HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

Every time I see that, Brent Smith (Shinedown) sings in my head “It’s 4:03, and I can’t sleep.”


I’m heading off to bed soon here. @alz89 hopefully you are able to get some sleep at least!

@LP13413 one of my favorite Shinedown songs!


Hope you managed to sleep @alz89!

I’m on my way to work already, have a great day everyone :slight_smile:

(What a convenient time for both Shinodas to do a livestream, haha!)


Hi guys and hi Eva :blush::yellow_heart: nice- let me send an almost personal hug :hugs::muscle:t2::sunny: Good day once more :sunny::sunny: @evooba and where is the stream ?? No notification :scream:… and to the mask thing… going to write my experiences down here too- but really love the LP masks- checking :star_struck:

… further post in progress …


ot: :coffee: … writing

Lol - completely new structure for a morning post :sunny::sunny: Confusing a bit but exciting- because it has arisen While going with my morning flow :rainbow::grin: and coming here today and ketchup really touches my heart :heart: love you guys for acting this aware - open and trustful here in our community :hugs::yellow_heart: that’s soo lpu :star_struck: thanx to our band for giving us this homebase here!

And I’m so happy for you @anna834 :tada::tada: reading your post was really heartwarming :hugs::yellow_heart:… it’s the greatest gift to feel so good and satisfied with your life atm!!! :confetti_ball: and you definitely deserve this job now to enjoy as much as possible and feel the good energy fill your battery :muscle:t2::hugs::hugs::yellow_heart: and I believe in the same life wisdom that says if you don’t give up you come nearer and nearer to a life you want to live, somehow the salary for the power and energy you investet- and it sounds like harvest time when you reach such moments. … aaaaand we definitely eat a fish roll ( :see_no_evil: and I only like fried fish :joy::joy::rofl::sweat_smile: amd great that the dates match, looking forward to meet up :+1:t2::sunny::hugs:

Eva, the mask is really annoying- I have wasted so much time already because I forgot to pick it up :roll_eyes::grimacing: and- wearing them is very uncomfortable… but since it’s obligatory over here I can only say that you kinda get used to it because you have to, at least that’s what I think and I really consider to buy me such a helmet Rob printed the frames for… looks at least completely idiotic then :joy: but definitely more compfortable to breath with- plus: the face expression is visible… important for my job …

Hugs to you all - need to start my day… gonna continue later- feeling to hug you guys meanwhile @alz89 @LP13413 @HakManLP and ofc @justinkilmer tat dino :joy::hugs::hugs::hugs: have a good time guys :sunny::sunny: Sleep well and later :crescent_moon:


I’m playing it because it’s not stressful, you can play it at your time, no rush, and you don’t have to think, so it’s a good relaxing game. It can be a bit repetitive at the end but they are trying to do some special little event sometimes.

@zanybelle I didn’t know he is playing it ! I think i can be a big kid too sometimes so it doesn’t surprise me :joy:

@justinkilmer You can say, you didn’t buy your switch for nothing, it was a usefull purchase :crazy_face::joy:

OT: Woke up, work day off for everyone here, so i will play switch and computer games (probably WoW). I don’t know yet if i would go to the woods because it might be crowded.

Have a good day everyone :hugs::purple_heart:


lol didn’t happen but thanks!

Nope needed staying up all night but managed to catch Mike and Anna streaming lol

Thanks @theearlywalker


Good morning you all,
Sleep tight other side,

Happy father’s day to all the dads celebrating today! :beers:
I actually hope that on this island I don’t get bothered by this never ever already fathers with their handcard full of alcohol and just drunk nonsense in their heads, if anything. :rofl:

I start this post now, will see when I get it done. :grin:

Yeah, can’t really imagine to wear it a whole day. :confounded: Really happy that we just have this rule for shops and transport. There are countries you have to wear it everywhere. :exploding_head:
In shops I see the sells people mostly with this, don’t know how it’s called, what Rob is printing parts for.

Saw it too :partying_face: looks so awesome :star_struck:
What do you think @theearlywalker @HakManLP @Linkineli , should we do a joint order maybe? I order, send them to you, and you send the money? :thinking: only problem, I’m not home a lot. :upside_down_face:

Yeah. Your probably right there. :grimacing:
Sorry, bro! :persevere:
. :crazy_face: :rofl:

Meatballs :upside_down_face:

Haven’t enough data to watch YouTube, didn’t expect to strand on an Island with no wlan. :disappointed_relieved: :laughing:

That’s beautiful. :blush:
Enjoy the small things that come up in a surprise. :upside_down_face:

Like it :star_struck:, came across this pic and thought of you.

Dang, half my post vanished cause I had to close it, dogs thought they could chase a rabbit :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :joy:
Ok, will see if I get it done again…

.:star_struck: :joy:

Thanks for this words! :blush: :hugs: :green_heart: :yellow_heart:

:joy: :joy: :rofl: I’m not really the fish eating kind myself :laughing: It’s just what all the tourists always want. :joy:
Looking forward to meeting you, whatever we eat or not eat. :laughing:

:partying_face: :partying_face: Enjoy it! :hugs: :green_heart: :purple_heart:
It’s a free day here too. :tada:

And what is with you @lpfan61 :face_with_monocle: probably working again :persevere: and again :tired_face: strength to you :muscle: and a hug :hugs: :green_heart: :heart: and flowers :sunny:


Hey! :partying_face: that’s something :heart_eyes: I miss my wlan :laughing:

Right now

Take care you all :hugs: :green_heart:



Well, no need to miss me now. I am here for making unnecessary noise and read what all you guys have been doing this last month.

I am all good. How are you? Hope everything is fine with you, the dogs and the sheeps.

@hakmanlp you tagged me?


:partying_face: :partying_face:
Welcome back! @amitrish :tada:



The one with the striped shirt must be in police because of the long arm of the law. I will show myself out.


No way!!! :triumph:


1 Like

So, how are you? What have you been upto lately?
I really like the trees in the background. It seems they are smiling at his misery.


:grimacing: :monkey: I’m sorry… busy working…again… :sweat_smile: but I don’t forget about you all!! :heart:
Thanks for the post and the flowers pic ! :blush: :heart: :green_heart: :hugs: :hugs:

OT: having dinner and rushing to bed lol


Glad you do… @HakManLP what do you think?


There are absolutely no clouds in the sky today, so it’s sunny with a…


It’s actually much warmer now (80°F, 27°C), and I just spent the last few hours on my day off on my bike and soaking up all the suns. I actually received a nice tan after the day I had at work yesterday.


https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLnLTTNBF4R_w-SCpjVdrnBx0ESjBKzJA - Aesthetic Perfection Playlist
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLnLTTNBF4R_9kbD6mzgPyFk5G_QjA5Bn - Rammstein playlist

@HakManLP, @anna834, @theearlywalker if you’re interested. :heart::heart::heart:


On his twitch and YT, haven’t checked yet either.

It is required to wear one (and gloves) at all times at work. Today I realised the others are struggling to breathe as well but I think I have a serious problem. I really feel like passing out after having it on for more than 10min straight, my oxygen is so low it makes me sick. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. The gloves aren’t great either, my hands are like lava and super sweaty in them, it’s gross.

Great, at least something! Hope you manage to sleep tonight though.

It’s not compulsory to wear one here, just advised. But it is mandatory to wear at work so yeah, day 2 and dying already.

Update 1: I’m very stressed, there’s been a major f*ck up at my uni at the worst possible time. I don’t know what to do actually.

Update 2: Today was the first official day back at work, it was super quiet (compared to our usual craziness and chaos) but we got a lot done. There are a few hiccups here and there that I will try to not worry about much (yet at least) and see how it goes the next few days. This weekend and bank holiday Monday are big tests for us.
First thing in the morning, a bloody pigeon pooped on me (thankfully it just got my shirt) but I obviously didn’t have another one to change to and had to fit in a freaking tiny size of another I found lying around in the office.
Later, at some point during the day, I bumped the back of my leg super hard in a corner and I now have a massive and really nasty bruise (haven’t seen anything like it before) that actually hurts like hell. To add to that, my entire body feels like shit, I need to get used to the daily routine again and stop being in pain.
Social distancing wise, people don’t give a bloody damn. Seriously, I can’t believe how ignorant they are and almost all of them put zero effort in in trying to at least be considered of the others around them. I hope they appreciate the measures we’re taking (even though we struggle to even breathe!) to keep them as safe as possible and do business. We really hope we didn’t set all of that up for nothing, we shouldn’t be babying adults, seriously.
Overall it was a good first day though and I really hope it’ll just get better from now on. We’ll have to wait and see…


Hi everyone!:hugs::hugs::revolving_hearts::sun_with_face:finally here to ketchup​:grin::grin:
Went on a very nice trip with my father yesterday, almost all day out in the nature, at a river. My youngest brother and I were also in the water, wasn’t as cold as i thought​:joy::blush::muscle:i didn’t have my phone with me, so unfortunately no pictures of how beautiful it was​:confused::green_heart:

Yeah!:hugs::hugs::raised_hands::heart:hugs back at youu!!!:hugs::hugs::hugs:

Yeah, i agree.

:exclamation::exclamation:you’re totally right!

Oh noooo​:pensive::sob::grimacing::grimacing:

That’s awesome!!! And the sleeve is too, so amazing!:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

Ooh ahm we were talking about Mike’s merch? Or someone else’s?:grimacing::grimacing::joy: Anyways, Mike put out a puzzle(PT style) and i want to have it​:joy:

Yeah, and thanks!:heart:
Weather is warmer, yes​:relieved::sun_with_face::sun_with_face:
And how was the day with your father?:hugs:

:heart::heart::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:totally love this picture! I think it’s even my favourite you sent here.:blush:

Wow, that’s good to hear!!!:joy::heart_eyes::star_struck::star_struck::hugs::hugs::hugs:

That’s beautiful!!! Love to hear that!:heart::heart::heart::heart::blush::blush::blush::blush: when i think of you on that island, i think it’s really a good place for you, it kinda fits to you.

And thank you for every picture you’re sending,they give me peace just by looking at them…:blush::blush:

I was sleeping when they did it, but i really loved watching the stream later! Hope they might wanna do that again haha​:heart::joy:



Yeeess good idea!:raised_hands: but i’m still not sure if i buy one, bc a friend of ours wanted to show me how to make masks by myself and i also really like the one from Mike’s store and they aren’t linked right? Soo i have to think about it​:grin:

Oh no, that sounds awful​:worried::worried:

Yeah with some people i just can’t believe it either, they act like they don’t know anything about the virus??? And they look surprised when you act right​:roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:
Sending you lots of hugs Eva​:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::heart::heart::heart:i hope there will come better days asap!

Ot:sending you all tight hugs​:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:stay strong! I’m a bit in a rush, have to make birthday presents for my grandma(tomorrow we’re going to visit her and my grandpa, they’re gonna be on the balcony and we in the garden, i finally get to see them after over two months, yay!:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:) and my aunt(she has on sunday)…
Love you all and take care!


Hey you all,

Small pause in the heavy rain. Every day different weather.

Oh, rain again.

Slowing down. But I don’t think, I will get much done.

@theearlywalker :hugs: :green_heart: :yellow_heart:
and @HakManLP :hugs: :metal: we already discussed it :grin:
I looked it up, between 22 and 150 Euro it’s toll free, but you have to pay 19,5% Mehrwertsteuer. If it’s just 5 Euro tax, they skip it.
So if everyone orders his own masks, it’s cheaper, I think.
This weekend we get on top a memorial day discount, so I will order. Two masks and the earrings :blush: oh, I would so love the One Step Closer hoodie :heart_eyes: buuuut NO!!! I don’t really wear non zipper hoodies anyway. :joy:

Question backatya! :grin:

@evooba strength to you! Fascinating to read, what you all juggle! :muscle: :hugs:

I know my dear! :pleading_face: :muscle: :hugs: :green_heart: :heart:


Urg, it’s just not stop raining, so I send this off.
Love to you all! :revolving_hearts:


