HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

:sunny::sunny::sunny: good morning family :sunny::sunny::sunny: it’s Saturday :tada::tada: no work today- at least not at work. But at home - and paperstuff - at least I can make the timeline :joy:

alright :laughing: before I start my day I need to check in here today- to wish you all a good and safe Saturday soldiers :hugs::hugs::muscle:t2::muscle:t2: - we are really in this together :yellow_heart::hugs::hugs: - that’s uplifting :heart_eyes_cat::partying_face: and so helpful in these times :grin: stay strong you wonderful heartly, funny, caring and loving peeps of the Underground :heart:

@HakManLP thanks for caring :hugs::hugs::yellow_heart: you’re really aware man! Yeah, long working hours are the reason for me posting this little :grimacing:, and when I get up late in the morning- means only rushed coffee and no time to ketchup. It will become calmer again- life is like this :crazy_face::crazy_face: and that’s another reason for me being extremely thankful for this place here- the people I met here are friends… maybe this crazy corona time can show us more of the things that really matter… like this place here …

Heey yo @anngelenee seeing you typing :blush::hugs::yellow_heart: stay strong :muscle:t2::sunny: and enjoy your Saturday

@evooba sounds like a really nice day :grin: and I so feel you on the baking costs time thing- experienced it on mothers day making a cake for my mom :joy::sweat_smile: - 2,5 hrs until everything was clean again :sweat_smile:

Ot :coffee:… bbl - hugs :hugs: to @everybody


:+1:t4: :joy: thanks, that scratching is satisfying me either :sweat_smile: :rofl:

Have a nice weekend all :slight_smile:

Ot: Searching for gym mat :thinking:

Hi :kissing_heart: Have a good weekend too :hugs: Finally its sunny out here :raised_hands:t4:


Thank you! :slight_smile:
Yeah, let me know and I can look into it and hopefully I can get it for you.
I’m not big on birthday presents actually… my flatmate made me a skull kitty bat plushie (it’s pretty awesome!) and I think my manager got me a vinyl (he mentioned something the other day that got me thinking). I posted a photo on the tavern thread :wink:
Enjoy your weekend!!

@theearlywalker I know right! That fondant thing is what killed us, took too long!

OT: The weather’s getting better again over here, will be about 20 degrees today. I might meet my cousin later for a walk or something. For now, coffee and back to uni work.

Have a good day guys! :slight_smile:


Im doing well, thanks for asking. The cats keep helping as we are putting the new decking down as well as painting. But all three of them are OK.

Top 5 for Mutter, Reise Reise and Rosenrot


  1. Sonne
  2. Mein Herz Brennt
  3. Ich Will
  4. Links 2 3 4
  5. Rein Raus

Reise Reise:

  1. Dalai Lama
  2. Stein Um Stein
  3. Reise Reise
  4. Mein Teil
  5. Mosaku


  1. Rosenrot
  2. Spring
  3. Wo Bist Du
  4. Feuer und Wasser
  5. Mann Gegen Mann

A question for you is your favourite Rammstein remixes, :slight_smile:

OT: watched an Aesthetic Perfection video and Daniel mentioned Rammstein!


Yes! They are! :yum:

I finally have a free weekend! 2days off! :partying_face: :grin:
Relax time :crazy_face: :musical_note: :notes: :notes:

OT: browsing :grin:


Hallo :wave: :wave:
It’s me again! :partying_face:
Finally :joy:

My boss was here since yesterday and we moved the flock to new pasture.


This island is just amazing! :star_struck: And I start to get used to the constantly blowing wind. :blush:

And? Did you get one? I so love thunderstorms :star_struck:

You’rewelcome! :blush: Some of your posted jokes are hilarious :joy: I wanted to take screenshot, but you could also share here in the laughter topic. :upside_down_face:

:grin: curious what you will think of it.

.:partying_face: :partying_face: pics! Yeah! :grin:

:joy: I just love post apocalyptic stories. I find the ideas of how a former civilisation at our now level live on very interesting. That’s way I love Kings The Stand. Or The Walking Dead, also Mad Max, even Waterworld and the Postman, or the whole Darkover books by M.Z.Bradley.

They are perfect!!! :heart_eyes: love the unicorn sheep :ram:

@lpfan61 :scream: he’s seen through us :exploding_head:
What shall we do? :flushed:
Maybe bribe him with cookies :innocent:
@HakManLP for you:

:flushed: :joy: :joy: :rofl: great joke. I work now, let me count, for 23 days in a row and have still two more weeks to go. :laughing: weekend, good one :rofl:

:star_struck: :star_struck: :heart_eyes: soooo love it!!! Yea, I said, I’m not in professional pics. And I am, with this exception. This place, it has this post apocalyptic feeling and you can see it in the fotos, even in the guys. Love it! :heart_eyes:

:partying_face: :partying_face: you got me there!!! :joy:
My home! Past, now, future! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Thank you!!! :hugs: :hugs: Enjoy your day with Bundesliga!!! :green_heart: :white_heart: Happy for you!! And ignore all the f*** whatsaboutismen! :joy:

:tada: Congratulations!! Dream somthing nice, first good dream in a new home will come true! :hugs:

And put in some relaxing enjoying time for yourself!!! That’s an order! By … hm … by who exactly? :thinking:
By me!!! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :yellow_heart:

For what? :thinking: :kissing_heart:

@Linkineli saw you typing :eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@drounzer love :hugs: some huggis :grin: :green_heart:

@Reishtany saw you in :hugs: :gift_heart:

Love to all of you!
:green_heart: :heart:

Tending sheep in this is just :exploding_head: :star_struck: :heart_eyes:


Hi everyone! Finally checking in again… i kind of lost my routine i had built over the weeks(even if it isnt really a routine, but i had a sense of a rythm), days felt weird and also kind of meaningless again.:confounded: but i am excited for the weekend, and i have something to look forward to: the tickets i had for the hurricane festival( for one day, i wanted to see Twenty one pilots :sob:)can be used for next year, and bands like bmth are already in the line-up! I really really really hope TØP will come, too but it will be my first festival and it will be exciting​:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:(i hope it will be possible next year, but i have to hope for it, i can’t deal with the fact that it may be cancelled too atm)

Everything’s fine​:blush::hugs::hugs:

:joy::joy::joy:well not specifically bavarian, it was like a cream with strawberries:

Aaahh i love those! When i was on an exchange with school in bologna i ate them almost every day​:sweat_smile::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

@raz7 thank you for sharing your story, and i’m glad you’re here!:heart::heart::heart:


:joy:no worries, you’ll understand me. I say pfiatdi instead of tschüss or anything else, but that’s it i’d say​:joy:even though i would like to have the accent. But in school you get trained for speaking “hochdeutsch”, not bavarian, and if you don’t actively speak it often you forget it​:pensive:


:joy:i have to as well, i often have to leave for dinner. Yesterday he designed an album cover, for the release of those corona jams​:blush:

Yeah, we get emails and there is an online portal to send them our work, but it’s pretty chaotic. And talking to the teachers live would really help.

I agree with you and yeah, just do what feels right for you!:hugs:


:heart:that’s true, we have each other. And i never felt the community with all human beings on our planet so strongly before, because it really affects everyone and (almost) everyone went through the same stages of feelings in this pandemic and we all want this to be over.

It really sounds amazing, nice that you had such a great day! And i loved your cupcakes, they are great!:heart_eyes::joy:

Aah right, thanks for the reminder! i’m gonna bake something for my father, but i don’t know what yet…

Probably, my brother is really excited for it, so i’m gona watch with him.
And yeeah, the picture of it is above​:laughing::joy::kissing_heart:sorry you had to wait so long​:joy::grin::heart:

I saw,i wanna have the puzzle, but it’s so expensiiive​:sob::sob::sob:

Same- this is amazing!:heart_eyes::heart_eyes: thanks for sharing!

Wow, it’s beautiful!!!:heart::heart::muscle::muscle:

In honour of the anniversary, i watched one of my favourite LP videos, the making of it, i love that video​:joy::joy::heart::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

Yeah, it is really a good feeling​:hugs::heart::heart:you stay strong and safe too!:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:always love to read your uplifting posts!
@anna834 see you writing​:hugs::hugs::hugs:i love every single picture you post from sylt!:heart:sending you warm hugs!:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
That goes to everyone else too! I’m so glad to know you all!:hugs::hugs::heart::heart::heart:


Thanks for love and tags @theearlywalker @anna834 @HakManLP @drounzer

yes dear i am fine, doing well just busy. How are you ? :hugs: :heart: :orange_heart:

i understand due to lockdown it is controlled a bit, but still rising

Thank you! I am doing well, i hope you are doing well too! :hugs: :heart:

heyy ! does that exist? :laughing:

Thants such a nice wish, many of you keep spreading love around no matter what day is, i feel great whenever i come here to see such a positive environment. I wish you all stay safe and together! :hugs: love for everyone! :heart: :heart:

Amzing!! never lose hopes :smiley: I hope this weekend goes great for you. Its such a bad situation around the world , it will take some times to be back on track, Your days will be productive dont worry :hugs: and remember you are a very meaningful person hehe :heart:

Have a good time sending strength! :muscle: :heart:

sorry i can’t summarize much, but was great coming here :hugs: :heart:


Oh! You were in Italy! :sun_with_face: cool! :grin: yeah, so yummy! :yum:

OT: doing a LP marathon, in need of their music :heart_eyes: :heart:


About to do a quiz with my cousins…I’m doing the music round and they said No LP or MS :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Haha thanks!

That’s good! At least something to look forward to. All of my concerns have been cancelled besides one taking place in October, but that can change :frowning:

Fingers crossed they do something soon!

Thanks :slight_smile: It was great, we were playing for a good 2 or so hours (hopefully the neighbours weren’t disturbed).

We didn’t meet after all but thanks!

OT: My flatmate and I spent some time outside today, chilling in the front of the house. We went for a walk around the block after that and since we came home, we’ve been playing music. Will probably grab something to eat now and then call it a night.


@anna834 There were areas around here that were under a tornado watch (it’s very rare that a tornado occurs here), and some places also had strong winds with hail. The most we had here was a lot of rain, some wind, some thunder moved through as well, but it wasn’t anything major.

On topic, it is an absolutely B-E-A-Utiful sunny day out today at 68ºF (20ºC), and I just spent about two hours riding around on my bike. Now I’m catching my breath, and about to grab some dinner. Tonight is chicken Parmesan.


Gym mat, exercise mat? Like that one:


My bro instead that one bought me tent mat…now I can live in he wild…


Just dropped the hoover on my left big toe…it’s the same toe I dropped a big bowl on last week!! Oooowwww!


That’s nice to hear​:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::hugs: i’m good atm, thank you​:blush:

Aaawww thank you for your words!!!:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart::heart::muscle::muscle:you help me to not lose hope!:pray::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::partying_face:

Yeah!:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:i also want to learn the language, my father helps me to start( i can order food, count to 1000, stuff like that yay​:joy::muscle:)I think italy is the country i travelled to the most often​:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::joy:my grandparents have a small house in bibione, we go there almost every year, in the summer holiday.

Yeah, i think that was the worst for me, having nothing positive in the future.

Oh no, that’s so frustrating. Is the one in october a smaller one? Maybe there’s hope for that then🙏

Thank you!

:joy::joy:nah, i don’t think so. They were probably really bored and you made them even a pleasure!:partying_face:

Oh no! I feel the pain​:cold_face::confounded:hope it doesn’t hurt anymore!:kissing_heart:
Something’s wrong with my left toe, too. I just came back from a run, and i can’t really bend it bc it hurts moving it. It hurt a little before as well but now i think it would be a lot better if i didn’t go out for a run.:roll_eyes::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:

@anna834 :hugs::sheep: are you and linda still friends?:laughing:
@HakManLP hope you’re enjoying your cheatweekend!:crazy_face:
@drounzer always sending you some virtual hugs​:hugs::hugs::hugs:
@framos1792 are you still alive??
@theearlywalker and @zanybelle sending you hugs and love too!:wink::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::hugs::hugs:
@rickvanmeijel, @hilaryfol, @Lilyope, @gatsie and everyone else, too, you are amazing! It’s a bad time atm, but try to use that for yourself, for being nice to yourself.:kissing_smiling_eyes: Remember Noor, the woman that made the podcast with Anna about grief? She has some amazing lessons on ig about softness during this time(and other positive videos, i really like them). One of the things that i have constantly in my mind was from one video with another guest(unfortunately don’t know her name anymore), she mentioned that we should treat our body like we treat our best friend, because we are or can be best friends with ourselves too. Like, you would never tell your friend what a bad skin they have or how weird their legs look, so we should stop telling that ourselves.
And also, that we should cheer ourselves more up like we do here or with other friends. Just look in the mirror and say how amazing you are, how much you rock, how you can be proud of yourself.
I defenitely changed my view on my body, on myself during these days.
:revolving_hearts::orange_heart::orange_heart::heart::heart::heart:love you all!


Hey all :heart:

:astonished: wow! Looks so tasty!!! :drooling_face:

Thank you :blush: and backatya! :revolving_hearts:

Great words, thanks for sharing :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

:partying_face: :hugs: :heart:

Rare mybe, but it happens :open_mouth: just can’t imagine how it is. Sure saw some on tv, but won’t be the same. For me, storms that cut down big old oak trees are quite enough. :upside_down_face:

Yeah. But what do you practice? Back or pelvic floor exercises? Pilatis? Yoga? Callanetix? :grin:

.:persevere: :hugs:

@evooba I have to come with Buffy again :laughing:
Your description of you visting the library, it came to mind. As Buffy and Willow entered the campus library for the first time. And the disappointment of the slayer and the happyness of the witch :joy: :joy:

@theearlywalker :hugs: :yellow_heart:

Tending and freezing :cold_face: :crazy_face:


But I will bring the sheep now in the night pen and drive “home” cooking something for me. Already bad tempered in hunger. :laughing:

Take care you all :hugs: :green_heart:


:sunny::sunny::sunny: Good Sunday morning guys :sunny::sunny::sunny: sunshine post part 2 :joy::sweat_smile:- should have been finished yesterday already :joy::joy::sweat_smile: oh my… edit: should have been done about 8hrs back again- sending it now :joy:

@HakManLP I definitely go for Brad in this- this hairy style is legendary :joy::joy:- yeah- the guys were really in a great reflection and growing phases with MIM - one of the most underrated albums imo :heart_eyes: TY :tada::tada:- enjoy your cheat weekend further on :crazy_face: excellent WEP again!

@anna834 absolutely awesome pics :heart_eyes: I almost smell the great smell of the sea :nose: :heart_eyes: yeah, like salty and blowing strong in the face and the lovely moment when the wind sleeps in for a while :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart:- warm sunrays on the nose :sunny::sunny: ohhhhh how I look forward to August :heart_eyes: I love the coast :hugs::hugs::yellow_heart::yellow_heart::sunny::sunny: stay strong Anna :blush::muscle:t2:

@linkineli hugs and yeah, would be nice to meet up with you and Anna :blush::hugs: … probably we manage to meet here in Bavaria first?!! Stay strong Eli :yellow_heart::sunny::muscle:t2::hugs:

@evooba @lpfan61 @LP13413 And dear @Honey8 stay strong my fellow soldiers :hugs::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::yellow_heart: and @raz7 ofc Daniel :joy::joy::sweat_smile: wtf is David :upside_down_face::rofl:

Ot: making summer toe nails :nail_care:

:heart:Have a nice evening you beautiful people :heart_eyes::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart:


Yeah, I didn’t know if you knew all the songs I posted as some of them are old? Ok sure, playlists are fun.

I’m doing alright, just sluggish… Yesterday just helping at local food bank and today not a lot as we’re still meant to stay at home and can only see 1 other person outside. My cousin gave me a hug yesterday although I did refuse it because “social distancing” but still got hugged :roll_eyes: haha. How are you and how was your weekend? What was your special treat? :slightly_smiling_face:

MTM isn’t one of my favourite albums although I do like most of the songs. The reason is because I felt Linkin Park started to become more mainstream with this album. Their look changed to more of a wholesome look (and you know I prefer the Hybrid and Meteora looks!). However, I feel Chester’s voice improved tenfold and his tone became more beautiful, so for that reason I enjoy a lot of MTM songs. I also enjoyed Mike singing and the political messages in the lyrics which felt like Mike really had something to say (unlike ATS which is too fictional for me). Living Things is probably my ideal middle ground because it mixes the before and after elements. As for my favourite song :thinking: I still find it emotional to listen to Valentine’s Day. However, Leave Out All The Rest is my favourite because the lyrics and the video really captures me.

I think we like the same stuff, although I can’t watch “horrific horror” movies anymore, they just disturb me too much. I saw part of the new Mad Max movie and it was pretty good. I like a bit of Nicholas Hoult, Warm Bodies was probably my favourite of his. Have you seen The Maze Runner movies? You would like them. But please don’t tell me about the 3rd one. Thanks.

Argh :roll_eyes:

Yes, for once we all have something undeniably in common. I guess the only thing is we’re also afraid of each other and need to be more careful when we see people. However, I think we’ll be talking about this until we’re all old - “Remember that virus that tried to kill the human race? That damn dirty ape!”

Can you tell this to @framos1792 ? We’re the plague apparently.

Forgive yourself mentally too when you do something wrong or make a mistake. If you can forgive yourself and allow yourself to be wrong the easier life will be. It’s not about failure, it’s about how you overcome it.

Day-50-something: My autocorrect assumes I’m going to talk about how much this sucks, being indoors for the majority of the day rather than sitting somewhere surrounded by strangers who I barely know. Yes autocorrect, you suck. Sincerely, ZB. Soundtrack: Blink 182: Hey I’m Sorry.


Most of the gigs I go to are in small venues. But still not sure 200 or so people will be allowed to gather. The one I’m most gutted about is All Points East Festival that was supposed to take place next week. It was probably my only chance to see Iggy Pop and Kraftwerk live (among other great bands) live.

Haha totally! We’re currently half way through Season 6, we’re almost done, it’s crazy!

OT: Didn’t do much today, I sent another email to my thesis supervisor to review my draft for the proposal we have to submit by the end of the month so hopefully he’ll reply by the end of the week.
Played a lot of guitar and piano (and recorded some stuff too), mostly Joy Division songs (tomorrow is Ian Curtis’ death anniversary) and now I’m listening to music (Pigs x7’s Viscerals is on)



Waiting on laundry.
Listening to my podcast.
Getting hungry…okay, gonna warm something up. :drooling_face:

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