HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

Hey guys, girls included,

Oh, dang, you can’t grasp how badly I need this! :metal::sob: :sob: going out, dancing, loud music, getting my fricking mind switched off!!! :tired_face:

Thank you, also for the art! Perfect WEP :hugs: :green_heart:

Looking forward :heart_eyes_cat:

Reading this, I had to laugh out loud :joy: Sorry :grimacing:
So, you sence stress, anger, bad mood in others and immediately blame yourself for it? That’s so me. :joy: :crazy_face:
Strength for the weekend :muscle::hugs:

:flushed: I sure have this two mes. But till now, they altenat each other. To think, they are here at the same time :exploding_head: probably battling then :crossed_swords: sounds fun :crazy_face:
Not really :see_no_evil:
And sure, all fingers crossed! :hugs: :yellow_heart:

@lpfan61 keep it up :muscle: :hugs: :green_heart: :heart:


@drounzer :hugs: :heart:

@anomalia what’s up with you? :hugs: :green_heart:

scraping silicone residue from the bathroom wall, correcting writing, other paperwork… :yawning_face:
I’m so edgy. It is Sunday evening! How much I would love to go to my regular bar. Drink a beer, talk nonsense with the guys. :beers:
But the bar is still closed, the owner high risk. :confounded:
There are bigger bars open again. But I needed till last year just to go into this one. Going into a new one, knowing no one… with social distancing and mask? Sigh. Yeah, a little yammering :joy:
And I know, worse things happen right now :pensive:

Strength to all of you! :muscle: :hugs: :green_heart:



Thanks for yours too and your honesty, I always enjoy hearing from you. It’s good to be able to relate to someone about these things as well as taste in music :relaxed: :hugs:

The kitten was a bit naughty when I was watching him especially because he felt his family were gone. Here he is sulking:


Then I let him outside for a while and he seemed happier:


How about your days off? Do you have any venues open like cinema or theatres? Some are open here but also some are closing again so not sure what’s happening here.

Yes, age is a factor with bands although I feel OML was very much for a younger audience and Mike’s new stuff feels like it’s for the kids. I felt HT and M were very mature in topic and actually dealt more honestly with mental health issues compared to anything since. In the opposite way Blink and Sum have matured from that very jokey, sarcastic vibe to a bit more real which makes perfect sense. So yeah, it’s a strange world.

Haha this made me laugh! I feel you bro :love_you_gesture:

This is lovely to see! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: you should post this on my Amends thread under Music because not enough people are discussing the album! :laughing: Personally I love B12. Did you get the free download? It’s a damn fine tune. Feels very much like OSC in some ways. I love Chester’s voice on this track.

Brilliant artwork! Love this album so much :heart:

In other news, my body has decided it only needs a few hours sleep lately… and I’m feeling knackered! Sleep affects everything else in life, really makes the world distorted and emotions become less real. I just wanted to say that.

Soundtrack: Foo Fighters: My Hero. :heart:


Thank you! It was actually a pretty good day! :slight_smile: How did gardening go?

Unfortunately, this is what we go through almost every day. It is the reason why the both of us cannot be off at the same or even leave early sometimes, something always happens. Truth be told though, it has got better, it used to be way worse.
Yeah, I do, especially with the people I know very well, I can tell just from a text what’s really up. It is scary sometimes…

I would join you for a beer at the pub if I could!

I get about 6 to 7 hours of sleep every night, used to it by now but the last couple of nights have been hard, the heat is not helping!

OT: So, last night, I finished writing my thesis (like the essay, I still need to format it and do the citing etc) and guys… I freaking deleted the document by accident. It was late and I was 110% sure I had saved it a million of times but when I tried opening it again it was just GONE. Needless to say I spent about 40min crying and shouting at my laptop and myself for being an idiot. About an hour later, my flatmate’s tries to recover the unsaved document were unsuccessful and I decided that I was basically doomed. So I opened my laptop to begin writing again and the document was just there, out of the blue. I don’t even know what happened… I am just super glad it was indeed saved.

In other news, I had a decent day at work, had a few laughs with people (I worked with people that actually have a brain today) and pulled through it. Had to sit my manager down and calm him down for a sec cause he was stressing about everything and made me stress as well but he’s all happy now. Arsenal (his favourite team) just won the FA cup apparently.

Let’s see how tomorrow goes… hope you guys have a lovely weekend :slight_smile:


Yeah, the heat last night caused me to wake up a few times so I’m much worse for wear today. 7 hours is good and tonight should be cooler. The weather man yesterday called the weather “oppressive” as 36+ is just plain uncomfortable for any normal human! Tomasz rocks!

Wow a computer glitch ghost! :ghost: Glad you found it :slight_smile: Good luck with your submission you’ll do great :+1:


Good afternoon everyone I’m home form work and i just getting ready to cook dinner. I hope everyone is going good with all of you guys


After sleeping in this morning, I spent most of my humid Saturday with the cat. I just spent the last hour or so out on my bike.

There’s unfavorable weather in the forecast tomorrow, so it’ll be another inside day.

I hope the weekend’s treating everybody well!



:sunny::sunny:Good morning family :sunny::sunny: Sunday - the weather looks a bit rainy and it’s very windy- already hearing thunders from afar…

Time to open up all windows :wind_face: and get fresh air inside the room :dash: hope you all have a great Sunday :sunny::sunny:

@evooba :scream::scream::scream: omg how horrible wonderful :crazy_face: while reading your post I was really getting nervous :worried:- good writing skills :muscle:t2::yellow_heart::hugs: needless to say how happy I am you “automatically -misteriously - luckily” got the files back :pray:t2::rainbow::grinning: Have a good day and only nice clients!

@zanybelle I’m the same- 7-8hrs is enough atm for me too! So I try to use the productive time efficiently :crazy_face::sweat_smile: and when I feel like, I just make nap :stuck_out_tongue::joy: :zzz:- that works for me :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

@anna834 lol :joy: edgy? It’s Corona dear !! Otherwise you would be out somewhere meeting people- so for now we’re all reduced somehow on our virtual contacts! And yeah- I really feel connected- and maybe we should make a party plug session with chips and beer?! :joy: maybe it comes to happen?! Aaaaaand: if all goes good we meet very soon in person :grin: we sure have a beer together! Or coffee :coffee: or whatever we like :blush:- … and they would battle??? Kick them ass and call them to shut up!! :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::hugs::hugs:

@AngeDeLaChance1905 hugs to you - @AJ_7 ty :heart: nice you checked in :grin: :hugs::yellow_heart::sunny:

Further :hugs::yellow_heart::muscle:t2::kissing_closed_eyes: to you all guys @everybody Stay strong :muscle:t2: :yellow_heart::sunny: and enjoy the good moments :smiley: each and every day :sunny::sunny::sunny:

Ot: slow start of a Sunday :coffee: :notes: and :iphone: :joy:… that’s me atm :grinning:

fc goodnight Thurman :star_struck: great to find you so cute looking when opening the thread :partying_face: hope Andy played great cat games with you?! @LP13413 good goodnight :sleeping: Andy


Just printing off pages for work tomorrow as well as chatting on Discord… (Daniel has had a final decision - he spoke to the provider and they… laughed at him. They said that he could spend as much money but still won’t get better internet so it looks like livestreams are out of the question for now in case anything changes. I don’t know about the video chat but if the internet is still bad, :woman_shrugging:)

Otherwise, that other “thing” he’s got planned is still going along… yay


Thank you dear

I am enjoying my Sunday morning with coffee , music and friends, and glad I didn’t work today lol


@HakManLP Yes, i’m in Normandy for a few days.

I spent last 3/4 days to my father’s house. It was great, we played board games, did a barbecue, went out to walk a bit with my aunt. I reaĺly enjoyed it.

Today i went to my grandma’s house. It’s not the same ambiance at all. Lunch times are always complicated at my grandma’s house because of my “so weird” family. I will try to bear these parts of days as much as I can and just go outside a lot. I don’t know yet when i will go back home by train, i’ll be back to work in one and half week.

Hope you’re all doing good, have a nice day / evening / night :hugs::purple_heart:


Had enough annoying stuff.
Buuut I finished the last correction on my second book. It’s time to give my baby out of my hands, send it to the publisher and editorial. :partying_face:
After I decided I celebrate in going drunk with withe wine spritzer and strawberries in rum. :blush:
At seven (evening) I woke up my son and offered to order pizza.
He was in on it.
While we waited, he made us blueberry banana milkshake with rum.


He made fun how little it takes to get me so drunk :flushed: :laughing: and we had really fun. Probably said some things, I regret tomorrow. On the other side, fuck it, he is an adult now.
Then the pizza came and everyone got watching his own stuff. For me some romantic comedy. :blush:

Take care you all! :hugs: :green_heart:



Uh, oh, don’t want to forget someone



:sunny::sunny: good morning family :sunny::sunny: Monday again- my working week starts today- so I’m up on the usual time. Weekend was ok, nothing special- no catastrophes :grin: hope everybody is well! Have a good start into the new week! Stay strong soldiers :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::sunny::sunny: we are together in this situation! Take care :yellow_heart::hugs:

@Lilyope enjoy your vacation at its best - Going out for walks sounds perfect!

@anna834 happy you had a good time with your son! Congratulations :champagne: for ending the work on your second book! Enjoy the moment :tada::sunny::yellow_heart::hugs:

@StephLP18 thanx dear! :hugs::hugs::yellow_heart: sounds like a cool Sunday ! You so deserve this!! Good start into the new week :grin:

@raz7 keeping my fingers crossed for a good solution for the internet case!! :crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2:

Hugs to @everybody - have a good Monday guys! :sunny::yellow_heart::hugs:

Ot: :coffee:

Good goodnight Andy :grinning: @LP13413


These temperatures are just too high for England, even I feel like dying and I’m supposed to be used to them.

Me too! Haha :slight_smile:

Awesome, congrats!! :smiley:

OT: Yesterday was a tough one at work, a member of staff didn’t show up and we were so damn busy, I was so tired by the end of the day.
Today I am off, just finishing up my thesis before I submit later today.

Have a good start to your week guys!


hello everybody and happy monday :blush:

hello dear :kissing_heart: that sounds great with the happy ending and sure I’m looking forward to some new pictures. So Squeaks is shy? I thought he’s the ‘leading boss’ but maybe he gives a damn about pictures :joy:

hello dear :kissing_heart: Weekend was very good and just check up around here. Good luck with your thesis, keep going and don’t let these ‘negative things’, like in your latest postings, get stuck in your head! Hopefully it isn’t Covid 19 for the guy, who didn’t showed up? :scream:

hello dearbud :kissing_heart: cheating was very godd, but I’m not look like ‘buddha’ anymore :joy: I think ‘budda’ would sound too strange for me :sweat_smile: Thanks for the feedback for the WEP, wishing you a good start :heart:

hello dear :kissing_heart:, I’m doing good and weekend was good too. What are you gonna study? :relaxed:

hello dear :kissing_heart: yeah, need this too - My last concert was at the beginning of march. Damn I need concerts, but health is more important! Thanks for the feedback on my WEP :heart_eyes:
Also: SOOOOOO MANY CONGRATS for your second book and you deserved this massive pizza, ‘souldfood’ and a couple of drinks. Sometimes you’ve to take a break and do just ‘Gönnung’ :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :grimacing: :sunglasses: :metal:t2:

hello twindear :kissing_heart: maybe it’s a strange world, but besides that: OML and all the lyrics on it are very ‘heavy’ (word joke not intended :sweat_smile:) but the sound is often a new sound. If I’m chatting with younger fans on my Instagram account they’re not into that lyrics things anymore. I love what Mike’s doing during Covid 19 era, but the ‘music’ isn’t also for me. But that isn’t a problem for me, I’ve got enough music from him :grimacing:
free download for amends? Where? :scream:
thank you for your feedback and awesome soundtrack :blush: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

hello buddy :metal:t2: :heart: exactly this. Thanks for sharing this, sometimes I’m just reading the ‘most popular’ words from him.I’m almost 30 and I feel like that I’m that teenager again to feel finally connected to everything :heart: :pray:t2:

hello :relaxed: Yes, I’m doing good - how about you?

hello andy :sunglasses: :blush: :metal:t2:
Weekend was very good - hopefully yours too? Thanks for sharing a new picture of Thurman. Makes me smile :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

hello dear :kissing_heart: Working on sunday? Urgh, I would be totally wasted :sweat_smile:
Hopefully your sunday was very good :blush:

hello dear :kissing_heart: beautiful place also with the very good weather. Sounds you have great holidays and now I want some barbecue too :joy: Enjoy your vacation - you deserve it! :metal:t2: :pray:t2: :heart:

powerful and lovely tags to @Linkineli @lplove @lpfan61 @anomalia @anngelenee @melisLP @IronSoldier16 @chigokurosaki @AJ_7 @Marilau :pray:t2: :metal:t2: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

listening to KoRn - Untitled album and

Wishing everyone a good start into the week :heart: :metal:t2:


Thank you dear

And I hope you have a great day at work sending strength and hugs your way

He is the leading boss but likes to be on his own as well but when he wants attention, he’ll get that attention :+1::heart:

OT - Watching TV

1 Like

Thanks! :slight_smile:

No, the girl that didn’t show up was just hangover cause she had a party the night before at her house. I was so pissed off because she lied about the reason why and tried to cover it up. It’s so frustrating. I gave her a talking to over the phone and my manager did as well today in person.

OT: My thesis is now officially done and submitted. Thank you guys for putting up with my constant complains and stress and sending me strength, I appreciate it! :heart:

I’m chilling at home listening to Mike’s Dropped Frames Vol. 2 right now and drinking some coffee (surprisingly only my 2nd one today). My flatmate left earlier, she’s going back home for 10 days so I have the house to myself. I guess a lot of loud music/guitar will be played the next few days :joy:


Hey all!! Happy Monday!

Hoping everyone had a great weekend!

:joy: :joy: :joy:
I’m going to say we both aged well! I feel like that’s the best answer!
Attempted the hug… shot down :rofl: :rofl:

Thanks! Will do when we go! :+1: :+1:
I did check it out this past weekend! Just makes me so excited! Damn it get here faster :rofl:

Thanks! Wasn’t too bad! Didn’t overly celebrate but we did spend time together and go out to have a nice dinner :smile:
Thinking because we are probably going to spend a decent amount for the 1-year wedding :joy: but hey gotta do that sometimes right?

Enjoy the coffee and loud music! :joy: :metal:

Woo!!! :tada::tada: Happy to hear you got it done! :grin:

OT: Well like @evooba I’m also on my second cup of coffee, loud music is being contained to headphones (and I guess not super loud so I can still hear what’s going on around me lol)
I hope you all have yourselves a great start to the week!!
Positive vibes to all! :hugs: :hugs:


Chilling after my first day at my new job!


Good evening :relaxed:
And good day over the pond :sunny:
@Honey8 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: You know, I hold you tight :hugs: :green_heart:

Really no putting up at all! :muscle: :hugs:
Your last entry even made me laugh :see_no_evil:
Not about you. But when things get to catastrophic, laughing seems sometimes the only thing left. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Yeah, I know, strange humour :woman_facepalming: I had strange looks and comments, telling about awful things happening to me, laughing hysterical with it. :crazy_face:

Fascinating that you still find the strength to work with so many people. It’s one reason, why I stay away from people so much. Always feeling when something going on, working to solve it. Probably makes you outstanding good in your job too. This is exhausting, so be kind on yourself :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
And yeah, would love to drink a beer in a pub with you. At least in theory. In real, I would probably be totally shy, embarrassed and silent. :joy:

So, I go for a test run with @theearlywalker soon. :joy: really looking forward to it and try not to be scared :hugs: :yellow_heart: :green_heart:

At least I had my meet with @HakManLP already. :hugs: :heart: But being in front row on a concert :partying_face: makes this that much easier :rofl:


You really think so? :joy:
What’s a normal family anyway?
Sure not us all :crazy_face:

Right? @justinkilmer :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Saw you :eyes:

What do you mean by this? :thinking:

Put into translation. Seems to be very American :sunglasses:

@intheend I’m late, sorry. But thanks for the Mike twitch invitation. If my brother wasn’t visiting for just that night, I would have considered. Even so I still shy away of new places. On the other side, watching your comments, probably always worth it. :smiling_imp: :joy: :hugs:

@IronSoldier16 Buenos días und einen guten Tag :hugs:

@anomalia :point_right: I have to come with more dog stuff on you :dog: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@raz7 :hugs: :heart:

@rickvanmeijel didn’t get this mail :thinking: :hugs:

@alz89 see you :eyes::hugs:

Ok, if I stay here any longer, I can continue yelling “see you!” On people on end.

Had some misunderstanding and disagreement with some of my bosses, correct word clients. I am a self-employed shepherd after all. It just annoys me like hell, when they imply, that I earn so much money. I’m not employed. So they don’t have to pay free days, holidays, sick days. I use my own car, my own working dogs. I do a hell of a good job, still am not self sufficient for my family.
Oh, and the new shepherd of the island run off again. Just I can’t right now, just can’t. Have other obligations.
And then I start crying on the phone :woman_facepalming: we sorted it out. Buuut it exhausts me so much.
Even consider to stop this shit! Go just jobbing. Be at home after work, getting payed by hour, have helth and pension insurance.
Ok, urg, sorry for yammering.
I know what a lucky bastard I am to live in such a rich country, that provides so much help for people like me.

This is for me and everyone who feels spoken to.


:hugs: :green_heart: