HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

Watching the chase (tv series)

New photo from Daniel today! I think there’s a new music video coming soon… :smiling_imp::smiling_imp::heart::heart:


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I’m trying to watch TV, but somebody keeps playing with the wires.



:sunny::sunny: Good morning family :sunny::sunny:Friday again- my free day and I have to confess that routines are taking over myside pretty much… :cyclone:… have a good Friday everybody :sunny::sunny::yellow_heart::hugs::hugs:

@Linkineli :hugs::hugs::hugs: stay strong :muscle:t2: :yellow_heart: young lady, I wish your mum a speedy recovery, you’re not alone dear :hugs::yellow_heart::yellow_heart:

@anna834 How exciting, you sound very energetic- I’m happy for you- :tada::tada::yellow_heart::hugs::hugs: and I have booked a hotel in Scharbeutz - near Lübeck I guess?! :crazy_face::crazy_face: Is that far from you? Honestly I haven’t really checked where it is :joy::joy: only important fact: it’s near the beach :star_struck::partying_face:

Hugs to you all :hugs::hugs::hugs::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::yellow_heart::hugs:, checking in later again

Ot routines

Good goodnight Andy :blush: sleep well @LP13413 :zzz:


Keeping my fingers crossed for your mum! Hope she is ok! :slight_smile:

Ended up playing last night, it was fun watching her try. We’ve made plans with my cousin to come over next week (if the measures allow it) and play a bit (his main instrument is bass but he plays guitar and drums too) since we have a few guitars laying around :stuck_out_tongue: I want to get an e-drum kit at some point too but we’ll need more space for that.

Safe travels!

@theearlywalker Enjoy your free day and weekend! :slight_smile:

OT: It is bank holiday here today, kind of feels like any other day to be honest. Nothing planned for today, might do some laundry or something.
Heard back from uni, they say they are dealing with tech difficulties so we won’t hear back about our assignments before Monday next week.


Working since I was helping my parents with the new decking yesterday so catching up on the hours. :+1:


Hi you LPsoldiers!:hugs::muscle:
I am so so relieved, because today the test result came out and my mum’s negative and also all her symptoms are away so she’s safe now!! @anna834, @evooba and @theearlywalker thank you all for your wishes!:hugs::hugs::heart::heart::heart:

Wow, i hope it’ll be a fun and interesting time for you!:hugs::sheep:

That sounds cool!

My little cousin has one and last easter when we visited them i could try and play a bit, i’ve never played drums before(besides my pencil-drumming on my desk😆)and it was really fun. I want to learn drumming at some point too, it’s such an amazing, cool instrument!

@HakManLP today i know what day it is -wow, and i’m really looking forward to your WEP​:hugs::hugs::hugs:

Ot: i’m drawing and listening to some music( Nothing but Thieves)on my balcony
Also some T-shirts i had ordered arrived(from etsy)and they came both with really nice messages from the sellers, i love such small things🥰



I am reading To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before. I actually have 55 pages left, so I’m going to finish it today!


Same, I can’t really play, just a couple basic beats but would love to learn more at some point.
Glad your mum is doing good! :slight_smile:

OT: My cousin called earlier, he was bored so we decided to meet for a quick coffee and walk around our neighbourhood. It’s way hotter than I thought so I’m glad we did go out. Now chilling at home, gonna play some music or something.


hello everybody and ‘Happy FRIDAY’ :partying_face: :partying_face:

that sounds good Andy. Are there new rules for your region/city/place?
Wishing you and Thurman a good start into the weekend :hugs: :grimacing:

Yes, you do and it’s absolutely a normal thing. Maybe you can find a new hobby or just little things to change your days a little bit? Sending you some squishies again dear :kissing_heart:

just asking: what are you doing these days? Are you living in a safe region? :blush:

hello dear :kissing_heart:, aaaawww that sounds so heartwarming :heart_eyes: and great that you’re doing well. Your Top 10 isn’t that what I expected, it’s kinda ‘oldschool’. Know the most of them from my childhood and teenager days, but it’s an awesome mix. Maybe we should do a top 20 together.
Bad news: Rammstein cancelled the whole 2020 stadium tour and there no positive news, that concerts will be reschudeled for 2021 :sob: I’m so sad, I want to see them live. :sob: :disappointed_relieved:

hello dear :kissing_heart:, first of all: I love your flower and colourful pictures in the other thread :heart_eyes:
Yesterday’s and today’s online seminar was really very good, but it was about the same as yours, except that our lecturer/professor had her camera on and some of us did too, which affected the transmission :smiley: Otherwise, today’s seminar was especially fantastic and I’ll probably take an exam in it. I keep my fingers crossed that you get positive results and I am really very happy about this exchange of us students here. :heart: :pray:t2:
What are your plans for the weekend?

hello buddy :hugs: :heart:, hopefully your ‘day off’ was great and you got an awesome start into the weekend - How about a bonus with the WEP :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :grimacing: :sunglasses: Also, hopefully you’re doing good and just asking: what are your plans for this long weekend? :yum: :partying_face:

hello dear :kissing_heart:, that sounds good - please make some pictures ok? :heart_eyes: :pray:t2: wishing you a good start into the weekend :hugs:

hello buddy and thank you for these lovely words and feedback :heart: :pray:t2: and sending these goodies all back to you :metal:t2: :muscle:t2: And sure, I’ll keep tagging you. :blush:

positive vibes and motivation back to you buddy :muscle:t2: :blush: :sunglasses: :yum:
I know, you already said it, but what do you got for ‘mothers day’? :sweat_smile:
I have a special mug now for my mom :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

hello dear and yes :rofl: :joy: :muscle:t2: :kissing_heart: I was that other bearded guy who was standing next to the guitarist from Zebrahead - you know with that curly long mustache :joy: :raised_hands:t2: Also: ‘ALL KILLER NO FILLER’ by Sum41 turned 19 today :exploding_head: :scream: Damn, I was 9 years old, when this album was released and heared it first time on MTV :rofl:
Travel safe dear :kissing_heart:

hello bavarian-dear :kissing_heart:, yes, just look below :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :yum: :hugs:
for the new rules in germany: I think it was too fast. So many people are now no longer following the protective measures and that makes me sad and angry. They just think they’re immune. Typical stupid humanity :rage: :triumph:
But the Bundesliga will be back next week, without fans, but it’s something. Damn I missed my european football so much :sob: :heart:

I had to ‘google it’ - is it that ‘typical drama’? I’m searching a present for one of my girlfriends and she loves books kinda like that.

@drounzer stay strong and sending all the best wishes! :heart: :raised_hands:t2: :metal:t2: :muscle:t2:
@zanybelle it’s friday and still no new posting by you? Hopefully you’re doing good dear? :worried: :pray:t2: :heart:
and 8 powerful and lovely tags to @anngelenee @anomalia @lplove @chigokurosaki @AJ_7 @IronSoldier16 @melisLP @alz89 :heart: :metal:t2:

let’s start the WEP soldiers :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:
Linkin Park Oldschool Wallpaper (30)
Ok, let me explain this choice and that picture for today :joy: : It’s just awesome and funny how everyone’s reacting in this picture and to Joe’s gesture :joy: :joy: , Mike’s looking somewhere else and Brad looks into the camera :joy:
Linkin Park Art Wallpaper red-black-white
I think for this week and for this incoming weekend we all need a band art picture like that. Just feel the energy form these 6 - I love the mix of red, white and black + smoke :heart: :metal:t2: :pray:t2:
Nobody's Listening Lyrics
speaking of underrated songs (also in the song battles) I give you this week ‘Nobody’s listening’ with these important lyrics :heart: :metal:t2:

video and song of the day:

this mash up is just insane, but ‘Nobody’s listening’ is a song, which it’s awesome in his own way too :heart:

OT: Just enjoying the evening, had a great sunny day, worked in my garden, had a good online seminar and I’m looking forward to my sunny and warm cheatweekend :heart: :metal:t2: Gonna spend saturday with some nice snacks and favorite foods + some beer and games :joy: also enjoying the sun on my terrace and in my garden :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes:
Sadly Rammstein cancelled the whole 2020 tour and for now there are no rescheduled concerts for 2021 :sob: :sob: :sob: Damn, I spend over 130€ for first class ticket and want to see one of my favorite bands live for the first time :disappointed_relieved:

I would also like to end this WEP with a few words of encouragement. Slowly the corona rules are being defused again. This is also generally a good thing, because you can lead a more normal life again, which can help especially depressed or single people. Nevertheless we should still hold on to a healthy WE. Nobody is still alone or has to be alone because of it. For example, there is this exchange here, where so many people from different countries come together and share, give each other positive and loving words. That is just beautiful and that should be kept upright.


Worked, packed, cleaned, cooked good bye dinner for the family.
Day done.
Tomorrow 670 km.
In the evening I will be home! My son! My own bed! :partying_face:
One night. Sigh.

Do I? Awesome!!! Would like to be that person! Not afraid of new situations. :laughing:

I live in Lübeck :joy: never was in Scharbeutz so, way too much touris :crazy_face:
So if I’m home then, I would be happy to meet up :heart_eyes:
Maybe a sightseeing tour through Lübeck? :grin: :hugs: :hugs: :yellow_heart:

Thanks! :hugs:

I hope so too. :joy: :hugs: :hugs: :revolving_hearts:

But first my son. He has to start his exams on Monday (Waldorfschule has the Mittlere Reife in the 12.) no skipping for them, even so he will do the Abitur next year.

@HakManLP see you working on your WEP :partying_face: will happily read it tomorrow on some road break, looking forward to it! :hugs: :green_heart:

@Sybre see you too :eyes: :hugs:

Take care you all! :hugs: :two_hearts:
Expect to have more time when I start my lonly isle life :joy:



The cash restriction never bugged me; I’m a debit card guy. On the other hand, though, I wanted to start a habit of carrying a $20 bill in my wallet at all times and slowly spend it until I’m left with coins to put in my change jar. It’s gonna be a while before I can start doing that… As for businesses, I don’t speak for every business over here, but my work doesn’t accept cash for the time being. We may as well considering all the outside contact in which we engage… I work at a paint store, and corporate deemed us essential because we’re remotely related to construction. In reality, the company’s just greedy and tough to argue with, so that means we still have to sell paint. I can look at a Starbuck’s from my store’s front windows, and you know that’s still open for business.
The rules are so skewed and borderline incomplete, and that doesn’t help calm people down.

I’ll bet all the toning-down is for the sake of making the books more marketable. For example, a lot of people probably won’t read Stephen King because of his reputation for creepy/disturbing/etc. books. That’s a whole untapped audience. Hell, maybe I’m wrong and we’re just getting an influx of writers who don’t want dark themes to be too present in their work. There’s hope, though. Two years ago, I read a fairly new (at the time) Star Wars book that actually disturbed me a couple times. I’d love to read more of that in fresh literature.

I’ve heard the same kinda stuff and I thought it was a great idea. More than once, I’ve sat down and tried to create a story bible, but I couldn’t bring myself to write more than a few paragraphs because there was so much information! You’re right, though, not everything can be finished in one sitting. If I never give up, I’ll eventually finish writing the story.

We will see something different from people after all this blows over. Something good? I sincerely doubt it. If this is the wake-up call people needed to stop being so ugly to each other, I’d be convinced I was dreaming in a coma. What the retail workforce can do is put their feet down and stand their ground. Letting people walk all over them is an invitation to let more people walk all over them. Maybe this pandemic will change some people for the better, but for others, their feelings just might have to get hurt.

It always encourages me to know that there’s some kind of audience out there that’ll be remotely interested in what I want to put out. Thank you.


I got the iPhone 11 Pro!


That would be amazing… can’t wait for that!

I heard the news and although I’m very disappointed with it, I thought it’s for the better. The virus is still around and in the UK, we are meant to be easing the lockdown on Monday, (thanks to our government). :pensive:

OT: watching ghost hunter videos, the haunted side

BTW, @HakManLP, @anna834, I got into a conversation with a few friends on Facebook and since I couldn’t make my mind up with who I like more out of Till or Daniel from Aesthetic Perfection, they send me these photos!

image image image image image


:sunny::sunny: Good morning family :sunny::sunny:Weekend, time to recharge :heart_eyes: and tomorrow is mothers day over here in Germany. My parents will come over for coffee. It’s the first visit after 8 weeks, my mom is really looking forward. She wasn’t out of their flat since the lockdown started. So we will have coffee and cake and spend some time together. :sunny::sunny::sunny:

Today I finally manage to ketchup here. My days are quite busy, I don’t moan, it’s a work that I love - I love my home and my daughter- but this all needs time - and Me and Myself and I - we need time too :joy: yeah and that’s the time amount I always cut short when it starts to become busy in my life. :see_no_evil:

Realising this it’s a pure pleasure rn to take my time and Ketchup here… :tada::hugs::yellow_heart::yellow_heart::sunny::hugs::yellow_heart:

@anna834 :joy::joy: lmao :grin: would be so cool to meet up :tada::+1:t2::hugs::yellow_heart:, and lol to Scharbeutz - yeah, I imagine it’s a lot of tourists :joy: we join them :crazy_face: :sunny::sunny: - and ofc safe travels :+1:t2: Hug your son and that the island is as awesome as I imagine it to be. :hugs::yellow_heart::muscle:t2:

@HakManLP lol - thanx for your powerful words once again :hugs::muscle:t2: sending good vibes back at you :sunny::yellow_heart::muscle:t2::hugs:, thanx for your WEP :heart_eyes::partying_face: and I go for Mike this time- he looked almost like on a pic I saw only a few days ago… so I was a bit confused. :crazy_face: Great WEP again bro :smiley: TY :tada::yellow_heart::sunny::hugs:

@Linkineli I’m happy for your mum! And for you :hugs: :yellow_heart: :sunny: ofc- stay strong :muscle:t2:

@lpfan61 :hugs::hugs::heart::kissing_heart: sending you strength and I feel you, everyday the same routine is somehow boring- but it’s good too, routine means mostly that nothing bad happened :crazy_face: yeah :sweat_smile: probably weird thought- but I learned to value the times without further catastrophes :joy::sweat_smile::see_no_evil: - :hugs: and :heart: to you strong sister :hugs::sunny:

@Sybre looking forward to read from you! What’s the idea of your story? Good flow :sunny::sunny::hugs::hugs:

@StephLP18 thank you :blush: :blue_heart::yellow_heart: :hugs:nice you show up :tada::sunny::blush:- what’s going on over there? How are you?

@evooba it’s so nice to see you making so much music- I really feel your love for music in general :heart_eyes: have fun with your cousin :sunny::hugs: Thanx for sending strength- feels good :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::yellow_heart: and I so feel you- I really don’t understand what „system relevant“ means either- it’s a chaos :see_no_evil:

Stay strong you all inhere :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::sunny::yellow_heart::yellow_heart::hugs: have a good Saturday everybody

Ot: second coffee :grin:

@LP13413 good to hear the boss is ok again :cat2: can you give him some extra cuddles today?? :grin: and since I think you sleep already I wish you a good morning :sunny: today :smiley:



Ot: making lunch :fork_and_knife:

Hope that everyone have a good weekend :hugs:


Aw thanks! I love yours too!
I’m glad it’s going well for you and I assume tech difficulties are to be expected so it’s cool. Oh an exam! If you do take it, I’m sure you’ll do great! Good luck!
Thanks, I should know on Monday so let’s see! It is good indeed, interesting reading about other people’s views on it :slight_smile:
Nothing much really planned for the weekend, go out for the daily walk probably and chill at home. You?

It’s the same here and we’re not even out of lockdown yet. I just think people are just tired and need to go on with their normal schedule. It’s really difficult, I see it from myself too. In the beginning we didn’t go out at all and I didn’t even meet with my cousin but it got to the point where I was getting crazy. So now it’s daily walks and the occasional meeting with my cousin once or twice per week. My only concern is that some people fail to even be a tad careful when they’re out. I mean, I’d love to have a picnic in the park and chill on the grass too or play sports but we’re not allowed to do it so it upsets me when I see others doing it.

By the way, I love your WEP posts, I look at the photos and go damn! that was so long ago hahaha :stuck_out_tongue:

Any specific one you like the more than others?

@anna834 I hope you’ll be at home in your own bed resting by the time you read this :slight_smile:

@Sybre Same for me, I never carry cash anymore. Technology has made it so easy to just have everything on your phone now, it’s crazy. I agree about the rules, they’re all over the place here as well, most people do as they please. I have noticed that paint stores are quite busy here as well, it’s also because a lot of people are doing DIYs at home now, it’s the perfect opportunity considering that they’re stuck at home.

Let’s see, rumour has it that the only change will be that we can visit friends and family for now. Everything else will gradually start about 2 weeks from now (saying so cause I’ve got an interesting email from work this week…).

Aww thank you! I suddenly have all this “free” time in my hands, have to spend it doing music haha! Enjoy your weekend with your parents, it’s great they can finally come over!

OT: Not much going on today, the weather is amazing so I’ll definitely go out for the daily walk. I got a vinyl in the mail today that I’m really looking forward to listening to later.
Also, I don’t know about you guys but I find Mike’s livestreams of him playing Animal Crossing hilarious, purely because of the stories he tells.
Did anyone catch Anna’s live from yesterday for the 320 festival? Mike is going to be on it today too!



I don’t have the time :pleading_face: :cry:

Thank you!! :heart: :hugs: :hugs: :blush:

:persevere: sorry to hear :hugs:

Thank youuu my dear! :blush: :sun_with_face: :heart: :hugs: :hugs::hugs:

OT: I have a free day tomorrow :flushed: :crazy_face:


Much appreciated! Basically, it’s a fantasy story about this teenage hunter-gatherer who gets adopted into a warring tribe to serve as their spec ops warrior. Along the way, she meets colorful friends and foes and learns a lot about the world in which history is never seen in full. It’s not meant to be an allegory, but there are some parallels between the story and real life.

A thousand suns and a thousand hugs for you! :sunny: :hugs:

I even avoid using the physical cards as much as I can because I have it on my phone now! Convenient as hell, but it doesn’t work everywhere, so I always have my wallet on me just in case. About the pandemic rules; what America should have done was expect the virus to reach its soil (I should have put money on it; I always knew it’d reach America), come up with a plan ahead of time, and share it with the public so we could have been ready. It’s a borderline free-for-all out here now. As for the paint stores, you are right on the dollar. DIYers are coming out of the woodwork thinking they can get something done around the house, but it’s not like they’re creating a stress-free environment for us employees. Those homeowners that come on Sunday are the worst.


I went to bed last night, and woke up today to snow falling from the sky. It’s still cold enough, and we’re only receiving a dusting. It’s mostly rain in our forecast for the next week or so, but they aren’t ruling out the chance for another dusting of snow, either.

Happy Mother’s Day for all the mothers who are celebrating this weekend!


Thinking what film to watch!