HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

:hugs::hugs: sending strength Eva @evooba Iā€™m sorry for your loss and itā€™s certainly a shock - weā€™re here for you- get a tight hug :hugs:

@anna834 no plug for me tonight- learning for my exam on Mondayā€¦ but have fun guys :tada:

:heart::heart: Stay strong family :heart::heart:


Sorry to hear, :sob:. Sending condolences.

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I hope you feel better soon. It sounds more like a cold, I had something similar recently but no temperature which is the key. Take your temperature if youā€™re unsure and anything higher than 37.8 degrees would require staying at home unfortunately (at least here we have to!). I hope your gran manages to find some good activities such as painting or chess? Keep video calling if you can as we are lucky to have video chat now.

Also, I loved your article :smiley: stunning pictures! :heart_eyes:

Your humour is making up for the absence of Framos here! :laughing: Haha! Iā€™m embarrassed to be part of the human race sometimesā€¦ :roll_of_toilet_paper:

@evooba Iā€™m really sorry to hear that and sending you lots of love :heart: :hugs:

I heard about the closures in Germany, but yeah 19th April seems a long way off. I also saw some buying video in Germany so sad thatā€™s started over there too. Hopefully people will be considerate because I feel weā€™re portraying some disgusting behaviours - this virus brings out the monsters inside.


So sorry to hearā€¦ :pensive: sending you strenght :heart:

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Sorry to hear @evooba, sending you strength for the next days :hugs::hugs::hugs::muscle::muscle::muscle:

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I just returned from family dinner at my auntā€™s house (dadā€™s side). My grandparents told stories the entire time, and my auntā€™s cat was enjoying my company. It was a nice night out, and a great distraction for a moment.

Iā€™m so sorry, @evooba :heart:


Sorry for your loss @evooba

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Sorry for your loss! :two_hearts:


Good morning my LP family! :heart:
Sending strenght and positive vibes to the ones in needed! :muscle: we can do it, we can overcome the difficult moments, we have the power inside! :muscle: :heart: :heart:

OT: having breakfast :cookie: :milk_glass: :coffee: :yum: and staying home all day :muscle: :smile: :sun_with_face:


:sunny::sunny: Good morning family :sunny: :sunny:

@lpfan61 thank youuuu!! :hugs::hugs::heart::heart::sunny::sunny: seeking in your positivity and putting my bonecrushers on top! We have the power to make it- everything :hugs::hugs::heart::yellow_heart: itā€™s all about stopping infection chainsā€¦ and that is literally handwashing and keeping a distance from 1 or 1,5 m to the next person. Everything will work out if we all are careful - as soldiers always are :+1:t2::blush: #320 - thanx for the positive vibes from the WEP @HakManLP :tada::+1:t2: :dancer:- even greater to have such a mood booster like your WEP- I start to at most enjoy the last part. Your written thoughts and motivation speech to us :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::sunny::sunny: feels good and charging- for the picture I go definitely for Chazzy this time :stuck_out_tongue:

@justinkilmer good to hear, keeping my fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:t2: :pray:t2: get a hug Justin, weā€™re here :muscle:t2::hugs:

Ot: coffee - last learning today- busy day ahead :grimacing: but yeah- at least a calm start :blush:

@evooba :muscle:t2::hugs:

@anna834 sending you strength - day 20 was yesterday? And how long is the duration still? When do you go home again? They announced better weather and :sunny: :sunny::sunny: nature will bloom :cherry_blossom::hibiscus: Have a good day :hugs::hugs::yellow_heart:

@Linkineli, @zanybelle @raz7 @drounzer :hugs::yellow_heart::sunny::sunny::sunny:

@LP13413 woow :open_mouth:- that must have been a big disappointment for the student- they invest so much in such projects- arenā€™t they? Keeping my fingers crossed for your working schedule- maybe itā€™s good to work this day shift for a whileā€¦ cuddles for Thurmy :hugs::sunny: and good night :zzz:


Good morning family!

@evooba sorry for your loss. Sending you strength and love! :heart: We are here for you! Take good care of yourself and donā€™t forget. When you need a moment to cry, just cry. Let it all out. :relaxed:

I lost my grandmother last year. I forgot sometimes to let my emotions out.

@anna834 :heart: :hugs: it looks like you need a hug and love. Donā€™t forget to take time for yourself now and then. :relaxed: We all need a moment to breath and relax.

Yesterday and the day before yesterday was a madness here in The Netherlands. Supermarkets are almost empty become people expecting a WW3 eclipse or something. Itā€™s madnesā€¦ :unamused: :roll_eyes:

Look at thisā€¦ what the hell? And what is up with the toilet paper? :laughing:

@theearlywalker good morning to you to :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I just wanna stay in bed a little longer, but i canā€™t. Ive got to go to work. :upside_down_face: We will see what kind of day it will become.

@LP13413 good luck with everything. Itā€™s not good that the virus take so much control.

@zanybelle @HakManLP @lpfan61 @lplove @Lilyope @justinkilmer and the rest i couldnā€™t tageā€¦ (they really need to change that. More then 10 tags) Take care. Hope you have a great Sunday! :kissing_heart:




Thanks everyone for the love! Work is keeping me busy so I donā€™t think much about it. It just sucks that I canā€™t travel home right now.

OT: Iā€™m having breakfast at work, weather is a bit funny so I donā€™t know what to expect for the day, weā€™ll see.
Hope you all have a good Sunday! :slight_smile:


Everyone just needs to try their best to stay calm. Maybe do some watching parties of LP shows? Or even just movies. Lol. As long as people keep busy or zone out, maybe the anxiety will be minimal?

A couple pix from the Shinoda household yesterday.



Today is Joeā€™s birthday!
Thx to you and @HakManLP for the tags. :kissing_heart:


I spent three hours at work this morning while the musical crew was in trying to plot their next move. As of right now, they want to see if they canā€™t restart the show once schoolā€™s back in session, or May, or whatever.

Then I came home to him.

DSCN3378 DSCN3379

The sun is very deceiving. Itā€™s not all that warm out today.


Yeah stay calm. :roll_eyes: Iā€™m calm and still working.
This evening a offical press conference of the president came. And The Netherlands is in lockdown. :expressionless:
Schools, restaurants, sports buildings, events, some work traffic, bars, shops are closed. Everything remains closed until April 6.
And maybe more things will be add to this list.
6.000 people are infected in The Netherlands. :open_mouth:
This is madness.

Streets are empty. Parking spaces are empty. Highway are empty. Is really weird. Itā€™s so quiet :zipper_mouth_face: :grimacing:
Airports are closed. No flies. Airlines are canceling the flights. Itā€™s crazy. :flushed:

Please stay safe and healthy everyone.

A lovely picture of Chester for you all! :heart:

Much love :v:


Currently going through my Youtube ā€œWatch Laterā€ playlist. Within the past two weeks, I have watched over 200 videos, ranging from 4 minutes to 30 minutes and from a whole wide range of videos. (Someone help me) :no_mouth:

BTW, I have only 4 days left at my current work place. :pensive:


Why do you watch youā€™re YouTube playlist? :wink:

What are you gonna do next? :blush:


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Oh noā€‹:grimacing::frowning:maybe ginger tea helps? It alwasy helps for meā€‹:grin:and iā€™m drinking it daily even now, to keep my immune system strong. Sending hugs and strength to you! And every day more with this coughing is a day less of coughing, your immune system is fighting and will be stronger against this afterwards!



This is nicešŸ˜‡letters are underestimated, same with postcardsšŸ¤“


Iā€™m so sorry for your loss! Iā€™m sending love and many hugs to you and your family!:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::hugs::hugs::heart::heart:

Thank you, and stay safe too. :muscle:

Yeah, but we should stand together instead of being greedy.


I know that. And i think it would be dumb to cry over this, but i have to remind myself that it isnā€™t

Thanks! And great picture!:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:
Take care too!

YeahšŸ˜Šgood idea, watching Lp shows!

Thanks for sharing these!:joy::heart_eyes::blush::muscle::kissing_closed_eyes:

:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:at least all the animals are and will be themselvesā€‹:blush::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Yeah, it is soo weird. And i think i will say that in the next time again and again, everything gets crazier!

Thank you, all the love and strength back at you!!!:heart::heart::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Here in germany most of the daily life is the same, but tomorrow morning there will be the official speech what else will be cancelled, locked down, etc. Maybe today was one of the last days where i could buy a cake and take it to the park to eat it there, lying in the sunā˜€ļøwho knows. There where more people outside than i expected.
Good thing is, i can sleep so long, finally iā€™m not tired all the time.:grin::muscle: i also dreamed of mike this night, that he was doing a concert, but we were all sitting on chairs. Still was a good show, and i was in the first rowā€‹:joy::joy::heart_eyes:and before that, i was in class and my music teacher was playing What iā€™ve done on the piano, and everyone of my class knew the song and we all applaused and cheered and began to analyse the lyrics, and this was my first dream where i was listening to actual music! When i woke up i needed a moment to realize i wasnā€™t on a concert from mikeā€‹:slightly_frowning_face:but it was still a good feeling the whole dayā€‹:grin::heart:
Mike Shinoda Google Announces Music Business _gpkvnU4_mXl
Take care and stay positive everybody!!!:heart::heart::heart::hugs::hugs::hugs::muscle::muscle::muscle::heart:


Good evening you all! :milky_way:
Good day you other all! :sunny:
@Honey8 good morning! :city_sunrise:

Couldnā€™t fall asleep last night, had so hard a cough and felt feverish. But I did wake up fine this morning! :partying_face:
Ok, still a little weak, but, deep breath, so good! :blush:

Good luck! And :crossed_fingers: that it actually happens! :hugs: :yellow_heart:

Oh! This should be a compliment? :exploding_head: :expressionless:

Sadly she is to fragile and old for all of this. 91, troubles breathing, sleeping, moving, restless leg syndrome, not really eating. But still very present, blooms under our visits and now calls.
Thank you :hugs: :green_heart:

Thank you! :blush: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

It looks like you need a hug and love :kissing_heart: :hugs: :heartpulse: :hugs:

Awesome sky! Thank you! :hugs: :muscle: :blue_heart:

Watching some always feels like home :blush: :hugs: :purple_heart:

:heart_eyes_cat: :hugs: :orange_heart:

And then? :face_with_monocle: :muscle: :hugs: :black_heart:

Ha, ha. I drink ginger tea with :lemon: and :honey_pot: every day! Love it!

Awesome! :heart_eyes: :star_struck: thanks for sharing! :hugs: :heart:

@lpfan61 flower queen :sparkling_heart:
(btw for everyone else too oc)

@rickvanmeijel nice session yesterday! :notes: :level_slider: :hugs: :brown_heart:

Neighbours and Namesisters, Anna Marias, @anomalia @anngelenee the borders are closed :flushed: how is it going over there? :pleading_face: Biiig hug for you! :hugs: :revolving_hearts: :hugs:

@justinkilmer itā€™s so boring, I just canā€™t yell at you in this times :worried: all fun lost. :cry:
You know, Iā€™m kidding. Stay strong! :hugs: :orange_heart:

@alz89 5 days!!! :muscle: :hugs: :white_heart:

@melisLP how is it with you? :hugs: :heart:

@chigokurosaki oof! Love for you! :blue_heart: :heart: :green_heart:

@HakManLP :metal: :hugs: :fist:

Iā€™m done with work :tada:
Gassed up this morning.
Luckily before they announced, that they want to close the border to Luxembourg. After that, the queued up on the stations.
So I can go tomorrow on the road, 670 km back home.
I even got a roll of toilet paper from boss wife for the trip. At least I interpreted her: ā€œOf course not!ā€ that way.
Civilisation will have me back after 21 days me and the sheep. It will be a little bit like Rick Grimes waking up, finding everything changed :joy:

To all of you, stay strong! Be brave! Always some :roll_of_toilet_paper: :laughing: and remember, we are here for each other, share the love we have! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart:



Good morning everyone :heart::hugs:

Hope everyone is doing well. Stay safe. A short message sending strength to all those who are going through hard time :muscle::dizzy: you are amazing strong and enough to deal with this. We love you just donā€™t give up!!

Sorry i didnā€™t read any of the posts :sweat_smile:just missed yā€™all so came to make a post. Stay safe from virusā€¦just normal precautions as prevention is better than cure :kissing_heart:

Updates from India : malls and cinemas are mostly closed. Just some groceries are open. We bought enough yesterday to keep a stock for a month or soā€¦ many places are affected across the country, 80+ cases so enough preventive measures taken.

What else? My updates: my exams didnā€™t got cancelled yet. It starts 17th. So letā€™s see i gotta travel 2 hrs to and fro lol. Iā€™ll be cautious so no much worries.

Love for all! :heart::heart::heart::heart:
