HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

Nearly forgot

Happy Walpurgis Night to you girls! :partying_face: :partying_face:


Remember! Safety first!
No drunk and fligh!
Wear a mask!
Keep distance to the other witches!


They’re mostly work/uni related and not fun, but that’s also my anxiety, nothing new really.

As for Sean and Grey Daze, I haven’t seen/read any interviews, I just find his way of “interacting” (which more like attacking) fans on Twitter ridiculous (and he’s said some pretty nasty stuff there about fans and LP in general). He is also a massive Trump supporter which is another big no no for me. I guess that’s why he has blocked me on there, he does to whoever disagrees with him, it’s quite childish.

OT: I played a sh*t ton of guitar today, I am slowly remembering how to play LP songs, they’re just coming back, my fingers just move on their own where they need to be, it is satisfying. My new amp is supposed to arrive on Saturday as well so looking forward to that.
In other news, we managed to have a walk with my flatmate when the rain stopped and wow, the skies we’ve got today have been incredible! I took so many pictures, I have to look and sort through them. Also, lovely rainbow surprises throughout the day, always good saying hi to C (disclaimer for those that don’t know, I associate rainbows with Chester).


I agree on that,but also with @evooba. I don’t like them personally, especially after what’s happening in social media, and how they treat Linkin Park (fans),

Yeah,he stresses so often "we had such a special friendship, we would talk about everything " and it seems to me that he wants to overtop other friendships Chester had, especially with Mike and the other guys from LP. And it seems to me too, that their main goal for that album now is to get as much money as possible, and i just get a bad vibe from them, defenitely not how Chester would’ve wanted them to act. So i don’t want to support them , but i’m excited for the music, hearing Chester’s voice

That’s nice, too!:joy::muscle::heartbeat:

Very true, nice words​:heart::heart::heart:

This is so amazing!!! :joy::joy::joy:Also the picture you’re holding​:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

I do give mich on your words, to me you’re a really good author&writer. Will read your blog!(but maybe as a morning lecture, now it’s too late​:grin::grin::grin:)

Thank you! :heart::heart::muscle::muscle: i do that too, picture myself how i would write about the situation. And sometimes i have ‘writing attacks’, i can’t stop writing then and i’m way too slow to put all my spinning thoughts on paper​:joy: but i really have to do it more often.
Just got some writing prompts by my english teacher today, they’re all pretty interesting! Maybe gonna share them tomorrow​:thinking::thinking:
And i do believe in my dreams! Thank you for the encouragement! Sometimes my dreams don’t seem so clear, sometimes i have to remind myself to hold on to them. But i’d say i’m a hopeful person, most of the time i believe in them.:blush:

Also like your view on this.

I think so, too. And i think that’s a good decision

Love that song so much!!!

Here too!! It was raining almost the whole day, i felt kind of down, but at dinner i looked outside, suddenly the sun came out and there was a huge rainbow! It made me so happy, still am​:blush::blush:
It felt like he was coming to share his presence with us just at the right time❀

@theearlywalker how are you?:heartbeat: hope you could say hi to Chester today, too!

How beautiful that Anna did too​:heart_eyes::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: @HakManLP was there a rainbow for you too?

Ot: gonna go to sleep now, love you all​:rainbow::rainbow::rainbow::rainbow::heart::heart::heart::heart: i’m really happy&peaceful now, to know that there were rainbows everywhere. :pray::heart::rainbow:


Currently finishing up on work before bed.


Chilling out
woke up and can’t get back to sleep now!

1 Like

Just wasting time, trying to gather the courage to keep working on a script. I’ll probably just keep working on it tomorrow; I had a busy day at work. :confounded:


Bit of Fortnite before work lol


Good morning! :smile: I have a free day today! :grin: once in a while it’s good :crazy_face: Tomorrow have to work :crazy_face:

Have a nice day/night my LP family! :heart: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Happy International Workers Day! :grin:


Good morning lp family I hope that everyone is doing good. I have been okay stay safe. But my job have cases . And where am in health care. I have to be extremely careful. . I hope everyone is being safe everywhere you go.


hello everybody and good morning from good old germany :sunny:

Would be very awesome. I don’t necessarily have the patience for this. :joy: - Great to read that you’re doing fine dear :kissing_heart:

hello dear :kissing_heart::heart_eyes: can you take a photo of those 3 sitting together? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes:
Also what are you painted? Maybe something to share?
Also here’s my Top 10 Rammstein ‘short playlist’:

  1. Ich Will
  2. Keine Lust
  3. Links 2 3 4
  4. Zerstören
  5. Moskau
  6. Rosenrot
  7. Engel
  8. Zwitter
  9. BĂŒck dich
  10. Amerika

hello dear :kissing_heart: , yes, the last online university days were good. It fits more and more. Oh yes, I had a real ‘flashback/throwback’ bc as everyone knows that I’m that Nu Metal guy it was so awesome to have so many Nu Metal legends in one stream.
Where do you buy your vinyls? Also: how about your assignments? Hopefully it’s ok to ask for it

But me and my ‘brother’ :rofl: :sweat_smile: Yeah, it was so awesome. Also I’m still thinking about our talk on whatsapp, it’s May 1st and you can’t do ‘nothing’ - Also yesterday: ‘No dancing in the may’ :expressionless: Can you send me the rainbow please? :kissing_heart: :kissing_heart: :kissing_heart:

hello there :kissing_heart: that really sucks with your kerrang! but like evooba said, it’s not an good interview
 Made me a little bit angry too.
‘Becky’ is my 3rd car and is 8 years old. She’s looking just great and I named her after my currently favorite female wrestler ‘Becky Lynch’ :crazy_face:
What are you doing on this free day ‘1st May’ ? :expressionless: :disappointed_relieved: :heart: I mean we’ve got a long weekend and the corona ‘f’cked’ it up. Also no rainbow in North Hessen :sob:

hello buddy, oh damn - that would ‘destroy’ me :joy: without my beard I would feel ‘naked’ But for many professions you have to shave the beard in these Corona times. So stay positive and stay strong. Also what are your plans for the weekend? Waiting for your friday pictures posting :heart_eyes:

hello buddy and thank you - hopefully the WEP will give you a positive feeling again. I really enjoyed and still enjoying the last weeks around here. So many positive postings, so many love - hopefully we all can keep this doing :heart: :raised_hands:t2: :pray:t2:

hello dear :disappointed_relieved: damn, that sound so horrible. Maybe talk to a doctor? I had the same problems and sleeped just every second day
 So I can feel you :sob:
Hopefully it’s getting better :pray:t2: :muscle:t2: :heart:

hello again :grimacing: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :nerd_face:

hello dear :kissing_heart:, I’ve got also a very old ‘oldschool beanie’ and this one was my first ever Linkin Park merch back in Winter 2001 I think :laughing: my mother surprised me with this.
Yes, I’m very often for the ‘baddies’ in movies: Harry Potter = Slytherin, DC = Joker, Harley Quinn, Penguin, Two-Face, Riddler, Star Wars = Sith, Empire, First Order, Lord of the rings = 50:50 ( I really like Gimli and Legolas but also like the ‘witch-king of angmar’ and the Nazgul’s) Marvel = the good guys are better :blush:
I wrote these thougths in german, maybe I’ll find some time to translate them :blush: :yum:
also I know I’ve to share my Limp Bizkit top 20 :nerd_face: :heart_eyes: :heart: Hopefully you’re doing better these days :pray:t2: :heart:

hello Andy (and Thurmy) - we’ve got the same thing around here. It’s very weird, but some people are so stupid that we also need them :unamused:

hello buddy, awesome merch :heart_eyes: Really love and like it when more people wear clothes like this. ‘Hybrid-Nerd’ why not? sounds cool to me :sunglasses:
music makes working better :muscle:t2: :heart:

Are you allowed to share the story? :blush:

hello dear :heart: :kissing_heart: damn, no long weekend for you? That sucks :expressionless: but ‘Happy international workers day’ back to you dear :kissing_heart: what are you doing today?

stay stafe and healthy dear :muscle:t2: :pray:t2: :hugs:

10 powerful and lovely tags to @anngelenee @lplove @melisLP @AJ_7 @rickvanmeijel @anomalia @Audrina87 @chigokurosaki @Honey8 @IronSoldier16 :heart: :pray:t2:

let’s start the WEP
Linkin Park Oldschool Wallpaper (28)
first of all I want to start with this - a funny one and I think the ‘real leader’ is Joe :joy: Also the thing with the facemasks :see_no_evil:
Linkin Park Oldschool Wallpaper (29)
But here’s another one from the late 00’s - I’ll give it to Chester, bc his acting is pretty cool :blush:
Forgotten Gif

Forgotten lyrics
I don’t know exactly why, but this song and these lyrics are into me for the last days. Maybe it’s that everything seems to be dark (in my mind and head) but there’s hope for sun in life again. We all should stay positive. Also it’s one of the underratest LP songs
Chester and Mike Art (2)
I think many of us also know the original picture, but this interpretation and drawing of my personal best and favorite vocalist duo of all time is just awesome. It was made by ‘mavericks drawings’ - let us all feel these ‘Nu Metal energy’ :heart: :metal:t2:
Dear Linkin park
Found it via LPlive and it’s just heartwarming with the combined lyrics :heart: 100% true :pray:t2:

It’s ‘International workers day’ and I’m cheering out to every worker around here! I’m cleaning my rooms, listen to music and have to weight one more day for my cheatweekend and cheatmeals. Sadly the weather will be bad on saturday and sunday :sob: But after my lunch today I’m going for a run/walk with my mother. Also gonna listen to many music, play some games and have a couple of german beers :grimacing: :heart: :beers:

I want to end my posting and the ‘WEP’ with this picture, which I took. We all know these times are very hard and the news are so bad for the world. Everything seems to be bad, sad, dark and horrible. But after the rain there will be sun again! We should all stay positive, even when it’s hard bc the greatest gift a human have is her/his own health. So stay safe and healthy #LPFamily. Share your updates, share your routine, share your thougths, share your daily stories and please share love, positivity and kindess - it’s so important :heart: :metal:t2: :pray:t2:

the SUN will set for US again :heart: :metal:t2:

wishing everyone a good start into the weekend :heart: :metal:t2: Hugs N’ love


@Linkineli Let me just say again how much I LOVE your photos! Stunning view!

@raz7 @Sybre Good luck with work! Hope it’s not too bad.

@alz89 Did you manage catch some zzz??

@theearlywalker Where are you? Hope all is well!

I’m glad, enjoy your 3 day weekend now :slight_smile: And yes, so damn good to see 'em all!

Vinyls, mostly from Resident, they’re based in Brighton. I absolutely love those guys, they are amazing in everything they do and their customer service is top notch. I occasionally buy from Rough Trade as well (books too actually) but they’ve been hit quite badly with the current situation and their customer service has gone to sh*t. It’s a shame really cause their shop is really cool and I’ve seen hundreds of shows there. Besides these, I sometimes buy from Norman Records, Banquet Records, Sister Ray (which I love to visit when I’m in central London cause they are next to one of my favourite coffee places) and Flashback Records (they have quite a lot of second hand vinyls and you can find pretty cool gems, I got Pink Floyd’s original Animals press in excellent condition for £30). If I’m after something rare or whatever I usually resort to Discogs.

I should hear back about some of the assignments from Monday, I just need to do my thesis now so it’s alright.

OT: I woke up to sun and now it is hailing, weird weather. I finally got a book delivered and we’ve got some Amazon stuff coming a bit later. After that I’ll go out and do some grocery shopping (hopefully it won’t be raining). I’m already on coffee number 2 and I have started to realise how much I miss proper coffee and my machine at work. Speaking of, I had a brief call with my manager last night cause the director was emailing us some plans and presentations about re-opening again. Ugh
 I think he’s getting carried away, it’s still too early, we’re far from having some measures lifted in my opinion.

I’ll try and do my weekly music listening later this evening, not a lot I’m after this week but we’ll see.

Hope you all have a great Workers Day! :slight_smile:


No, lol and also today there was a collegue there for 3 hours :sweat_smile:

Thank youuu! :grin: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Nothing :grimacing: :joy: :rofl:


It’s not too bad really, the good thing is that I can work when I want to and the work is quite easy to be honest. :heart::heart::heart:


Awesome playlist. I think Rosenrot is extremely underrated and needs more love.

Speaking of cats, the three of them were asleep on my parents bed yesterday. The one without a collar is Ozzy (lost his somewhere), then Axel at the back then Squeaky on the right.




Also @HakManLP, my two artists I’ve been listening to. Can you guess them? @anna834 or anyone else who wants to join in?


Hey you all! :sunny: :sunny: :sunny:

Happy international working day!! :partying_face:
It’s a free day in Germany and normally in my hometown, were I always go to the concerts, would be a huge festival. 5 stages and bands from all over the world with different music. Everyone ever lived in LĂŒbeck would be there, meeting old friends. My brother would visit me for this, we would catch up, listen to awesome music, dance, get drunk, just have fun and party
 :sob: :crazy_face:

Had to google it:
host or attend a social gathering at which an informal meal is served from the back of a parked vehicle, typically in the car park of a sports stadium.
Really? On the school parking lot? Why? :thinking:

Awesome!!! :heart_eyes: :star_struck:

Wow, love it! :blush: can’t wait to listen into it! :kissing_heart:

Yeah!! Write more!! :muscle:
I remember this frustrating feeling when you just can’t catch your great writing thoughts on paper. It’s a huge difference to write into your head or bring it out. The only thing that helps is, do the actual work. Write, write, write. :joy:

Do that!! I sure will read it! :star_struck:

:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Thanks for your pics! :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::green_heart:

:muscle: and hey! Great you join us in this topic! :hugs:

You can’t work today :triumph: It’s international workers day! :muscle: :kissing_heart:

But just once in a while! :triumph: You would get lazy otherwise! :smiling_imp: :crazy_face: :joy: love you!!! :hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Good to hear! :muscle: :hugs: :blue_heart:

Done :rainbow: :kissing_heart:

:joy: :joy: :rofl: thank you!!!

Wow! Awesome drawing :star_struck: :heart_eyes:
Great WEP thank you! :hugs: :hugs: :green_heart:

See! I knew it! :exploding_head:
:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: best plan ever! :blush:

So cute! :heart_eyes:

Really don’t know! :sunglasses:
With work, I just don’t find time to listen to all the music I want to. :grimacing:

@drounzer love :hugs: :heart:

@theearlywalker enjoy your prolonged weekend! :hugs: :yellow_heart:

@anngelenee :point_right: :point_right: :hugs: :hugs: :revolving_hearts:

@anomalia :thinking: :kissing_heart: :hugs: :two_hearts:

@Lilyope :rainbow: :money_mouth_face: :crazy_face: :hugs: :green_heart: :purple_heart:

Already done with work today, just made the fence for the sheep bigger, so they have enough grass to feed on. Nothing more, cause :see_no_evil:

This was a little of an understatement :laughing:
I got the thorn that deep, that it hit the bone skin. My whole arme ached during the night. It was better this morning, just no movement for the thumb, all swollen und throbbing.
Building fences without one thumb, an adventure :joy:
After, I stopped at the nice osteopaths home (I mentioned, it’s an holiday, everything closed and I really have no intention to go to the hospital :flushed: ) and she looked at it. It’s not blood poisoning, but infected and I should take it seriously. So I bathed my hand in vinegar, get some herbal compression and take this day slow. :blush:


Love, Peace, Kindness to you all!
:heart: :green_heart: :purple_heart:



Are you sure? @anna834


Yeah I know the feeling and hopefully you get some good dreams in the mix for all the bad :slight_smile:

Oh really? Did not know this. Americans :unamused: I have to wonder why Chester’s wife is supportive but imagine she just supports the re-release of Chester’s music. I really appreciated the video for Sometimes :heart: one of my favourite from this lockdown period.

Are you going to share some uploads with us? Love to hear this!

I’m sure I read somewhere that some of the money would go to 320 so mental health charities and also the Bennington family so I hope that’s true :pray: After this album the only other music from Chester we will have is any probably unreleased Linkin Park songs :pray: :sob:

Yes @Linkineli !!! :metal: Such a great song :heart: Lovely rainbow pictures, thanks for sharing.

What is your script about? Are you doing this for work or study? Very tough to write scripts, I’m impressed you can do this as it requires a lot of imagination.

Can we see your beanie hat? :grinning: your mum sounds awesome!! Oh so you’re voting for the bad guys in movies? Haha! I think my favourite bad guy has to be Spike from Buffy, he was just so cool and nonchalant, but his past was so different. Great character.

Some of the girls here can read German but yes unfortunately I won’t be able to. We should have a writer’s corner thread for everyone to share their creations. I’m loving listening to Re-Arranged and their music videos have always been some of the best.

Why is Joe not wearing a mask? :scream: I’m going to have nightmares about that now! :laughing:

True words but sadly didn’t this lose @acemasters vote? I think it came bottom :frowning:

Wise words here love, I just hope we all appreciate our lives more after this and life in general. It is humbling to think we are surviving these dark times when so many haven’t been so fortunate. I pray for everyone’s health and wellness :pray: : :heartbeat:

Day-40-something: We’re in the 40s now in the day count. Doesn’t time fly when you’re doing nothing? I can’t help but wonder what we’ll all be doing in 2021. It seems too far off and more unknown than any other year. Think positive as that’s always half the battle. Soundtrack: System Of A Down: Toxicity.


Haha, thanks for the penguin!
I am allowed to share the story; it’s for fun at this point in time, but I hope to actually make something out of it. I’ll give a little rundown further down this; somebody else asked too!

Happy to be here! Nice to see what everyone’s up to.

For now, it’s for fun. I want it to become work, but it’s gonna take a lot more writing and hell of a lot more networking. I’ve got a very active imagination, but it’s still hard to put words to it because I second-guess myself with every page. That’s what rough drafts are for, though!

As for what it’s about, it’s a fantasy story about teenage soldiers involved in a civil war that preceded them for 100+ years. The main character is a self-made hunter-gatherer who gets brought in to be trained for special ops missions.

@evooba Thanks! I work retail in a store that’s really stretching the meaning of “essential business” and while it’s not horrible, the general public is really threatening our livelihoods.


Maybe at some point. I’m still messing around with my amps and re-learning everything (sadly this is what happens when you don’t play properly for years). I also need to check if I still have the right cables to connect it to my laptop to record, I definitely have some for my piano but don’t think I do for guitar.

OMFG I LOVE SPIKE!!! My flatmate and I are currently rewatching all of it! We started season 4 last night.

@anna834 Is your hand any better today?

Oh sh*t. Stay safe as much as you can! I work in hospitality so I get it!

OT: Needless to say how crazy the weather has been today. It rained, and rained, and rained again and then it bloody hailed so hard! I was lucky I managed to get grocery shop done in between this madness.
Spent a good 3 or so hours playing guitar again, felt good. Want to try and do some stuff tomorrow and maybe implement some piano somehow.


I sanitize my hands as much as I can and I wear a bandana around my neck during all work hours. It’s not an airtight plan, but my immune system isn’t failing me right now! You stay safe too, alright? Hospitality could be taxing in these trying times!