HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

They’re slightly bigger than squirrels and they dig holes in the ground.



Hey family :heart:

Thank you all for the love you send to me. :heart: i feel you’re love.
For the kind words. And aaallll the hugs you all give me. :heart: thank you from the bottom of my heart :heart:

:relaxed: :relaxed: you make me blush thank you love :kissing_heart:

I do that. And they keep me grounded. Makes me happy that they are there for me :relaxed:

Yeah i have that now for a couple of weeks. Since the incident on work that happened a couple of weeks ago i called a professional. They help me a lot. But i have to make myself happy! A lot of work i need to do, a long way in front of me, baby steps and i will get there. I hope :wink:

Enjoy a day at the pool with a friend. :relaxed:

Have a wonderful evening/day people.
Love you all! :heart: :heart:


Anytime you need us we’ll be here! Also, listen to some good music to lift your spirits when you need some motivation and happiness. I managed to catch a listening party for Amends album and it was great. Chester’s voice message in the end is just perfect :heart:

Thanks :blush: lots of love to you! :hugs:


It’s been another great day and I am now finally relaxing at home with some beer and music (Porridge Radio’s Every Bad is currently playing). I have tomorrow off so I’ll try and take it slow, will do some house chores but that’s about it.

Have a great one guys :slight_smile:


In my bed, being busy thinking about everything and nothing at the same time. It was a super hot day but while i’m writing this text it begins to rain, smells like wet dog but feels good. :joy:
Tomorrow, i’ll work in the office of my company, at a new place with a new desk and all. That will change ! :blush: Then a looong weekend of 5 days ! I’m not sure yet but maybe i’ll do a picnic with friends on saturday. I was supposed to see Sum41 next week (that’s why i took 3 days off) but it won’t happen. I will probably do some good walks in the woods. I want to go to the cinema but all kids will be on summer holidays and I’m not sure it could be safe to stay in a closed room with so many people for me yet.

Have a good evening all :hugs:


After spending the majority of another day off relaxing, I just went for a bike ride around town.

Happy Friday!!


:sunny::sunny: good morning family :sunny::sunny: Friday again :tada: I hope the sun will show up for all of you this weekend :sunny::sunny: stay strong whatever you have to deal with in your life and try to be aware of the good moments!

Mine is for example to ketchup here every morning and find your posts! To realize you guys are here is a great positive vibe each day again :yellow_heart::hugs: TU :heart:

@drounzer awww- good to hear you’re better! :yellow_heart::hugs::muscle:t2:

@zanybelle :grin::hugs::yellow_heart:

@evooba enjoy your day off :sunny::hugs::yellow_heart:

@HakManLP looking forward to the WEP :tada::blush::hugs:

@anna834 huhu :wave:t2: everything ok darling? Sending you love :heart: :hugs::hugs:

@anomalia maybe we try to meet up online this weekend again? :notes: :+1:t2::tada:

Ot: :coffee:

@LP13413 aww :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: what a cute lil guy :heart_eyes:… sleep good :zzz: Andy :hugs:


Good morning :green_heart:
And of course good night, sleep tight :sleeping:

Hey WEP time :blush: :hugs:
Oh, “my garden” is just the spot in front of my kitchen window. But I am really happy to live in a street where this big housing company, all the blocks here belong, let the tenants a little freedom. Not really allowed, but the whole street ignores it, and they decided not to fight us.
So I laid out a little “patio” and I actually planted an apple tree.
The small one besides the hollyhocks.

Wow! Hollyhocks :heart_eyes: what a beautiful name for Stockrosen, one of my favourite flowers. The inner city is full of them and already blooming. I just imagine, with you @evooba :hugs: too?
@lpfan61 :heart: :green_heart:

I was just nice in my formulation :kissing_heart:

Wow! This looks amazing! I’m no gamer, never will be. But this for sure gets my fantasy. :star_struck:

Oh :heart_eyes_cat: wish you luck in this aaand can’t wait to see the pics. :hugs: :hugs:

:heart_eyes: :star_struck: :kissing_heart:

Thank you, and backatya :hugs: :yellow_heart:

And yeah, aah, no, hm, don’t want to, doesn’t matter.


To you all
:hugs: :green_heart:


Oh, thanks!:heart_eyes:

Yaayy sounds amazing!:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

You’re welcome :hugs:

You sound much more confident that makes me smile​:blush::blush:i believe in you, you will get there!



Sending you hugs​:hugs::hugs::hugs:i hope you can rest a little today :hugs:

Ot: later i’m gonna go to a lake again, with some friends. Looking forward to that, and also to swim, i haven’t been in an indoor pool for such a long time and now i can’t imagine going back there​:confounded::confounded::confounded:swimming in a lake is so refreshing!
Also, yesterday evening i bought some food in a small store, was wearing my LP jacket and the guy at the checkout told me what a cool jacket i had and then i realized that One step closer was playing on the radio and then we both started head banging a bit and it made my day​:joy::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::love_you_gesture::love_you_gesture:
Have a great day everyone!!!:heart::heart::heart:


Currently playing Aesthetic Perfection and trying to keep cool… the UK was supposed to have thunderstorms but sun instead. :pensive:

It’s been a while since I’ve mentioned about someone… :thinking: … so here’s a post about Daniel.

If you want a laugh but to know some information about what Daniel thinks about music, tattoos, or anything really, I recommend the Ask me Anything videos. You get to know what he likes/dislikes and a few stories. He’s done four so far.

PS: if anyone is interested in the Aesthetic Perfection discord since I know a few people likes the posts I keep sharing about Daniel and his music, (ahem @theearlywalker, @HakManLP and @anna834 :smiling_imp: :smiley: :+1: ), I can leave the Discord link on here. Let me know. It’s a good site where we can chat about everything, (and Daniel comes online at least every two days, if not every day). He mentions us a lot in the Patreon posts and on social media


If you can guess my favourites, :+1: (and it’s two videos)

Good morning I hope you have a great weekend

I hope everyone has a great day and a great weekend


hello everybody and happy sunny friday :partying_face:

hello :kissing_heart: thanks for taggin me in your latest post for AP and you know what: I knew it, that Ozzy is the bad boy :joy: How’s Squeaks doing with this situation? Is he the leader? :sunglasses:

hello andy :hugs: thanks for answering - still can’t understand, why people are still dumb like this :rage: Isn’t there security or police?

hello buddy - yes it is :star_struck: :heart_eyes: Maybe I should try TLOUP? :thinking: Everyone’s talking about these games - also: weekend plans?

hello dear :kissing_heart: I did win a M&G? WHAT? Would be awesome, but I hadn’t this luck yet :sob: Also how are you doing and looking forward for a new soundtrack :grimacing:
For the wep, I include a wish from you and also a little about ‘lyrics’ - Let me know, if this was this exactly wish? :kissing_heart:

hello dear :kissing_heart:, thank you - it was good and I captured the online seminar with my mate :sunglasses:
Also: What are you REALLY thinking about home schooling? Is it good or just ‘acceptable’? How’s weather in bavaria? Weather around here will turn into something like thunderstorms :expressionless:

Hello dear :kissing_heart: the presentation was very good and I passed :sunglasses: :muscle:t2:
I asked my ‘bro’ and he said, that he bought the vinyls (my birthday and christmas presents) from amazon.us from a dealer there. Also checked up many more sites, but still sold out - damn it. Hope your doing good today and also for the weekend! Cornwall? this is a famous place to be right?

hello buddy :hugs: :heart: these are good news - keep going! You’re a fighter and a fighter never quits! Don’t feel ‘guilty or ashamed’ - It’s no weakness to reach out for help. That’s strength and nothing else. Wishing you a good day and also a good weekend - do some of your favorite activities, enjoy the little things and gain some energy back :muscle:t2: :pray:t2:

hello dear :kissing_heart:, so you’re a ‘scumfuk’ too, who’s missing a Sum 41 gig? :sob: Me too. I’m very happy that I saw them this year already with Anna and one of my best bros at the front row - Wishing a very good long weekend - hopefully the weather will be better than around here. Do you got some special plans for these 5 days?

hello dearbud :kissing_heart:, you know it’s friday, when theearlywalker tags you in a posting for ‘looking forward to the wep’ :grimacing: :laughing: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :raised_hands:t2: :kissing_heart:
Wishing you good weather on the weekend - you deserve it! Also look down below for the ‘Living things special wep’ :kissing_heart: - Do you live in a colder region?

hello dear :kissing_heart:, like I wrote above, you also know it’s friday when anna834 tags to and is also lookinf forward to the wep :heart_eyes: :star_struck: :grimacing:
But little things are also big enough right? You’re street is doing it right → fight the system :rofl: :laughing: :grimacing: But it looks like a really enjoyable place - maybe more colour little plants? :heart_eyes:

hello dear :kissing_heart: sending these wishes and vibes back to you - also: how’s your new job?

10 powerful tags to @lpfan61 @anomalia @alz89 @lplove @melisLP @anngelenee @Honey8 @AJ_7 @chigokurosaki @amitrish (awesome vinyl collection - how many money do you spend on it?) :heart:

let’s start the WEP :partying_face:
Linkin Park Oldschool Wallpaper (35)
first of all a classic wallpaper - just smile soldiers, it’s friday :heart: :hugs:
Linkin Park Living Things Wallpaper
So, for the 8th anniversary of Living things I give you one of the promo photos. You know it: the boys were adult now :grimacing: :hugs:
Living Things all songs (1)
Living Things all songs (2)
so, before we get into some art works and of course lyrics, just look at the song titles - not a ‘easy album’ and in the first round hard to love, but it’s so good :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Living Things Promo Art
that art promo picture shoulded be the album cover - come on, it’s so awesome :heart_eyes:
Burn it down gif
Burn it down lyrics (1)
Castle of Glass Lyrics
Castle of Glass
I really couldn’t decide just one song or one quote, so I give you the two most popular form the album - but also I could have choose Lost in the Echo, Roads untraveled, In my remains for example :heart: let the lyrics touch your hearts and souls :pray:t2: :heart:

At least, I’ll give you a short ‘lyric text’:

Now ‘In my remains’ in ‘castle of glass’ I’m ‘powerless’ getting ‘lost in the echo’. ‘I’ll be gone’ and already ‘victimized’ ** getting ‘skin to the bone’. On 'roads untraveled I have to ‘burn it down’ all ‘lies, greed, misery’ 'until it breaks’

It’s actually not my text, but I found it very good to share it :relaxed:

So it’s friday - enjoying the good weather and preparing for another good and awesonme cheatweekend with two of my best bro’s, european football (last game day of the bundesliga), good food and some beers. Hopefully my father’s will do a wonder and reach the 16th place, so they’ll get another chance to stay in the first division. :pray:t2:

**Wishing everyone a good weekend. Do your favorite things, take breaks for relaxing and regaining some energy. Don’t let bad thougths or feelings in your head - you’re all beautiful and important as you are - Life is still beautiful. Enjoy the little things. You’re important. POINT! :pray:t2: :heart:

Stay safe and healthy everonye #LPUFamily**


Someone’s extremely good vinyl collection was completely ruined by a single one in the centre…


Squeaks is taking the leader role quite well and yet he doesn’t really show his dominance quite as often. He does if Ozzy or axel are in a funny mood and wants to play games with him. But all he does is put his paw on their head, no claws. Just a sign saying that “I’ve been here a lot longer than you so I’m the boss here”

Aside from that, he’s quite calm and relaxed now. Squeaks fur is so much better especially around his tail and back to his normal self.

@HakManLP, somehow I knew that you would appreciate the post about AP and Daniel so that’s why I tagged you on it. Hope you enjoy the videos of Daniel and again, if you want the discord link, let me know. (And if you guess my favourites, :grinning: )

And tell me what you think of them and Daniel please, I would love to hear your opinions on him. :heart_eyes:



Hey buddy! Thanks for the uplifting words. Im currently home. Airconditioning on its bloody hot here :hot_face: todah was a mwah day, not good, not bad. Just at work a lot of citizens yelled at me and my coworker, almost got in to a fight. Why do people don’t have respect?? Its very hard to find. :thinking:
This weekend i need to work. Monday free.

Enjoy. And have fun with friends! It’s nice to fresh up in thr lake. Watch out for the animals :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Feeling a little bit better. Still got a long way to go!

Did you play the first game? I did and i loved it! Can’t play the second game. I’ve got no PS4. :unamused: got no money for it. So currently playing Heavy Rain. Good game!

Im fighting hard. Just sometimes the wall won’t break/fall. It’s hard. I hope someday i wil be happy and that i really enjoy life again. :slightly_smiling_face:

@anna834 hello love! :heart: how are you today? It it hot in Germany to? I’m sweating. :hot_face: happy to have airconditioning.

@lpfan61 @evooba @raz7 @theearlywalker @LP13413 @Honey8 @StephLP18 @rickvanmeijel @alz89 :heart: :heart: love for you all and hugs! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: hope you all doing good?!

I hope this one cheers you up :point_down: 2d15f20fe7bdae7b38e0b4d4d26933c3-1


Listen a lot of OML lately. I like the album more and more. This song :point_up: its one that gets me the most.

This one to :point_up:
Listen to the quiet songs.

Ive got a feeling this song is underrated :point_down:0cf6304d13e8f82c05410743f47a8343
Good lyrics.

And with that im saying goodnight/day!


I don’t have much to say so… I’ll say something.
I’ve just had my second time with Oreo. And I can’t say I’m a fan of it :woman_shrugging:

Sure. Why not? I don’t go out in the evening so I’m available at 8 or 9 pm. Depends on the weather. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ve ordered ‘Amends’ and it’s coming next week.

So have a nice Friday!


Doing a picnic with friends, that’s it. :blush:

OT: First whole day at work since the beggining of march, i feel exhauuuuuusted :joy: but that’s normal, i have to get used to it again.


Hey all!

Happy Friday!

It is just stunning to me! That is one thing I have grown to love about games is all the art that goes with it! I ended up getting the art book with this game and all the little details that they show with it just makes me love it more (up big art geek here :joy:)
Sending big hugs and love your way dear! :hugs: :hugs:

Oh I would definitely recommend both games! Again it’s just me being biased because everything Naughty Dog has produced I have loved lol (Uncharted, Jak, Crash, Etc…) The 1st one is probably the first game that has made me cry lol… Manly tears… only manly tears :joy: they put so much work into the Character’s and the story… plus just downright beautiful… in a post apocalyptic zombie type of way lmao.

As for the weekends, I’m gonna be a suck up husband and taking Brianna out on a surprise date, nothing too fancy but i’m going to get all of her favorite snacks, string lights in the the back of our SUV with many blankets and just go out and star gaze… again nothing fancy but thought it’d be fun to have a night out so to say… other than that helping my parents out with a few projects and a few things to do around my house.

How about you?

Yup! I loved it! I never played it on the PS3 but got it when they remastered it on the PS4. Sad to hear that! but Heavy Rain is a pretty solid game in my opinion! :+1:

Alright just a quick lengthy post (maybe lengthy? lol)
Gotta get back to work so I hope you all have a great rest of your day!! :hugs: :hugs:


I guess, I’ve seem a few around but not that many.

We did overnight, I woke up at least 3 times because of it. It is supposed to cool down tomorrow though so that’s great!

That’s amazing, congrats!! :slight_smile:
Ah yeah, I’ve checked Amazon myself but sold out here too.
Yeah, I guess it is for English people? They call it the UK’s California. I’ve never been there before but I’ve seen pictures from last year when my flatmate went again and I cannot wait. I’m so ready to do some hiking and explore some beaches. Also, being in a massive house with friends playing games and drinking for a week is pretty epic too, haha!

OT: Had a chilled morning at home and then met with my cousin, grabbed some coffee and went for a long walk. I played some guitar after coming home and now I’m going to watch some Netflix and relax for the rest of the evening.
I bought concert tickets today and I need to buy more on Friday when they go on sale! Even though they are for next year, I’m damn excited!
I’m still waiting for some vinyls to arrive, some were shipped about 2 weeks ago so I hope they’ll get here within the next week.

Have a great weekend everyone! :slight_smile: