HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

:sunny::sunny: good morning family :sunny::sunny: it’s been a few days - time just flies :dash: just want to leave bonecrushers :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: to you all- stay strong soldiers :muscle:t2::sunny::hugs: Will write my show experience with PR, HU and IX latest until weekend :heart_eyes: I had a great night watching these three bands performing- and surprise surprise: HU were absolutely the best performance of the evening- :crazy_face::joy::sweat_smile: and now I’ve to leave again… cya :metal:t2:

Ot: :coffee:


I’m ill sat at home watching the snow fall but really happy that a few celebs took the time to wish me a Happy Birthday yesterday…also Anna! :smiley:


I woke up to snow this morning and now the sun is shining. I’m enjoying my coffee for now, I assume it’ll be a lazy day.

Have a good one guys!



Oe la la :smirk:

This one :stuck_out_tongue: :point_down:
:open_hands: :point_up_2: :smirk:

Some more??!!! :drooling_face:



Oh yeah… :+1::+1::+1::kissing_closed_eyes::kissing_closed_eyes::kissing_closed_eyes::kissing_closed_eyes::heart::heart::heart::heart::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Can I have till as well please?tumblr_ee1fd9d8eb58031971711750ddbaf246_fd15258d_540


@anna834, are you in?


I woke up to new snow on the ground. It’s supposed to be a very windy next couple of days. Right now, though, I need to eat my breakfast before somebody else does.



Sorry, silence struck me, again.
It’s … ok, I think, will pass.
I’m still here, thankful for all of you.



@LP13413 Have a good one!

@anna834 I love that photo!!

OT: We went out with my flatmate to a coffee shop one of our friends works at and had a coffee, then stopped by my work place (which is literally across the street) to see what’s up (we’ve had some major payroll issues this month), had yet another coffee and then went grocery shopping before coming home. We’re going to chill for the rest of the evening, probably watch a lot of Netflix or whatever.
My TAA record finally arrived too so I might listen to it as well.


Jealous of the snow. But love it

OT: renewed my membership. Yay


Thanks for sharing it,really!:heart_eyes::heart_eyes:i heard the beats on youtube, and nice message​:heart:

Totally agree, especially the FM sound!

I’m so looking forward to it​:innocent::star_struck:

I really like them, especially the ‘Honesty’ one, and “liking yourself enough to be yourself” .

That’s sooo cool!!!:heart_eyes:

:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:your pictures show me how good it is to have a cat. It’s now about three months since my cat died, but i think i’m ready for a new cat,i just miss having a little furball around all the time so much, or hearing little paws coming the way to my room when i’m about to fall asleep, all those little moments… thanks for always sharing pictures!:hugs:

No need to be sorry,never! Do what is best for you, and we are always here. Lots of love to you :heart::heart::heart::heart::muscle::muscle::muscle::hugs:
And the photo is soo beautiful!
I was just visiting them🐂at the end of a nightly walk😊

It was snowing again,
Stay strong lp family! Bonecrushers to you all​:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:


Late-night lurking after work. Per usual.



Good morning! :smile: :sun_with_face:

@anna834 take a biiiig sunshine hug! :sun_with_face: :hugs: :sun_with_face: :hugs: :sun_with_face: :hugs: :heart: :heart:

OT: waking up and going to work :crazy_face:


Hey! Good morning to! Did you had a good sleep? :smiley:

@anna834 lovely photos. Little snow. Yesterday was the same here in the Netherlands. And it was freezing cold. :cold_face: i was shaking in bed. :joy:

Same here, but ive got a evening shift, so i can sleep out :yum: good luck with work and have fun :hugs:

Aaah cute. :heart_eyes: cows are lovely animals. :blush:
Bonecrusher and love back to you :kissing_heart:
How are you feeling today? :hugs:

You can have it… :joy: i love to see it to, but it terrible if you need to drive to work and the road is slippery :grimacing: and it also is very cold… i don’t like the cold. I think I’ll never go on a ski holiday. :sweat_smile:
Give me the sun :sun_with_face:

Yeah yeah… to a coffee shop to drink coffee :thinking: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: . A coffee shop here in the Netherlands means something different. :joy: :smoking: :point_left:

Take your time love. :hugs: we are here for you! :heart:


I would love to have a pet. A dog… but i can’t. :sob: my house boss wouldn’t expected it :frowning_face:. I love to see you and your cat have a nice time together. :smiley_cat:

You can, but I’ll keep it with Chester :joy:
I’ve seen Rammstein once live. At Pinkpop festival. I thought it was 2016… but that’s a guess :grimacing:

I’m in bed now. Enjoying the warm and comfortable feeling :joy:

@HakManLP @theearlywalker @Lilyope @justinkilmer @framos1792 @AJ_7 @rickvanmeijel and the rest have a great Friday and the best for the weekend! Enjoy! :heart:

Much love people!



Hey everyone! Been a busy week but overall not too bad! Thanks for all the tags! I’ve been busy but will try to make it on here at least once a week to give you guys an update! Thanks for all the love and support, you all have just been incredible.

It’s the weekend, so just chilling and watching tv shows. Had my cousins come over yesterday and cooked some nice food for dinner! Overall a productive week/weekend!

I hope you all have been well!


:sunny::sunny: good afternoon family :sunny::sunny: quickly checking in to leave bonecrushers :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::heart:- however life plays you atm- stay aware that you’re loved :heart: and that this place here is right what it is because of YOU :heart: YOU MATTER :heart::sunny: and YOU ARE LOVED :heart: have a great Friday soldiers :heart:

@HakManLP already curious me :partying_face:

@drounzer you sound definitely better :+1:t2::hugs:

@anna834 sending you love :hugs::heart: and patience- it’s ok to be silent and be sure it passes quickly :sunny::sunny:

@Linkineli cool :cow: pic :tada: enjoy the trip :hugs::yellow_heart:

@lpfan61 suuuunshiny huuuuugs :hugs::hugs::hugs::sunny::sunny::sunny::yellow_heart::yellow_heart::yellow_heart:

@AJ_7 you sound good dear, I’m happy you had a good week :hugs::yellow_heart::heart:

Ot: having lunch

@LP13413 cool quotes- thanx for sharing :pray:t2: and cuddles for the boss :cat:


What we will need now is a massive bed to have a good time. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::+1::heart:

OT: watching air crash investigation.


I’m sorry I don’t know what “WEP” stands for. At a guess “weekly edition picture”? I prefer artwork, graffiti and lyrics in pictures. I’m against anything that made Linkin Park look like a boy band because yeah…, let’s not please. Otherwise humourous stuff or nostalgic pictures (I saw a really old one recently that I remembered seeing in my teens :heart_eyes: I can’t find it again sorry).

@raz7 Did you really watch EastEnders? It is getting so awful. We only watch it because we’re British and we have to. They make us! :grimacing:

@drounzer When are you going to the sum concert? Sounds exciting! Hope your doing well.

Yes love this! Do you ever do this when the windows steam up? Haha. Classic.


Yes, I watch eastenders. But l do like it.

Here we go for the hundredth time…


Every morning, I watch one of my local radio station’s morning show’s Twitch stream. His paw was on the space bar, and he kept pausing it. Now he’s trying to swat my hands away from typing.



:hugs::heart:pretty good! I only needed to overcome a shock/surprise,bc the exchange we had with a school in greece(crete)had been cancelled bc of the corona virus, and it seems like the whole world is locking up their countries​:thinking::thinking:i’m asking myself how far that all will go. But i don’t want this virus to come here too,so i’ll stop talking about it​:joy:are you feeling good?:hugs::heart:

Love it!:heart_eyes::heart:

Yeah, thanks🤗your weekend sounded nice😊

Thank you!! There is no start into the weekend without a lovely post of you…:heart_eyes::hugs::hugs::hugs::heart:

And thankss again!:hugs::joy: enjoy your friday&weekend too!

Haha yeah always!:joy::grin::heart:

:joy::joy:so adorable​:heart::heart_eyes:
@HakManLP see you typing- i guess the WEP?:star_struck: btw,you might be interested in that,almost forgot, yesterday was FCBs 120st Birthday!:joy::muscle::soccer:

Ot: i wanted to go back home today,taking the train,but bc of fallen trees they were out of service😑there was an alternative route,bit it would take twice as long, so i’ll stay another day here.
Wishing everybody an amazing weekend!!!:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::heart::heart::muscle::muscle::muscle: