HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

On tonight’s dinner menu, my mom’s leftover goulash.


Bon Appétit!


Sending strength to everyone that needs it at this time, especially in this unfortunate of times .

And I know that I am not as I used to be I just have a lot of stuff I am working on, but I want you to know that I care for everyone of you very much.


Hey you all! :heart:

:exploding_head: :exploding_head: Spike!!! :heart_eyes: :star_struck:

I died
Too many years ago
You can make me feel
Like it isn’t so

Why you come to be with me
I think I finally know
You’re scared, ashamed of what you feel
You can’t tell the ones you love

You know they couldn’t deal
Whisper in a dead man’s ear
Doesn’t make it real
That’s great, but I don’t want to play

Being with you touches me more than I can say
Since I’m only dead to you
I’m saying stay away
And let me rest in peace

Ok, yeah, I have the whole soundtrack of this episode. I so love Spike. And Oz :heart_eyes: and all the others. Have watched it so many times! It shifts a little getting older, I’m all into Rupert now :joy:
Did you also watch Angle? Love it too! Especially as Spike hoped over. Just that it was cancelled then :sob: like all the other Joss Whedon shows, people just don’t have taste! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
My favourite show ever is “Firefly”. Even so I never expected to like Nathan Fillion after he is so great as bad guy in Buffy. But boy, do I love him as Captain Malcolm Reynold :heart_eyes:
Cancelled after one season :sob: At least they got the movie done, so we have a little bit of closer.
Ah, and “Dollhouse” :star_struck:, cancelled after two seasons :sob:
It’s so unfair! I so want more!!! The only shows I watch too the end every time for this :rofl:

:rofl: :crazy_face: ok, ok, wrong theme, I start spamming this topic in my excitement like @raz7 with Till :kissing_heart: :hugs:

On topic
What did I do today?
It’s a little better. Still can’t use the thumb.
Building fences worked, but not taking down. So bosses wife came to help. :pray:
And the sheep killed three apple trees :grimacing:


Take care you all! Love! Music! Friendship! Joy!
:hugs: :green_heart: :hugs: :green_heart: :crazy_face: :green_heart: :hugs: :green_heart: :hugs:


Thanks! Thankfully I am not working at the moment but it’s highly likely we’ll go back sooner than we expected.

THIS! So good, both of them! And Rupert haha! He has an amazing taste in music, can’t believe he was such a bad boy that turned into that librarian :joy:
I haven’t watched Angel, I think I need to after we finish Buffy.

OT: It’s been a quiet Saturday, weather is nice again but didn’t bother going out, felt like a stay in kind of day. Been playing a lot of guitar again, and currently listening to music, taking advantage of the fact that my flatmate is out so I have the speakers up extra loud :smiley:


No problem! If you’re in good health, that’s amazing and I hope it stays that way. I’m sure you’ve got your bills figured out too. As for getting back to work, I know a lot of people are getting antsy and want to get the ball rolling in the near future, but it’s tough to say.

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Ot - painting fence panels while we’ve got nice weather


I have a love/hate relationship with my work, and I complain a LOT about it as everyone else knows already :stuck_out_tongue: But still, I do love what I do and the people I work with (most of them at least) and I cannot wait to go back. But right now I’m not 100% sure we should as soon as they want us to, we’re not out of woods yet here, we have a long way ahead.



Follow on from my last post


It’s a mostly cloudy day, and I just returned from a bike ride, after watching the neighbors behind us dismantle their shed.


:sunny::sunny: good morning you wonderful family :sunny::sunny: I was in lurker mode since Wednesday- so much is going on in my life - feels a lil bit like if I’ve reached the next level of my personal evolution :joy::sweat_smile:- gonna write it down later in the Tag-thread :blush:

I always feel happy and glad to find your tags ( even after 5 days :tada::yellow_heart::hugs::hugs::+1:t2:) and your caring and empowering words, your hugs and your love guys :heart::kissing_heart::hugs::hugs:- yes, it’s time again to state my gratefulness :crazy_face::partying_face::sunglasses: - you guys know what follows- if you feel bored from it you can jump to the ot :stuck_out_tongue::rofl:

Coming here is for me daily ritual- as my coffee is :heart_eyes:- and I love to check in and see whats going on here :grin: … it’s giving me power and energy :heart::heart::hugs:

Sorry for not answering sometimes- but I don’t want to spam this place here with these messages about me being busy…but I really am :joy::joy:- still wanted you to know that everything is ok with me :wink::+1:t2:- As far as possible in these crazy times :microbe:

@evooba stay strong :muscle:t2: and I absolutely loved Chester checking in - the double rainbow :rainbow: touched my heart- :heart: god bless he’s caring from above :heart: and I absolutely had the same feeling- the exit came suprisingly fast ite… according to the leaders infection rate over here allowed to, before economy burries too much …take care Eva, it’s all that we can do these days :hugs::muscle:t2::yellow_heart:

@anna834 :scream: what a bad luck!! :confounded: :hugs::yellow_heart: I hope your thumb will be good asap again, please be careful and stay strong Anna :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::hugs::yellow_heart:

Nice you jumped in here @Sybre, exactly how it works to become familiar with the regulars here :blush: and a great way to become a regular yourself :sunny::hugs:

Hugs and strength and love to @linkineli @zanybelle @drounzer and @raz7 :hugs::muscle:t2::heart: - stay strong soldiers

@HakManLP ty for the WEP :tada::tada::hugs:- have to read it properly- feedback follows- stay strong :muscle:t2:

@lpfan61 love you :heart:

Ot: coffee

@LP13413 hope your weather becomes better- it’s spring :sunny::sunny::muscle:t2: stay strong :muscle:t2: and cuddles for the boss :cat2: :joy::sweat_smile:

Sending sunshine right here :sunny::sunny: for you all - try to stay positive family- we’re in this shit together :heart::hugs:


Just got up having a bath…might go on the PS4 in a bit and then a nice walk!



What I am currently doing (and watching)


I talked with my parents today on skype for a bit and then had a fun call with all my cousins. I’m now enjoying my 4th coffee of the day (an iced one) while listening to some music (Muse’s Resistance is on) and thinking of making some pancakes to have for breakfast tomorrow. Might play a bit of piano later as well…

It’s been a quiet one for me today so hope you’re all enjoying a nice Sunday as well :slight_smile:


Hi everyone! Finally checking in here again…:grin::heart::heart::heart:

I finally got it. At least there were many old Chester pictures, i liked them.

That’s great haha!!:joy::hugs:

I’m late, it’s already Sunday, but i did not much… i went for a run at night, that was an amazing experience i’ve never had before. It’s totally different from running at daytime.
(Gonna post more in when and where)
I miss the times without corona so much… we would celebrate on 1st May, driving to a "Maibaumaufstellung":joy:somewhere, with a lot of friends, we would all wear “Dirndl&Lederhos’n”… it was always so much fun.
For everyone who doesn’t know a “Maibaumaufstellung”(may-tree installation?:grimacing::sweat_smile:): looks like this, it’s a traditionell thing to do here
10 Man(n) braucht a Schmalz

I love this picture​:joy::joy::heart:

I’ve never seen this one, i love it!!! I like how how peacefully Brad sits on the floor​:joy::heart_eyes:and even Rob is smiling!

Wow, just wow! It’s amazing!!!:heart_eyes: you always find the greatest artworks.

So true.:heart::heart::heart::heart::muscle::muscle:
Thanks again for your post. You know how much i love them!:muscle::kissing_heart::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

Thanks! Yeah, the view never fails to amaze me too, even though it’s often spectacular!:heart:

I love your vinyl-collecting. I wish i had grown up with these. Vinyls are beautiful! My grandma had an old record player, but we would listen only to stories, no music sadly.

That sounds so amazing!!!:heart_eyes::sob:at least you have the memories and next year it will hopefully be again as it always was!


You’re welcome!

Ok… i finished it yesterday! But i have to admit i’m kinda nervous to share it… aaahhh​:grin::grin::see_no_evil::see_no_evil:will write it down at the end of my post

I hope it will heal as fast as possible!:grimacing::heart::heart::heart::muscle:what herbals did you try? I can recommend “Retterspitz”, when i had a torn ligaments at my ankle(hope that’s the right translation​:thinking::grin:)(actually had that three times), that always really helped against the swelling.

Oh that’s good then, hope it’s true as well💪

Yeah! I also really love Hospital for Souls from that album.

You’re welcome :relaxed::hugs::hugs:

Great to hear from you!:hugs::hugs::heart::heart::heart:i’m not bored from your heartwarming posts! Always love to read your connection you feel to the lpfamily,and about your love!:heart::heart::muscle:

Ot: was backing some brownies today again and just came back from another run,i was able to extend my jogging to 45 instead of 30/35 minutes, so that’s something positive that happened during quarantine​:muscle::grin:
Hope everyone of you can enjoy this sunday!
Love you all, stay strong!:heart::hugs::heart::hugs::heart::hugs::heart:

And here’s the little story i wrote, inspired by a writing prompt my english teacher gave us.(the prompt was, the character looks outside of her window at night and sees a blinking light, almost like a code…)
My post is already pretty long, feel free to skip the story if you’re not in the mood for reading🙈

'I stared at my ceiling, stared into nothing but darkness. I couldn’t sleep, my endless thoughts were keeping me awake. And why was it so stuffy in here? Suddenly angry I swung out of bed, heading to my window, hoping for some fresh night-air. As soon as I smelled the soft, comforting scent of the night, as soon as I felt it filling my lungs, my head, my whole body, I calmed down. I closed my eyes, my face turned towards the sky, only to open them again almost immediately. I blinked confused, something had caught my attention. There was something like a small, but very bright light blinking from one of the neighboring houses. Was i just starting to imagine things wildly? No, it was real, just as real as I, sitting on my desk, breathing the night air in like a weird addict. I was wide awake as I tried to make sense of what was just happening. Someone sent light signals. To me. At around 3 am. I didn’t know how to read morse-code, but I knew, whoever that person was -sleepless like me-, this had a meaning.
Strained, I kept my eyes fixed on the house opposite. But the blinking had stopped, only dark windows were staring back at me.
I waited frustrated for it to come back, but I finally had to give up. For some reason I didn’t want to close the window. I felt like I was closer to the light and whoever made it blink at me in that way. And as I went back to bed, I somehow felt… less alone. Having seen the light gave me something that seemed familiar to me, even though I didn’t understand it. And to know that someone else was up that late as well, made me feel less weird, too.
I dreamed of a singing moon that kept blinking at me that night.

I had another sleepless night ahead of me. But this time, because I wanted to, I was curious. So I sat at my window again, ready to wait as long as it would take for me to see the light again. As I was waiting, I felt something jumping up and down inside of me. It was my excited heart apparently. Feeling this emotion I thought I had lost a long time ago, made me even more excited, and I had to admit to myself that I wasn’t just “curious”, I was desperate to see it. I had to laugh a little about myself being that excited for … a blinking light. I felt like I was in a stadium, waiting for the concert to begin. Only difference was, the stadium was my room, and the stars were the only ones that were waiting with me.
I almost felt it before I saw the blinking pattern again. As far as I could remember, it was the same as yesterday. But it seemed to me more urgent than last time,it was stronger, and I felt comforted by the light on the one hand and accused on the other. As if I didn’t understand something obvious.
The longer I kept looking at the other side, amazed at the light, the stronger I felt something like a deep connection to it, the less I cared about anything else. There was only the blinking and me, and around us the night, listening to the universe.
As I got lost in the hypnotizing light, I found myself again. At first there were single flashes of memories, thoughts I had held for wrong, for not real, but all the sudden a flood of emotions washed over me, and I was no longer a fish on the dry land, unable to move, unable to dream or to think about anything else than trying just to breathe.
I let myself drift away in this never-ending amount of feelings, memories that were locked away for so long. The light had broken all the walls, it was stronger than them. I was stronger. I wasn’t just a single, stray drop of rain, I was a thunderstorm. I wasn’t quiet anymore, I was music, made my own soundtrack to my own life.
The light on the opposite became brighter and brighter, then exploded, but the memories didn’t stop to come over me. And as the clouds parted, as the storm began to tore at my hair, I felt something wet on my face, but I kept singing with the rain.

“we have to find out where she belongs. It looks like nothing serious had happened to her, but she should be checked by a professional. I wonder what she’s doing out here in the woods, alone.” “She looks exhausted. Let’s drive to the next hospital.”
Words like “belong” and “alone” came through to me, but they didn’t touch me. I didn’t need to search anymore, neither was I alone. I was myself. I didn’t know where I was or what was going on, but when I tried to look into myself, I could still hear something very loud, very bright inside of me.
And I would never stop listening.


I have the entire boxset too :laughing: I would watch it except I’m working from home most days and I know if I start I’ll find it difficult to stop. I used to watch the reruns on Syfy and kinda enjoyed the randomness. I always found the episode: "I only have eyes for you’ deeply immersive. Basically, I love every season.

I love the ‘Once More With Feeling’ songs so much. Why do I still relate to this song? :laughing:

Joss Whedon wrote most of the songs so that’s impressive. Spike is awesome because he has the best British accent by any American actor. He just fitted the role so well and his character for me was the most interesting as he changed significantly throughout the show becoming a “good guy” but still being surly :sunglasses:

I never liked Firefly, weirdly!

Yes I watched all of Angel and it got really weird (very different to Buffy after the first season). Do you believe that they all died in the end as the last episode ended pre-final-fight? I always felt that they did, and therefore I prefer the end without ever watching them die (if that makes any sense?). I still love the end of Buffy, it was just so clever.

Also, my ringtone is Cradle of Filth!!! :metal: :sunglasses:

Do they eat apples or they just broke it? :thinking: Sorry about your hand :slightly_frowning_face:

I would definitely recommend sharing your scripts and getting feedback because it is infinity helpful to see what other writer’s think about your work. I’ve had a lot of writer’s feedback on my fictional writing (mostly YA supernatural/horror/sci-fi) and it does give you a boost and belief in your abilities. Sometimes it’s easy to overwork a story with rewrites, instead just step back and appreciate it.

I always thought fantasy was the hardest genre to write because you have to create a new, complex world. Your concept sounds like it could make for an interesting show. Lots of young adult books are being made into movies now. At the moment I’m reading book 2 of the Maze Runner and it is much darker than the movie. So don’t be afraid to go dark. Hope this helps.

I often worry about retail workers here in the UK too particularly handling so much cash and items with sometimes no protection at all. I sometimes feel people are just shopping to past the time rather than for essentials because the queues here seem to never die down. Hopefully it becomes less busy there and you can stay safe :pray:

Thanks :heart: :hugs: What are you busy doing? I’m intrigued.

Day-40-something: Yesterday was a very positive day as we helped out at a local food bank packing food parcels for the vulnerable. It was very tiring but rewarding and also fun to be out doing something rather than being at home. It is difficult to stay apart from others when working so I feel for everyone who’s out working in these difficult times. It is appreciated I’m sure. :heart: Soundtrack: Evanescence: Taking Over Me.


Thanks! It’s an expensive hobby to be honest but I don’t regret spending money on music, it’s pure joy.
I didn’t grow up with vinyls either, I mean my dad a player but the needle was broken and he eventually sold all his vinyls (and later his massive cd collection) due to the industry turning digital and now he obviously regrets it.
I didn’t start collecting till about 2 years ago, maybe less, purely because I didn’t have the space. But the sound is brilliant, it’s so worth it!

Very true, we just watch a few episodes every night.

OT: Pancakes are ready, piano has been played (maybe I’ll do some guitar too later) and music is back on, currently playing Walking Like We Do by the Big Moon, one of my favourite albums from last year:



It’s another gorgeous day in central New York, and I’m catching my breath after spending some quality time with my bike. There aren’t that many nice days in our extended forecast, and I’m taking full advantage of every opportunity that I get.


04:04 on 4th May!


Hey you all :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :star2:

Still here, as always, just feeling quiet.
But ok, I push myself to stay in contact. :slightly_smiling_face:

:heart: :blush: I actually always thought, librarian must be an awesome job :grin:

Beautiful :hugs:

Hey my dear! Read your 3-tags.
I remember my divorce. Doesn’t matter how necessary it is, how much everything is settled already, it is a emotional challenging thing. So stay strong, take care, be kind to yourself. Lots of love and loving hugs for you! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :yellow_heart:

Thank you. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
It’s now way better. Swelling nearly gone, movement coming back. :blush:
I have compresses with Swedish herbals, don’t know what that is exactly, it’s selfmade by one of the women here. And in the night Quark compresses, they really help against the heat and swelling. Working during the day on the other side, not helping :laughing:

:persevere: sorry! But next year! :dancer: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :heart:

Hey you! I liked reading your story. Especially the beginning. It draws me in, made me curious, let me feel the character. :heart:
The second part, you did loose me a little, sorry. Didn’t get it :grimacing: :hugs:

For me, this episode is amazing on so many levels. I actually really like the music and the songs. I enjoy the inexperience in singing by the actors, let me feel closer.
I like that the episode is a round story on its own and at the same time paves way for so many new lines for the whole show. A masterpiece :star_struck:

I never thought about it that way.
For me, the last episode was expression of the anger about getting the show cancelled. It fitted my mood well. I loved the 5 season as a new start. New characters, new opportunities. Joss Whedon, like he does it a lot in his shows, planted the ground for future development of the story. Just to get cut. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
That’s the interesting thing with “Dollhouse”. There he was prepared, that it could happen every moment. So he had a plan to still come to an satisfying end. Jumped far in the future to give us fans closer. :blush: As far as this is possible, if you still miss your show :laughing:

Na, it’s in the picture. The sheep eat the bark all around, with this a tree is doomed to die. :confounded:
And we didn’t expect it, with all the green spring grass. How could they go for dry bark? :grimacing:

Reading this is already enjoyable :hugs:

Was sure hard to stay up for this :joy: :confounded: :hugs:

:muscle: wish you strength and luck with it! :hugs:

@lpfan61 :heart: :green_heart:


@HakManLP now your cheat weekend is over again :frowning_face: sorry! But the next one will come! :partying_face: :hugs:

Anna Marias :revolving_hearts: @anngelenee :hugs: @anomalia :hugs:

@drounzer bonecrusher :hugs: :green_heart:

@Audrina87 saw you lurking :kissing_heart: feel free to join this topic :hugs:

@Lilyope thank you for being!!! You are awesome! :hugs: :purple_heart:

And now on topic?
I don’t know.
Had a 10km walk with the sheep yesterday. And my f** throbbing thump is just annoying, even while walking, holding a crook, shooing sheep.
At least, it’s better at night, slept from 9:30 to 7:30, should be fit as a fiddle.
For the next 10 km walk today. :joy:
But the mood in our country weighs on me too.
People aren’t happy, that we start exiting the lockdown, that we had real luck in comparison to other countries. And this in all parts. Low death rates, low infection rates, health system that not once got in struggles and shortest, less restricted lockdown.
I would say, it’s a reason to be graceful, to celebrate.
But no, people all over seeing conspiracy: It was all unnecessary, the whole thing a fairy tale, not as dangerous, masks won’t help, but are robbing our freedom, it’s a scheme to rob our human rights, force vaccination, take away cash money… They even have founded a new corona craziness party.
I can’t skip it by avoiding social media. It’s close friends, family members, they bombard me, want to get me on their side.
And now? I don’t feel the strength for this arguments and fights. But also don’t want to loose more contacts. I’m not the huge people person, I like people close who I know for years and years, have common history. Breaking contact… sigh…I just don’t know. :confounded:

Sorry, a little bit yammering. :grimacing:
Thanks for listening :hugs: :heart: :heart: :green_heart:



Morning guys! :slight_smile:

@anna834 Glad your thumb is getting better, try to take it as slow as possible at work.

Today they begin easing the lockdown back home, not sure how that’s going to go, we’ll have to wait and see. I’m glad my family doesn’t need to go out yet even for work, it’s too soon. I do hope they won’t ease the measures here as well, however I have a feeling they will purely to get the economy rolling again.
Had an interesting call with my manager, I’m both relieved and upset in a way… too many things to consider but we said we’ll know more after the government announces its plans later this week.

Got some vinyls in the mail today with some lovely teabags as extra to say thank you (I’m telling you guys, Resident is the best record store ever!) so I’ll listen to those later for sure. Might even venture out for a walk since it’s a bit sunny today, see what’s up in the neighbourhood.