HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

I don’t think difference of opinion is talking anyone down. From what Anna has said in the past she feels this way about anyone challenging her and may have had extreme bad examples in the past. A simple discussion on a rock band is hardly in the same category and doesn’t warrant the ill feeling she created out of the blue here. I don’t believe acting the victim for something so minor is necessary. It should always be the case that anyone can post anything on any thread. It’s not about silencing opinions just because they don’t match yours. If there was anything wrong said I’m sure the mods would deal as they have done in the past. P.S. a cinema bath is just a joke about having a home cinema in the bathroom :laughing:

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I spent my entire day helping my dad assemble a “mosquito gazebo” for the patio. Now I’m spending the rest of my night relaxing on the couch with the cat.


:sunny::sunny: good morning family :sunny::sunny: I had a pretty calm Sunday :grin:, weather is still rainy and cold :cloud_with_snow: . I wish you all a good start of the week :sunny::sunny::yellow_heart: stay strong soldiers :muscle:t2: :hugs::hugs:

Ot: :coffee:


Good morning :sunny:
Sleep tight other side :sleeping:

Last night I got the call by my boss, she will come over for shearing on Tuesday and bring someone who hopfully get my job done too.
So I’m free to go home! :partying_face: :partying_face:
Still feels totally surreal! :joy:
After such a long time on this island, still being in exactly this moment:


@HakManLP how is it, big male cat in your house? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :metal: :green_heart:

@DavidZinssler nice you check in :partying_face:

@intheend it’s just plane boring without you :kissing_heart:

@drounzer :muscle: :hugs: :heart:

@lpfan61 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

As @theearlywalker :hugs: :yellow_heart: said, wish you all a good start in a new week :muscle: and @evooba maybe a day off? :crossed_fingers: :hugs:



Pretty much everything was saved, we just have the electricity for the lights completely off still, someone is supposed to come and have a look today and tell us if it’s ok to turn them back on. This had happened before, exactly 2 years ago. It started with minor dripping after heavy storms that the landlord said was because of the gutters in the house, so they cleared those and we were ok for a bit. Then we got a crazy storm and the damage was insane, it got almost the entire house flooded (I think there are photos in When and Where from back then, around May 2018). They did some works in the roof after that and hadn’t had an issue again till the other day.

Hope homesickness isn’t as bad today, luckily you get to go back soon!!! :smiley:

Thanks! Saved everything so all good! :slight_smile:


OT" Good morning guys! It is indeed my day off today :slight_smile: It’s been a tiring and stressful weekend so I’m glad to be home today. I do need to go grocery shopping (might not) but for now, just relaxing with coffee.

Have a good day :slight_smile:


And yes Daniel has replied again…Screenshot_20200608-130030_Patreon

OT - in work


Hey all!! Happy Monday!
Hoping you all had a good weekend, they go by way to fast :sob: :sob: :joy:

Had a bit of fun Friday Morning lol, it was “National Doughnut Day” (they have a holiday for everything :joy:) and I thought… “You Know who hasn’t made an appearance in a while?”


Needles to say I got my doughnut :joy: :joy: Brianna knew nothing about it so when the bakery put it on Facebook all she asked was what I did that morning :joy:

Thanks! :hugs: Somedays I feel I need it haha. Honestly I feel guilty when I miss a few days :joy: :joy: I’m just like oh no! @anna834 is gonna hunt me down and beat me up if I don’t post!! (Haha sorry dear had to :wink: :wink:) You guys are family to me, so it’s hard to stay away! :smile: :smile:
Thanks! My weekend was laid back for the most part, Friday night we had to bail hay for Brianna’s Grandparents but the bailer broke half way so we had to quit early (Only slightly sad :joy:) and yesterday Hoping all is going okay on your end as well! :grin: :grin:

Back to @anna834 I wont copy the whole post but I read it, so sorry to hear you hd a few bad days! But it’s totally fine to disappear once in a while. If you feel like it’s for the best, it’s what you have to do, but… I am happy it was only for a few days! We would miss you here!! :hugs: :hugs: I’m hoping things are better!

Nice! It’s a great game, I really need to get back into it. Especially since they revamped it completely with the last few updates! Yes! I love that they have Darth Maul!! He is my go to as well :joy: If I can’t use him during the match, I’ve actually found Kylo Ren pretty fun to use.
Hope your weekend was good as well!!

Alright well gonna start my work day, Got a big ol’ cup of coffee in my Deadpool Mug and Rock music playing in my headset… lets kick today’s ass! :metal: woo!!
(okay maybe I don’t need this cup of coffee :joy: :joy: oh well, it’s too late now!)

You all have a great start to the week!! Positive vibes to everyone!!



hello everybody :hugs: :relaxed:
just quick and you can do me a favour: please follow & support me on Instagram and share it with your friends. But just if you want :kissing_heart: So you’re gonna get more lyrics, graffiti, oldschool and art stuff pictures :grimacing:
:point_down:t2: :point_down:t2: :point_down:t2:
:point_up_2:t2: :point_up_2:t2: :point_up_2:t2:

hello dear :kissing_heart:, I’m really a ‘twitter noob’ :see_no_evil: so hopefully I’m doing it better after some more practising - Thank you for your support :kissing_heart: Is this picture from Till out a music video? I recognize this one :thinking:

hello dear :kissing_heart:
thank you maybe I’m switching between dear and buddy? :joy: thank you for your feedback and support - sending these good vibes back to you :kissing_heart:

hello dear :kissing_heart: first: I’m like a ‘fat cat’ - damn, so much food on saturday and sunday :joy: :rofl: If you’re interested of more of his skills, check him out on instagram :slight_smile:
Thank you for your feedback :kissing_heart:
And: we’re happy to have you too :kissing_heart: :pray:t2:

hello dear :kissing_heart: sure, I would love to see these tattoos
WOW! You’re living next to the ALLY PALLY - how cool is that :star_struck: Also love your pictures from this place - enjoy your day(s) off :blush: :yum:

hello dear :kissing_heart: that sounds good - which browser do you use?

hello dear :kissing_heart: oh wow, just thank your for sharing this with us! And it’s really good, that this song and even these lyrics helped you! I think this is what people got with music - a deeper mind and a healing thing :pray:t2:
Head and chin up, the virus is still going on but we have to be brave and strong!
Thank you for your feedback :pray:t2: :kissing_heart:

hello dear :kissing_heart: so you’re in home office too - what are your thoughts on working in home office? I really like this thing somehow, bc I don’t need so much time for travelling to my university. But I miss my student colleagues, that’s the disadvantage. You can’t discuss that good on ‘zoom’ for example

hi thurman :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: the first picture is so adorable. Just a good boy :heart_eyes:

hello dear :kissing_heart:, that sounds really good. How many people are allowed to stay with each other in your region?

hello dear :kissing_heart:, hopefully your sunday was great - just check the tavern thread, I posted some food stuff :rofl: :joy:

hi there and welcome back :grimacing: :metal:t2:

hello dear :kissing_heart:, what are you playing on PS4? Maybe SWBF2 too? :grimacing:

hi there buddy, yes: KYLO is also one of my favorites. But I need more practising to be good for online matches :joy: Weekend was very good, how was yours? :grimacing: :relaxed:

10 random, powerful and lovely tags to @drounzer @anngelenee @lplove @AJ_7 @Honey8 @IronSoldier16 @melisLP @Audrina87 @amitrish @rickvanmeijel :hugs: :heart:

Enjoying the day off, had a coffee and listen to Mike Shinoda Post Traumatic & Fort Minor + checking up on Instagram
Also the week is gonna be really good, bc Thursday is holiday in germany and we’ve got also friday as a day off too :grimacing: :heart:
Wishing everyone a good start into the week and a good monday - stay safe and healthy everyone.
here’s a beautiful picture from today’s short trip to my university campus - weather was quite good :hugs:


Yes, it’s a shot from the behind the scenes of Rosenrot. :heart::heart:, one of my favourites from the album

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10 people for now. :blush:

OT: Getting rest before diner.


:musical_score: I’m outta love! Set me free! :musical_note:


I’ve just tried to catch up with your Where and when pics. And received the above badge. It was nice to hang out with you there.
Now I know how it is to be out of likes, @anna834.

Chrome. Sometimes IE.

Same here :+1:

Finally Poland has become the EU leader… but this doesn’t sound optimistic:


Yesterday almost 600 new Covid cases were confirmed. All these in the country that was strictly locked down. Sweden had 81 in comparison…
:rage: :scream: :tired_face: I’m really tired of :crown:

This is where I find comfort:



Not the best ones I could take but here:




I guess it’s cool living near a big park, it’s my to go to place for walks etc. Thank you! Enjoy yours too!! :slight_smile:

OT: Didn’t do much after all, played lots of guitar and piano and chilled. Going to have some dinner now and then read a bit before bed.




:sunny::sunny::sunny:Good morning family :sunny::sunny::sunny:rainy Tuesday after a rainy Monday- rainy- grey and definitely cold :cold_face:- so I was happy to find this gift just a moment ago:

:tada::tada: :dancer: :notes: :gift: it feels good- and somehow this gesture made my day and brings warmth and sunshine in my heart :yellow_heart::sunny: :blush:… I’m honestly curious how it sounds… will tell you guys later about how I like it. :crazy_face::grin::blush:

Have a good day soldiers- the best possible :sunny::yellow_heart::hugs: and remember we’re in all this together :hugs::yellow_heart::muscle:t2: Sharing is caring :heart:

@anna834 good to hear that you can go home now this unexpected soon :tada::yellow_heart::hugs: safe travels and a bonecrusher to you :hugs::hugs::hugs::heart:

@evooba good to hear that there was no further damage :grimacing: hope it’ll cause a renovation now finally and I :heart_eyes: your tats :+1:t2::tada: have a good day :sunny::sunny:

@HakManLP lol :joy: either way it’s fine with me… have a good day bro :sunny::hugs:

@justinkilmer lol- I so feel you… :joy: it will pass- this bad conscience, at least that’s my experience :stuck_out_tongue: great moment to see the dino-you again :t_rex: :joy: keep it going :sunny:

@raz7 so nice :blush: enjoy- he seems so nice- I’m happy for you- :tada:

@anomalia :joy::joy: I always enjoy such lovespam :heart::orange_heart::yellow_heart::green_heart::blue_heart::purple_heart: it makes this place so great :smiley: and your :strawberry: looking delicious :yum: :yum:

Ot: :coffee:

@LP13413 lol- it’s been a while since I saw this post lurker :stuck_out_tongue: have a restful night Andy :blush: :zzz:


Hey guys, girls included :heart:

Didn’t sleep well last night and now waiting, waiting and waiting for my boss to arrive. Still not sure, if I work today. She wasn’t clear on the phone, like we talk and see when she comes. Probably don’t want to pay the day.
Lille has ruptured one of his paw pads yesterday. :weary: Luckily just the one he didn’t use and that it happend now, where he doesn’t need to work. I already gave him a antibiotic shot yesterday and send pics to my boss. She is a veterinary too. So she will probably have to sedate him and cut the dangling part off. :confounded:
And I think, for this, I can help her today. She has someone tending the sheep, it’s building up the paddock for shearing.
So I wait.
It’s actually my general experience, working together with the boss, waiting, waiting, waiting. :grimacing: :laughing:

@evooba enjoyed listening to your piano playing, thanks for sharing. :hugs: your tattoos are awesome :heart_eyes: love the uniqueness and the story to it :heart_eyes:

@raz7 it’s nice to see you so excited about your conversation with Daniel. Happy for you. :hugs:

@justinkilmer JUSTIN KILMER!!! I JUST CAN’T GET IT RIGHT WITH YOU! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :weary:
There I give you a slack, a free absence pass, and what do you do? :exploding_head: :exploding_head: complaining about me being absent, not beating you up. :unamused:
:crazy_face: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: thanks for your words :hugs:
I wait for the day, your wife get the call to please collect her rummaging T-Rex and you are actually at home with her. :laughing:

@HakManLP I follow you on insta, did it right away. :upside_down_face: :hugs: :green_heart: and you know, it’s called Sonn- und Feiertage. So your cheat weekend starts on Thursday :partying_face: :hamburger: :fries: :pizza: :cut_of_meat: :bacon: :shallow_pan_of_food: :ice_cream: :cupcake: :beers: :beers: :beer: :yum:
Oh, I’m curious on your condition late Sunday :rofl:

:flushed: 10 people :exploding_head: It was too much to meet up with even before. I actually tend to cancel this and meet the friends one on one or two. :laughing: Happy you did enjoy yours :blush: :hugs: :purple_heart:

@anomalia got your ketchup, thanks :hugs: :revolving_hearts: to be out of likes is so annoying :triumph: especially when you are in the middle of a conversation :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: on the other side, what would I give to be out of likes again?! :sunglasses: :joy:
Sorry for your still increasing ill rates :confounded:, is there any explanation? :thinking:

:star_struck: sadly not much going on for lurkers :confused:

@theearlywalker short week :partying_face: and Mikes present! :exploding_head: I actually dreamed last night, he would cut a movie of his best off corona live sessions :heart_eyes: sigh just a dream. :pleading_face:
Thanks for being you :hugs: :yellow_heart:

So, my boss called, she arrives any moment. I bring this to an end.
I will sure miss this.

Especially Linda

Still a moment, so @lpfan61 :green_heart: :heart:

Take care you all!!!
:hugs: :green_heart:


@anna834, @theearlywalker, @HakManLP, thank you all for watching me rant on about Rammstein and Daniel!

The fact that Daniel reminds me of Chester in so many ways always makes me happy. Like they are similar. Similar that they have tattoos, likes swearing (a lot), have good vocal ranges, used to have piercings and always being honest with their fans, (which is always great). He recognises any fanart or covers and thoroughly enjoys them. Daniel and Chaz have good laughs as well. Daniel even wore glasses around 2007 and looks a bit like Chester from the Somewhere I Belong music video.



OT - working, (while watching livestreams from Daniel)


Me too! Thanks, I love them too :stuck_out_tongue: Hope you are enjoying your last days of holidays this week.

Noooooo!!! I hope he is better now.

Aww thanks! I’m trying to figure out how to record some guitar too (I always play with headphones on). And thanks for the tattoos too! Having unique designs is something I always look out for. The clef, pine tree and LP tats were specifically designed for me, the koi is stolen from one of Mike’s art pieces (I just added the watercolour on it).

OT: I left work early today (well, not too early but yeah). We had engineers come in to check the damage from the flood and try and find where the problem is etc. I went grocery shopping on my way home which is good, means I can spend all of tomorrow at home. I want to catch up on some shows and Mike’s streams and maybe finish the book I’m reading, we’ll see. Oh, we are almost done with Buffy too! We have like 4 episodes left or something, exciting!!


Its nearly 9pm and im going to bed early as im ill :frowning:

Today was a very humid day, but at least it’s cool-ish inside the building at work. I worked a full shift earlier, then had dinner with the family on the patio under the new gazebo. I just spent the last hour riding my bike through the village.

You wouldn’t be able to tell that we’re still in the midst of a pandemic. I was riding past some of the restaurants down the road. Absolutely no social distancing, huge crowds of people with live musicians in parking lots…I wonder if anybody’s called to complain.

Get well soon, @alz89!


Get well soon dear!! :hugs: :hugs:

OT: :racing_car: