight_smile:


Guysā€¦ I may be chatting to Daniel soonā€¦ :no_mouth:
Lets say within the next few daysā€¦


Today was another very productive day at work. I found two baby mice in the building today - one I discovered under some furniture as we were cleaning out a classroom, the other one I found as I was shampooing a carpet. The second one was still alive, and I ended up chasing it into a data closet.

Tomorrowā€™s supposed to be a washout with a hurricane moving up the coast. Weā€™re never in the bullseye of any torrential storms, but weā€™ll often get some residual rain.


:sunny::sunny::sunny:Good morning family :sunny::sunny::sunny: raining almost continuously but I had no time to worry about it - as I told you guys, Iā€™m in the group at work atm where the kids live- which can not go home or have no home. Mostly teens 14-16 yrs old ā€¦ only one cutest lil girl ( definitely with a strong personality- definitely not an easy child- but sooo way too young to not be given a chance over and over again - yeah- so letā€™s say this: It was busy working :sweat_smile: felt in bed and slept almost immediately!! Today it goes on ā€¦ Iā€™ll keep you updatedā€¦

@evooba AWWW :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: TY :kissing_heart: You really touched my heart! I hope we can have a kind of meetup sometime soon- alltogether who really feel like! Really would like to meet up like in London 2017 :+1:t2: to meet you guys all again :blush: we should have sth like this in mind for after Corona! We should definitely ask Anna to join us! :grin: have a nice day in the kindergarden :joy::sweat_smile:

@anna834 just breathe deep when you feel unwell emotions- they tend to fly away with the wind. Itā€™s ok to feel unwell- Itā€™s a difference to meet in person- but yeah, it becomes one bit more personal - Letā€™s just collect an experience! and lol :joy: what comes after the testrun? :joy::hugs::hugs::yellow_heart: really try to not worry about this. I worry too- about wether traveling is still unrestricted on Sundayā€¦ or ā€¦ the opposite- I so pray :sunny::pray:t2::pray:t2::sunny: ā€¦

@raz7 awwww- :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I really feel your excitement :tada: whatever you guys plan- we send the best vibes over to you guys - keep us updated :+1:t2:

@justinkilmer :+1:t2::tada: sounds perfekt- itā€™s only about the awareness and the gesture! Happy you guys had a good time!

@alz89 how was it?

To @everybody have a good day guys :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::sunny: make the best out of the given situation :yellow_heart::hugs::sunny: Soldiers attitude :muscle:t2::yellow_heart::hugs:

Ot: :coffee:

@LP13413 Great you gave them a new home! :blush: hope the rain will help the farmers- here itā€™s appreciated :roll_eyes: not by me lol :joy: have a good goodnight Andy - cuddles for the boss :cat2:


Thereā€™s the answer in this question. Youā€™ll always find me on WA.

Thx for your doggy message!

Fine. Thx. Miss you too. Because of the bad weather today I finally found time to drop in.

@HakManLP thx for your pokes.

Hope you guys are fine. :hugs:


You as well? @theearlywalker and me didnā€™t either. Gonna look into this right now!

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I hope so too! Itā€™s been whatā€¦ 2 years since our last meet-up. We need another one. We need concerts to start happening again so we can travel all over! Haha, letā€™s see! Thanksā€¦ it was an ok day.

OT: It was a tough one at work, I was completely out of it since the early morning, mostly because I was really pissed off at my manager (we made up at the end of the day, so all good), but I feel so tired, and `I hope tomorrow wonā€™t be this bad. Letā€™s seeā€¦
Iā€™ll have a relaxing evening at home and try and sleep early if I canā€¦


Hi everyone! Trying to ketchup a bit, but i only have time for checking in real quick, iā€™m sorry for not really answering to anyone!:grimacing:
What i did notice is your twinsies look @anna834 and @justinkilmer :wink::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:love it!:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
@drounzer also good to read from youā€‹:hugs::hugs:
@HakManLP thank you as always for your WEP, know that i always appreciate it even when i donā€™t write anything specifically to it! :heart::heart::muscle:

Sorry again this is so shortā€‹:grimacing:but vacation keeps me busy, away from internet and my phoneā€‹:joy: itā€™s really beautiful so far. Last night we slept outside, in front of the house, with a beautiful night sky and nice sunriseā€‹:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Update: iā€™m soO late, i started this post, then got distracted again and never came back ooopsā€‹:see_no_evil::see_no_evil:

Haha, i love this picture, both standing there like two little school boysā€‹:laughing::heart:

Omg i often feel the same!:joy::grin: and then i really wanna stop laughing but as soon as i think of that it gets even harder to stopā€¦

Ot: still on my vacation, it feels so good to me, mentally and physically. The farm weā€™re all on is the best farm i can imagine, iā€™m gonna share pics when i have better internet. Yesterday the farmer gave us(me+my brothers+cousins) some work, we were cutting trees and just helping with other things, and heā€™s explaining so much to us and is so nice, i felt so happy the whole time working together with each other.
Heā€™s the kind of person you immedaitely feel comfortable with, and he respects and trusts us even though we consume his time, and thatā€™s one of the most refreshing things ever.(I mean we were here every year but now that everyone is old enough to actually help itā€™s even more fun.)
Also, spending time with my family and my two cousins i havent seen in a long time is so good, weā€™re outside almost all the time, itā€™s such a good feeling after spending so much time inside, and also my family i saw every day in the lockdown is so much more fun nowā€‹:sweat_smile::joy:, when everyone has more space, can just go outside or down to the lakeā€¦ and also things we did while quarantine feel better now, not in that bad, unproductive corona- vibe anymore.
Today it were almost catastrophic circumstances, sooo much rain, the farmer had to get up at night and open a gate at the ā€œsmallā€(now huge) river so the buildings near by wouldnā€™t get flooded. But i hope tomorrowā€™s gonna be betteršŸ˜¬
Also, at the weekend my mum and i were visiting our new cat from an animal shelter somewhere outside of munich, heā€™s 5 weeks old and sooooo cuteā€‹:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:
Iā€™m so looking forward to taking him home in a few weeks/ some months!

Sending hugs and peaceful vibes to everyoneā€‹:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:


:sunny::sunny::sunny: good morning family :sunny::sunny::sunny: Great news: my daughter has an internship :tada::tada::confetti_ball::sunny::crazy_face::sunglasses::gift::balloon: :dancer: :dancer: :beers: :notes: yaaay :tada: - I feel so relievedā€¦

Hump day- three days to go!! Then we can finally start into our holidays- and pack the suitcases to fly to Hamburg - I decided to be optimistic :grin: :sunny::tada:

@Linkineli how cute :heart_eyes: how great you get a new family memberā€¦ Enjoy the holidays :sunny::sunny:

@evooba sending strengthā€¦ :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::sunny: take care!

@anna834 :hugs::yellow_heart::sunny::sunny::muscle:t2: busy?! Sending you hugs :hugs:

@anomalia :+1:t2::sunny::hugs:

@rickvanmeijel ty- and Iā€™m curious- gonna check the song today :tada::sunglasses: :notes:

Ot: :coffee:

@LP13413 everything ok over there? The news showed some pics from the hurricaneā€¦ :scream: hope you and your family are ok? The boss? However- have a good nights rest :zzz:

:hugs::sunny: Be different soldiers - take care everybody :heart::sunny::hugs:


hello everybody and happy wednesday :partying_face: just 3 more days

wishing you a good rest of the week - head and chin up :kissing_heart:

hello dear :kissing_heart: thank you for tagging me on the newest photos of him. Heā€™s such a ā€˜cool boyā€™ right? To cool for cutie photos :joy: :heart_eyes:

hello dear :kissing_heart: urgh, what a dumb person. Im germany we say:If you can drink, you can also work! Deal with it! :laughing:
Fingers crossed for your thesis. Today is the last online seminar day for this semester and after that, only 3 1/4 assignments left till end of the year, so Iā€™m looking positive for the next semesters :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

hello buddy :relaxed: yes, weā€™re on a race in here, bc we all want weekend :joy:
This soundtrack list made me so hyped for these two games - just for the good old child memories :heart_eyes:

hello dear :kissing_heart: but Iā€™m a kind person also without some concert stuffā€¦ :crazy_face: :joy: :nerd_face: I wanna join you two, would be awesome :heart_eyes:
Hopefully youā€™re doing better after this ā€˜sh*tā€™ happened with your work, your bosses and all this negative stuff - special hugs to you :heart:

hello andy - oh nooooo :scream: hopefully youā€™re safe?

hello dear :kissing_heart: youā€™re always welcome -Iā€™m doing good these days and looking for some new discussions and positive exchanges with you all :relaxed: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: What are you doing these days in your free time?

wild rickvanmeijel appeared in this topic - must be tagged :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue: :yum: Thanks for tagging me in your thread buddy, I appreciate it very much :pray:t2:

hello dear :kissing_heart: thank your for your feedback on my wep - itā€™s absolutely ok. ENJOY YOUR VACATION and take some awesome photos for us :heart_eyes: :heart:

hello dearbud :kissing_heart: no tagging especially for me? :sob: :scream: whereā€™s the love gone? :joy: :rofl: just kidding
Congrats on that, these are very good news. Take care of yourself too and like I wrote to anna, I wish I could be a part of your meet-up :disappointed_relieved:

Ps: Iā€™m always a ā€˜different soldierā€™ :nerd_face:

hello dear :kissing_heart: so youā€™ve got a good day at your new job? Sounds very good and you deserve it. Still wishing you all the best for it :sunglasses: :grimacing:

powerful and lovely tags to @Lilyope @anngelenee @drounzer @AJ_7 @zanybelle @lplove @lpfan61 @melisLP @IronSoldier16 @AngeDeLaChance1905 :relaxed: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

OT: drinking coffee and preparing for the last online seminar for this semester :sunglasses: :muscle:t2:

Wishing everybody a good day and stay safe & healthy :heart:


Yep, definitely a cool boyā€¦ but he loves the other cats and us as well

The chat with Daniel could be happening very soonā€¦ (or sooner than what you might think) :wink:


Certainly only if Iā€™m tagged :joy: Sometimes I do check in by myself, but most of the time this thread just contains too much to keep up with. Thanks anyway!


The chat will be happening soonā€¦ :wink:

Special hugging :hugs: love :heart: post to @HakManLP :sunny::yellow_heart::hugs: the love remains forever- and why donā€™t you join @anna834 :hugs::heart: and me?!! :tada:

@rickvanmeijel thank youuuu :tada::yellow_heart::hugs:

@LP13413 you ok??


I would be happy with 7 hours. I can never nap during the day - need darkness :bat:

Getting hot again from Friday :hot_face:

Just B12 - Iā€™m sure you got it a while ago! :slight_smile:

Iā€™m sure many young fans do take interest in meaningful lyrics, but maybe they are less ā€œemoā€ compared to 20 years ago? However if you look at the increase in mental health illness in society I believe these feelings are just hidden because everyone wants to see happy images, which are often false. If people were more open and honest then perhaps people could find solace and actually talk about their problems and worries. It was obviously fun for fans to listen to Mike stream however I have no idea why he would sell this unless itā€™s for charity as Mark Hoppus has done. He should create meaningful music, especially given his own dark experiences, and something to show his social-minded beliefs perhaps. I would hope young fans and old would appreciate and welcome this.

Soundtrack: Movements: Donā€™t Give Up Your Ghost :musical_note:


So, lets start some post :innocent:

Going to? :thinking:

But, buuut, but it was my hug :pleading_face:
.:crazy_face: :joy:

:partying_face: lets go with the pints then. :crazy_face:

It just turned way too hot for me and should stay that way, so donā€™t worry :beach_umbrella: :sunny:
It will be all fine, and we will have a great time, maybe using Evas pint suggestion. :joy:
Jk not when Iā€™m driving. :muscle:

See @HakManLP short trip up north :joy:

:partying_face: :partying_face: works the other way around too :kissing_heart: :crazy_face:
You get more dog stuff for sure :stuck_out_tongue:

Till now, still nothing :woman_shrugging:

:scream: :scream: a red one :heart_eyes: ooohhhh is he cuuuute. Canā€™t wait on updates. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Looks like @LP13413 s Thurman is godgranddad :joy:

Wish you luck :crossed_fingers:

:expressionless: :zipper_mouth_face: :crazy_face: :rooster:



@theearlywalker @HakManLP Allā€™s good here! As expected, all we received was rain all day yesterday.

Today was another slow day at work. We started our day checking faucets and sinks and drinking fountains to make sure water was running through everything properly. On my travels I found this.

DSCN3737 DSCN3726 DSCN3732

Itā€™s empty, and it expired in August 2009.

Hereā€™s also some things students have hung around the school over the years.

DSCN3734 DSCN3735 DSCN3736


OKā€¦ so had the chatā€¦ Daniel was with us for around 10 minutes then had to shoot off and make a phone call with one of his live band matesā€¦ but to hear him live and speaking to us was just WOWā€¦ and although it was a test, it was an amazing experienceā€¦ and one of the best experiences to have with a musicianā€¦ especially when we can see each other face to face

Hopefully, we can do the first official one soonā€¦ :heart::+1:


:sunny::sunny: good morning :sunny::sunny: oh happy days :notes: - Iā€™m really relaxed and glad atmā€¦:tada::hugs::yellow_heart: and I decided to enjoy this moment as good as it feelsā€¦ :sunny::sunny::sunny: Sooo- let me send out good vibes :sunny::yellow_heart::yellow_heart: to you all- no matter in what phases of your life you are atm- no matter how hard you maybe suffer rn- or when youā€™re exhausted due to buzzy daysā€¦ :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2:ā€¦ donā€™t worry and sufferā€¦

Check in here with us! Youā€™re not alone- :hugs::hugs::yellow_heart::sunny::muscle:t2: You matter! We alltogether make a difference! Letā€™s always be aware :muscle:t2::sunny::yellow_heart::hugs::hugs: - and in this spirit I wish you all the best day possible :hugs::yellow_heart::yellow_heart::sunny::sunny:

@raz7 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:- so happy for you!! Enjoy the process! :tada:

@anna834 :crazy_face: :chicken: Cool that the weather Seems to turn out to be sunny :sunny: - and a short english language thing: wether ( ob) and weather as you used it in your post are two different things- see the spellingā€¦ itā€™s something I learned only a few weeks back - :joy: and wanted to share this knowledge with you :grin:- so - but the weather forecast INDEED :tada::tada: make me sooo happy :partying_face::star_struck::heart_eyes:! Would want to msg you already quiete often on WA- but I expect you to sleep mostly this early :zzz: wouldnā€™t want to wake you up this early in your holidays :grin::hugs::yellow_heart: however- keep the zipper open :crazy_face: :chicken: :hugs::heart::muscle:t2: stay strong :muscle:t2::muscle:t2: and take care !
@HakManLP lol :joy: alright- let me suggest Buds then?! When budda donā€™t fit? ( aaaand ofc- I meant the relation to his mental strength-) but yeah- Buds would fit good too :joy::sweat_smile:

@evooba stay strong :muscle:t2:

@zanybelle hope you can sleep longer again- :hugs:

Ot :coffee:

@LP13413 god bless!! And lol- my boss saw a mouse yesterday- she was almost immediately paranoid :crazy_face: however- nice quotes from the students- there are kids with brain outside still :pray:t2::+1:t2: sleep good Andy :sleeping: