HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

Love you :heartpulse::raised_hands:t3::hugs:


Initially, my plan was to work four hours tomorrow, and four on Friday, like I did last week. Now Iā€™m only working Thursday this week, as my boss told us that heā€™s keeping us all on a rotating schedule, so next week will be Wednesday and so on and so forth moving forward until who knows when.

Right now, though, Iā€™m signing off and picking up my Sudoku book as I wind down for the night.


Hey guys, howā€™s your Monday going?

Nothing much around here, but I finally got these in the mail :slight_smile:


Still waiting on some other stuff but hopefully theyā€™ll arrive soon.
Itā€™s time to chase my thesis supervisor nowā€¦


Aesthetic Perfection - Supernatural

So it turns out that Daniel likes Linkin park and is following Mike on Instagram! :heart::heart::heart::heart:

image image


Haha! Social distancing is probably the future now. I think some countries are easing restrictions so hopefully we will see some return but with a very cold and miserable society! No change there for Londoners :shushing_face:

@evooba We actually couldnā€™t find any cocoa powder or caster sugar. I reckon everyone is just baking nonstop :confused:

This is my favourite quote by you ever! :heart_eyes: Iā€™m sure this is the 00s style except I donā€™t know what a snapnack is. Nerds just mean brainy I donā€™t think thereā€™s a particular look anymore - even bow ties are in fashion :nerd_face:

Iā€™ve never written a song :scream: haha! I just write fictional stories. I did write a story based on In The End because I wanted to capture the essence of the song from a dream I had (where the song was playing). Itā€™s a bit dark but so is the song right? LP is great inspiration. Yes please share your Limp Bizkit songs Iā€™ve been waiting :pray:

We need to see Becky! :oncoming_automobile: :grin: Nice WEP pictures too :heart:

I love this description of Easier To Run. I feel the composition of the music is very calm but the feeling is sombre and meaningful. I just love that song.

People seem to have no respect these days. Only yesterday some idiot was getting arrested on the street and fought with the officers (probably drunk as hell) and I just felt sorry for those officers who have to touch this person given they could be contagious and putting themselves and their families at risk. It is an incredible job to police the streets and they should be respected for going in everyday especially during these times.

Yep, I think Iā€™ve been feeling this way for a couple of weeks.

Yes @theearlywalker ! Travis was a good band :grin: :heart:

Nice to see some poetry from you @drounzer you could easily turn those into lyrics.

Awesome puzzle! Nice London bus :+1: I really wish I had some because I would enjoy them.

I feel your pain! :hugs:

Day 30-something: I had a dream where people were standing and talking but they werenā€™t standing 2 meters apart. Someone in my dream lost their shit over this. Thank you government guidance, you have now invaded my subconscious. Soundtrack: One Republic: Stop And Stare.


Hey you all :hugs: :green_heart:

Today Iā€™m tired to my bones.
And consequently feeling sad and crappy.

But still wanted to write you all. :revolving_hearts:

And respond to @Linkineli :gift_heart:

Thank you :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Please, donā€™t be sorry for your writing! Your words moved me deeply! You have a talent of giving others the feeling of the situation. Be proud of this. I even translated it this morning for my bosses wife.
The restrictions down in Bavaria are so much harder as everywhere else in Germany, I actually canā€™t imagine how I would handle it. Probably disobey. :grimacing: Not allowing to go alone in the woods, thatā€™s just taking control in my view.
Oh, and I miss hugging so much!!!
Iā€™m not a touchy person, really not. But no physical touch at all?
I just really realised it, as I came on the farm and hugged bosses wife. She actually was the last person I touched as I said goodbye 5 weeks ago. (Besides my kids at my birthday, they arenā€™t really into mum hugging :laughing:)
And then the little girl that is on this farm every day, cause her mother has her horse here. She jumped in my arms and I just couldnā€™t say, you have to stay away for two meters. We are together every day for the next three weeks anyway. Yeah, itā€™s hard to find the right balance in all this.
Some more hugs for you :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

And of course for all of you! Stay strong!
Enjoy the spring! :revolving_hearts:


I miss u allll too :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Thanks for the love everyone :heart::heart:

Good morning :relaxed:
I hope everyone is safe. Situation here is getting litttle better but as my city has so many cases itā€™s not gonna open soonā€¦ And my same routineā€¦ online classes some housework.

I love you all @theearlywalker @drounzer @anna834 @Linkineli @LP13413 @evooba @HakManLP @lpfan61 @zanybelle @raz7 :heart::hugs: sorry canā€™t check in that often

bad 10 tag limit


Hugs to you dear buzzy :honeybee: :hugs::hugs::heart::kissing_heart: take careā€¦ @honey8

:sunny::sunny: Good morning family :sunny::sunny:

Iā€™m sucked in the black hole of timeā€¦ there is no time for nothing while Iā€™ve to do everything and I only feel like sleeping ā€¦

Bonecrushers to you all :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::hugs::hugs::hugs:- stay strong soldiers and stay healthy :blush::sunny::sunny:


Good morning family :heart:
Another workday for me. Looks like its gonna be a rainy day. :confused: But thatā€™s maybe good. The ground is very dry and the farmers need some water.

Thank you for this! :heart: i love this. And EVERYBODY HERE IS IMPORTANT! Without this family, life would be hard.

Sama here. I live alone. So i canā€™t hug someone because of the virus. Itā€™s very hard. I went to see my parents last Sunday. Everytime i visit them i give them a hug and a kiss. This time i couldnā€™t. Its hard. Even friends that i know for years keep there distance now. Arrrggg. I frustrate me. :triumph:

Holy shit. Looking good! :blush: :+1:

Nice! Ive got that one to! Awesome. :love_you_gesture:

Same here. In the Netherlands (and i think the rest of the world to) you need to keep the 1,5 meter distance. Do you know how many people forget that when they want to talk to me?! How many people want to use there body language to get what they want? Most of the time, i put my arm in front of me, to push them ( a little) away. And every time they get a fine from me, they use corona as a excuse. (Corona doesnā€™t infected youre mind, youre still very aware of what you doā€¦ thatā€™s most of the time my answer).

I have this kind of moments a lot. But Iā€™m not good with putting more words or lines to it. Maybe i could make a lyrics of it. But i donā€™t know how to sing it :joy: :joy:

You need a hug and love!! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :heart: :heart: :heart:
Take your time love. Nobody can work forever. Youre body and mind need some time to relax sometimes :heart:

@theearlywalker, @LP13413 , @anomalia @AJ_7 @Honey8 @justinkilmer @HakManLP @lpfan61 @lplove @LP13413 and the restā€¦ good morning/evening family! Take care, love you! :heart: :heart:




Highly likely, we are for sure :stuck_out_tongue: Thereā€™s actual time to do all the cooking and baking we couldnā€™t do when we were working.
Btw, Iā€™ve been having weird dreams too, itā€™s the lockdownā€™s fault!\

Hope today is better!! :slight_smile:

@theearlywalker Sending strength!

OT: Itā€™s a rainy one over here, itā€™s supposed to be like this all week, letā€™s see.
I had an email yesterday from the director of the company regrading various measures etc we need to think of and some other stuff about re-opening and he wants us to reply to him by tomorrow with more ideas/thoughts and tell him what we think. I havenā€™t talked with my manager, not sure if I should bother him about work (seeing how pissed he was on Thursday) but I have a feeling we might need to attend another conference call tomorrow.


hello everybody :blush:

hello dear, sounds good :heart_eyes: Yes, gonna share it in the next few days, sorry Iā€™ve got many stuff to do :kissing_heart:

really good looking hoodie :sunglasses: :metal:t2: Also how are you doing these days? :blush:

oh yes, but got many stuff to do. Iā€™m happy that one assignment is done yet :partying_face: yeah, I had some pizza and beers on the weekend and also good weather, so it was awesome (maybe you saw them in ā€˜When and whereā€™ :heart_eyes: How are you doing these days?

hello dear :kissing_heart: I must use 3 types of apps for my online semester -.- ā€˜a chat thingā€™ on a plattform called ā€˜moodleā€™, ā€˜WebExā€™ and ā€˜zoomā€™ - that sucks :expressionless: Iā€™m happy that I finished one assignment today for the new semester.

Did you saw the #Infest20 livestream? That moment when Dave appeared :heart_eyes: :heart: I was like back in my childhood/teenager days

hello there buddy, oh yes! We must ā€˜fightā€™ together through that crisis.
Noooo, how could you do that to your beard? :see_no_evil: :scream:

Also thank you for the pictures and the tags - I really love the ā€˜art screamā€™ and the black/white ones on stage. Also please take care of you too :kissing_heart: :hugs: :pray:t2: :raised_hands:t2:

AWESOME! :star_struck: :heart_eyes: What a cool puzzle. So youā€™re having a domino day at home? Please film it :grimacing: :pray:t2: :kissing_heart: Also how are you doing these days?

Yes, sun is important but I donā€™t get it what people like about Fortnite :sweat_smile: Iā€™m not that old but I donā€™t like it. It looks like a game for kids in the early 2000ā€™s

oh noooo, these from the Sum 41 gig? :joy: :joy: Was a lovely day, but I had a couple beers (too much? :joy: :joy:) and wasnā€™t that fit after this long queue up :joy:

Also thanks for the food exchange pictures. Damn Iā€™m still hungry :joy: :kissing_heart:

Any good news on your kerrang! dear? :kissing_heart: :pray:t2:
Thanks for this huge feedback :heart: :pray:t2:
Yeah these new rules are heavy but necessary, hopefully there wonā€™t be a new increase of the infected ones, when ā€˜lifeā€™s getting normalierā€™ :sob:

we need excatly more of this: LOVE, SHARING, virtuality hugs and some hearts :heart:

What are you also bought? My pin and my hoodie were in the same package :thinking:

hello dear :kissing_heart:, thank you for these beautiful words :heart: :pray:t2:
I made a commitment and I meant "snapbackā€™. :sweat_smile:
this one here is my #1 snapback:

Yes, itā€™s the late 90ā€™s + early 00ā€™s style (maybe kinda looking like the younger Fred Durst style). So just I wrote: snapbacks + bandshirt + short haircut + snapback + tattoos + baggy pants or ā€˜G-Star jeansā€™ in blue/dark blue :crazy_face: But I also wear ā€˜Darth Vader shirts, Slytherin, Bud Spencer and funny stuffā€™ so maybe itā€™s kinda nerd-like :joy:
Yeah, I just like you wrote: Write a story based on a song or just interpret it in your ways. It helped me through dark times. Also yes, gonna share my Limp Bizkit playlist in the other thread.
Becky needs a car wash and my LP stickers :sweat_smile: before I gonna share ā€˜herā€™ around here :sweat_smile: :joy: But my neiggbours got so many ā€˜flowersā€™ that made Becky dirty really quick after a car wash.

Also hoping youā€™re doing well :kissing_heart:

we miss you too dear :pray:t2: :kissing_heart:
Yes, the situation in germany is a little bit better. Stay safe and donā€™t be sad, that you canā€™t be here more often. Itā€™s just good that we get an update from you every now and then. :heart: :pray:t2:

10 powerful and lovely tags to @anomalia @lpfan61 @lplove @AJ_7 @melisLP @rickvanmeijel @justinkilmer @Audrina87 @chigokurosaki @lpaniist

OT: Had one online class today, finished the assignment for that and now Iā€™m listen to Linkin Park and gonna go outside for a walk/running in a few minutes and sending some ā€˜ghost thingsā€™ for you :kissing_heart:

Wishing everyone a good day and stay healthy and safe everyone :heart: :pray:t2: :raised_hands:t2:


Iā€™ll try to do my best for the video ! :grin:
Iā€™m doing fine, watching a politic speech about the future of my country, to know how we will live in a few weeks.


Currently got the three cats in the house, working today and will do some painting tomorrowā€¦ (my new iPod is on its way, aaaaaagggggghhhhhh)ā€¦ I hope itā€™s got enough space on it.

MANY songs to go on it!


Thatā€™s good! It looks like itā€™s going great for you so thatā€™s what matters :slight_smile:

Yes I did watch it! It was amazing! And I was very excited to see some familiar faces, Chino, Dave, Syn etc.

Oh, nothing else from LP, just other packages in general. Still waiting for more vinyls to arrive, as always :stuck_out_tongue:

How was it? I watched the Greek one, theyā€™re staring to ease the measures gradually from Monday.

@raz7 which iPod? I had the very first one That they ever released, the bulky white one with 250gb of space and then got the touch but stopped using them once I got an iPhone.


Hey you all! :sunny: :full_moon: :ringer_planet:

Oh, and we actually missed each other. Now you are fast asleep. But we know :hugs::hugs::hugs::green_heart:

Strength, passions and time to you! :clock12: :clock6: :joy: :hugs: :yellow_heart:

Thanks :kissing_heart: but I just have started :joy: Itā€™s day 5 of 21 days I work in a row now. And so I wonā€™t start counting. Itā€™s just me with the sheep. :blush:
Biiiig hug my love and some more hugs! :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::green_heart::hugs::green_heart::hugs: love the pics you share :star_struck:

Jep, me too. And yeah, itā€™s finally better today.
The face time therapist appointment this morning helped a lot. :blush:

Strength to you! Iā€™m quite curious with what solutions you come up for the reopening. :hugs: :muscle:

I wasnā€™t drunk, I remember :sunglasses:
I did drive you home. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Yeah, great times!!! I so miss it!!! :metal: :hugs: :green_heart:

. :joy: :joy: :rofl: :crazy_face: :hugs: :woman_cartwheeling: :hugs: :green_heart: :purple_heart:

.:blush: :cat2: :heart: :hugs:

@LP13413 :hugs: :orange_heart:

.:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :hugs:

@anomalia hope you are fine!? :hugs: :green_heart:

@Linkineli you know it!!! :muscle: :sheep: :hugs: :heart_decoration:

@lpfan61 :tulip: :crown:


@justinkilmer :exploding_head: ITā€™S ALREADY TUESDAY!!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :crazy_face: :joy: :hugs:

Edit Hey Edit
Love, strength, empathy to you all! :heart::blue_heart::green_heart::yellow_heart::orange_heart::purple_heart::heartpulse::heart::two_hearts::sparkling_heart::cupid:


iPod 5th generationā€¦ Iā€™ve brought a new one, just waiting for it to arrive.

EDIT - It arrived but isnā€™t workingā€¦ AAAARRRRGGGHHHHH!

1 Like

I feel like it will never end here. :joy:
We are supposed to be able to go out in a perimeter of 100km around our house from the 11th may without having a special paper. Shops will be able to open if they can enforce some rules (at least one meter between customers, no contact etc.) Shops will have the right to not aload people without mask in their shop. Big malls, restaurant and pubs wonā€™t be able to open until the beginning of june at least (it will depends how things will go). Gathering / meeting of more than 10 people wonā€™t be aload until the begining of june too. No festival or fair until the end of august. Schools will open just for some kids in primary school the 11th may but classes has to have not more than 15 kids (usually they could be 25 or 30) and they have to respect rules (1 meter between kids, no contact etc.) And itā€™s just for two levels in primary school. But if parents donā€™t want their kids to go to school, kids can stay at home. The 18th may, Two levels in secondary school would be able to go to school too with the same rules and they will have to wear mask.
People will have to wear mask in public transport. They will reduce the number of people aloaded in public transport so we will still have to work at home when itā€™s possible.
They could keep parks and woods closed if mayors want to.

But all of this will depend on how many cases hospital of our area will still have to treat, and how many new cases we will have in the country each week aaaand if the area have enough tests and masks. So some area in France probably wonā€™t be able to end this confinement on the 11th of may, we will know it the 7th of may.

So I think my area wonā€™t be able to stop the confinement the 11th of may because iā€™m in one of the worst area. But we will see. Everything can change, we canā€™t predict future. I feel like we already are in december of this year :joy: but it will be fine. :blush:


I just took advantage of the beautiful weather today (before it rains the next couple days) and I just returned from a bike ride.


Hey everybody!
Today was a pretty good day. I was outside, also climbed a treeā€‹:joy: bc i felt like i needed to do that, and it was so peaceful, and then it began to rain, light raindrops on the leaves, but i was safe,covered up by all those leaves, hidden in the tree. I think everybody should do that more often, being in trees, itā€™s one of the most peaceful things ever. :deciduous_tree:

I canā€™t thank you enough for your amazing, heartwarming respond. Youā€¦ you translated my words???To another person? You think i got talent??That means so much to me, i could fall asleep all warm and fuzzy and inspired and happy after reading this. Really, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I actually wanna write more, my dream is to become an authorā€¦ like you! You encourage me that i can achieve that!

Aww, yeah i can imagine it is impossible to say no when someone jumps in your armsā€¦:heart::heart:
And sending you maaaaaaanyy hugs back!!!:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Also, the live version of Bleed it out at iTunes Festival is one of my favourites!!! Itā€™s one of the best live performances! My other favourite is the one from Milton keynes https://youtu.be/wsqKH_VIrng

Hope youā€™re good!:hugs::hugs::hugs::heart::heart::heart::heart:


:confused::confused::confused:iā€™m sorry you live in that situation. It is so hard without hugging.
sending bonecrushers to you!:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Yeah it does. Iā€™m sorry you have to experience that tooā€‹:roll_eyes::dizzy_face:we recieve homework over 2 different email adresses, one online website(called mebis), the school forum and sometimes through other students(when the teacher only contacts a single person).

Unfortunately notā€¦ iā€™ll tell when it arrives. Wrote an e-mail to them, they said i have to waitā€¦ so letā€™s wait.

Youā€™re welcomeā€‹:hugs::hugs::kissing_closed_eyes:


Already excited! Also, how sweet is it that you named your car? Beckyā€‹:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::crazy_face::joy: and donā€™t be scared, i wonā€™t judgeā€‹:joy:iā€™m used to pretty old, pretty damaged carsā€¦:joy:my mum once drove against a small trailer that she didnā€™t see while she wanted to park the car, since then we had a big hole on the back, it was only taped and always looked like the whole car was gonna fall apart.

:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:you too!!! I hope you felt better today.:hugs:
@theearlywalker, @justinkilmer, @Lilyope, @lplove, @lpfan61, @Himan10, @hilaryfol, @LP13413, @evooba, @rickvanmeijel, sending you much love! Stay safe everyoneā€‹:hugs::pray::heart::heart::heart:

Ot: today i think is one of the most peaceful days iā€™ve ever had, just finished stretching, reading your posts, iā€™m gonna fall asleep with my window half-open, listening to the soft rain outside.


Believe me, you donā€™t wanna know. I had to read through a bloody 21 page presentation. Making things complicated when itā€™s so easy. And to be honest, itā€™s still too early to even think of reopening.

@raz7 Hopefully it arrives soon!

@Lilyope Sounds alright, better than nothing. Itā€™s similar to what Greece is going to do (with some variations in the school system) but lifting measures gradually itā€™s where theyā€™re headed too.

My copy is not here either, Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s lost by now, itā€™s been weeks since it was shipped. To be honest, Iā€™m not that bothered about it, Iā€™m not a fan of Grey Daze and I realised after I had ordered which ā€œfamilyā€ members were included and I have no interest in what they have to say. If it does turn up at some point and you still havenā€™t got yours I can happily ship it to you.

OT: I was struck with dizziness and a massive headache late afternoon and spent the entire day in bed. I donā€™t even know whyā€¦ got up just a while ago and watched some telly with the flatmate. Back to bed now, hopefully nothing like that tomorrow.