HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

Of course ! :grin::hugs:

Thank you :blush:

OT: watching a french movie on my day off
Have a good day everyone, and make Chester proud :hugs:


Hey allā€¦

Sorry Iā€™ve been very sporadic on here as of lately,

First thing, I want to say happy birthday to our dear Chester!

@anna834 appreciate the yelling at me :joy: it does brighten my day.
and to everyone else thank you for positive thoughts and comments!

For everyone here - the truth is, Iā€™ve been dealing with slight depression lately, it usually passes pretty quickly when I get it; but some reason this time it just seems to want to stick aroundā€¦

Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll be back to my self soon but I wanted to let you all know whatā€™s going on.

Thank you all my LP family! I love you all


All thumbs up for this! :muscle:

You are great and we love you!
Please take yourself seriously!
If you feel this way, maby considering to look for help is a strong step! Donā€™t shrug your feelings off, they just start yelling for more attention. Itā€™s no ones fault, also not yours. And it donā€™t need a reason.

Maybe I havenā€™t told, but my health insurance has approved the psychotherapy. I have appointments when ever Iā€™m home. It is difficult with my working sheddul. So since yesterday I have the confirmation for a stationary therapy in October in a real good center in Berlin.
The need for it seems strange to me in this moment. Sigh. But you all are up to speed as much, that you already know, how fast it changes.

@justinkilmer we are here when ever you need!
Just reach out! I know, easier said then done. Maybe some plugDj session, just listening to music together.
What ever feels right for you!
Take a big hug!! :hugs: :orange_heart:


Ups, sorry for not screaming. :grimacing: :crazy_face:


Heey, yeah it is crazy. Iā€™m fine, no fever or any symptoms. So thatā€™s good.

:heart: :heart: itā€™s okay to miss him. I miss him to. And good to hear youā€™re feeling strong, amazing to hear :heart_eyes: :metal:

Aah got it. Here it comes, prepare :relaxed:


These ones are better, right? :kissing_heart:

:heart: :heart:

Hahahaha :laughing: :laughing: oh man, that one was good :rofl:

Please do it, it was nice and good to see him :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

:face_with_hand_over_mouth: :shushing_face:

:heart_eyes: :relaxed: things where crazy. Im doing good, :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: thinking about Chester today. :pray: almost done with work. 18 minutes to go and then done. :grin:

Donā€™t think about that to much. It wil give you a headache :sweat_smile: to much.

:hugs: :heart: :heart_eyes:

Keep it up! You can do it. We work with a computer program that have a lot of issues to, if the program doesnā€™t work, we canā€™t do our job :neutral_face: i understand you. :hugs:

Stay strong :pray: hope things will work or for you :relaxed:


:v: much love people :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Take care :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Sooo hereā€™s an update on my end since this morning. Today is our last day at work until further notice.


First of all: sorry for answering not earlier, but I had to figure out something special for todayā€™s WEP - **CHESTER BIRTHDAY SPECIAL WEEKENDPOST ** - so I hope everyone is going to enjoy it :pray:t2: :heart:

What shit news? :cold_sweat:

Iā€™m doing good, Iā€™m healthy and feeling good -also almost 100% mental :muscle:t2:

How are you doing? :kissing_heart: :heart: :pray:t2:

yes! absolutely yes! Are you still sick? Sending you best recovery wishes :heart: :kissing_heart: :metal:t2:

Itā€™s good to have you here and also that you join the conversations. I hope youā€™re doing well and your job is also safe? :hugs: :relaxed:

oh -youā€™ll will definitely love this WEP! :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :grimacing: :sunglasses: :metal:t2: :heart: :muscle:t2: :metal:t2:

for my assignments: no - I can to most of the work, but not for 100%, but the good news are, that my 2 assignments have a new deadline and this is so good for me and Iā€™m thankful for this :heart:

Hope everything is fine with you :kissing_heart: :metal:t2:

thanks for the 2 tags :heart: :pray:t2: :metal:t2:
I think he was eating Pizza in Chicago style? Also Iā€™m going to enjoy Pizza on my first Cheatday of 2 tomorrow :heart: :metal:t2:

also thank you for the other pictures on this day - stay safe and hope youā€™re enjoy the WEP too :heart: :pray:t2:

no, they are good boys and allowed me to eat the cake :joy: :rofl: :rofl: yeah, the University will find a way. Also hope that the walk with your doggos was good :heart: :hugs: :kissing_heart:

come on, this broke me man :sob: :broken_heart:

had to answer you again, bc I missed to buy this shirt or hoodie and Iā€™m really sad about that :broken_heart: :sob: :sweat: :disappointed_relieved:

youā€™re a fan of the postillon too? :rofl: :heart_eyes: :grimacing: :metal:t2:
Noooo, sending you strength :kissing_heart: :muscle:t2:

first of all: itā€™s good to read from you again! :heart: :muscle:t2: :pray:t2: :kissing_heart: and I couldnā€™t agree more! :pray:t2: :pray:t2: :pray:t2: :heart: :heart:

sending you loads of love and strength back to you :kissing_heart: :muscle:t2:

I agree with you,maybe found a new GF :rofl: :sweat_smile: also missing my friends and european football so much.

Are you doing well? :kissing_heart:

itā€™s official - one of the 2 concerts, which are left, are gonna be in October (maybe) :sob: I know itā€™s the absolutely right thing, but it hurts anyway :worried:

Also have to ask: I saw the news about Bavaria and the news about Munich - Damn, are you safe? :worried: :pray:t2: :cold_sweat:

Enjoy the WEP :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :kissing_heart: :heart:

ok, youā€™re on! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

have a good day too - are your plans for the weekend the same as mine: Pizza, beer and video games? :joy: :heart: :kissing_heart: :grimacing: :hugs:

donā€™t apologize dude - Itā€™s just good to read from you. Donā€™t let ā€˜themā€™ win! Youā€™re stronger than that and if you need just a talk, help or just something for laughing or smiling, come here :kissing_heart: :heart: - sending you lots of strength, love and positivity and come back as soon as possible :pray:t2: :heart:

thatā€™s the best news Iā€™ve read from you these days for your health. I canā€™t get over it, that your school made meetings, when the school is closed :angry:

besides that: is your job in danger and also is there a continued payment of wages for you? Iā€™m hoping that :worried: :pray:t2:

Hope your doing good and everything is good with you Andy :hugs: :metal:t2: :muscle:t2: :kissing_heart:

are you safe? The corona hit Germany hard these days :sob:

What about your assignments? Are the results out? I remember you said ā€˜end of Marchā€™ right?

Hope you can enjoy these days anyway, with ā€˜little thingsā€™ - stay safe and if you can, let me know about new update on your university stuff :kissing_heart: :heart: :pray:t2:

good luck sweety :kissing_heart: Hopefully youā€™ll find a new job very soon and also that youā€™re safe with your cat :heart: :pray:t2:

10 lovely tags to

@zanybelle how are you doing? Everything ok with you? let us know please, that youā€™re safe :pray:t2: :kissing_heart: :heart:

@lpfan61 I think we should exchange new recipes for these days? :kissing_heart: :heart_eyes: :star_struck: :grimacing:

@hilaryfol are you still around here? :pray:t2: :hugs:

@chigokurosaki @rickvanmeijel @StephLP18 @intheend @lpaniist @amitrish @Honey8

Ok, letā€™s do the special birthday Chester WEP

first of all this here:
Chester The Scream 2
:heart: :heart: :heart: :pray:t2: :pray:t2: :pray:t2: :metal:t2: :metal:t2: :metal:t2:

chester screams (19)
Oldschool Chester
Chester Oldschool crawling

Ok - so this week, their will be NO Linkin Park oldschool paper, but many Chester Wallpapers which include one of my favorite things about Chester: THE SCREAM! :heart: :pray:t2: :metal:t2: It was his voice and his screamings and of course the sound of Linkin Park and of course also Mike, Brad, Dave, Joe and Rob, that got me into loving Linkin Park, but most of all the voice and screaming of Chester - these things will get me everytime up, when Iā€™m down and Iā€™m very thankful for this :heart:

30020414_2045601082135311_1045982352_n 35735976_2132149040147181_8319924158607654912_n

also the graffitis are about his voice and screams. Just love them. However the last one is not in that good quality, it shows the time, when I got into Linkin Park ā†’ summer 2001. I just loved chester with that spiky yellow hair :sweat_smile: he was ā€˜THAT COOLā€™ for me

Chester Scream Ines Kirchner Art
also this painting and art picture by ā€˜Ines Kirchner Artā€™ - I can feel the power and intensitiy, and hope youā€™re feeling it too :heart: :metal:t2:

Chester Numb Art
a bonus one - the ā€˜Numb screamā€™ just a perfect one :heart_eyes: :metal:t2: :sob: :heart:

at least there are also NO SONG Lyric picture, but I want to share some of Chesterā€™s words with you
Chester afraid words
Chester believe
I canā€™t even add or say anything else like this :sob: :pray:t2: :heart:

todays ā€˜music videos of the dayā€™ are these here:

and also my alltime favorite one:

OT: Iā€™m going to spend the weekend on doing something for my assignments, making 2 cheatdays (yeah, Iā€™m under 66 Kilogram so I can eat a lot the next two days :joy:), enjoying the time with my parents and one of my grandmothers at home, playing some (video) games and listen to a lot of music - for today ā†’ Linkin Park special playlist

Stay safe and healthy everyone. Stay at home and care about your families and loved ones. Wishing everyone a good start into the weekend, a happy friday and sending YOU ALL a lots of strength, positivity, hugs and good vibes and of course LOVE! :heart: :kissing_heart: :metal:t2: :pray:t2:


Right now, i eat more soup for not gaining weight too much during confinement, but cannot stop the beer so itā€™s more Soup, beer and video games :crazy_face::joy:


Not yet but maybe I will if itā€™s in German But the statement under the pic above is so true.

The news is we are staying at home till Easter. I mean kids. No idea what about parents.

(And the winner is Chester of RAR 2004)


I found this some time back and kept it in case it was ever required.
1 _9UxkkJ0S_iIYm8GeG8nLQ

This is a lovely cover. Aptly suits the song.


I did, was pretty cool seeing his creative process and new studio gear. Didnā€™t care for the Open Door demo though

Thanks for all the tags @HakManLP :slight_smile:

Hope everyone is doing fine despite the terrible chaos weā€™re all having to deal with. Stay strong and have a good weekend!


*Well, I feel very fortunate to have online friends and to think I only joined in August! I donā€™t think this period of isolation is going to be half as bad because I have all of you to laugh, cry and share our music passion with! :heart: :heart: :heart:

Iā€™ve decided to do a WEP in honour of Chester and because Iā€™m loving all your WEPs @HakManLP ! The graffiti pictures are both my favourites and BTH love :ā€™) :heart: :slightly_smiling_face: I feel in these times we need more of this type of sharing and connecting together :heart: :muscle: We will always have his voice and music. We are defined by our kindness and love towards others, this is something Chester showed in bounds and I hope we all learn from this and support others in their time of need :heart:




My favourite pictures! :revolving_hearts:

Thanks for checking in. Iā€™m doing fine. My office has now moved to home working which isnā€™t difficult for me as I work in legal but still strange to leave work and no idea of when things will return to normal :confused:. Everyone seems to be home now (schools / universities / gyms / restaurants etc closed) and transport is running reduced services. Very quiet on the roads. Itā€™s like a ghost town and weā€™re not even on lockdown yet. Iā€™m going to spend a lot of time listening to Fallout Boy, Blink, Linkin Park (of course!) and Evanescence (I hope the new album comes out soon :pray:).

What are you eating on these cheat days? Keep up the good health and wellness - fruit and vegetables are important now to keep body strong and resilient :muscle: :weight_lifting_man:

@theearlywalker :hugs: Iā€™m glad Mike is getting bored because I feel weā€™re all going to slowly turn vampiric and reclusive from this indoor isolation. Letā€™s hope when we can brave the world again Mike finally decides life is too short and reinstates Linkin Park and we get a new album!! Can you imagine? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

No, more of an insult :laughing:

Iā€™m good but more importantly are you feeling better from your symptoms? I hope you managed to rest and recoup. I hear Germany is in lockdown but must be farmers still can work. Send us pictures of the outside world so we donā€™t forget what it looks like :ā€™) :pray:

Thanks for the Chester pictures! I think heā€™s eating an awesome pizza :drooling_face: Stay safe and keep us updated on things where you are.

@justinkilmer Send you lots of strength and love :heart:


:scream: I totally forgot! :grimacing: sorryā€¦ maybe sundayā€¦tomorrow have to work tooā€¦ :sweat_smile:

OT: going to sleep soon :sleeping:

Off-topic: today is Chester birthday! Remember we have to celebrate life and make him proud! We are the change! Especially in these days, we are under restrictions due to the corona virus and we have to change our habits to protect ourselves and the weaksā€¦ Iā€™m sure heā€™s proud of us, fighting the disease altogetherā€¦ :blush: we are a family! We have to protect each otherā€¦ :heart: :sun_with_face:

Thank you!! Iā€™m trying my best to protect me and my family :muscle:
Nice to hear of you!! We missed you! :heart: :hugs: :hugs: :sun_with_face: :heart:


It was literally a last-minute effort since nobody prepared anybody for this pandemic. Honestly, Iā€™d prefer to keep working. Not having to work, and not having any kind of structure to my day for whoever knows how long this goesā€¦Iā€™m going to have to find something to do to keep me from losing my mind and going insane.


Ummm, I received a letter from a lawyer saying they couldnā€™t help me which is altogether confusing bc of the circumstances.

Meh, a little. Thx. You?

Lawyer stuff :roll_eyes:
Iā€™m okay good be better, could be worse.

But today is supposed to be a happy day.
Happy birthday Chezzy!!!



Hallo you all :world_map:

It was a real beautiful day with good mood. Then, just now, I clicked into Annas ig story and her sorrow nearly kicked me of my feet.
I stopped watching, will do it tomorrow and try to hold the happy feeling.

Hey you! Nice to read from you! Big hug! :hugs: :heart:

Wear a Chester shirt too :blush:

Hope you could keep this up, so much love to you! :hugs: :yellow_heart:

Ha, ha. I just remember, just remember! :joy:
So happy that my kids are now in a age where their favourite place is the bed. :laughing:

Stop that, please! It is ok to enjoy things! Itā€™s not changing circumstances to feel good about a little time out! Take it! Iā€™m for sure doing that. :blush: Big hug! :hugs: :two_hearts:

Thanks for this perfect words! :hugs: :purple_heart:

Yeah, and I really enjoy it :joy:
And with all this virtual contacts, I am less lonely as ever. :blush:
Stay strong! :hugs: :two_hearts:

Hmm, donā€™t know what exactly to respond. I hope itā€™s ok for you! We are here! :hugs: :orange_heart:

:partying_face: :partying_face: bonecrushing hug for the LP-girl! :hugs: :blue_heart:

:woman_cartwheeling: :studio_microphone: :joy: :hugs: :purple_heart:

Already responded, but to this: Never be sorry for this!! :triumph: You know, we are happy when you check in. Even in dark mood you make this a brighter place. But itā€™s totally ok, if you not feeling up for it (even when people yell at you :roll_eyes:)
But if you feel better after, than of course it is my pleasure to kick your ass back in! :smiling_imp: :rofl:

Yes!! :heart_eyes: :star_struck: :hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

:partying_face: :partying_face:

As always :blush: started the spring torture on Ylva :grimacing:
Bud she wasnā€™t resentful
@lpaniist :point_up_2: :kissing_heart:

Again, thank you for this post! Love it! Couldnā€™t decide witch pic to quote, love all of this! :star_struck: :heart_eyes:
But I go with Braking The Habit Rock am Ring, as always! :heart:

Backatya! :hugs: :heartpulse:


[quote=ā€œamitrish, post:430, topic:52753ā€]1 _9UxkkJ0S_iIYm8GeG8nLQ

This is a lovely cover. Aptly suits the song.
:star_struck: :heart_eyes: Thanks for sharing! :hugs: :blue_heart: ah, and I loved your toilet paper cake!! :yum: No, itā€™s not a hint. :rofl:

Thanks :blush: to you the same! :hugs: :green_heart:

Expected as much :roll_eyes:

No, not yet. But if all the idiots not stup to use this as party time, it probably will happen.
And I try to be not to nervous about it, to not go into natur anymore, have trouble to walk the dogs, that would be difficult enough. But even more, thinking they patrol the streets with police or army? That would scare the shit out of me.
But I have still hope for people to finally get the seriousness of the situation. :pray:

:heart: :green_heart: you know :crazy_face:and even so you have lots of it :crazy_face: right from my garden

:grimacing: :muscle: :muscle: :muscle: :muscle:

.:hugs: :sparkling_heart:

@intheend bunny, where are you? :kissing_heart:

@chigokurosaki :blue_heart: :green_heart: :green_heart: :purple_heart:

@StephLP18 :muscle: :hugs: :heart:

@jrtrussell no party? :tada: :trophy:

@alz89 :hugs: :skull:

@evooba :thinking: :hugs: :muscle: :muscle:

@Honey8 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes:

@IronSoldier16 :hugs: :cupid:

@NickGr if you are bored, come visit :upside_down_face: :hugs: :green_heart:

The retirement home of my Grandma is now on total lock down. Not only no visitors. She isnā€™t allowed to leave her room, food will placed in front of her door. :flushed:
So I checked in with every relative she had, pushing everyone to get in contact, phone, sms, write. One great cousin of mine even activated his friends to write postcards. :blush:
And some other great cousin asked to get also in contact with her mother. So I send a mail to my great aunt, knowing she not even know, who I am.
I also wrote a distant friend who is a high risc person and send encouraging voice mails to friends who stuck with little children.
And I hold on the happy things. The spring that comes in with so much power. Getting my laundry dryed outside. Walking and riding my bike. Enjoying people from a distance. I love to see this familys, finally having time for each other. Lots of people seem so relaxed. And why shouldnā€™t they? As long as they keep their distance.
All in all, 44 is a good number! :blush:
So much love to you all! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart:







Currently watching the Paranormal Activity movies. :ghost:


Oh f**
Forgot, I have something for you!
Today in our paper


Oh damn. Good luck with everything. You need a hug :hugs: imagine that Iā€™m giving you a hug right now! :heart:
Whenever you want to share something, itā€™s up to you if you want to. :pray: I just hope for you itā€™s nothing really bad. :slightly_frowning_face:

Sleep well and have sweet dreams! :sleeping:

Well sad :pray: :heart:

Sure alwaysā€¦ when i have the time :laughing:
And stay safe and healthy to! :pray:

Who cares if one more light goes out?
In a sky of a million stars
It flickers, flickers
Who cares when someoneā€™s time runs out?
If a moment is all we are
Weā€™re quicker, quicker
Who cares if one more light goes out?
Well I do

Well I do

@anna834 i see youā€¦ :crazy_face:

Aaaaahhā€¦ :pensive: i thought you would send something. Would be awesome :sunglasses: :yum:

:laughing: :laughing: wise.

YES!! UNITED! Wauw! :heart: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Some smiling photos of the Legend Himself! :heart:

Good night everyone. :relaxed:


Is that about the latest release of Till lindemann fathers book?

1 Like

Yes, it tells a little about it.

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