HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

No, it’s me. The singer is Rihanna.
But I’m Rhianna. It’s a common mixup. Just to save confusion, call me Raz.

Just to get back to that conversation, maybe it’s just because my job involves working with teenagers and have openly said that they listen to music and anything past 2000 is considered as old.


I had noted the spelling difference but I ignored it as I assumed it was a typo on @anna834’s part.
Also, dont worry about the confusion because I would continue with @raz7 since…

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Phew, glad to finally be home. Today has been insane (in a good way), it was so damn busy we nearly died. Everyone was on it though so we skimmed through it as best as we could. We did ran out of ice (we have like 4 bags left for tomorrow) so my manager and I had to go and buy some extra ones now, he got around 6 bags and I got 4 so he’s going to pick me up tomorrow morning so we can Uber to work and be a bit faster so the ice won’t melt.
We had good laughs and moments today so the disagreement from the other day is long forgotten and dealt with. Our friend Thurston (from Sonic Youth) came over as well, it was so good to see him again! Hopefully it’s going to be another good one tomorrow as well :slight_smile:


Hiiiiiiii you all!:grin::hugs::hugs::hugs:finally here again! I’m sorry i was missing for so long… felt weird to me but also the longer i didn’t come here the harder it felt to jump in again​:thinking::thinking::lying_face:anyways i’m here now and i’m good atm, thank you to everyone who was still sending me love amd bonecrushers :grin::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Where do i start with ketching up??

I’m really happy you didn’t leave, Anna!:kissing_heart::hugs::hugs:

Yeah, agree!:heart:
@evooba your tatoos are beautiful!

@drounzer wow, you have to deal with a lot of things, i’m sorry… i really admire you for how you are! You can be kind in all that craziness happening to you​:heart::pray:and i hope you will win over your depression as you did before, as you made it until now! We are always here for you​:heart:I’m sending you strength and all my love​:heart::heart::hugs::hugs::muscle::muscle::revolving_hearts:

:heart::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:love this!

Hiii buddy, sorry i know i’ve been away too long​:eyes::grimacing: thank you for asking&caring​:pleading_face::heart: yeah, i’m ok, and today i’m really good!

Every artwork you pick is amazing, but from today’s WEP i really love this one!:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::metal::metal:

I love your words❤and i agree, this song talks so well about that feeling of starting again and even though it’s actually obvious that a new start after an ending is hard, it’s so so helpful and important to hear those lyrics, to feel understood.

Uuuiiiiiii amaziiing​:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::metal::metal::partying_face::partying_face:how cool is that​:heart_eyes:i’m always looking for cars having stickers, but since i’ve never seen one i’m also looking for LP related registration numbers (like “320”). If i ever see your car, i’ll know!

Heey, first of all, many squishies back!:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::heart::hugs::hugs:yeah, i’m fine. Rn lying in my bed, getting blinded by incredibly bright lightning​:exploding_head::exploding_head:but i actually enjoy the storm, i love falling asleep to it​:blush:i hope you can sleep well back at home now too!(the own bed is the most comfortable one right?)
And i had "pfingstferien":grin::partying_face:but i’ll go to school on mondaaaaayyy yaayy i’m excited​:joy::joy::face_with_hand_over_mouth::crazy_face:it will be weird with all those rules,but i’m so looking forward to seeing EVERYONE​:blush:

I love the quotes you’re sharing and this one is really really good, thanks!:heart::heart::heart:[quote=“zanybelle, post:1463, topic:52753”]
other than @Linkineli who liked some of my songs (Blue October!).

Yes!:blush: i’m so grateful i found that band… and also some other songs you shared (also when i already knew them) were good to be reminded of :grin:

Yeah​:heavy_heart_exclamation::heavy_heart_exclamation::heavy_heart_exclamation:love, support, understanding, caring.

Wooow you were there? That must’ve been so beautiful to experience.:heart:

Ot: i was outside the whole sunny day😊,we were visiting my mum’s best friend. She’s the funniest adult i know, she’s awesome and she’s just one of those persons you know you could call whenever you need to and she would help. It was really good to see her💞she helps with the work in a small horse farm(4 horses) and we visited them. I love horses, they’re so powerful but at the same time so gentle and trusting(if they want to and you treat them well).
I was allowed to lead one of the horses around, at first with a rope but later without it and he still did follow me! It was a great experience, i kind of became more aware of my body (strength) bc you really need to be confident and show the horse what you want, but you also become more sensitive on what the horse wants/how it reacts to you and how it feels. It’s also really calming, even though i had to be concentrated. It’s almost like falling into some kind of meditation…:blush::heart:
I hope you can feel relaxed too, take some time for yourself, spread love, i love you all. Have a good (rest of the)weekend!:blush::heart::heart::heart:


Lazy Sunday. I might take my bike for a spin later.



:sunny::sunny: good morning family :sunny::sunny: after the rain break on Friday it rains on and on… :cloud_with_rain: - and the forecast says it goes on the entire week- first villages are flooded and I really consider the weather to be extreme :expressionless:.

On another note, today the travel restrictions are lifted for most countries inside the EU states. I hope the people will handle this right with responsibility. I just hope the infection rates stay low…

… and it’s my first working day after two free weeks. All students will be back at school from up today… however- I take it one step at a time!

I wish you all a good start into this new week, :sunny::sunny:Make the best out of your day :smiley: and stay strong soldiers :muscle:t2::muscle:t2: We are all together in this :heart: and this knowledge is our power :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::yellow_heart::hugs::hugs: Have a good Monday @everybody :heart:

Ot: :coffee: - time almost over again

@LP13413 only tag today :sweat_smile: because you’re here mostly at this hour: good goodnight :crescent_moon: Andy and cuddles for the master of relaxation :cat2:

:sunny::yellow_heart::hugs: Later guys :hugs::yellow_heart::sunny:


Good morning guys! I hope you all had a lovely weekend :slight_smile:

Yesterday was another crazy busy day at work. Everyone was really on it though so we did very well, no dramas and no stress. We got an email from our director in the morning listing everything each site needed to do and improve on and were the only ones mentioned without any further instructions, we are literally smashing it (I can smell that bonus coming)!

In other news, we were refused entry in 3 buses yesterday because they had reached max capacity. I was so pissed off! That rule was supposed to start today, not yesterday. It’s so bloody stupid, I don’t understand how they expect people to get to work if there are buses every 15-20min that allow only 20 passengers. It’s madness! Not to mention all those tube stations that are still closed… I’m so ready to go back to normality.

Today marks 2 years since Mike released Post Traumatic and I just wanted to thank you all guys for the amazing memories we’ve shared in all those gigs supporting him! I honestly cannot wait till we can do it again :smiley: :heart:


hello everybody, good (late) morning and a happy monday :partying_face:

oh yes! You’re absolutely right, but how can you download them? I thought the YT downloader isn’t there anymore :thinking:

hello dear :kissing_heart:, so it’s monday and sadly the weekend is over, but it was great. My favorite club and also my father’s favorite club won, we played some card games, listen to some good music and of course I enjoyed many food and a little bit to much beer :rofl: How about your weekend?

hello dear :kissing_heart:, thanks for these sites, I’ll check them out - also I think it’s still a ‘heavy topic’ about ‘music genres’ and I think there will be forever these two sides :sweat_smile: But it always makes me happy, when I saw so much younger fans at concerts from my favorite bands :blush: On some concerts, I’m the younger generation too :rofl:

hello dear :kissing_heart:, did you find some sleep on the weekend? :disappointed_relieved: :pray:t2:

hello buddy, yes, you’re right! But I think these 800$ can be true. So I think, I’ll wait almost a year like I did with the ps4. Which games are you looking forward?

hello dear :kissing_heart:, yeah, I knew it :rofl: @lpfan61 = nascar driver :nerd_face: :grimacing: :joy: :raised_hands:t2:
I ate so much, urgh :joy:
Thank you for your feedback and I saw on Whatsapp that you’re enjoying your time off! And that’s the perfect thing! :pray:t2: :heart:
Is this place in the near of Lübeck?

hello dear :kissing_heart: that souns just awesome with your tattoo plans - maybe you should add a little bit? So beautiful colours :heart_eyes:
Yeah, I know this feeling ‘just done with it’ - :frowning_face: :disappointed_relieved:
Yes, weekend was great, a little bit sad that monday has arrived so quickly :joy:
So I guess WFTE is your #1 maybe, just if you want, can share ‘why’? Would love to read the story behind that :heart_eyes:

hello dear :kissing_heart:, about that ‘drunk monky’ or ‘drunk munky’ - don’t really know - maybe just to annoy people :joy: or like often in the really early 2000’s the ‘hardcore nu metal scene image of bad guys’? Or mabye it’s just a funny clothes collection by ‘Bobby hundreds’?
Thank you for your feedback again - Like I said in the other thread: Some days my #1 from ATS isn’t The Messenger and my personal list can change everyday. WFTE got this so powerful meaning and I would say, maybe Mike just wanted to ‘not rap’ but mashing it up with his beautiful singing voice. It’s not that typical rap and I’m glad for it, bc in this way, it matches perfect for WFTE (for me)
Oh yes, the ‘Birmingham speech’ :sob: :heart: These words are so meaningfull till these days, would be awesome, if people are more related to them

hello there to bavaria :kissing_heart:, happy you’re back in here :hugs:, thank you for your feedback and for these beautiful words :heart: :pray:t2:
Also saw your beautiful pictures in the other thread, looked like an amazing day and of course that this day got you more energy.
Now, the weather around here is really bad :unamused: how about yours?

hello andy, wishing you and thurman a good day - looked like thurman’s is in the real mood for ‘sunday things’ :joy: :rofl: :heart_eyes:

hello dearbud :kissing_heart: weather around here is the same :frowning_face: :expressionless:
wishing you the best for your first day at working! :muscle:t2: Sending some strength and good vibes to you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :raised_hands:t2:
The infections rates will rise again, around here in germany it’s again over ‘1’ :frowning_face:

10 random and powerful tags to @anngelenee @Lilyope @lplove @Honey8 @AJ_7 @anomalia @drounzer @melisLP @rickvanmeijel

Bc ‘The Hunting Party’ turned 6 on June 13 and Post Traumatic turned 2 today, I included them complete in my todays playlist :heart:
Also gonna spend the day with some stuff to do and hoping, that the weather will turn into something better
Wishing everyone a good start into the new week - stay safe and healty #LPUFamily :heart: :kissing_heart: :raised_hands:t2:


Good morning lp family. I’m off today just thinking about Chester and how much I miss his voice and hem. . I hope that everyone is doing good.

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:see_no_evil: I know, I posted this before. But I need this reminder!! Just after such long time working and then trying to follow up on all the stuff at home, I forget how this works. Rest.
And then I still don’t get my todo list efficiently worked, have the feeling to fall apart. :grimacing:
To my self: It’s time to slow down! :triumph:
And thats what I’m doing right now. Sitting in front of my home, the dogs beside me, drinking archemilla tea and listening to post traumatic. Celebrating it with wearing my favourite tee :blush:


Yeah @HakManLP I hear your Itoldyouso :grimacing: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :hugs: :hugs:
At least my weather is awesome, sorry for all you down there. I can share a little :sunny: :sunny: for you too @theearlywalker :hugs: :yellow_heart: and of course @Linkineli :hugs: :blue_heart: how was your first day at school?

Again? :exploding_head:
I’m not thaaaat bad. :triumph:
Ok, maybe. :grimacing:
I actually don’t know if you are :restroom: :grimacing: just know, you are from India and that @theearlywalker had it wrong, but what, I don’t know. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

.:flushed: :exploding_head:
Ok, I know what you mean, buuut she hit exactly my humour. Aaaand gave everything up for Xander, just to get left in front of the altar. :angry: and after some understandable glitch, she still holds to the group. For what?! To get killed :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
Ok, ok, I stop :joy:
You so have earned a bonus!!! :muscle: :hugs:

Or not
@raz7 have you watched Buffy? Really cute werewolf to meet :heart_eyes: :crazy_face:

@LP13413 nice to see your :cat2: :hugs:
Camille is still boycotting my bed. :cry: :laughing:

@drounzer :hugs: :heart: :hugs:

@lpfan61 :hugs: :heart: :green_heart: :crazy_face:


@anomalia big hug for you :hugs: :orange_heart:

@IronSoldier16 I see you sometimes ghosting and because, when I talk about my daughters great teacher, I also think of you, a tag :hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Yesterday was the presentation of the 8. great work of my daughter. Every student had to do something committed for one year.
This ranged from building a carrige, drone, bike, stable, pond, welding a chair, to drawing, taking pacour lessons … one girl had her little sister on the stage and had knitted and sewed clothings for her, a boy had brewed beer :joy:.
My daughter stitched. From getting the cloth, to make the drawing to the finishing pictures. :star_struck:


And it was the goodbye party for her teacher, they had for the last 5 years. They had prepared a picture show of this time and made the whole audience cry, especially at the showing as the boyfriend of the teacher proposed in front of the whole class.:heart_eyes:
She was 23 as she took the class, and the best thing what could happen to my daughter.:grin::grin:
In her goodbye speach, the teacher told us, how nervous she was at the beginning. And how close she got over time with the class. Even that she talked of “her children”. And had to think about it, if this is a problem. But that she just couldn’t change it.
And that she now, with this presentation saw, how grown they all were, how independent. That it was ok, to be so involved with them and that it’s also ok to let them go. :pleading_face: :heart_eyes: :star_struck:

Yeah, it was great. But my daughter thinks, seeing her there was enough. Don’t want to meet up with me. :confounded: But it is, at it is.



This time the typo was more genuine and I was not even joking. Also, since that is one thing I know about you, I bring it in all discussions purposefully.

Such mystery, much enigma. Wow!

It was unexpectedly good. I spent a day sleeping and the other doing some cool stuff around my house. The interesting thing is now that I know it (the cool stuff) can be done, I will not do it until something new crops up in my mind. All in all, good.


I want the van Gogh-like one.

That’s sad… :hugs:


I’m enjoying my lunch break at work right now. So far today’s been…an odd one to say the least.

I got to thinking about this around the time we started to quarantine. Especially on the LPU spectrum, Linkin Park and/or Mike’s concerts have always been, like, the reason most of us connect with each other outside the web. Even when we start getting back to normal, how long will it be before Mike and/or/if the guys start touring again?


No I haven’t. I’m going to search it now

OT - extra work from home while listening to AP


Awesome! Did you go to Birmingham or do you live there? A lot of people said he was really normal in the meet and greet like every other times except he was troubled by the Manchester attack. So difficult to see what he was really going through :’(

@Linkineli Nice to hear from you and glad you’re well.

@HakManLP Hey I hope you had a nice birthday and your cheat weekend must have been extra :laughing: What song did you listen to on your birthday? I’m not big into them but I would say One Step Closer is fitting for me :laughing: haha! Also just Googled it and drunknmunky is a clothing brand:


Actually I’m a fan of Mike’s singing voice and I know some people find it monotone so prefer his rapping instead. Castle of Glass is one of my favourite songs. I’m going to enjoy voting on Living Things!

Here’s a soundtrack for you: :musical_note: Jimmy Eat World: The Middle :musical_note:


I don’t know, I just really love the song. It was also the first one I had a breakdown over when it first came out. It was because at the time, I was going through so many changes in my life, starting uni and all that. The part “the hardest part of ending is starting again” has stuck with me since then. It was my to go to song when I moved to London as well… I just love it, can’t explain it very well.

Sounds perfect!!

True true, she’s very loyal.

Yes!! Exactly!! The most excited I’ve been was when I met other fans in real life for the first time back in 2014. It’s crazy to me how this community is just so kind and humble, everyone is amazing. I certainly hope, once this pandemic is over, that we’ll get a taste of touring again.

OT: Today has been great! We went over to a friend’s house (she lives like a 5min walk from us) that has a small porch and had lunch and stuff. Then the guitars came out and we were literally playing for a good 3 hours (I played some LP and a lot of Rise Against songs, they tend to make great acoustic songs). My friend filmed us during LOATR and SOTD but I can’t share them here. Going to have some dinner now and chill a bit, back to work tomorrow.


I went down to Birmingham from Runcorn, which is around 100 miles. Worth the trip though


@HakManLP You can use 4k video downloader for it. Works like a charm.


This song by metallica is such a good and calming sometimes…

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On Discord, (Daniel was on there and talking to all of us) and youtube