HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

Yes that’s a good point, what matters is the type of people we like in real life. No way you’re super awesome! :hugs: :kissing: Actually, we could all be aliens and not know it. Like sleeper cell aliens :alien: spooky!

Let me see your top 10 because these are your most favourites. :metal: :cowboy_hat_face:

LP soldiers unite! We’re lucky to have such awesome fellow fans to share these darker times with. Someday we’ll look back on all this and smile :blush:

Yeah you’ve got to completely switch off from thoughts, or alternatively embrace them and have a 3am conference inside your head. I find listening to music relaxed me but I do find more thoughts than normal keep me awake. Sometimes not even serious or important thoughts. I think it’s in response to general anxiety because of these unusual times.

@rickvanmeijel I’m giving you a tag just because! :partying_face:

You are welcome. I saw the story when you first posted it but wanted to sit and read it to make sure I gave it the proper attention it deserved. It is spiritual and I really enjoy these types of stories with hidden meanings and symbolism. You really should keep sharing your stories. We just need a creative writing thread so everyone can share their writings with other LP’ers! :smile:

Oh my gosh, I missed one day and I feel like I’m so behind :laughing: I was so spent on Friday, my energy levels were shot and I even left a door unlocked and the iron on! Madness. Today was also full on with food bank packing and some cooking but I am now sitting “pretending” to watch TV but instead on here :laughing: haha. Otherwise, I’m fine thanks for noticing my absence :laughing: This is why you are one of the good guys! :man_superhero:

I love that Chester finds it hilarious!

Perhaps I am one of those people. I find him particularly disturbing and unsettling. However, I recently read “The Institute” and it was really immersive. I loved some of the quotes, particularly this one: "It came to him, with the force of a revelation, that you had to have been imprisoned to fully understand what freedom was.” Again, I feel the target was YA but also adult because of the characters it can appeal to both. King can do many genres well, not just horror although that is what he’s best at.

You sound like me. I prefer to go over the story and characters in my head because I think writing them down will lose some of the magic. My very best efforts came from writing one chapter at least once a week or there abouts. It really helped me keep going, even if I didn’t always finish within the week I had made progress. I don’t write long chapters, but I feel most YA books work best with bite sized chapters.

Yeah, unfortunately you are probably right. People are jerks and always will be.

Day-40-something: I keep circling back to quietness of the streets in the beginning of the lockdown. Back then I couldn’t remember the last time I saw so many parked cars on the road and hardly anyone walking the streets. Now, it is getting noisy and bustling again. Perhaps my soul prefers the quiet because it knows it is kinder to the earth. But humanity is the beast that cannot be tamed. Soundtrack: Coldplay: White Shadows.


Good evening! :yawning_face:
Good day over the pond! :sunny:
Honey :sleeping: nearly up again, good time to you! :hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Home, sweet home!!! :partying_face:
So happy to be here!!! :blush:
My son, my friend who moved opposite of me and I sat outside, had white wine spritzer and asian food! :yum:
So awesome! In Germany, we say:
Feste feiern wie sie fallen!
Couldn’t find a real fitting translation, somthing like:
take the party as it comes.


I looked up the pics. :exploding_head: It’s me, who stands besides the cute curly mustache guy!
To call me bearded :flushed: I am deeply offended!!! :triumph:

:crazy_face: love your WEP!!! Thank you! :hugs: :heart:
I said before, I just can’t get to like pose pics, so I love this one!!

Mike is far away and Chester seems to forget the camera too. :heart_eyes:

Awesome! :star_struck:

It so is, over and over again! :metal: :heart:

:point_up_2: this!!! It’s just such a good feeling, even so to do just a short check in during a busy day, listening to you all! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

You think?
For me, most modern books are too dark, stopped reading Game Of Thrones, really didn’t like the Golden Compass, struggled with the darker parts of Harry Potter, needed two starts on The Hunger Games.
Always think, I could then just read a documentation about some actual existing cruelty.
But I read to escape reality.
And also decided against going with time in my writing. Things happen when I dive into the story, I won’t kill someone off who I love, just cause some young audience expect me to do it. :upside_down_face:

Be safe :muscle:
Here they exiting the lock down too. But the pressure on the government is huge. Not only by economy but especially by all the people, that won’t get, that we were lucky doe to the tight measures. Conspiracy theories everywhere, street protests, even this new Corona party (I mean a Partei @Linkineli :kissing_heart: :hugs: :green_heart: ) thay proclaim, that all the measures were unnecessary, just a huge fake. :cold_face: Left and right wing people suddenly on common grounds :woman_facepalming:

Awww!!! Sounds great!!! Hope the weather forecast with the snow for the south will wait one more day!!! Have fun! And thanks as always for your uplifting post! :hugs: :yellow_heart: We will meet again! :joy: Or the first time :rofl: maybe :kissing_heart:

Thanks! :hugs: :hugs: Is it mothers day for you too?
My son just came with chocolate for me, cause we won’t see us tomorrow. I have to leave early.
But then he realised, he picked white chocolate, not dark. I hate it, he knows this. So he got the chocolate for mothers day :unamused: :rofl:

Sadly enough, no. Just don’t have the time. Mybe I try it in the car tomorrow, if it’s still up. :thinking:

So enjoy it!!! :partying_face:


I’m not celebrating but still, thank you! :hugs: :orange_heart:
Exchange some degrees from California :cold_face: :hot_face: :joy:

:flushed: :exploding_head: Dang!!! Busted! :flying_saucer:

@anomalia :face_with_monocle: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :green_heart:

@Lilyope :zap: :woman_cartwheeling: :hugs: :purple_heart:

Read it already during a road break. And it felt so gooooood!!! Imagining that I would be exactly there, reading it again :blush:
Deep breath, and there I am, ready to sleep!

Camille, so happy to have me back. :blush: What big disappointment tomorrow :confused:

Take care you all! Love!


Watching the news… found this video of AP!


I actually have yet to read Stephen King, so I should probably pick out some of his work. I mean, with quotes like what you just shared, I gotta see this. That one hits too close to home. I’ve mostly heard of King’s successes in horror, but I’m sure he’s got great genre range.

Maybe I am a little concerned about losing the magic… But my biggest concern is the sheer amount of information to write! I’m doing little goals; baby steps to get my feet wet. If I sit down to write the script, I write at least a page and then step away when I feel like it. I struggle with motivation, but at least I can be proud of my page-per-session rule. You are onto something with your bite-sized chapters. Last year, I read a YA horror novel with some chapters as short as two pages long. It was jarring at first, but I realized it helped with the suspense. I’m sure you know what you’re doing with your short chapters!

Historically, people are garbage, especially to each other.

Day-56: We’re convinced we remember the taste. We thought we knew what it was like to bless our bitten tongues with life’s rarest nectar. Victory, satisfaction. Peace. As I passed a man on the sidewalk today, I stopped him and inquired about his memories of life’s greatest flavors. He told me he remembered it before the lockdown. I told him he is a liar. I told him we wanted to believe so badly that we allowed ourselves to be fooled into thinking we had known all along. I told him we were blind, and we still are. We cannot control ourselves no matter how hard we try. Soundtrack: Sybreed: Plasmaterial.

I won’t lie, reading your perspective make me stop for a second. People really do love escaping reality; I think about it every waking moment. I barely even thought about people who think like you do, so I’m glad you said something. For other projects, I’ll keep what you said in mind. Thank you for sharing.


Can’t sleep and it’s 02:22…

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No I dont have the kids :upside_down_face: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

We celebrate at May 26 :slight_smile:

You should send him the reminder before he arrives next time :smile: one pack plus one extra for mistake the white chocolate with the dark one :face_with_monocle:

Ot: :notes: & :coffee: Is it wrong to listen DNCE - Toothbrush? :joy: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


I woke up with a coffee headache today. It’s the type of headache you have when your system requires a lot of caffeine, doesn’t feel great. I’m currently on coffee number 2 and just started feeling a bit better.
It’s a bit windy today so not sure if I’ll go out today, maybe I’ll just walk to my cousin’s to hand him his laundry back (their washing machine is broken so he brought over some stuff to do laundry at mine the other day).
Accidentally I managed to slice my ring finger open yesterday playing guitar, don’t even know how, I realised when I saw the blood, and now it hurts to play so I think I need to wait a few days. But we are making plans with my flatmate and another friend of ours to go out to Ally Pally later this week and chill and play/teach her how to play guitar there and have a picnic. All that of course, assuming that we will be allowed to do so based on what the government will announce tonight, we will see.

Have a great Sunday guys! :slight_smile:


Yes, now you’re doing a captain’s log (star trek style) of the lockdown!! :laughing: Everything before the lockdown seems wonderful even though I’m sure we grumbled about it. After the lockdown we’ll miss the quiet and rarity of peace. Such is life.

I think you’ll enjoy The Institute although I wished the ending was as good as the start. He definitely doesn’t like Trump so some Americans don’t like him anymore. Still, I wouldn’t cross King, he’s a maniac.

Hopefully you’ll share a snippet with us someday soon! :slightly_smiling_face:

Haha! You are openly alien Anna :wink:


I am doing okay, just have been very busy lately, and taking one at a time.

And happy mothers day to you and all the mothers out there


Yeah, some people are really just dumb. Today i saw someone waiting in line to buy something at a store, no mask and wearing a T-shirt on wich he had written “Freedom”.:woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:

Nice picture, and Brad’s fro!!!:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:[quote=“HakManLP, post:1093, topic:52753”]
Linkin Park Art Wallpaper red-black-white

I think for this week and for this incoming weekend we all need a band art picture like that.

Agree, it’s another great one!

Yeah i love this so much, and also the crowd goes insane! Rar is always a good choice!:heart_eyes::metal::metal:

I love your words​:heart::heart::heart::heart::pray::pray:you’re so uplifting, i appreciate all your posts, also about your cheatweekends​:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:, just love reading them, so thanks!:hugs::hugs:

Oh ok😬my youngest brother starts with school tomorrow, too(4th grade).

Thanks!:hugs::hugs: stay strong and safe too!:muscle::heart:

Yes, same!!! I never watched them live(they were always too early for me, now without school i don’t wake up at around 7am anymore😁),but i do afterwards and i love them!

Yeah, and i really thought about going in the live conversation… but i was too nervous! I really regret it now​:pensive::persevere::persevere:but i had also other reasons, the stream was at 2 am for me, so i didn’t want to wake anybody in my house (despite the fact that, if my mother had heard me talking, i would really get in trouble for staying up that late for a livestream​:grimacing:), i was in my pajamas, looked tired, and i wasn’t prepared AT ALL for talking to her, i was so excited and nervous thinking about wether i should do it or not that i didn’t have any themes to talk about. But, these are all excuses, i regret it.

I appreciate that!:blue_heart:

Thank you again, and yeah, a creative writing thread would be great! Maybe i’m gonna start one- if not anybody else already wants to start one now, then go ahead- when i finish another story.

This. Good words!
Btw, did you watch Justin from Blue October performing on the 320 festival? It was great😊 i think it’s still up on youtube, if you haven’t watched(his performance was one of the last ones)

That sounds amazing!:joy::joy::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Ooooj yeah​:grin::grin::grin::grin::sweat_smile::face_with_hand_over_mouth:
But there were also literal corona parties, unfortunately.



Sorry for joining the ‘discussion’ a bit late😁, but i agree (not 100%, but still) with @anna834. Sometimes, reading a book with a heavy or dark subject is not what you want when your goal was to escape something heavy and dark. But also, writing about something sad is sometimes (at least to me) what i connect more with, reading only happy ending books isn’t what i want as well. Sorry, i think i’m not being really helpful.:grimacing::face_with_hand_over_mouth:
I guess it has to fit to the book, if you feel like the message would be clearer or stronger to the readers with dark stuff happening, do that.

NO, as long as you enjoy the music you’re listening to!:joy::wink::blush:

Oh no, i hope it will heal soon!:grimacing::grimacing:

Ot: my mum wanted to do a bike tour for mothers day, so we did that. I made some cookies with strawberries, they turned out pretty well and are her new favourites, so i guess a successful day!:grin::heart:
Also, doing the tour was refreshing and soothing, using only your own body strength, riding through the woods was a good feeling.
I think in these times (as Mike on the 320 festival already said) it’s really important to check on ourselves(we should always do that, but now for many it’s harder than it was before) and do good things to ourselves. And we also kinda have to think about ourselves bc we spend so much time just with ourselves now🤔

I hope you all stay strong in these crazy times! Much love to all of you!:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::heart::heart::heart:


Just finished watching the PM’s speech… all I can ask is… WHAT?


Finally in my bed in the caravan.
The whole thing is shaking in the wind and the storm is howling.
At least I have all my winter equipment, blankets, heating bottle with me.
It is so damn cold!!
The sheep get tended really long, no fencing besides a small place for the night. That means 7 hours just for getting the flock fed.
Today I joined at five and they still grazed till 8 p.m. I was frozen solid by then, this strong wind just eats you up.
But it shouldn’t be always that hard.
And the sheep are nice.
The sundown awesome!
I will post some pics in the when and where.
Otherwise I’m done!
Did some cleaning, the shepherd left behind a real mess and cooked for me and my new boss. She will leave tomorrow. Then I’m on my own.

All the best for you all!!!



Awww! Definitely do it next time, she’s lovely and very chill!

Haha, I remember the struggles with mine when I was younger, it took a while to convince them that I had to stay up late for an LPU chat :stuck_out_tongue: Fun times!

Me too, me too :confused:

I hope you managed to stay as warm as possible, have a good day today!

OT: I had a very long conversation with my manager last night after Johnson’s speech, we’re both just about done with this lockdown. We talked about various possibilities and strategies for work but I won’t know more before tonight after he talks with our director.
Today is day 49 for me in lockdown and I’ve had enough, my mind can’t even grasp the idea of spending 2 more months like this, it’s just insane.
I’m going to my cousin’s later this evening to drop off some stuff and maybe hang out a bit, he didn’t take the news lightly either.


Working …you guys?


Tag in the bag, tagging you back

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Hey all happy Monday!

Hope you all had a great weekend!
Mine was nice just went by way too fast as usual :sleepy: :joy:

Yeah I think so lol
anyhoo I got her some nice flowers and a “Diamond art” thing because she’s been addicted to them as of late… and then I bought the lovely card for her :joy:

It said I’ll always be your baby on the inside and when she opened it… It cried and wouldn’t shut off. The look on her face when I told her that the battery lasts 3 hours was priceless. Then I told her “or you can rip it open and take the speaker out” Which she did… and yes there was glitter… and yes she did just say “You suck” lol :joy: :joy:
But in the end she thought it was an awesome prank so we are all good there :smile:

I like that! I’m sure my mom would have liked one for her morning coffee(s) lol

:rofl: :rofl:

@Linkineli Prayers to your mom! Hope she can get over the virus quickly!

I did! So Bummed!! I will definitely be skipping this months games :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

We better start working on getting it approved!! We got a year to figure it out! :joy:

Alright I better get back to work Blah :joy:

Hope you all have a great Monday!!!


And I thought, I would have more time today.
First I got more instructions by my boss and a tour to the place, where ill sheep or with lambs have their own paradise.


The flock left at 10 their night stand, till 1:30.
Home, getting some lunch and moderate my fb group. That they always have to hate at fb, it’s so annoying!!
At 4 the sheep got the second round, till 7:30.
Home, a little cleaning (the shepherd before me was just :grimacing: ) and preparing dinner.
This is what I have right now at 9:30.
So no tagging today.
But two more pics. The day was just too beautiful, and cold too.


Really nice, well behaved sheep, not much to do for the dogs.


One for @lpfan61 :heart: :green_heart: strength for your work!!! You are awesome! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Love to you all! One of the great things about this place is, that as much my life chances, confronting me with new, strange things, you are with me, are the constant. :blush:
:hugs: :green_heart: :heart:


I went to my cousin to give him his laundry (they finally got a new washing machine yesterday) and then we went for a walk around our neighbourhood. It was fairly quiet compared to other days but I guess that was because of the bad weather; it’s been very windy and kinda cold again.
Came home and watched Johnson’s speech again and then got on the phone with my manager. A conference call is happening tomorrow with the director, he said he’s going to go through the plan for re-opening with all of us. At this point, we don’t know when that will be. Scenario 1 says we might go back as early as Wednesday to prep for re-opening on Monday and scenario 2 says we will re-open in the beginning of June. We joked with my manager that whichever happens, we’re both going to spend our birthdays at work, and if we don’t, they’re just going to be lame.

My mood is pretty low these days to be honest. I just wish this thing was over.


Tomorrow’s my day to work, and I found out yesterday that I’m actually working a full eight-hour shift! We’ve all been given laundry lists of our own shit that has to get done, so needless to say, I’m going to keep busy the entire time I’m there.

Our region is starting the planning stages towards re-opening. Their target date is May 15th. The criteria for re-opening by region is by meeting all these requirements, which apparently we have.

  • Steady 14-day decline in positive cases
  • Steady 14-day decline in deaths
  • Decline in new hospitalizations on a rolling average
  • Hospital bed capacity must meet 30% threshold
  • ICU bed capacity must meet 30% threshold
  • Testing rates of 30 per 1,000 residents
  • At least 30 contact tracers per 100,000 residents

Here’s also a photo from last night.



Watching gogglebox… then a choice of:

Top gear best bits
Who wants to be a millionaire with Jeremy Clarkson
Another gogglebox
Two pints with will and ralf episode 2