HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

Hey all! Happy Tuesday!

1st off thank you lol :joy:
2nd off… you’re not wrong lol :joy: :joy: Brianna is at the point that now she wants another one because of me :rofl:

Oh same here! If I’m talking to someone and happen to notice they have one I almost immediately ask them about it :joy: :joy:
So far everything is going well, This is my 4th one now so I’ve had a a bit of experience. Just the largest one I have gotten lol. Overall it wasn’t too painful so yay for that! :joy: It was my 1st with color and I’ve hear that hurts more than just black. Honestly it felt the same to me, The wrist is probably where it hurt the most and so I’m glad I got that done first! Overall it took roughly 4.5 hours (helps with your answer @theearlywalker :wink: :joy: Also thank you!!! :grin: )

As for sessions left I am not entirely sure lol, I am planning on more to add to it but It might just be small pieces at a time now that I have the big spot that I really want on there. My ultimate tie-in is to eventually have headphones at the top of my shoulder and have the cord kind of weave around my arm. Then have it “plug” into my wrist. But that might change as we go :joy: Thanks for asking! :+1:

Thanks! if you have any tips I’m all for it :grin: This is my 4th one but you never know I could learn something new! Nice! I forgot about Rodney Mullen! :scream: :scream: Shame on me!!!
September needs to get here faster damn it lol I’m just too excited for it!

Nice! I’m a bit jealous :joy:
We get Monday off here for Memorial Day, haven’t had a holiday in a few months here. Thinking I’m just going to need to take a few days off and just relax anyways once things calm down around here. But overall that sound exciting and relaxing!! So I hope you get to enjoy your holidays!!

Nice!! Me too! How are you enjoying it?
Sadly I’m gonna say I’m a bit addicted lol… It’s just a nice game to relax with after work :joy:
If I remember I’ll add my Switch Friend code if you wanna add :+1:

@anna834 I see you typing… so HI!! Hoping things are going well today!! :hugs:

OT: Work is busy but we just had a server go down and need to reboot, so I have a little bit of breathing room for at least a few minutes lol. Otherwise it’s just been a coffee and FFDP kind of morning for me! :metal: :metal:

Hope you all have a great rest of your day!! Hugs and positives vibes to everyone!! :hugs::hugs:


Hey you all! :hugs: :green_heart:

Sunny and warm today :partying_face:

:partying_face: :partying_face: remember this moment when stress catch up on you. It’s worth it! :hugs: :hugs:

No. Also about zombies. Just came to watch it recently and enjoyed the different angle on this metier.
Are there any good movies on witchcraft? :thinking:

Still too old for you :rofl:

.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :crazy_face:

I’m totally with you on that. If you don’t make exceptions, you just punish yourself and thats not the point. And most of all, eating together is not only about food, but sharing and company. I have the rule for myself, that I would never say, no, I don’t eat this, because it’s not in my sheddul.
By the way :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :kissing_heart:

Very impressive! I have a shepherd friend who immigrated and has his farm now in the state New York. I’m always in aww of the pictures, one day sunshine and shirt, the next an upcoming blizzard. :flushed: :star_struck:

.:ear: :heart_eyes:

I think, we should get this to work.
I have to be on the farm at 17th, probably leave Lübeck 15the or 16th. At least for a beach walk or a fish roll :joy: :hugs: :yellow_heart:

You too!!! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :purple_heart: miss our movie nights. I haven’t even enough data to watch youtube clips :roll_eyes:

Stay strong my dear! :hugs: You aren’t the only one in this, it effects a lot of people. So be patient with yourself :heartpulse:

:flushed: :flushed: wrong writing :see_no_evil:
slack :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Love your choice of shows :star_struck: :hugs:

:exploding_head: I just hope you talk about tattoos, not about husbands. :flushed:
. :crazy_face:

Saw you too :eyes: :upside_down_face: have a great day! :hugs:

It’s hard to get flowers here, but some for @lpfan61 :heart: :green_heart:

@anomalia :pleading_face: :hugs: :two_hearts:

@drounzer got your like :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :hugs: :heart:

@Linkineli big waving down or up, what ever, South for sure :wave: :hugs: :blue_heart: :white_heart:

Linda :heart_eyes: yesterday

Love my job!!! :blush:
Righ now


Yes i’m also addicted to it! :joy: Yesss we can add each other! It would be fun to see your isle! ( SW-4786-9853-5679 )

It will be possible in a few weeks :hugs::purple_heart:


Yeah, I’ve heard that about coloured ones as well but to be honest I didn’t feel a difference, I actually think they were even more enjoyable than just my black and grey ones.
Oh cool, you’ll see how it goes then! Looks great :smiley:
Also, which cream are you using? Best one for me is Hustle Butter.

Oh definitely, I’ll be complaining about how busy it is and how useless my staff is by next week, haha!

OT: Met my cousin for a quick walk around Ally Pally, it was busy but alright. I was surprised at how many pubs were open and serving take away pints (queues of at least 7-10 people in each) in the surrounding neighbourhoods. I am not even sure if this is allowed, I’m pretty sure you’re not allowed to walk with alcohol on the street… Also, why bother at the pub when you get the beer from the off licence in half the price? Doesn’t make sense.

OT2: After 57 days in quarantine, I’m finally going to work tomorrow! I can’t wait :smiley: We’re going to be there from 7:30am and hope to finish by early afternoon. Let’s see!



He looks younger without that beard he’s meant to be growing… He looks like late 20s early 30s below. :wink: Daniel is married though.


On topic: I’m in work in less than two weeks. Yay


I started watching Grey’s Anatomy last month on Netflix from the beginning… finished over the weekend. Now I need to catch up on my DVR!

OT: got my packages! So excited to play with my Nintendo switch :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I spent another great afternoon out and about on my bike. In addition to some of the normal spots I tend to visit, I also rode through a number of neighborhoods I’ve never explored on my own. We’re in for summer-like weather for the next few days, so I might end up taking my bike out after I get off work tomorrow.

I hope everybody’s doing well!



Love the cat! What is his/her name?

On topic - working, (as usual). Had a late wake up this morning


Sitting in the sun again getting my tan on…before I go back to work later!


hello everybody, happy wednesday :star_struck:

hello buddy, that’s really funny :sweat_smile: In 2016 we’ve got a little bit snow in May, but this was a exception.

hope you’re doing good and how’s Thurman?

hello dear :kissing_heart:
I’ve looked through all my albums, but I haven’t found any remixes. Could you send me some samples?
Also just this:
I’m going to see Rammstein live next year :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :partying_face: :partying_face: The concerts will be repeated :sob: :pray:t2: :metal:t2: :heartbeat:

hello dear and thank you again :kissing_heart: In germany tomorrow is a holiday “Christi Himmelfahrt” and also ‘father’s day’. So I’m on a trip with my Dad :sunglasses:
Also my uni week is done, bc tomorrow is holiday and our prof gave us the friday off too :grimacing:
Have you a great week ahead too and also how’s uni stuff going? Summer is always a a harder time for studying, bc you want to have free time for the sunny weather :see_no_evil:

hello buddy and thank you for tagging - just nice and beautiful words :heart: :pray:t2: wishing you a good wednesday. How are your work days now?

hello dear :kissing_heart: a qucik question: why are so many playing this game in these times? Why is this game so popular?
Also how are you doing?

oh no, that sounds horrible - maybe you find ‘some little things’ that make you happy or smiling? Just appreciate the little things and use them for your mood - it’s always good :muscle:t2: stay strong

good midday dear :kissing_heart:

hello :hugs: looks interesting and what did you bought? :grimacing:

hello buddy, oh I thought this is your first tattoo :sweat_smile: yeah, maybe we should exchange some tattoo tips. I’m also looking for some good new tips. Yes, I want this game now!!! What are you thoughts on that 90% of the music tracks are included in these games? :heart_eyes:

hello dear :kissing_heart: and hello Linda. Looks like Linda’s heaving lots of wool like I’ve lots of beard :rofl:

exactly this and I’m going to do 3 cheatdays this week, bc tomorrow is father’s day + saturday and sunday. It’s good that I can keep my weight light these days. So one more day is no problem. :sunglasses: :muscle:t2: Maybe I should eat a little bit more bc maybe I’m gettint to ‘skinny’ :sweat_smile:

hello dear :kissing_heart:
I wish I could do that too, but my skin ‘just knows white (like the white walkers in GoT) and red’ :joy:

10 powerful tags to @lplove @Linkineli @drounzer @zanybelle @chigokurosaki @rickvanmeijel @lpfan61 @AJ_7 @Honey8 @IronSoldier16 (sorry, couldn’t tag more) :heartbeat: :pray:t2:

OT: Getting ready for my tomorrow’s trip with my dad on ‘father’s day’ and just beeing so HAPPY that Rammstein rescheduled there stadium tour for next year :heart: :partying_face: :metal:t2: :metal:t2:

for all you around here - stay safe and healthy and enjoy the little things. #WeAreTheChange #320changesdirection #LPFamily #WeAreLPU :heart:


You want samples, you got them…

OT - watching this, :+1: :thinking:


Hallo again,
it’s me,

still happy, even with headache. I think, I recognise this feeling as new love. Love for this climate, for this island and especially for this sheep. They are so cute, beautiful, interested in me and communicating. :heartpulse:
To think, that 2 weeks ago, in a sleepless night, I got this massage call for help. And was like: Nooooooo! I don’t want to!
But I should.
I hate changes!!! I really do.
But I kick my butt to do it anyway.
And dang, I was so afraid, that I even had stomach cramps.
And now this, I even consider, to take this job on permanently for next year.
Life just proves to me again and again, fear of the unknown is just bs. Something always comes up. :blush:

:partying_face: :woman_cartwheeling: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :green_heart::purple_heart:

:joy: :joy: :rofl: this sounds so happy and excited :laughing: looking forward to :crazy_face:

I’m just teasing :kissing_heart: and yeah, he looks way to young :crazy_face:

Wow! That’s fast. I still wait price dropping for season 14. :upside_down_face:

Thank you for the pics! :heart_eyes: :star_struck:

Sounds great, love your garden. So I would never sit in the sun on my own free will. :joy:

Congratulations again :partying_face: :partying_face: something to look forward too :metal:

:hamburger: :pizza: :hotdog: :cut_of_meat: :fries: :ice_cream: :beers: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :laughing: have fun :hugs: :green_heart:

The sheep are jumpy right now.
So @HakManLP I just need a long time :stuck_out_tongue: but I saw you typing. :eyes:

The weather here changes really fast.
This morning

And now

:green_heart: :hugs:


@HakManLP Thurman’s great!

Today’s the first of two days that parents are allowed to drive by and retrieve their kids’ belongings. One of their runners was a no-show (there was some confusion, she’s working tomorrow instead), so I’ve been filling in, and grabbing bags and throwing them in peoples’ trunks.

DSCN3593 DSCN3594

The balloons were a last-minute idea from one of our assistant superintendents. I helped tie down the ones on the 4-6 sign. A couple on the other sign blew away almost immediately.

Other than this, it’s been a very slow-going day, I’m on my lunch break now.


Bought a Switch Lite, book, new purse and wallet.

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Oh nice, enjoy your days off!! :slight_smile:
I got a really nasty email from my thesis supervisor today that pissed me off to no end. I don’t even care anymore, he can f*ck off.

I’ve been wondering the same thing. From what I’ve seen from Mike playing it, it looks super boring and uneventful.

Haha, let’s see!
Glad you’re enjoying your work now as well, the pictures look lovely!

OT: First day back at work… lots of uncertainties and lots of things I strongly disagree with that I will make sure to mention to the director when he is tomorrow.
Today was also the first day I ever wore a face mask/covering and I almost passed out twice. It is SO DIFFICULT to breathe. How is everyone else ok with this?? I honestly felt like dying, I don’t know how I’m supposed to do this for 13-15 hours a day!

In delightful news, as expected, my birthday present from my manager (he’s really into music and he’s a vinyl collector, we’re talking more than 600-700 records):


I really hope my present for him arrives on time. I ordered about 17 days ago and it’s still not here :confused:


Oh I thought you were much younger! You’re close enough to my age so join the oldies gang :raised_hand: :laughing:

So what is this - meat or sweet dish? Sometimes I find myself eating rubbish for no reason, I had a chocolate cake and ice cream today ugh! Too much sweet food :nauseated_face: I can’t do treat days I just need consistency.

Oh is this your number 3 I thought THP would be higher up for you? I feel THP is the most underrated Linkin Park album. It is pure brilliance :metal:. My number 3 is Reanimation (sometimes I rate this higher because it was my album back in the day :wink:). This video is something I still feel nostalgic about. Just look at the LP floating heads (Mike looks gorgeous!!!) and the Reanimation robot flying at the end :’) loved this video so much:


Mark Hoppus plays this all the time. He’s a big kid. Do you see him? I don’t know about these games, haha!

Ok I’ll try to watch it, sounds interesting! I think The Last Witch Hunter was the last one I saw. Awesome cover of Paint It Black on the soundtrack:

Wise words. I read a book called Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway. It was a pretty good interpretation of fear being something we have because of our desires and if we stop expecting so much from experiences and events we can actually learn to enjoy them. So this is something I took onboard, rather than expecting so much from events or people I instead focus on what I can give/offer and that takes away a lot of the fear. Glad to hear about your positive outcome.

Day-50-something: I saw the movie Disturbia the other day, where the guy is on house arrest and starts watching his neighbours through the window. This is my life in 2020. Latest update: neighbours looking shifty near the recycling bins. Soundtrack: Blink 182: She’s Out Of Her Mind.


Hey all!!
Hoping everyone is having a good Wednesday!

I mean she might be on the look for a new husband :rofl: :rofl:
Pretty sure she’s over me by this point :joy:

Woo! lol I just added you before work this morn so I wouldn’t forget :joy:
I know I have sunk waaay too much time into this game… Before it was Breath of the Wild and I never thought and game would even come close (I’m ashamed to report how many hours have been logged into each game :joy:)

I really didn’t either, I might have to get it refilled (which I’ve heard with color that’s possibly the standard, idk lol) That part is supposed to hurt, I know when my artist went back and outlined with the black that hurt a bit, probably because it was already irritated skin at that point. Thank you I really am happy with how it turned out :grin: :grin: I’ll keep you posted when I figure out what’s next lol. As for lotion I use either Lubriderm or Eucerin intensive repair. Both seem to work great! I usually use the Lubriderm after a week or so, and then once in a while I still use it on all my tattoos.

Would’ve been a nice 1st tattoo! Go big or go home lol. The other ones I have are a Brother/Sister Tattoo I got when I was 18, Then It was my Linkin Park Tattoo (what my profile picture is) I think that was in 2018 I got that :thinking:, Then I got a Shinedown one last July (updated it with signatures from the band in October), and now this one :grin: :grin:
But yes! I am always happy to hear or give out any tips!

Here’s a funny one lol - Never Wear a white T-Shirt to bed… I did this a few nights ago and decided to rest my arm on my stomach (I must have done it in my sleep)… needless to say there is a nice new logo on the shirt :rofl: :rofl:

Saw these yesterday on LP’s website!! Guess who is getting Linkin Park Masks because they have to wear them at work :joy: :joy:

Screen Shot 2020-05-20 at 9.02.08 AM

Alright I’ve had this open all day and now I’m finally able to send it off :rofl: go me!!
Hope you all have a great one!! :hugs: :hugs:


Changed my profile picture and having tea

Edited - I’ve edited and changed my whole profile. Added new descriptions and photos. As much as I love the photo with Chester, it’s time for a change.

If anyone wants the photo, I’ll post it on here.


It’s 02:34!

It’s 4am and I can’t sleep!