HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

Hey guys! :upside_down_face: Girls included! :slightly_smiling_face:

Again tending sheep. Itā€™s sunny today. That makes it easier to bear the cold. But the wind stays strong, cutting into my face.

Awesome movie :joy: But ok, I have a thing for
humanity get stricken by zombie apocalypse, could be my alian nature :laughing:

:joy: :joy: Awesome! This gets my fantasy into developing storys. :grin:

Yeah! Thank you!! :blush: feel free to envy me :joy: I would actually take this job, if it wouldnā€™t be possible to visit my grandma anymore. And I also feel devoted to the Eifel farm. But this job isnā€™t running away. :upside_down_face:

Yeah! You and @theearlywalker come visit! :partying_face: We must creat a fake working licence so :thinking: Tourism starts at 18. But still no daily visits. Ha, ha, from one end of the republic to the other! :joy: Will I understand you? Or do you both speak with an Bavarian accent? :rofl:

Ha, ha. And now I just miss the ritch prince :laughing: jk I can slay my own dragons. :joy:

:flushed: I love woolen stuff. Even when it is ruff and still a little lanolin in it, gives me a feel of protection. :blush:

Hey! Nice you check in with us! Take a hug! :hugs:

My cookies :smiling_imp:
So tasty :cookie: Thank you!!! :yum:

No CV, so I can just quote this :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
But itā€™s awesome!!! :partying_face: Soon you need more space :cd: :cd: :cd:

@Lilyope you were out!! :partying_face: :partying_face:

@anomalia still missing :hugs: :green_heart:

@justinkilmer come on! I expected a little more entertainment! :crazy_face:

@HakManLP Humpday :hugs:

Ritch people just have it. Sylt actually has the fastest internet I ever come across. I even can conect my phone via tethering to my laptop and watch stuff in the evening. It eats a lot of data, but right now, I have two sims and pay just for one. All cause I changed provider, so very convenient. :blush:



hello everybody #humpday :crazy_face:

hello dear :kissing_heart:, I donā€™t know :sweat_smile: itā€™s still that thing, that Rammstein was, is and 4 ever will be unique. The sound, the german lyrics and these shows. These are the most important things for me, why Rammstein is under my favorite bands since the late 90ā€™s/early 00ā€™s They donā€™t give a f*ck about rules or ā€˜normal thingsā€™ and do they stuff. That is just awesome. Also Iā€™m very ā€˜proudā€™ that a german band is so well known and loved all over the world. If I figure out a new playlist, are you interested in a ā€˜Reise, Reise, Mutter & Rosenrotā€™ special playlist?
also: are you on instagram? Iā€™ll follow you on Twitter :kissing_heart:

hello buddy, thank you for tagging and this picture. For today I found my smile back the day was good. So Iā€™m looking forward for the Thursday and friday and of course for my cheatweekend WITH EUROPEAN FOOTBALL. Damn, I missed my german Bundesliga so much :heart_eyes: :heart:
Also got something figured out for the WEP :grimacing: :partying_face: :nerd_face: :grimacing: :shushing_face:

hello dear :kissing_heart:, donā€™t ā€˜hateā€™ me for that, but Guiness is no beer for me :sweat_smile: also so many american and english beers. I know Estrella, itā€™s good. Thatā€™s the thing: so many german beers arenā€™t available in the world. The world just knows beers like ā€˜Radebergerā€™ or ā€˜Becksā€™ for example. By the way: I love becks :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Also I like denmakrs beer and also Heineken from Netherlands for example.
Yes, uni was good today and Iā€™m back positive thinking again. To answer your question in the other thread: Of course we also have the possibility to use many things via online offers of our library. The same applies to the ā€œGoogle searchā€. However, literature is not always good literature and books usually offer a good scientific source, which is what professors and lecturers prefer. At the moment our online offer is limited, because you have full access to many things only via the university W-Lan and you have to be in the library at the same time to download. This is currently not possible due to Corona. But that does not bother me. I have found good books and several online texts that I have already saved before Corona. Furthermore the trips to the university are a welcome change and I see something different.

Long text/answer, sorry :joy: how are you doing with your assignments? Also what are about your results dear? :pray:t2:

hello buddy, great, that you showed up in here and thank you for your update and this picture. Doing better these days and wishing you the best, much strength, positive thoughts and good luck + also success for your learning sessions! :heart: :pray:t2: :metal:t2:

hello dear :kissing_heart:, youā€™re a ā€˜bad girlā€™ for teasing me :rofl: :rofl: :joy: :joy: :raised_hands:t2:
Love your pictures. Weather gets better in North Hessen and yes itā€™s humpday, so 2 more days :sunglasses: :grimacing:. Where are you now?

hello dear :kissing_heart:
that was my ā€˜most listened top 10ā€™ not my ā€˜Alltime top 10ā€™. For my Top there must be also Nookie and Crack addict in it. But I think itā€™s not surprisingly, most of the songs are from ā€˜Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Waterā€™. It was just this time. Those early 2000s :heart: :metal:t2: Also love the two former albums, but this album was a masterpiece for me as a Limp Bizkit fan
What are your songs, that you like? Maybe I can do a special playlist for you too :blush: :yum:

found him - is this a ā€˜random placeā€™ or or did you deliberately paste that picture there? :grimacing:

hello dear :kissing_heart:
first: is this the ā€˜charmin bearā€™ ? :rofl:
second: what are you listen to?
bonecrushsquishy to you :hugs: :kissing_heart:

the same. Hope youā€™re doing well too :relaxed:

hello dear :kissing_heart:, what desserts? Bavarian desserts? :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :star_struck: :star_struck: :star_struck: Iā€™m hungry now :rofl:
yeah, but weather will get better next week - so we should stay positive.

hello dear :kissing_heart:, this is no joke:

:joy: :joy: :joy:
what kinda cookies? :pleading_face: :drooling_face:

10 powerful and lovely tags to @IronSoldier16 @Lilyope @rickvanmeijel @lplove @anomalia @alz89 @AJ_7 @Honey8 @lpaniist @justinkilmer :hugs: :metal:t2: :raised_hands:t2: :yum: :heart:

OT: doing better today, uni is good again (Weā€™ll see how long that lasts. :sweat_smile:) and had a good day. Iā€™ll spend the evening with ā€˜Doctor Strangeā€™ and will see this movie for the 2nd time
At the end I send you positive feelings, sun, summer, nature and above all stamina. I wish you all a nice day/evening. Stay healthy and safe #LPFAMILY. :heart: :muscle:t2: :metal:t2:


Hey all!

Happy Wednesday!

Glad I could be of service! :rofl:

Thatā€™s great to hear!! Sorry if youā€™ve already posted that lol
I havenā€™t really been able to catch up as much as Iā€™d like too :sleepy:
But either wayā€¦ Yay!!

NEVER!!! :rofl: :rofl:

Okayā€¦ I can provide it maybe? Possibly?
Who are we kidding my whole life is one big entertainment in some way shape or form :joy:

I mean I could tell you guys that the T-Rex struck again :thinking:
This time it was because our neighbors had an anniversary, (30 years i think?) Of course you canā€™t really celebrate with leaving the houseā€¦ sooooā€¦ I sent them a dino-gram!! :rofl:

Iā€™m definitely getting my use of this suitā€¦ and I love it!

It really is sadlyā€¦ on the plus side (For me anyways idk about you lol) They announced a remaster of the Original Tony Hawk games to be released in September! :scream::scream: Now I have to choose between that or the Avengers game that releases the same day :rofl: oh the joy of being a nerd. haha
I did watch itā€¦ twiceā€¦ I canā€™t wait until season 2!!


OT: At work plugging away, Just started up Mikeā€™s live streamā€¦ itā€™s nice to have on as background noise sometimes, but also cool to see how everything gets made from the start!

Hope you all are enjoying your days! :hugs: Hugs to all!


Hellooo! :hugs: :hugs: :blush:

:point_down: :point_down: :point_down:


OT: just had dinner :crazy_face:


Yes, Iā€™m on Twitter and on Instagram. Iā€™ll send you links. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Facebook - Rhianna Spiers
Twitter - https://twitter.com/rhianna_spiers
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/raznsimi2019/

Im mostly active on Twitter and Facebook, only go on Instagram for the stories to be honest. If anyone is interested, please feel freeā€¦

Back to the main point, @HakManLP, Iā€™m never going to stop loving Rammstein. Rammstein is now such a big band for me now with a huge meaning and especially when I was at a low point in my life. (Lets put it this way, if I never listened to Sonne over and over again, I may not be here, :pensive: :disappointed_relieved:) Itā€™s not said as a joke, its genuine.

That point in my life where I missed out at university, missed out on my target grades and had to stop and try to get a job or an apprenticeship with no other references from, (which was sometimes a pain with everything going on), focusing on the Numb to one billion competition, (which now I look back and wish that I put less focus on that while focusing for my exams), and thinking about Chazzy one year gone. I was thinking about him for around that time which did not do my mind any good.

It was clear that I was suffering from depression and was close to joining Chaz. The things that helped me from making that decision was my mum, dad and nan but I now know my limits into how far I am falling down that rabbit hole, (if you know what I mean)

Around Halloween 2018, I looked on a 2000ā€™s best of playlist, (LP, Disturbed and all of the typical bands there) and that is where I saw a band called ā€œRammsteinā€. I thought ā€œHmmmmā€¦ could be interestingā€ and played it for the first time. Never have I headbanged to a song so hard and cried at the end. Then I replayed and replayed for at least 15 times. I had no idea of what they were saying but it meant something. After that, I watched the Watchmojo Top 10 and listened to more songs and fell in love with them.

The next week, I researched about the band and about Till. Hearing about his backstory really opened about his personality and how he is, a beautiful, loving, caring and intellectual human being. I didnā€™t get Reise Reise or the Mutter CDā€™s until when I started work as their songs meant so much for me during that time. Over time, I now have a book of Tillā€™s poetry from my work colleagues and I nearly broke down, (key word is nearly)

So, to this day, I ADORE Rammstein, Lindemann and Emigrate and ADORE Aesthetic Perfection due to the same reason. The only positive thing that the lockdown has done for me is introducing me to Aesthetic Perfection, (and Daniel is a hottie)





OT - working on the project while listening to Aesthetic Perfection


And yes for a special playlist

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Oh I like that one too!

Really? This is so weird!! Iā€™m able to download anything I want from wherever from home. If you see something you need I can probably access it for you.
I get it though, going to the library is a good excuse to go out for sure!
Iā€™ve started my thesis, not much written yet, just reading a lot of stuff at the moment. 2 assignments came back, all good, I passed :stuck_out_tongue:

Incredible!! Haha!

OT: I just got off the phone with my manager. As expected, we didnā€™t get the ok from the council to re-open for the reasons weā€™d already thought and talked about. I am disappointed on one hand as I was really looking forward to finally going back to some normalcy, on the other hand Iā€™m a bit relieved, deep down we knew this is not a good time to risk it and re-open. For now, we know that the council will re-evaluate next week and weā€™ll take it from thereā€¦

Went out for a small walk around the block, itā€™s still quite windy and actually cold (itā€™s 10 degrees) but it was good. Iā€™m playing some guitar now and will have dinner later.


Still hyped over talking to Mike last night!!


Hallo again :notes:

Sheep are grazing, I am freezing :crazy_face:
Na, actually itā€™s still ok, Iā€™m just one and a half hour in, or better out after lunch break. It needs a while till the wind sucks out all the warmth. It has still three hours time to do so. :cold_face:

:beers: Bremen! :partying_face: :innocent:

Still Sylt. :blush:

Come on, you enjoy it! :smiling_imp:

I give you that, itā€™s cute. But too late, me and @lpfan61 already ate all the cookies. :stuck_out_tongue:
Thank you my flower queen :green_heart: :heart:


Facebook and Instagram friends now :grin: :hugs:
Fb I just use for shepherding stuff, have to manage a big group there. And Insta is new to me.

Thank you for sharing your story. :heart: it let me feel you :hugs:
I have some songs in my life that saved me too. :relaxed:

6 Ā°C here. :guitar: :notes: :heart_eyes:

:partying_face: :partying_face: Congrats :hugs:

.:joy: :rofl:

:t_rex: thank you! :pray: I mean it! :hugs:

@theearlywalker :hugs: :hugs: :yellow_heart:

@drounzer just your needed dose of cuddles :hugs: :heart:

@Honey8 always :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@AJ_7 miss you! :hugs: :blue_heart:

Right now

:heart: :green_heart:


Waiting on Mikes stream and workingā€¦


I just took my bike out while the weatherā€™s still nice. 66Ā°F (19Ā°C) out now, but itā€™s really cloudy, rain overnight and thunderstorms are possible tomorrow.


Just finished watching tonights who wants to be a millionaire episode :+1::+1:


Thank you for the friend request! BTW, I watched the Aesthetic Perfection video for A Nice Place to Visit a few days back and OMG, DANIEL! :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:
image image image

But for you @anna834, hereā€™s till! :heart::heart::heart::heart::smiling_imp::smiling_imp::smiling_imp:





I wish I wrote my journals more like this; then I wouldnā€™t feel so inclined to burn them! As for how things were, how they are, and what they will be, the old saying (and the Linkin Park song) goes: You donā€™t know what you got until itā€™s gone.

Iā€™ve put up with some pretty sorry endings in my time, so bring it on, King. As long as his politics donā€™t bleed into the story, I think Iā€™ll be good. I canā€™t stand real-world politics in my fiction.

Soon enough! Thereā€™s nothing much to share at the moment, but in time, Iā€™ll remember to show you guys!

I guess part of being a writer is accepting that your work isnā€™t for everyone. Then again, itā€™s a good thing I got ideas on opposite sides of the coin. Either way, Iā€™ll follow my heart and do my best to convey my messages; if I even want to convey a message at all in some stories.

Will do!

Heh, looks like I got something for the list.


Hey all!
Happy Friday, another week in the books!

So I have news! Lol
Justin is going to be ā€œstupidā€ because the tattoo artist he goes to said he would be willing to work on the tattooā€¦

so this Sunday I will start my sleeve :metal: Iā€™m super excited and will definitely post photos :grin:

of course!! :hugs::hugs:

Thank you thank you :rofl: :rofl:

Another quick day of posting for me, canā€™t wait for things to get closer to normal so I donā€™t feel so rushed though out the weekā€¦

oh well coffee and music will help me though it :crazy_face::crazy_face:

I hope all of you have a wonderful day!! Hugs to all!! :hugs: :hugs:


Haha yeah zombie movies are a bit like watching a car crash, you canā€™t help but watch. Secretly we all think itā€™ll happen someday.

Yeah Nookie was pretty popular back then. Iā€™ll post you some songs I like in the ā€˜what are you listening toā€™ thread although I havenā€™t listened to Limp Bizkit for many years and theyā€™re not my top band in that sense. Just some songs were really cool and I liked their music videos.

This is what I was hoping for because I was going to listen to your top songs :laughing:

Humour is a good way of expressing emotions so I never take my ā€œlogsā€ too seriously although if I do ever read them back I want some honesty and realness. Wise words from Linkin Park there. I just think having time to stop is something we are all going to miss when this lockdown is over. Thereā€™s probably never going to be another situation where we find ourselves shut off from everyday life and thereā€™s something we can learn from this. Maybe life doesnā€™t have to be so overwhelming to feel like life. Iā€™m just loving looking at nature and caring for my plants :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: instead of being squished on public transport and sitting in an office.

Day 50-something: My mind may slowly be melting but I feel Iā€™ve learnt something valuable from these lonely days. It doesnā€™t really matter what we no longer have, because we still have each other in one way or another. That I like. Soundtrack: System Of A Down: Lonely Day. Blink 182: Long Lost Feeling.


Hey everyone, just wanted to say thank you for all the birthday wishes! You are all incredible, I loved reading your messages! :smiley:

We started the day by baking those cupcakes (took us about 4 hours) for just 6 of them. It was actually really hard working with the fondant and making all the shapes etc but it was really fun. We then took the guitars and the ukulele and went to a friend of ours that lives nearby, brought her cupcakes, did the whole blow out candles thing and then played music. It was amazing!
Weā€™re now going to chill at home, watch some Netflix or whatever.

Hope you all have a great weekend :slight_smile:


Happy birthday, (apologies if itā€™s too late)

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hello everybody and happy friday :blush: :yum: :heart: :partying_face:

hello buddy and I tag you again and want something to write to you:
The current learning phases are very hard through Corona for so many people. Still, you have plenty of time. The first step is to stop stressing and thinking so much. Allow yourself a rest, take breaks, distract yourself a little. After one or two hours you should take a break. You will succeed, because you deserve it. Believe in your abilities. :heart: :muscle:t2:

hey buddy, oh noooo, maybe thatā€™s why you arenā€™t around here for 3 days? Hopefully you are done with this as soon as possible. Sending you strength and positivity also with the WEP :partying_face: :heart: :muscle:t2:
Maybe want to share your thoughts and also your weekend plans?

hello dear :kissing_heart:, you know what? I love your picturers in the ā€˜a little laughter never hurtsā€™ thread :joy: but I canā€™t get enough this bear. Damn it :joy: :joy: :joy:

are there new rules for your region?

hello dear :kissing_heart:, weather is getting better, warmer, more sun and next week (also for fatherā€™s day) the weather is gonna be AWESOME! :star_struck: :heart_eyes: :heart: :metal:t2:
Are you watching Bundesliga this weekend? Also you owe me the bavarian sweets :joy:

hey buddy, happy friday :metal:t2: :blush: :yum:
first: are you a fan of Sami Zayn? so dumb, that he had to submit the Intercontinental title. Heā€™s so good in the ring and also on the mic, but WWE is too dumb to use him in the right way
Also canā€™t wait for Mandalarion season and ALSO THE REMASTERED VERSION OF TONY HAWKā€™s PRO SKATER 1+2 :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :star_struck: :star_struck:
these two games were under my top most played games in my childhood/teenager days
What was your favorite skater?

hello again dear :kissing_heart:
now I want these cookies so badly :pleading_face: they look so delecious. But I have to wait 10 more hours for my cheatweekend.
What are your plans for weekend?

hello dear :kissing_heart:
Iā€™m very active on facebook and also on Twitter + Instagram over our official page (mikeshinoda Germany)
I havenā€™t fully quoted you yet, but wow. Thanks for sharing with us and with me your story on Rammstein and Linkin Park. What a life story in music. Iā€™ve known and loved both bands since the late 90s (Rammstein) and early 2000s (Linkin Park), Iā€™m already old laughing, but itā€™s great that younger people love such music again. That gives hope :heart_eyes: :metal:t2: :heart:
Could you tell me your top 5 for Reise, Reise; Mutter & Rosenrot?
Also how are you doing and how are the 3 little monster doing? :crazy_face: :metal:t2: :laughing:

hello dear and happy birthday :kissing_heart: :heart_eyes: :heart: :metal:t2:
Yeah, Heineken rules
Yes, that literature thing sucks really. Oh please, that would be great if you can get me access.
What did you get to your birthday? And show us a photo of the cake :heart_eyes:

hello dear :kissing_heart:, what was that yesterday? So hilarious. Just Mike. Did you saw the new merch?

hello dear and sending greetings to Sylt :heart: :kissing_heart: :metal:t2:
No, youā€™re both so bad :joy: :metal:t2: (just kidding)
I want cookies, give it to me please :pleading_face:

What are your weekend plans?

hey buddy, 19Ā°C sounds really good. Maybe weā€™ve got this weather on sunday or monday.
What are your weekend plans?

excited :star_struck: :heart_eyes:

hello dear :kissing_heart:
Saw the list, gonna give you a special playlist out of all albums.

How youā€™re doing today? And what are you weekend plans? Also: what are your favorite Minutes to Midnight song? #TwinPower maybe again? :laughing: Mine is Given Up

hello dear :kissing_heart:, that sounds really good :partying_face: also love the quote for the lyrics. How are you doing these days? And whatā€™s next for your new home?

10 powerful tags to @Lilyope @anomalia @lplove @IronSoldier16 @rickvanmeijel @AJ_7 @Honey8 @chigokurosaki @lpaniist @Audrina87 :heart: :metal:t2: :muscle:t2:

Letā€™s start the WEP :heart_eyes:

For the 13th anniversary of #MinutesToMidnight, I give you this:
Minutes to Midnight Photo Shooting
Minutes to Midnight Photo Shooting (2)
two pictures from the official Minutes to Midnight shooting 2007. They boys grew up :heart_eyes: :metal:t2: but the black & white is a little bit more awesome. I know itā€™s ā€˜that professionalā€™ , but please look at Rob & Joe :joy:

Minutes to Midnight Album alle Lieder
I love wallpapers like this - but sadly ā€˜Across the Lineā€™ is missing, but still awesome :heart: :metal:t2:
for the other ā€˜art pictureā€™ this fits perfect: JUMP INTO THE WEEKEND SOLDIERS AND SCREAM & ROCK! :heart: :metal:t2:

Song of the day: whole Minutes To Midnight :heart:

After over 9 weeks, european football is back. THE FIRST AND SECOND BUNDESLIGA IS BACK! :heart: :heart_eyes: :metal:t2: Iā€™m freaking out, YYYYEEEEAAAH!
Weekend at last. CHEATWEEKEND! I will eat kebab tomorrow and some German specialties, watch football with my father and one of my best friends ā†’ 7:30 hours. Furthermore a few beers, eat a lot.

I wish you all a good start into the weekend. I hope you all enjoy it. Stay healthy, that is the most important thing we have right now: Our health. The exchange here must continue. Itā€™s good for all of us. So, my dearsā€¦ Share your thoughts, your daily routine, your feelings, share ā€œheartsā€ and stay safe. Together we will defeat Corona #LPFAMILY - No one is alone, we all stand together! :heart: :metal:t2:


Hey everyone! Hope you all are well. Iā€™m settling into our new home! We finally have ā€œKeys To The Kingdomā€