HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

Well, I surprised you and @rickvanmeijel. Who else?


I love the idea! Have to study now(or i should, instead of being here😁),but later i will send the videos i especially enjoyed😊

Being vegetarian( for the while no sheep meat​:open_mouth:) and getting more sleep! And maybe also being more outside, starting to go jogging more often​:thinking::blush:

Haha aww​:heart_eyes::hugs:thanks!:kissing_closed_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Yeah, i feel the same.

Love you too!:heart::hugs:

Me too :joy::grin:

Ot: just came back from a run, wasn’t doing it for a while and it feels great,clears the head😊
@lpfan61 for you and everyone else who likes it: 20200301_164654

Have a good day everyone, and stay strong!:hugs::muscle::heart:


Awesome :grinning: I’m looking forward to it. Enjoy your studying and hope you learn lots :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ve also had some flowers show up in the garden so took this picture:

IMG_20200229_120236388 :purple_heart:


Hey you all! :ear_of_rice:

Hey you :wave:
Nice to meet you! :hugs:
I actually thought you were a boy too. But I got doubts after this:

Very bolt comment for a dude :laughing:
So, you have a thing for German guys? Feel free, you can have them all :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: No offence ment @HakManLP :kissing_heart:

.:partying_face: :hugs:

For me too. And I’m actually pretty exhausted :grimacing:

Back at you! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

:muscle: tell us, how you hold up :grin:

:star_struck: :heart_eyes: :hugs:

Nice :blush: :hugs:

@Lilyope :woman_cartwheeling: :hugs: :green_heart: :purple_heart:

@LP13413 :cat2: :hugs: :orange_heart: :green_heart:

@theearlywalker :hugs: :yellow_heart: :green_heart:

@lpfan61 :rose: :heart: :green_heart::hugs:

Exhausted :grimacing:

Lille :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


It’s a lazy Sunday here, and I don’t plan on leaving the house until tomorrow morning when I have to go to work.


Oh, I wish i could do that.
I just came home from work. Day 1 of 6 is finished. I need to work 6 days in a row. :no_mouth:
Today was good but exhausting… :disappointed:
Little sore :sweat_smile: im getting old. :rofl:

Have a wonderful day people!


Group hug for EVERYONE :hugs: :heart:

And keep smiling people! We are here for you! Love you!




Beautiful!!! :heart_eyes: thank you!! :blush: :hugs: :hugs:

:heart: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

OT: going to sleep :sleeping:


Just the German guys that I like. :+1: :kissing:

Still love LP and Alice Cooper.

(and yes, I am female so yeah, still have them all)… :+1: :+1:


Thank god I wasn’t the only one lol!

We don’t have to worry, mistakes like these have been made time and time again. I believe @the_termin8r can tell you more about it :joy:


Here’s how the rest of my night’s going.

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Watching :blush:


March again?? Are you kidding me?? Where did Jan and Feb disappear :ghost: to?? Alright- :sunny::sunny: Goooood mooooorning familyyy :sunny::sunny::sunny: Spring bloom is in side and probably like the last years- a big DANG :tada: and all the flowers seem to bloom in the same moment :heart_eyes::tada::star_struck:… and nature smells awesome then… I’m looking forward… :heart::heart_eyes: also I read the thread here and I’m happy everyone is more or less ok- love and hugs to you all you wonderful people :heart::hugs::kissing_heart:

Special cuteness award today goes to Thurmy :1st_place_medal: - you are only sooo sweet :heart_eyes: and ofc @LP13413 happy to hear you could chill all day :grinning: have a good night :crescent_moon:

@HakManLP :tada::tada::sunny::hugs: thank you and have a good day- same to @drounzer :muscle:t2::sunny::sunny:

@anna834 sending you sunshine :sunny::sunny: Great pics :tada:

@zanybelle and @Linkineli @raz7 great pic thanx for revealing :tada: you look great :tada::tada: have a good week

Strength for @evooba :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2: Have a good day :sunny::hugs: you’re a great person!!! Able to move the :earth_africa: not more but … not less either :joy: beary hug @you !!

Ot: :shower:

Good goodnight :zzz: Andy!!


Good Morning everybody :relaxed:

same here - not the best from 5FDP but really good - your favorite song from “F8”?

the online modus is so “scripted” and I hate it :joy: - but playing this game anymore online.

And thank you for your feedback :kissing_heart:

pretty good, got a “2,00” for my first exam. Now I’m having uni days off till middle of April, but I have to do two assignments till 15th april. But It’s ok I think :sweat_smile:

the WEP is supposed to be a start into the weekend and often the weekend starts at friday :grimacing: but no problem, gonna keep continue this :slight_smile:

Also gonna answer to the new topic :kissing_heart: hopefully you’re doing good

glad to hear this :relaxed: :blush: also ‘Happy Cake Day’ :kissing_heart:

good playlist - Right now I’m listening to the new album “F8” by 5FDP. But I can share a playlist later, if you want? :wink: :relaxed:

I have to buy this - damn, I love Harry Potter :heart_eyes:

Sorry, but I don’t know the places :disappointed_relieved: I would say around LA maybe.

Thank you for your feedback :kissing_heart:

no problem :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: so, everyone can have me - I’m single at the moment :joy:

I admit, I also thought you’re a dude :sweat_smile: :see_no_evil: - but surprise, surprise. If it’s ok to say that: you’re looking very cute :relaxed: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :wink:

and also read you have a favour for german guys? (Just making some silly jokes :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:)

yeah, looking forward for this :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m very good - got an awesome weekend :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :blush: Maybe you need some ‘extra power or motivation’? :kissing_heart: :grimacing:

yes, the same :joy: :see_no_evil:

besides that: hope you’re two are doing well? :relaxed:

Good night :blush: :grimacing: wishing you a good start into the new week :muscle:t2: :metal:t2:

:grimacing: :smirk: you should check out the new meme about Till :sweat_smile: Hopefully you’ll like it :laughing:

perfect night :heart_eyes:

you too buddy and thank you :heart: :metal:t2:

quick lovely tags to @alz89 @AJ_7 @Honey8 @lplove @anngelenee @jrtrussell @framos1792 @Honey8 @NickGr @melisLP :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart: :metal:t2:

OT: :coffee: + :headphones: :notes: and did some stuff for my assignments

Wishing everyone a good start into the new week Linkin Park Huddle


Thank you for your comment.

What’s the new meme about till? You have peaked my interest. :smiley::smiling_imp:

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I’m taking my first break of the day, and it’s already been an eventful morning. I’m covering the morning shift at work and I came in to find that the baseball team left their batting nets down in the gym, so my co-worker and I had to put them back up ourselves.


I paid the price for that one…


To add insult to injury, immediately following that, I had to throw some salt down on a couple sidewalks since we had a short window of freezing rain this morning. It was the literal epitome of adding salt to my wounds.

Oh yeah, and I also slipped on a patch of ice as soon as I got here. It’s just another manic Monday.


:scream: sending strenght and biiiig sunshine hugs!! :sun_with_face: :muscle: :heart: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

OT: just got back home :smile:


So, I assume 2 is considered great then?
Oh wow, that’s nice! I have classes till mid-April, about 3 more assignments till then, plus thesis proposal and literature review due till early May.

@LP13413 Damn! Be careful!

@raz7 I also thought you were a guy, sorry? :stuck_out_tongue:

OT: Been a tough weekend, hoping for a calm week ahead. Let’s see.


… A 2 as a mark in German means a B in England - good to hear you have a breather tonight :+1:t2:

@HakManLP grats - and in case it was already said but I missed it: may I ask you what you study? :thinking: however- good unwinding now bro :sunny::sunny:

@LP13413 take care - that looks ouch…

Edit: just saw you were here @lpfan61 sunshiny huugs :sunny::sunny::yellow_heart::hugs: have a nice evening :blush:


Yeah, there’s nothing like a little rope burn to start your day.

On topic, we just finished cleaning the cafeteria and the kitchen after lunches.


The new cafeteria is literally three times the size of the old one, but they refuse to hire anymore help. Our day guys have it down to a system though. Also…

DSCN3311 (2)

One of the lunch ladies in the kitchen told me that I look like Kenny G, but I’m not seeing it.


Heeey :blush: you look great - :thinking: but :joy: I must go and google who Kenny G. Is- gimme a moment … :running_woman:t3: Edit: I saw pics now and there is a similarity definitely- not only the hair is very equal…:blush: I guess it’s a compliment :grin:

And thanx for the adrenaline :joy: