HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

Sending strenght! Sorry for your loss! :pensive: :heart: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

OT: busy working


They did something similar in Greece, only the 12th grade will take their uni admission exams, the rest will all proceed to the next grade without exams. And theyā€™re the only ones that will go back to school. Wow, thatā€™s a long school year, or I guess you have many breaks in between. Back home itā€™s from the 11/12th of September till mid May for junior and senior high and till early June for elementary school.

Precisely! And itā€™s even harder when you know that the person probably already has what you thought of getting them or has pre-ordered it themselves (happened last year, had to get a last minute gift). Plus lockdown is not making it easy either, mail is so slow and with my flatmate lurking itā€™s hard to get hers as well.

@drounzer My condolences! I hope your aunt gets better soon. And donā€™t worry, look after yourself, weā€™re sending you strength! You can do this! :slight_smile:

Same to you! And hope Thurman feels better too!

I feel the exact same way! Waiting to see what happens over here.

OT: Planning to go out for a long walk today, the weather looks great. Enjoying my morning coffee for now, might do a bit of reading as well.
One of my favourite bands from last year announced theyā€™re releasing a new album in July and Iā€™m so excited! Their debut was brilliant so Iā€™m sure this one is going to be just as good. Iā€™m trying to hold back on ordering too many vinyls right now since the first phase of RSD is next month and my list is long (oops, haha!).

*Mike is going to be live on IG today (12pm PST ā†’ 8pm BST) for a Q&A in case you guys are interested.

Oh and @LP13413 I donā€™t know if youā€™ve seen it but Tim from RA is going to play an acoustic set on Saturday live on IG too!


Hey all! Happy Humpday!! :camel:

Hope all is going well for everyone!!

Thanks! Glad to be able to post when I can :sweat_smile:
Sending hugs back! :hugs: :hugs:

That sounds so awesome!! I hope you get to enjoy Germany!! :smile:
Love that you are doing a first time experience!! So exciting!!

I think Facebook needs to replace the care reaction with this! :rofl: orā€¦ at least add this in!

@drounzer sending you love and support! This is just an all around [spoiler]shitty[/spoiler] time! We are here for you!! :hugs: :hugs:

As for me today. Work work workā€¦ donā€™t get me wrong 'm very appreciative I have a job! Just feeling burnt out after all this! At the moment I have some Linkin Park going, was OML album; now onto Living Things! I messaged my tattoo artist just to tell him about my design, not expecting to get it soon just because of this whole [spoiler] Shit-Show[/spoiler] we call 2020 :joy::joy:
Hoping you all have a great day!! As always Iā€™m sending love and positive vibes to everyone!!


@Linkineli I think your story is absolutely beautiful. To me, it is about belonging and self-worth. As though the light represents a piece of her soul calling to her to be found. My favourite lines were: ā€œI dreamed of a singing moon that kept blinking at me that nightā€. ā€œThere was only the blinking and me, and around us the night, listening to the universe.ā€ And especially: "I was stronger. I wasnā€™t just a single, stray drop of rain, I was a thunderstorm. I wasnā€™t quiet anymore, I was music, made my own soundtrack to my own life." This is just so powerful to read :heart: It feels effortless to read and is captivating throughout, with emotional warmth and heart. Thanks for sharing :slight_smile:

I remember a sense of them feeling that they couldnā€™t win the fight so this implied to me they probably died in the end. Letā€™s see if they ever revive the show? ā€˜Once More With Feelingā€™ is just pure brilliance. It is funny, serious and so interesting. One of the best shows I was lucky enough to watch and learn from.

@anna834 Ah the sheep eat the bark? Maybe it has some vitamins like when cats eat grass to help their stomachs? Cats are funny :cat2:

Yes, sometimes they can be. I do like darker characters but those who ultimately become good. What does this say about you then - do you relate more to the bad guys than the good? :thinking:

Yes, itā€™s strange because I feel when I used to read YA adults (many years ago when I was a teen) the books werenā€™t as dark as they are now. Sure, people were murdered and terrorised, but I donā€™t remember the books being as graphic and disturbing as they are now. However, I think perhaps teens are more desensitized to these themes than we used to be. Even the Harry Potter books became really dark towards the end. It does seem to work really well in this day and age.

Iā€™m sure I remember reading that Tolkien spent years creating middle-earth as though it were a real place that existed. Iā€™d say make sure that you document your thoughts on paper, be it the characterā€™s backstory or the world as you see it, so you have some useful notes to review when years later you canā€™t remember where you got all the good ideas from! Iā€™ve often written half a story only to come back to it years later to finish it. Sometimes you canā€™t write everything in one go. Itā€™s just not meant to be finished until itā€™s ready.

Iā€™m not sure whether ending the lockdown is going to help places like retail. I feel people will become less compliant after the lockdown ends whereas at the moment at least they try to stay away from you / move relatively quickly. The last thing I want to see is leisurely shopping habits return. Hopefully people will start to change their behaviours and try to maintain good practices by not shopping excessively and being more thoughtful about others.

True and I feel like itā€™s getting worse as people are assuming the lockdown is coming to an end.

All the best @drounzer we are rooting for you and hoping for the best. Lots of love :heart: We will miss you.

Day-40-something-still: Very bad news that the UK has the highest death rate purely because of a failure by the government to act in the right way. I feel they kept referring to being led by the science despite almost every expert saying this is a completely unknown virus which is not yet understood. I hope people learn from this in future and ensure they make better choices about who they put in charge. As of yet, we donā€™t know when measures will be eased and what impact this may have. Soundtrack: Blue October: 3 Weeks, She Sleeps.


Hey you all :green_heart:

Just out of the shower, still no dinner.
So just a quick hallo :wave:

Deworming and sorting 500 something sheep.
The bigger male lambs had to leave the flock, cause they start annoying there own mothers. This means, checking every single lamb for its gender.
The silence of the lambs :joy: sure not tonight. :grimacing:
Iā€™m exhausted and will reply some other time.
Still donā€™t mean, that Iā€™m not with every single one of you! :heart: Thank you so much for being here!
Love to you all! Stay strong! :muscle:


:hugs: :revolving_hearts:


It is, heā€™ll announce the lift of the measures on Sunday. The economy needs to start rolling again at some pointā€¦

@anna834 Thumb getting better?

OT: Back from my walk, it was great! I love visiting that area, itā€™s one of my favourites in London. Surprisingly it wasnā€™t that busy, just dog walkers and runners but I guess weā€™ll see on Friday with the good weather and all (itā€™s also bank holiday). Gonna have some dinner now and then itā€™s Buffy time!


hello everyvody, happy wednesday and just 2 more days till weekend :partying_face:

hi bavarian-dear :kissing_heart:, thank for this lovely and wonderful words. This day was a lot of better, bc the sun is back and itā€™s getting warmer around here. Also online seminar was good today, looking for the next one tomorrow. I think at friday and saturday, with the warm weather, my mood getā€™s better. Thank you for your support. What are you thinking about the new rules again from todayā€™s news.

hello buddy, of course! It has to be an official world wide Holiday :heart_eyes: :heart: sending some positive vibes back. Did you check out the new PS plus for May 2020? :weary:

wow, that sounds really good. I like that movie genre :yum:

hello dear :kissing_heart:, it sounds very interesting for the 1st listening. I think I need some more sessions. Itā€™s kinda like some german bands ā€˜Oomphā€™ or ā€˜Unheiligā€™ - not my favorite genre, but itā€™s that little thing, that makes it interresting. So thank your for that - how about you? What are you and your 3 ā€˜lil monstersā€™ doing? :crazy_face:

If you can do that: Can you share me your Top 10 Rammstein Playlist? :kissing_heart:

:heart: :heart: :pray:t2: :pray:t2:
thank you and Iā€™ll do that. You do the same, deal? :grimacing: and sending these special bonecrushers back to you and have a nice time on your trip :raised_hands:t2: :yum:

hello dear :kissing_heart:
yeah, itā€™ still going ā€˜good and okā€™ but itā€™s kinda hard, because the internetc connection isnā€™t that good, when so many students are at the same on the university server :expressionless: And Iā€™m doing so much stuff, when ā€˜Iā€™m in the online roomā€™, which I wouldnā€™t do in university :sweat_smile: for example doing some exercises or just surfing in the internet :rofl:
so, hopefully youā€™ll get an awesome feedback! :muscle:t2: and let me/us know - #studentstogether

hello buddy, thank you - I need them in facebook :heart_eyes: :raised_hands:t2:
How are you doing these days?

What are you reading? :blush:

how about you dear? :pray:t2: :kissing_heart:

hello buddy, Iā€™m really sorry for your loss and the news, which you received :cold_sweat: :disappointed_relieved: Sending you strength and hugs buddy :hugs: Concentrate on your important things and donā€™t be sad or sorry, that you canā€™t come around often here - thatā€™s no problem. Iā€™ll keep tagging you buddy. Besth wishes for you, you can do it! :kissing_heart: :muscle:t2: :metal:t2:

hello dear :kissing_heart:, after ā€™ no domino dayā€™ - what are your next plans? :grimacing: :laughing:
also: how are you doing these days?

What did you get? :hugs: :grimacing:

hello Andy, sounds bad - hope you and Thurman doing better today? :pray:t2: Also stay safe and healtyh buddy. :metal:t2: :pray:t2: :blush:

Hello lpfan61ā€™s boss, she needs more breaks! So give it to her, or your butt will be kicked
Hello dear, some extra strong bonecrushers to you :kissing_heart:

hello dear :kissing_heart: I donā€™t know, Iā€™m not a bad guy (anna knows that :D) and also like a ā€˜freaky good mood funny guyā€™, but the bad girls/bad guys in movies are often better. Donā€™t know why. But Iā€™m just for the cool bad guys and sometimes for the bad guys who become good or the good guys become bad :joy: In public I donā€™t like rude or just bad girls or guys, but movies are not life so, still donā€™t know it. Maybe Iā€™m an Alien? :joy: or maybe Iā€™m from ā€˜Bizarro worldā€™ :joy: But Iā€™ve got enough movies or series, where Iā€™m cheering for the good ones like Marvel for example :sweat_smile:
Also do you want the Top 10 or Top 20 Limp Bizkit playlist?

hello dear and thank you so much for being around here too :heart: But please, you need something to eat after these hard days :scream:
Take your time, take your breaks and reload your battery :heart: :raised_hands:t2:

10 powerful and lovely tags to @anomalia @anngelenee @lplove @Audrina87 @melisLP @rickvanmeijel @AJ_7 @chigokurosaki @lpaniist @Honey8
OT: It was a good day with the onlince seminar today and some trips to my university library and a long run/walk into the nature. The next days gonna be warmer and Iā€™m going to mow the lawn on friday. Gonna have two more online seminars for the next two days and will be start my #cheatweekend with a nice and warm weather. :blush: :heart_eyes:
sending ALL OF YOU some sunshine, good feelings and special squishies. Please take care of yourselfs, stay safe and stay healthy. The most important thing we all have right now is our health and that nobody has to go through this crisis alone. It is the daily exchange, the kind words, the nice discussions and conversations that donā€™t make us go crazy. So letā€™s keep it up #LPFamily :heart: :metal:t2:


I worked my four hours earlier, and now Iā€™m catching up on the local COVID numbers.

Thurmanā€™s feeling much better today.


Yeah! Donā€™t want to complain, but I need a break sometimesā€¦ :sweat_smile:

Thank youuu!! :blush: :hugs: :hugs: :heart: :hugs:

OT: going to sleep :laughing:

Off-topic (or maybe not lol :thinking: :rofl: ): my days are almost all the same :see_no_evil:


I Am glad to hear that


Weā€™re doing well, Iā€™m helping my parents with the decking and painting so it isnā€™t all up to them. (Mostly painting for me) The little three monsters (which I like the name of) are fine. Squeaks growled at another cat today, (wasnā€™t ozzy and axel) and he was their protective big brother which is cute.

Top 10 Rammstein, (wasnā€™t an easy task)

  1. Dalai Lama
  2. Sonne
  3. Was Ich Liebe
  4. Bestrafe Mich
  5. Rammlied
  6. Mehr
  7. Rosenrot
  8. Feuer und Wasser
  9. Reise Reise
  10. Mosaku

(It changes all the time)


Oh damn! I hope the online thing gets a bit easier. We are 47 people in my Masters which is mainly why our online classes were just the lecturer talking to a black screen for 2+ hours. We didnā€™t have our cameras or mics on so it was literally like watching a YT video, no engagement whatsoever.

Thanks! Havenā€™t heard anything yet. Might email them about it tomorrow.

Good luck the next couple of days and enjoy your weekend! Weather seems awesome indeed!

OT: So a month and a half ago or so I did something to my leg (no idea what) and ruptured a tendon and was in so much pain for like a week. In the beginning it hurt to even walk but eventually it started to feel better. I still had the occasional sharp pain doing a specific movement or going up and down the stairs but it was getting better. This week I could barely feel it and was so excited it was finally healed. Until I got off the bloody couch tonight. Iā€™m back to being in full pain for no reason. Iā€™ve no idea what I did again.

In other news, I highly recommend watching Mikeā€™s IG live from earlier today over on Awolnationā€™s profile. So damn good! Reminded why I appreciate and respect him so much.

Also, anyone else finding it harder and harder to fall asleep at night? It used to be midnight-ish at the beginning of the lockdown for us but now we canā€™t seem to even start to feel tired before 2-2:30am. Messes up with everything!


Yeah. Says me at 4:30 in the morning :unamused:

Oh no! Sorry to hear. Canā€™t say much more, then get better soon!!!

I miss it!!! Iā€™m still working or at the farmers family dinner at his times. And later I just get a little Netflix done. Sigh. Will probably never ketchup.

My thumb is better, thanks for asking. Can do most things again. Not holding the a syringe to deworm sheep, obviously, or open a jar. But otherwise it worked.

So, try to catch up on some more sleep.

The moon in my window right now


:sunny::sunny: Good morning family :sunny::sunny: sending strength here - :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2: some virtual hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs: the so called lpu bonecrushers :joy::hugs::yellow_heart::sunny::sunny:- I try to keep my head over water :sweat_drops: :swimming_woman: and I have to realize where my physical borders are :muscle:t2::muscle:t2:. Ok- some extra special bc to you guys @evooba @lpfan61 @LP13413 @anna834 @HakManLP @raz7 @drounzer @Linkineli @zanybelle and @Lilyope- my 10 tags for today! :hugs::sunny::sunny::yellow_heart::hugs::heart:

:hugs: Have a good day everybody and ty for being you soldiers :hugs:

Ot: :shower:


Hey ! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Today my plan is work from home. Tonight or tomorrow iā€™ll probably know if iā€™ll be aload to go to the woods next monday. If it goes well, itā€™s my next plan.:crossed_fingers:
Have a good day everyone :hugs::purple_heart:


Thanks for the tags @HakManLP and @Linkineli, appreciate your continual shout-outs and nice words :hugs: Wishing you and everyone else a good day filled with energy, love and strength and any other positive word you can think of! :laughing:


Thanks! It is a bit better today.

It is up on YT for whenever you have an hour to kill some time :wink: And glad your thumb is doing better!

@theearlywalker @Lilyope Strength to you too guys!

OT: Itā€™s going to be another hot 3 or so days over here, up to 24-25 degrees this weekend! Went out to do some grocery shopping this morning both for us and our neighbour. My flatmate now wants to try and play my electric guitar, itā€™ll be interesting, Iā€™ll let you know how it goes haha!

Need to send some emails out for work and then need to contact Royal Mail yet again. They overcharged me for some custom fees 2 months ago and Iā€™m still chasing them for a refund.

Have a great long weekend everyone! :slight_smile:


I am so sorry for your loss!
And i love you too. Even now you made your post so full of love and care, i will think of you too as i always did during your time of distance. :heart::heart::heart::heart:

That makes sense to me, but here my youngest brother will go to school next week(4th grade), way earlier than i am able to gošŸ¤”

Yeah, we have many breaks, especially here in bavaria(from all the different parts in germany-everyone has their own holiday schedule- we have the mostšŸ˜).

Oh, yeahšŸ˜¬

Wow thank you thank you thank you i am really moved by your feedback! It means a lot to me!!!:heart::heart::heart:
And also your favourite linesā€¦ yeah the "i was stronger"part is really powerful to me too. Just thanks again!
Itā€™s about self-worth and belonging for me too, about listening to yourself, believing yourself, and also being strong enough to faceā€¦ life .


We know that! Love you!:heart::heart::hugs::hugs::hugs:

That sounds way better to me!:blush::blush::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::muscle::muscle::muscle::heart::heart:yeah, the sun helpsā€‹:sunny::sunny:and youā€™re welcomeā€‹:heart:

I donā€™t really know. Like @theearlywalker said, good to see the rules donā€™t have to be that hard anymore, but also letā€™s hope it isnā€™t a mistake.

I love these words!:heart::muscle::heart::muscle::heart::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Oh no, that sounds so painful!:confounded::confounded: i hope it will go away soonā€‹:kissing_heart:

Yeah, totally!!! I watched it too, and i really donā€™t know what i would do without Mike. He gives me such a safe feeling, calms me down, gives me positivity and joy, heā€™s the best. I could listen to him forever.

Thank you, sending them right back!:hugs::heart::heart::heart::heart:i really appreciate all the love you keep sending us with your posts!:sunny::sunny::hugs::hugs:

Thanks, you too!:hugs::hugs::rainbow:

Thanks! Even just reading positive words is niceā€‹:laughing::blush:

You guys make me feel so much better. Iā€™m in love with this place here.
Iā€™m just trying to get the work done and now my mum maybe has the virus, had some symptoms, now waiting for the test result and it really stresses me out.
But being here makes me feel better and gives me hope. Wish you all a great day!:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:


Just a quick hey to everyone!
Today is chaotic at work (at least I feel like it is) so gonna be a really short post today!!

Hope you all have a great Thursday! Iā€™ll try and check in later on!!

Positive vibes to all! :hugs::hugs:


Good evening to this side :sunrise_over_mountains:
Good day over the pond :sunrise:
@Honey8 my dear, love to you! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

A warm, sunny day with sheep and fences. Itā€™s six in the evening and I still have to feed the few sheep in the barn. But a moment rest on the patio, starting this, so I may get a longer one done. :blush:

Fast hello back :wave: :running_woman: :joy:

:crossed_fingers: all fingers crossed, it isnā€™t the case! Strength to you and your family! :hugs: :hugs: :heart:

Sounds fun! You have a band!!! :joy: :partying_face:

.:cat2: :partying_face: :hugs:

Do I? :thinking: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :crazy_face: :kissing_heart: :hugs:

:heart: Back at you! And my sorries! You know, what ever is best and feels right for you! Take care! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :hugs: :heart:

So, 9 p.m. dayā€™s finally over and I feel like it.
So, I will stop quoting :grimacing: Sorry

I have news, exiting and frightening at the same time. :flushed: :grin:
I already mentioned, that I couldnā€™t sleep last night. First, cause I was so tired, that I just didnā€™t fall over. But at one in the morning, I got a WhatsApp by the shepherd girl I met last summer. I had told you about her, the one, who I did know of reputation and always thought, she couldnā€™t stand me.
This was the massage:
ā€œAnna ā€¦ heeeeelp ā€¦ my shepherd bailed and I am in middle of lambing seasonā€¦ā€
As explanation, she has one flock lambing and one getting tended, separated not only by 100km but also a ferry ride.
So I was like f*** how can I help her?
Talking to my boss today, lots of planning and now I will travel up north on Saturday. Canā€™t make it in one ride, but will arrive at Sylt on Sunday. Three weeks island shepherding :flushed:
See @theearlywalker working where others take their vacation :joy: where will be your holidays? :kissing_heart: :hugs: :yellow_heart:

Here you see, where I am right now and where I am going :crazy_face:
