HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

This is now my catchphrase! (:wolf::wolf::wolf: And werewolves forever)

(@theearlywalker for you)

I know! (Just joking with you)

OT: watching gogglebox.

Earlier on, rammstein released the making of on their photo shoot. And guess who I took screenshots of?

@anna834 and @HakManLP










And Just looked on Instagram and Daniel got Instagram stories.

  1. Daniel in his bed


  1. His catā€¦

@theearlywalker, you might like this! :heart::heart::heart::heart:

I need something like this from Till! @anna834 and @HakManLP


Ohhh, abs and aerobic :wink:

Hows your day?

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Getting hot here again, forecast says to expect 26-27 degrees by Wednesday. Itā€™s been an extremely lazy morning for me, havenā€™t left the couch since I woke up (oops!). Might go for a walk later or somethingā€¦
Today is 40 years since Ian Curtis took his life (I consider Joy Division one of greatest - if not the greatest - bands in the history of music) and Iā€™ve been listening to their albums back and forth. Iā€™ll be watching the livestream of the remaining members later tonight too.

Also, in the spirit of World Mental Health Awareness Week, I hope youā€™re all staying healthy and safe and taking the time you need to tend to your mental well-being as well. :slight_smile:


Hey all!! Happy Monday!

Hope you all had a great weekend!

I already posted this in the Tag youā€™re it topic, BUT I did get my sleeve started yesterday! 97872260_241470206943257_1433913542309838848_n 98135882_250970962989996_4056715023320350720_n

Was so excitedā€¦ but did not realize it was going to take 4 hours :rofl: so On top of being a bit soar from being punctured with a needle repeatedlyā€¦ its soar from being stiff for about 4 hours :rofl: :rofl:
But I love how it turned out! There is one small flaw in the wording but Iā€™m not going to let that ruin the whole tattoo! :grin:

My Favorite part was at the beginning, the artist was looking at the design and goesā€¦ ā€œThatā€™s Linkin Parkā€. I responded ā€œYup! they are my favorite bandā€ā€¦ He then proceeded to turn on the Linkin Park Station on Pandora :exploding_head: :exploding_head: The whole time we are jamming to rock music!

I might be in loveā€¦ donā€™t tell my wife :rofl::rofl:

Just from that photo alone, the island looks beautiful!!
I hope you are enjoying yourself there! :hugs:

I completely agree theyā€™ve waisted himā€¦ Iā€™ve always like the guy too! Maybe someday theyā€™ll get their heads out of their asses lol :joy: :joy:
I know! Between those two and the Avengers game! (I might wait a bit to buy it but I do want it eventually lol) Just so much to look forward to!

I definitely wasted a lot of time with Tony Hawk 1 & 2! And American Wasteland still have a soft spot for that game lol. Iā€™d say I used Tony a lot and if not him it was Bob Burnquist!

OT: Busy day again so Iā€™ll try and post some randomness later :crazy_face: :crazy_face:

I hope you all enjoy today!! Hugs to all!! (Just might only be able to use one arm right now :joy:) :hugs: :hugs:


Other than the day I worked last week when I had to clear out my utility closets, this is the busiest work day Iā€™ve had since quarantine started.

Last week the teachers were given trash bags and name tags for the students in their respective classes. The teachers then went through bagging and tagging their kidsā€™ belongings and leaving them in the hallway outside their rooms.

This morning, my boss [spoiler](he wasnā€™t scheduled to work today, but the co-worker I was supposed to work with today called in, so he just worked a couple hours and left)[/spoiler] and I just went through and brought all the bags down to the first floor.

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Just two days this week, weā€™re allowing students to come in to collect all their shit.

I also found out that Iā€™m not only working Monday and Friday this week, but Iā€™m also working on Wednesday. Next week Iā€™m in Tuesday and Thursday.

Would anyone like some orange juice? Theyā€™re only four months past their expiration date.



Hey guys :slightly_smiling_face: :hugs: :upside_down_face:

Another day in stormy paradise :blush:
This morning it rained the whole time, but it wasnā€™t that windy.


Your words descrip it perfectly :hugs: :yellow_heart: Itā€™s hopfully the beginning of August. From mid on, Iā€™m down in SchwabenlƤndle, near the Bavarian border. :laughing:

Oh, I enjoyed Warm Bodies. :blush:
Havenā€™t seen or read The Maze Runner, but I already got the recommendations, so somthing to look forward to. Especially cause you are the first, hmm, how to say it? Person closer to my age :rofl: who said so.
Have you seen The Girl With All The Gifts?

:partying_face: :partying_face: Enjoyed what you showed on ig. Thank you :hugs:

Benicio del Toro :heart_eyes:
But Daniel is way more fitting to you, age whise. :grin:

:muscle: :muscle: I am on a little morning gymnastic but I tend to slag.

Wow!!! Itā€™s awesome!!! :star_struck: :heart_eyes: Congratulations! :partying_face:

As if! You wonā€™t shut up about it yourself. :rofl:

:flushed: The left one seems to blow up already.
Wait a little longer und you get an extra workday. :boom: :joy:

@HakManLP birthdaycake :exploding_head: cheat weekend is over :triumph:

@Linkineli :hugs: :revolving_hearts:

@drounzer biggie huggy :hugs: :green_heart:

@intheend :thinking: :hugs:

After the rain sheep got really jumpy



Right now

:hugs: :green_heart:


First very busy work day since a whiiiiile !!! Iā€™ve a little headache but it feels soooo good after having a work day like that. :joy: I missed being busy, i was so bored the last 2month and half. :grin:

Going to watch TV / play video games when my headache will be over.

Have a good day / evening all :hugs::purple_heart:


@justinkilmer Whooo!!! Tell me everything! How was the overall experience? Howā€™s looking after the tat going for you? (Asking cause your piece is big and mine was a pain haha). How many sessions do you have left?
Sorry, tattoos excite me too much!

Aww thanks! :slight_smile:

OT: Just got off the phone with my manager. We have been given the ok from the council and are officially going back to work on Wednesday! Iā€™m so so so so happy!!! Iā€™ll be useful at something again!


Yes you and @Fravaco are closest to my age on here and definitely the right age for a Linkin Park fan (or so I thoughtā€¦) now itā€™s all these kids :roll_eyes: :laughing: haha! Maze Runner is actually more teen fiction but the movies have some zombies thatā€™s why I thought youā€™d like it. I havenā€™t even heard of Girl With All The Gifts. Is it about witchcraft?


Of courseā€¦ Daniel is 37! Till is 57! 20 years difference.


hello everybody :blush:

hello dear :kissing_heart:, maybe you can share some pictures?

hello buddy, thanks for the feedback and those nice words - I think 100% the same way. Hopefully your days will turn into something better. Howā€™s the weather by the way?

hello dear :kissing_heart:, yes, it was very good :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: We need more gifs like that around here :rofl:

hello dear, yes I will send you a message :kissing_heart: thanky you and your gifts sounds awesome. I must check out the photo in the tavern thread :sunglasses:
Do you got Thurday (fatherā€™s day and also ā€˜Ascension of Christā€™) + friday also off?

hello dear :kissing_heart:, that sounds pretty good and I like your top 5ā€™s bc there are so much ā€˜underratedā€™ songs from Rammstein. I think, it will be a good playlist. I must to include these.
Also: what do you mean with ā€˜remixesā€™? Remixes like ā€˜Reanimation by Linkin Parkā€™
and: Did you saw the new pictures and videos from the making of Rammstein 2019 (latest album) :scream: :sunglasses: :heart_eyes: :star_struck: :grimacing: :sunglasses: :metal:t2:

hello dear :kissing_heart:, hopefully these two days were great? How youā€™re dooing today? Also Iā€™ve got some other flower pictures for the next days and yes: my plansies are doing great :star_struck:

hello dear :kissing_heart:, first of all lots of strength to you. So many days left :neutral_face: But yes, weekend was good, but it would be perfect if Werder Bremen would win right now - theyā€™re 2:1 down :sob:
Also: why are you teasing me with these delicious looking cookies? I WANT THEM! :rofl: :joy: you and lpfan61 are ā€˜very evilā€™ :stuck_out_tongue: I know, cheatweekend is over, but itā€™s the birthday of one of my closest friends, so one piece was okay :crazy_face:

hello dear :kissing_heart:, which puzzle? :scream:
Oh, the making of is so great and also I love strawberries with cream :heart_eyes: Howā€™s the weather in bavaria? Weather around here is getting warmer and warmer

hello dear :kissing_heart:, I donā€™t know but many here use the ā€˜humpdayā€™ so why not? For me itā€™s just Wednesday :rofl:
Thank you for those nice words and of course we and I will keep this up. How are you doing with your studies? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Maybe just use Fort Minor or Dead By Sunrise to annoy them? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: but a music round without LP and MS ā€¦ I meanā€¦ WHAT?! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :rage: :triumph:

hello buddy, hopefully you saw my comment in the ā€˜when and where threadā€™ - Really cool with that ā€˜Krumbachā€™
also: How is this possible: Now youā€™ve got 20 degree plus but had snow a couple weeks ago? :sweat_smile:

hello dear :kissing_heart:
Iā€™m not that you and will turn 29 this year :sweat_smile: also I know and love the very ā€˜first albums and days of NU Metalā€™ also like the first KoRn and SlipKnot album for example. Speaking of Limp Bizkit I was 8 when ā€˜Significant otherā€™ was released and I saw a few songs on MTV :sweat_smile: so Iā€™ll put a remix for you in that thread
special treats: kebab, Schnitzel, chinese rolls and a lots of german food snacks like ā€˜Frikadellenā€™
Very interesting thought about the 3 albums MTM, ATS and LT. For me ATS AND LT were the hardest to love followed by OML. MTM itā€™s still my #3 because thereā€™s still the ā€˜Nu Metalā€™ and ā€˜Alternative thingā€™ - But yes, they grew up and Iā€™m cool with that. Also the Nu Metal style changed a little bit. I mean, I would not wear trousers like I did in my childhood and teenager days :joy:

hello, youā€™ve got your own podcast? :wink: :yum:

hello buddy,
really good tattoo - How long did it take? Now you have to take really good care of it and above all avoid sun and chlorinated water for the time being. Best for about 8-10 weeks. If you still need some tips for the healing process or how to best care and clean your tattoos, just ask. Iā€™ll will help you and I think some other around here too :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart:

Also Steve Caballero and Rodney Mullen & Erik Koston were my favorites :sunglasses:

hello dear and get well soon :kissing_heart: sending you strength and positivity.
Also what are you playing this time? :star_struck:

I just checked the other thread and recognized that Iā€™m with almost 29 years Iā€™m one of the older fans around here :sweat_smile: But the late 90ā€™s and early/mid 2000ā€™s are ā€˜my music rootsā€™ :grimacing: :sunglasses: - just those lovely childhood and teenager days

10 powerful tags to @IronSoldier16 @lplove @lpaniist @AJ_7 @rickvanmeijel @Audrina87 @Reishtany @chigokurosaki @drounzer @anomalia :heart: :metal:t2:

OT: enjoying monday evening and watching Werder Bremen against Leverkusen. Sadly Bremen (my fatherā€™s team) will lose :sob: but hereā€™s ā€˜the princeā€™ for you

itā€™s ā€˜the princeā€™ - the cat from one of my closest and best friends, who has birthday today. I visited these boys today :laughing: :grimacing: and he wanted some cake too :joy:

Wishing everyone a good monday, a good start into the new week and of course a good week too - Stay safe and healthy everyone. #LPFamilyTogether. Chins and heads up, weā€™re there for us around here :heart: :metal:t2: :pray:t2:


@HakManLP In this part of the USA, you should expect to see all four seasons at any given time during any week between Halloween and our Memorial Day (last Monday in May).

On topic, now Iā€™m home from work, and I donā€™t plan on doing anything with the rest of my night. Hereā€™s part two of my work day.

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As in remixes released with the singles and yes, the second disc in the Made in Germany album.

Yes, I saw the video and my oh myā€¦ image



Tills 57 but looks awesome for his age! And donā€™t forget about his book!


Sure thing!
Hmmmā€¦ fatherā€™s day is sometime in June and no idea about the other thing. I donā€™t think so? I donā€™t know, I donā€™t know anything about religion to be honest. The next bank holiday here is May 25th (it marks the beginning of spring).

Glad you enjoyed your weekend and football! Have a great week ahead :slight_smile:

OT: Played quite a bit of piano this evening, watched a bit of the Joy Division stream and then had pizza for dinner and watched a lot of Buffy with the flatmate. I definitely have to meet my cousin tomorrow since Iā€™ll be at work from Wednesday and wonā€™t have much free time. I also need to venture out and try and find a mask to buy, apparently you canā€™t get in an Uber without one as of this week, so weird!


:sunny::sunny: good morning family :sunny::sunny: Tuesday already :sweat_smile: and Iā€™ve a short week ahead. Thursday is celeb day and free from work- so itā€™s only today and tomorrow before the next break and from up the beginning of June we have 2 weeks Pentecoste holidays :partying_face: so my outlook is really good-

@evooba :tada::tada: Yaaay - Iā€™m so happy for you- take care and all the best for the reopening :tada::tada::partying_face:

@justinkilmer WOOOAHH sooooo cool tat - and this big for one session- let me guess :thinking: 8 hrs? It looks incredible great already! Grats man :tada::+1:t2::blush:

@anna834 sending sunshine :sunny::sunny: and we arrive in Hamburg in the 12th of August and stay until 19th :crossed_fingers:t2: I hope we can make it! Have a good day :hugs::yellow_heart::sunny:

@LP13413 lol looks like a bomb indeed :joy::sweat_smile: how is the boss? Sending strength :muscle:t2: and warmth :sunny::sunny::sunny:

Quick tags for @HakManLP @drounzer @raz7 @Lilyope @lpfan61 @Linkineli and everybody- have the best possible day soldiers- weā€™re the difference #320 and in this together :heart::hugs::muscle:t2: to you all

Ot: about to shower :shower:


I played Animal Crossing on switch. :blush:

OT: Just woke up, itā€™s a bit early so will stay in bed before getting ready to work from home.

Have a good day / evening / night everyone :hugs::purple_heart:


Good morning lp family. I been up since 3 am I canā€™t sleep I have so much stress on me it not good .going though this lockdown obviously isnā€™t good some days I get really depressed and I donā€™t know what to do.

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Slag? :smile:

Ot: :muscle:t4:

Good morning everyone :slight_smile:


Lol, no. Was listening to my favorite podcast on Spotify.

On topic: watching Friends and waiting for some packages to arrive today!!! :grin::grin::grin: