HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

:sunny::sunny: good morning family :sunny::sunny: hump day again and it’s still raining :roll_eyes: my mantra is something like: Nature needs it!! Trying to see the positive sides on things and circumstances is like this :joy::sweat_smile:- god bless they announced sunshine for Friday :sunny::sunny::sunny: looking forward :star_struck::partying_face: wherever you are, whatever you do…, stay strong soldiers :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::yellow_heart::hugs::heart:

@alz89 speedy recovery! Hope you feel better soon! :hugs::hugs::tea::honey_pot:

@anna834 safe travels :grin: and take care dear :yellow_heart::hugs:

@evooba Enjoy your day off :grinning::sunny:

@raz7 you’re right- somehow they look similar… :crazy_face:

@Linkineli @HakManLP @justinkilmer @lpfan61 @drounzer bonecrushers :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Ot: :coffee:

@LP13413 :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: this really bieeeeeeep! I can go sooo nuts on this behavior- egoistic ignorance unintelligent kind!! Grrr :rage::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:- however, it’s starting over here too… good goodnight Andy :crescent_moon: and cuddles for Thurmy :cat2:


@alz89 Get well soon :muscle::hugs:

OT: waking up and getting ready to work.
Have a good day all :hugs::purple_heart:


Sipping coffee in my LP mug. Got a last class for the day and then i’m done.


Feel better soon!!

It’s the same here, feels like there’s no lockdown at all. And with all the shops re-opening from Monday it’ll be even worse.

@theearlywalker It’s been chilly and rainy here too, a nice break from the hot weather. Makes me want to stay home even more and do nothing :stuck_out_tongue:

OT: Slow morning for me, managed to catch up on some of Mike’s streams. I plan to watch a documentary later that I’ve been meaning to watch for a while now.
Also, we finished Buffy last night with my flatmate. HOLY CRAP! How dare they kill my Spike?! I was devastated, crying like a baby.


hello everybody and happy wednesday :hugs:

Rosenrot :heart:

hello dear :kissing_heart:, don’t worry about it - I love our talk and without that, I haven’t tried a new band :pray:t2: and yes, the ‘similiarity’ between Daniel and Chester in ‘Somewhere I belong’ (if this is a picture from that video) is just :flushed:

hello dear :kissing_heart:, 10 is great, we’re allowed to connect with 10 people with the beginning of 11 june :grimacing: good day for you and hopefully the coffee was good :blush:

first of all dear :kissing_heart:, thank you for that ‘earworm’ :joy: :see_no_evil:
I also use Chrome but more Firefox - I think IE isn’t safe enough - oh no, really bad news from Poland :cold_sweat:
strawberries = ‘soul food’ and hopefulle they were good :pray:t2:

hello dear :kissing_heart: and I really like your tattoos - so thank you for sharing :pray:t2: :heart: I need more ‘re- colouring’ before sharing my right arm :rofl: :see_no_evil:
Oh yes, I’m also living in the near of a park with a big lake - it’s just :heart: Enjoy your day and to get you updated: I’m back at my assignments :muscle:t2:

hello dear :kissing_heart:, bonecrusher back to you and I think I’ll figure out something like ’ buddy dear’ or ‘dear buddy’ or’ db’? :rofl: :see_no_evil: I’m just kidding, enjoy the day

hello dear :kissing_heart:, so good to read that you’re on the way at home, thank you for your support and all of it :pray:t2: :heart:
Yeah, I know it’s called ‘Sonn-& Feiertage’ but that would be to much for cheating. So I’m ‘straight’ and the cheatdays are on the weekend :grimacing:, but without cheating I often eat some delicious food too, for example: I had some chicken with rice and vegetables. It’s perfect for me :yum:
Oh nooo, gb Linda :sob:

hello dear :kissing_heart:, get well soon! :muscle:t2: :pray:t2: :heart:

hello buddy :hugs:, that’s just the human stupidity :expressionless: we’ve got these scenes too and I’m like: congrats, now we’re ready for covid-19 wave number 2 right? Damn, stupid people :expressionless:

hello dear :kissing_heart:
are you just ‘drive a car’ or are you a nascar driver? :laughing: :thinking:

hello buddy,
did the same :sweat_smile: :rofl: and I’m done today :sunglasses:

@drounzer @Honey8 @anngelenee @AJ_7 @lplove @rickvanmeijel @melisLP @zanybelle @Audrina87 bonecrushers to you too :kissing_heart: :raised_hands:t2: :heart:
@Linkineli good weather is back in germany right? :grimacing: :kissing_heart: :raised_hands:t2:
and of course bonecrushers and hugs to all of you too, who I couldn’t tag :hugs: :hugs: :heart: :heart:

OT: chilling at Instagram and if you still want to support me, follow me there, just if you want :heart: :raised_hands:t2: :kissing_heart: would be awesome, if I had these #LPUFamilysupport there too :scream: :flushed: :raised_hands:t2: :raised_hands:t2: :grimacing: :grimacing:
:point_right:t2:https://www.instagram.com/lprevolution/ :point_left:t2:
And maybe you’ll see me ‘in real life’ on some pictures or videos, but they’re a little bit old from 2018 & 2019 :rofl: :raised_hands:t2:

Also I’m done with my two online seminars, listen to Fort Minor and have another appointment today, but it’s a ‘chilled day’ :sunglasses:
Homer 2


Hey all!
It’s that halfway point yet again! This week just seems harder than the others :rofl:
I can do it… just 2 more days, just 2 more days.

On a plus side: My wife and I have started eating a bit better and making a few life changes (Don’t worry Bakery on Saturdays is a must… will not give up my doughnuts :rofl:).
We originally planned to start before the wedding but things got in the way (well better late than never). Anywho since November(ish) I am officially down 25 lbs. So I’m excited there :grin: :grin:

That’s me always the pestering kind of person :joy: I need some one to keep me in line :joy:

and of course! :hugs: Sometimes I am a nice person :grin:

Bone crushers to you @anna834!! :hugs::hugs:

She’ll get the call and just be like "Keep Him"

I’m sure it will, or at least hope it will :joy:
I still haev a few more dino plans that I want to do :t_rex::t_rex: Might as well have as much fun as I can!
BTW Bonecrushers back! :hugs: :hugs:

Oh I get you there :joy: I’m decent with the online matches but definately need to practice more! Idk if I ever asked you but have you played Jedi Fallen Order? I absolutely loved that game! It sounds like there will be a sequel at some point. I just don’t know if it will end up being on PS5, most likely I’m sure.

Alright I gotta sign off for now! Hoping Wednesday treats you all well!! Sending positive vibes to everyone!! :hugs: :hugs:


I don’t know… maybe that’s why I’m starting to love Daniel more and more… I hope you’re listening to his music, :thinking::heart::smiling_imp: but yes, they are similar.

Chesters picture was a gif for the somewhere I belong video and Daniels was around 2007. But Daniel is 7 years younger than Chester. :thinking::heart:

Fun fact about Daniels picture - during his first album, close to human, he wanted half of the album as an angry aggro - tech/electro/industrial/EDM and another half as softer melodic tracks. When his label declined, he was told to make it as an separate project. Hence why he created the other project as Necessary Response. He released it but then he re released the tracks under AP.

Here’s one example:
https://youtu.be/MxA8mL8IhEc - Necessary Response

https://youtu.be/MNTrGJeRnCs - AP

https://youtu.be/73k-2iVQvEM - AP rehearsals. He moves likes chaz sometimes. It’s weird, :hushed:

(BTW, did you see Tills Instagram story on that video, :open_mouth:?)


Thanks! I took the risk with my watercolour ones, I just hope I won’t need to touch them up in less than 10 years from now.
Good luck with the assignments! I’m still waiting to hear back…

OT: Listened to my new vinyls and read some and now getting ready to watch that documentary and call it a night. Back to work tomorrow with a very busy weekend ahead.


I worked a half day today, and just spent some time on my bike. Although, I was also dodging a quick rain storm that rolled through, so I took shelter under the overhang at the shopping center for a minute, that kind of took the wind out of my sail.


Was going to drive to work :dash: :laughing:

OT: going to sleep, good night!! :zzz:


Getting ready for work on 40 mins of sleep

Wasn’t he the best with his spiked hair. His sarcastic attitude!!
Along with Buffy, Angel is another favourite of mine.


I just put in my two weeks at dunkin donuts, because I was tried of being treated like crap

But the good news I got a new job, and today I have a day long orientation to go to, so I am getting ready for that


Wow congrats, which job is it?

teach me thy master…:smiley:

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Oh yes, another Buffy and Angel fan! :grinning: My ringtone is still Cradle of Filth haha. Although they’re currently repeating Buffy in the UK so more people may start to recognise it now. That show never ages. Loved the sarcasm and aloofness.

Wait, you finished the whole show? I won’t spoil anything but I’m like what, no!!! I don’t remember if I cried. My heart literally broke with the graveyard buried alive scene if you’ve seen that episode? It always haunts me. Also, her mum :sob: this show is sooooooo good!!!


Which song of COF??

He was the best! Not a fan of Angel, sorry. I also didn’t like Buffy’s attitude in the last couple of seasons, I wish she died instead of Spike.

Thta’s great considering the circumstances, good luck! :slight_smile:

Yeap, the whole show. It took us about 2 months to watch all the seasons. Oh yeah, when her mum died… Tara too :frowning:
I’m very sensitive so I cry easily, with like the slightest of bad/sad thing… movies and music make me weep.

OT: Been an interesting one at work. We obviously flooded again yesterday due to the rain (it is all fixed now, for good!). Also, remember Tuesday when I came home early? Well, they got extremely busy after I left and blamed me and I was like WTF today. I also had a very long conversation with my manager about some stuff that have been bothering me for a while now. I hope tomorrow will be better. I’m just going to chill for now, read some and then sleep.


Um, the theme tune of Buffy is Cradle of Filth dude :laughing:

I can’t believe you finished it so quick! Ok so now you have to watch Angel because Spike… yeah… there’s a whole thing. I won’t say :grin: …but you have to watch it because you’ll get to see more of him there! :zipper_mouth_face: I think her mum dying is the single best episode I’ve ever seen, the way they did it felt so real. Josh was a genius. I hope he makes another show like this.

I don’t have a problem working from home really, a lot of legal stuff is on the computer or via email because you need a record anyway. It’s nice to interact with people at work though and I do miss that element of it. Yeah, I love not travelling because public transport can be crazy around London, you just get squashed to death :train: Anyway, I stopped updating here on the lockdown because I felt it’s not really in affect here now as people are just ignoring it so no point.


Holy crap i didn’t know that!!! Hhahaha
But i didn’t even know of the band when Buffy was on the television. I became a fan of COF somewhere in 2012.
Thanks for the knowledge!!

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