HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Insomnia! Can anyone tell I canā€™t sleep!!


Now itā€™s 03:45 ā€¦


Now itā€™s 04:56! Love time like this, I know I should be sleepā€¦just a habit!


Are you asleep now? I hope for you, you do. :heart: itā€™s frustrating if you canā€™t sleep. And i hope for you, you are free today, so you can sleep out. :pray:

Its sucks that youre magazine is still not delivered, and the same from @Linkineli.
But i have to disagree with you about Grey Daze. I like the music. We can now learn more about Chester before LP. And i really like the songs, even some lyrics is pretty hard/depressing. Itā€™s how Chester wrote and sing about. :pray:

I would love to go sit in a tree. But Iā€™m afraid of one thingā€¦ and that is the height :laughing: and Iā€™m not good with climbingā€¦ so i will just sit under the tree :laughing: :+1:

@theearlywalker beautiful morning! :heart: i hope you are feeling better today! :hugs: bonecrusher :hugs: what are the plans on todayā€™s agenda?

@Linkineli agree with Anna here. And Anna you are the same, love. :heart: you also have the gift to light up people with your words :heart: You are very good of telling what you feel, and believe me, there are more people feeling the same way. We all are connected, one big, beautiful family :heart:

I wish they would do that here in the Netherlands to. To many shops are open. Itā€™s to crowdy. To many damn people standing close to each other. :triumph:

Good luck! :love_you_gesture:

Hahahaha :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: sorry buddy, my supervisor said to me, that i needed to shave it.
We have to look well-groomed on the street and my team leader said: ā€œa small beard is allowed, but not a big one, that doesnā€™t look good, or groomedā€.
So yeahā€¦ but one thing is sure, it will grow. :relaxed:

I just woke up! Have a wonderful day people :heart:
Iā€™m off to work! :policeman: :police_car:

:v: :heart:


:sunny::sunny: Good morning family :sunny::sunny:, thank youuuu all for the strength you sent- helped a lot :hugs::hugs::yellow_heart: strength back @youall :heart::heart::hugs::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::sunny::sunny:


Nope Iā€™m getting ready for workā€¦and yes very frustrating for me! :anguished: I have to work today and I also canā€™t sleep in anyway I always wake up and canā€™t get back to sleep. I also canā€™t sleep during the day now matter how hard I try! :no_mouth:

Hope youā€™re well though!


It was just delivered this morning. I read half of the interview and stopped. I refuse to go on reading all these lies.
Iā€™m sorry, I refuse to support a band that is taking advantage of someoneā€™s death to make money, especially when the frontman of this band is talking shit about LP, accusing Mike of not looking after Chester and not caring after he passed and for going after fans and cursing them everywhere. This is not ok for me. I refuse to believe they had a ā€œspecial friendshipā€ like he says in this interview. Where was he all these years? Why did he suddenly remember him?
I am curious about the album and to hear Chesterā€™s early music but I wonā€™t be paying for any of it, if I canā€™t resist the temptation I will resort to illegal downloads.

But, it was a nice surprise to find an interview by Milk Teeth in the issue as well. Their debut album is amazing! One of my favourites so far this year. I do disagree with the rating they gave Pigs x7ā€™s album though, itā€™s pure greatness!

OT: Weird morning, weā€™ve had 4 different posties show up today. One very early and the other 3 just a while ago, all delivering different things. Iā€™m still a bit concerned a book of mine hasnā€™t arrived, it was shipped about 20 days ago and my flatmate already got hers that was shipped just a week ago. I also have more vinyls coming, hopefully nothing is lost and theyā€™re still just being sorted at the depot.

Plans for today include a bit of spring cleaning, sorting out some clothes. My flatmate was laughing at me yesterday cause she says I wonā€™t throw anything away cause everything I own is band merch. Well, that doesnā€™t mean I canā€™t just sort them :stuck_out_tongue: Itā€™s also not raining as it was forecasted so maybe weā€™ll go on a walk around the block or something as well.


Is this the Kerrang magazine youā€™re all talking about? I think some news agents have it but I never buy mags now (Iā€™m too old :laughing:). Which family members were in the interview? Iā€™ve come across similar chat and I can see some reasons why the interviews are coming across against Linkin Park. Sean is perhaps still embittered about losing Chester to them, I mean thatā€™s why they fell outā€¦ However, I do believe Chester wanted to re-release his original songs, in many ways I think he missed the grunge/alternative rock sound. The music Grey Daze have released does do Chester justice and is allowing his fans to rediscover his true sound and talent. As for money grabbing, they are giving some money to charity and Chesterā€™s family I thought? The videos have also been really touching towards Chester too. I really like the songs so far and Iā€™m looking forward to hearing the album in June.


I guess I just donā€™t like the way the whole thing is handled. I certainly donā€™t approve of Seanā€™s interactions with the fans, he is extremely rude and unappreciative from what Iā€™ve seen. I donā€™t know where the profits will go and I donā€™t care to be honest, if they donā€™t play nice and fair I wonā€™t bother.
As for the music, like I said, I am curious as well, but then again Chester is a great vocalist so I am not doubting that his is amazing on this album too.

OT: Spent the last few hours doing a puzzle, and just now ordered some pizza for dinner. I guess spring cleaning has to be done tomorrow :stuck_out_tongue:


Hey all!

:sweat_smile: yeaah Iā€™ve been definitely slackingā€¦ Wednesday nowā€¦ oops!

I hope you all are doing okay!

Sadly Iā€™ve just been working pretty hard these last few weeks after people started to stay home from work. Just too much work and not enough people :sweat_smile: lol

Lame excuse I know :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

More images have indeed surfaced lol, We ended up doing a video slideshow to send to our workers so of course I had to wear this :rofl:



Well iā€™m off my lunch, will make sure to check back in soon!


Good evening you all :earth_africa: :hugs: :blue_heart:
Good day you other all :earth_americas: :hugs: :orange_heart:
@Honey8 sleep tight! :earth_asia: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

You just love this word :rofl: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Love you! :hugs: :green_heart:

.:blush: :blush: :hugs:

:joy: love your enthusiasm! :heart_eyes: and Thank you. I really mean what I say!
But donā€™t give too much on my words, Iā€™m maybe a writer, but sure not a professional one.
If you are interested how my book came to pass, I wrote my last blog entry about it.

And some advice anyway :laughing: If you want to become a writer, be one. Write, write, write.
To have a published book is very satisfying, especially cause everyone else sees you now as an author. But I was a writer my whole live, writing carrys me, safes me. Itā€™s where I direct my mind in stressful situations. Starting to bring the weird thoughts and feelings on paper. Or picture myself writing down some horrible situation to tell others about this moment.
Dear Eli, believe in yourself and your dreams! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :heart:

Get knocked out today!!! :triumph: Itā€™s n order! :skull_and_crossbones: :kissing_heart:

:blush: Thanks! Bonecrusher for you! :hugs: :hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Yeah, me too.
I like your words and view on this.
For me, I totally get, that if someone is dead, the picture moves from who and how he was in his last years to a whole. People picking parts of that persons life, they prefer the most.
But I have trouble with the way this is presented.
I would have loved to hear this songs newly recorded by Chester with his grown up personality. This sadly didnā€™t came to pass.
Everything now is based on speculation and in my viewing should be presented this way, without sprinkling all this malice with it.
I myself have stopped following Grey Daze on ig and fb for this reason.

Hey, you were ill yesterday. Iā€™m happy you are better and you so deserve a relaxing day. :hugs:

Yeah!!! Love it!! Great Humpday surprise!! :t_rex: :joy: :hugs:

@theearlywalker you know! :kissing_heart: :hugs: :yellow_heart:

Special one for @HakManLP :hugs: :hugs: I know you can use it :joy: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Today all the Annas :kissing_heart:
@anngelenee :hugs: @anomalia :hugs: @lpaniist :hugs:

@intheend where are you? :triumph: Miss you!!! :pleading_face:

@lpfan61 :hugs: :green_heart: :heart:



First thing I thought of was Megadeth. Lol

OT: working on new topics and doing more tomorrow.

Is there something Iā€™ve missed? Half the LP fanbase is spilt about this on social media and literally no idea about whatā€™s happening,


Iā€™ve been around


I have to work in the morning, so Iā€™m signing off to spend time with my Sudoku book before I turn in, but Iā€™ll leave you with this song that I found myself relating to oh so much.

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@zanybelle @anna834 @raz7 Grey Daze is a delicate issue as it seems within the fanbase, Iā€™ve seen some nasty stuff online but Iā€™d rather I didnā€™t get into. You guys can research by yourselves. And just to make it clear, I donā€™t disagree with any of you liking/wanting to hear their stuff, youā€™re entitled to your own opinions and I respect that.

@LP13413 Have a good one at work!

OT: Slow morning, Iā€™m still lazy chilling in the couch enjoying my morning coffee. I saw there is a new Oasis song out! Incredible! If it doesnā€™t rain later I might venture out for a little walk around the block, weā€™ll see.


You must be an approachable person! I think I naturally stand back from people because Iā€™m socially awkward :laughing: But yes, I see what you mean especially in your line of work. People should be fully aware that they need to keep a safe distance but I feel they start to relax the rules when they get a false sense of being ā€œnormalā€. How long before we can touch our faces and stand next to complete strangers again? :confused:

Well you have to sing it if you do! haha

Iā€™m glad itā€™s not just me. Someone on TV said the same thing - I think theyā€™re called anxiety dreams. What happened in your dream? Itā€™s like swapping war storiesā€¦ :thinking:

Ah a cap, nice. I prefer the beanie hat Chester used to wear back in the day, he almost covered his eyes when he wore these live. I felt he just wanted to be in the moment of the music :heart:


Slytherin? Do you vote for the baddies in Harry Potter?!!! :snake: Those all sound like cool clothes to me :+1:

It does help writing stories. When are you going to share your writing with us? :smiley: Ah cool, we look forward to seeing Becky when sheā€™s ready :wink:

Interesting to hear about France plans to reduce measures. It sounds very tricky and I feel the UK will likely copy this. I just hope they do it in a phased way e.g. even if they do allow some measures to be relaxed limit how and when they are used rather than going free for all. I feel like weā€™re back in Autumn this week because the weather has just gone wild - windy and rainy! :laughing:

I try not to watch the interviews. I saw a couple on YouTube and he mainly talked about Chester and how they went about producing the album. I donā€™t think heā€™s a bad guy but certainly his hopes and plans didnā€™t go as he had hoped (i.e. working with Chester after all this time) so I wouldnā€™t be too harsh on him. Grey Daze seem to have worked hard to recreate the album and itā€™s great to still hear Chester in a new way. It is a great way to keep his memory alive. I think youā€™ll enjoy the album when it comes out.

@raz7 The whole Grey Daze chat is basically around some interviews Sean did where he seems to not like Mike and felt that perhaps Chesterā€™s voice wasnā€™t heard and he wasnā€™t happy in Linkin Park (mainly because of their music direction). Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve heard but I donā€™t know how much of that is out of context - although I know heā€™s always disliked LP somewhat so yeah. Also, LP havenā€™t publicly supported the Grey Daze album so this is a sore point for them. I donā€™t think LP dislike the album at all - they just donā€™t want to get involved. Hopefully that helps give you some context.

I didnā€™t think you did so thatā€™s cool. Opinions are all we have on here so that goes without saying. The Internet is full of opinions so itā€™s the wrong place if they canā€™t handle them. I believe the only way you learn about what others truly feel/think is by asking them and sharing your own views to develop a better understanding of one another. It was good to hear your views on Grey Daze and I look forward to discussing the album when it comes out.

Day-30-something-something: I feel like Iā€™ve skipped a few months and now itā€™s October. All these face masks are surely Halloweā€™en inspired in some twisted way, and when I see people standing in 2-meter-distance formation I canā€™t help but feel theyā€™re about to break out in dance. Like a sullen flash mob who really donā€™t want to be there. Soundtrack: Bring Me The Horizon: Can You Feel My Heart.


Hey you all :hugs: :hugs:

:partying_face: in lurking mood? :flushed: :kissing_heart:

:joy: :rofl: I so get this! Now that my body is used to the work again, Iā€™m so happy to have escaped all this shit. :laughing:

:joy: :joy: :joy: great advice.
Sure not! I joined LP Underground to show my unconditional support, after I saw what was going on in social media even before this now. And was so happy, still am, to find this place free of it. :blush: :hugs:

Today I did a jump start at 6:30. My boss called me, that there wasnā€™t any power on the fence of the flock. I already had to go change battery yesterday evening. Something seems to be wrong with the loading dock.
The sheep are 30 km away from the farm and we have a device at the fence that calls bosses phone, when the power goes below 2500. It has to have 3000-9000.
So I hurried to get there, but the sheep didnā€™t use their moment, were all still inside the fence. :blush:
The rest of the day, it rained. While taking down fences, I hacked a blackthorn into my hand. Now I canā€™t really move my thumb. :grimacing:
Buuut! All this! Still more fun then sitting home in confinement. :rofl:


Stay strong you all!!
:hugs: :heart: :orange_heart: :green_heart: :purple_heart: :blue_heart:


I worked four hours this morning, and thereā€™s tailgaters in the parking lot. This is not the first time this has happened in this lock down.




Hey all! Happy Thursday!

@LP13413 Glad you got to work for a little bit today, love that there were tailgaters in the parking lot!

Woo! Nerd-like :nerd_face:
Iā€™ll always approve of shirts like this lol, yesterday I wore a shirt that was a Cat Deadool playing with a grenade :rofl:

Screen Shot 2020-04-30 at 1.02.57 PM

Found it!!! :rofl:

But other days it might be an FFDP, Shinedown, or LP shirt or even football jerseysā€¦ so it varyā€™s quite a bit :joy:

I like to call it Hyrid-Nerdā€¦ okay thats a blah name but Iā€™m working on it!

OT: Linkin Park kinda day at work! :metal:
So just jamming and getting Shit done!

Screen Shot 2020-04-30 at 1.53.52 PM

Hugs and positive energy to everyone!! :hugs: :grin: