HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)


Hello dear :grin:

I wish you a happy week :heart::smiley:

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Hey all!
Happy Monday!

Iā€™m hoping you all had a good weekend, now back to the grindā€¦ woo?

I had a fairly busy weekend but thatā€™s alright!
Got to go out for dinner with a few friends on Saturday and at least pretend that life is a bit more normal :joy:
On Sunday I was helping my parents put new flooring in, and log story short after struggling with it for a few hours my dad basically said F*ck it and is selling it/getting more expensive flooring that will be easier to put down. Donā€™t blame him after basically getting have of the room done and then having to take it all apart 4 times do to some issue with the floor. so we will see what happens next :thinking:

Otherwise I tried to relax where I could, definitely feeling it this morning when I woke up a bit sore :joy:

Other than that all I have to look forward to is that my 6 year anniversary with Brianna (Dating) is this Saturday :exploding_head: Crazy itā€™s already 6 years!! and our 1 year Wedding is coming up in September! We have set up a mini week Vacation so we have relax and enjoy!

Hoping you all are having a great day! and positive vibes/hugs to everyone!! :hugs: :hugs:


As I arrived, I had Pizza with my son :yum:
After, I did fall asleep, still dressed, slept 12 hours.
Yeah, and today was unpacking, paperwork (still the trouble with the dog taxes, time to involve a lawyer what my uncle luckily is).
Iā€™m a little mehh. But finding my Linkin Park stuff has arrived is awesome.
Wearing this in the shop, the salesgirl said you to me, in German you say they to a grown up. This didnā€™t happen to me in years. :laughing:



Ah, and they took down the tree in front of my window :cry:


:hugs: :green_heart:


Weā€™ve got the original owners for Ozzy and Axel around for a drinkā€¦ :heart_eyes:, (which are doing extremely well back in our hands)

(Discord news - I am now a mod on the AP Discord server) :+1:


Iā€™m ready to recharge tomorrow on my day off. Still have work to do on my thesis thoughā€¦
Ah, you can do it! Youā€™re almost there! :smiley:

That sounds amazing! Glad you managed to relax even for a bit.

OT: Had crazy days at workā€¦ yesterday was ok-ish and today just killed me, I had enough. My manager joked with me about something (work related) at some point and I took it so seriously (and combined with my tiredness and stress) I started crying and he was terrified! He felt so bad after (and I felt horrible for crying in the first place) but we sorted it. Iā€™m just all over the place lately.
I did manage to go to my friendā€™s bday for a couple of hours yesterday after work. Had some food and drinks and then played lots of music, it was fun!

I am thankfully off tomorrow so Iā€™m hoping to sleep a bit more and maybe finish my thesis? Weā€™ll see.


Managed to listen to this on FB and it was a good cover, but I prefer Dream Stateā€™s version. Something about British singers on this song really appeals to me, must be why they chose Oli for Hollywood Bowlā€¦

This song will never age. :heart:

I often see the comments about Tom rejoining the band but I really love Mattā€™s voice. It is stunning. Doesnā€™t seem to be many funny punk bands around now even Sum are more serious now wouldnā€™t you say? Either that or we getting old :joy:


Yeah, Iā€™m good just sitting at home with my twisted foot :stuck_out_tongue: itā€™s almost healed so I hope Iā€™m going back to work in this week (Iā€™m freaking out at home) and you? Any vacation plans?

Iā€™m going back almost ever single day in some threads :stuck_out_tongue: How are you?

Have a good day everyone :sunny:


:sunny::sunny: good morning family :sunny::sunny: heat wave announced and guys :partying_face::star_struck: when I gave water to the plants out there- I created a double rainbow :rainbow: :rainbow: in the air by the aerosol of the water - guys? It was magic :heart::heart: my moment of the day!

Take care soldiers! Infection rates increasing againā€¦ stay healthy everybody :hugs::yellow_heart: and strong :muscle:t2: ofc

@evooba I so know this- when the tension and pressure gets up- this could happen to me anytime too!! Iā€™m sorry that you felt bad :kissing_closed_eyes::hugs: However- today is your day off!! Good work/life balance for today! I know youā€™ll make it- btw thought of you when the double rainbow appeared today :hugs::hugs::hugs: bonecrushers :bangbang:

@justinkilmer woah- a year already?? :open_mouth: so fast a year goes byā€¦ :cyclone: And ofc happy 6. anniversary :heart::tada:

@anna834 belated welcome home :hugs::yellow_heart: - and woah?? The earplugs??? WHERE??? #MUSTHAVE :heart_eyes::heart:

@anngelenee oh sighā€¦ :hugs::hugs: didnā€™t knew about your twisted ancle?! Speedy recovery :hugs::hugs::muscle:t2::+1:t2::crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2:

@raz7 yaaay :tada::tada: youā€™re a mod :confetti_ball: so happy for you :hugs::yellow_heart: congratulations :champagne:

@anomalia :muscle:t2::yellow_heart::hugs:@HakManLP :sunny::yellow_heart::hugs: @AJ_7 :heart::hugs: @drounzer :muscle:t2::sunny::hugs: and AngeDeLaChance1905 quick tight hugs to you guys :hugs::yellow_heart::heart::sunny::sunny:

Stay strong family :muscle:t2::muscle:t2: everybody

Ot: routines

@lp13413 good morning Andy :sunny::sunny::sunny:


Good morning everyone!
Iā€™m enjoying my time with lil niece and want to share with you this happiness :blush: :heart: Todayā€™s her first birthday! :heart_eyes: :heart: Thank you all for supporting me in the hard times :blush: :heart:
Sending sunshine hugs to you all! :blush: :sun_with_face: :heart: :hugs:


Awwww :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: enjoy and kiss her sweet cheeks from me :kiss:

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Your earrings are so beautiful :heart_eyes:

@theearlywalker stay strong dear :grinning:

Thank you! I now have partial control of the AP server, (adding, deleting people (if necessary with permission by Daniel of course) and to announce things). Itā€™s nothing much but further chances of having the first video chat with him as a test before we put it for all of the patreonsā€¦ :+1:

Thereā€™s two admins and three mods now (including myself)ā€¦ and in case you want to join, I can send you the invite link


Hey you all,

Taking a break in writing, writing to you :blush:

Wow! Congratulations! :tada: :heart_eyes: :star_struck: proper celebration for you two! :tada:

Oh dear! :pleading_face: I can so relate to this. And for me, bursting into tears is just the second step. Before I get mad. Just happened with a friend :grimacing:. I shouldā€™ve known, he didnā€™t mean it that way, or at least ask for clarification. But noooo way! I counter attack :see_no_evil: feeling terrible sorry after, then the crying comes. And the self judgment. :roll_eyes: Sigh.
Hug for you, be patient with yourself :hugs:

:flushed: missed that. Get well soon! :bouquet:
I will vacate at my brothers in September in Weimar :blush: You?

It arrived! :partying_face:
It means so much to me! Real happy for your tip!!
Original I was Lautern fan, as PfƤlzer of course. But I never was, still not, that much of a soccer TV watcher.
1999 I fell in love with my to become husband. He was not only studying in Bremen, he also worked at the Fan Projects for Werder Bremen. And with this, I got really into soccer. Beeing in a full stadium is similar to concerts. Itā€™s just awesome. Even more when you are winning and freshly in love. :sunglasses:
Oh, what times, Pizarro just started, was a young boy. Ah, Thomas Schaaf, Klaus Allofs, Ailton, Thorsten Frings, Andi Herzog and of course Marco Bode :heart_eyes: I even named my dog Bode. :joy: Love the Weser stadium, right in the middle of Bremen, the whole town celebrating on game days. And I was in in the AOL arena in Hamburg, totally flashed by the Dortmund Westphalen stadium and creeped by the Olympia stadium in Berlin. There is still this Olympic games 1936 ghost :flushed:.
Oh, and this moment, still get goose bumps remembering it.


What times!!
You were actually just a little kid then. :rofl:
Then I got pregnant. Never went to a stadium since. All long gone now. Claudio is the last one of this era. Goodbye and thank you :pray:

Hard times worth all the way!!! :partying_face: Congratulations for the little one. And especially to your sister. One year a mum! :partying_face: and to you!!! One year aunt. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thank you :blush: :hugs: so happy to have them. :heart_eyes: Wear it for a day now, and my ears donā€™t react at all. They tend to do that. So great.

@theearlywalker :kissing_heart: :hugs: :yellow_heart:

@Linkineli I know, you are on vacation, just a hug :hugs: and enjoy :racehorse:

@LP13413 thanks for the beautiful sunset of your favourite place :heart_eyes: :star_struck:

@melisLP I answer here :kissing_heart: last I remember, you moved houses. Hope you are settled now and happy :hugs: :green_heart:

@lplove saw you :hugs: :heart:

Thatā€™s so nice to read :hugs:

Camille seems to really enjoy the hacked down tree spot. :joy:


OT my brother is coming this evening for a visit. And Iā€™m so excited and happy about it, all the gloomy feelings nocked down. :grin:

Love to you all!
:hugs: :heart:
Joy in the little moments :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I donā€™t know what youā€™re talking about. :yum::heart:


Good morning all!!

Look! TWINSIES!!! :joy:

Thank you! :grin: :grin: We are still trying to think of something to do for itā€¦ :thinking: Iā€™m sure we will come up with something :joy:

I know! Itā€™s crazy to think that the wedding happened that long ago already :exploding_head:
and that you!! :grin:

OT: Alright the usualā€¦ work and coffee :rofl: need a new routine at this point :joy:

I hope you all have a great Tuesday!! :hugs: :hugs:


I know right? I think I was too tired and upset about everything at that moment I had to let it out. Thanks :slight_smile: Any rainbows are awesome! :smiley:

Hugs back to you!

OT: Itā€™s been a lazy day for me. I havenā€™t done any work on my thesis, just didnā€™t feel like it. I just wanted to relax all day and do fun things.
I went to the GP in the morning (yikes, needles!), then slept in till like 11, had coffee and then ventured out with my flatmate for a walk (and got more coffee on the way). I played a bit of piano or whatever and now Iā€™m just watching Mike and getting ready to cook some dinner.

Hope you all had/are having a great day! :slight_smile:


Another beautiful summer night, another night spent with my bike. Work was tiring this morning, and we accomplished a lot today.


:sunny::sunny: morning guys :sunny::sunny: just a quick check in today - have to go to work and write some reports, there is always not really time to do that kind of stuff- so just super :muscle:t2: :hugs: bonecrushers :sunny::sunny: to :hugs: :hugs::hugs: @everybody :yellow_heart::yellow_heart::yellow_heart:

Ot: :shower:

Good goodnight Andy @lp13413


happy wednesday everyone :relaxed:

hello dear :kissing_heart: donā€™t know why, but Iā€™m nervous on a ā€˜online chat with starsā€™ but I was never nervous to take some pictures with artists like Don Broco or Zebrahead :sweat_smile: I donā€™t know why. besides that: the original owners wonā€™t to take Axel and Ozzy back right?

thank you :hugs: :relaxed: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Wishing you the same, what are your goals for the week?

hello buddy, that sounds awesome :star_struck: Does she know the place already or is it a suprise from you? Hopefully a ā€˜less coronaā€™ region :worried:

hello dear :kissing_heart: I saw your other posting and itā€™s good that you took the day off. Sometimes you need after so many stressfull days. Yeah, Iā€™m almost there, but 3 1/4 assignments left, but I have enough time. Just 2 more online seminars. I donā€™t know if itā€™s good or bad, but our next semester is also 80% online :sweat_smile:
Maybe Iā€™m a ā€˜too panic personā€™ but I donā€™t want to take risks to infect me :worried:

hello twindear :kissing_heart:
Yeah, Tom is still doing his solo thing and his ā€˜alien thingā€™, sadly. Matt is really a good guy and I like him, but when I see the older (+ the real old one) music videos from Blink 182, where I was like in my childhood and teenager days, I really miss the original 3 headed band. Tom and Mark were the perfect duo for blink 182 to do play bass and guitar and also sing.
I think 'the funny things and making fun of boy bands (like blink 182 did on Backstreet Boys in All the small things for example) is a 90ā€™s + early 00ā€™s thing. It wonā€™t work today anymore. I miss the funny things, but I really miss the hard sound. Sum 41 did it last year with ā€˜Order in a declineā€™ - just an awesome + also hard punk rock album. Sum 41 + blink 182 + the offspring are forever my #1 punkrockbands. So maybe, weā€™re too old like you said? :rofl:

hello dear :kissing_heart: Iā€™m fine, thank you for asking. How about you?
Yeah, but youā€™re active in other threads and around here youā€™re like a ā€˜spooky ghostā€™ :crazy_face: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

hello dearbud :kissing_heart:, yeah. You have to only watch our german news tv to make a ā€˜face palmā€™ - I still canā€™t get it. People are so dumb.
Weā€™ve got also the heat wave around here, but sadly sunday + monday gonna be ā€˜Gewitterā€™

hello dear :kissing_heart: sending these vibes and sunshine hugs back to you :heart: Youā€™re always welcome :pray:t2: :heart:

hello dear :kissing_heart:, thatā€™s so good. Yeah, I remember these times. I was a kid and teenager when Werder Bremen took over the Bundesliga and beat us so many times. Like you said, so many ā€˜legendary playersā€™, but I donā€™t like Allofs anymore. Heā€™s no true ā€˜Bremerā€™ anymore. Speaking of this ā€˜old manā€™ Pizarro, it was always the thing, where Iā€™m a supporter with no club rivalries. Maybe itā€™s the thing, that my Dadā€™s is always a Werder Bremen fan and Pizarro was bought in the early 00ā€™s by us, but I was a fan of him, when he entered the Bundesliga.
Itā€™s just that thing: ā€˜Gracias Claudioā€™, and he will take a new position in our club for the next season :heart: as a ā€˜brand ambassadorā€™

saw you too dear :yum: :heart: :pray:t2: Letā€™s make some noise :sunglasses:

hello andy, sounds good. take some time to for ā€˜rechargingā€™ buddy :pray:t2: :relaxed:

powerful tags to @Lilyope @anomalia @melisLP @IronSoldier16 @Marilau @drounzer @Linkineli @rickvanmeijel @alz89 @chigokurosaki :hugs: :heart:

OT: preparing for online seminar and drinking coffee - only two more times :crazy_face: :grimacing:


Thank you :hugs: im better rn tomorrow Iā€™m going back to the job :wink: Have a good day biig :hugs:

Thank you :kissing_heart:
I donā€™t have plans yet :frowning: I wish i could go on some bike hike soon or something, nothing big in this year :wink:

Iā€™m better rn :slight_smile: For real I starting freaking out at home, canā€™t believe I didnā€™t went outside for so many days lol

Spooky ghost haha wellā€¦I had to replace @framos1792 :stuck_out_tongue:

Have a good day everyone :heart: